How the Heck Did I Land Here...

By animeandmusic

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There's a new assassin in town. Is she really an assassin though? Guess who stumbles onto her when the time c... More

Chapter 1: Not My Baby!
Chapter 2: Blind Chase
Chapter 3: Prisoner
Chapter 4: Joining Night Raid....My Bum Hurts
Chapter 5: Wisp Is Literal
Make Peace?
Changed Plot Kicks Me Off the Team
Meeting General Dinner and My Boyfriend
Figuring Out Lubba and....Imouto?
Acting the Part
You....Killed....My....Nutella.... DIE!!
Training Gone Wrong
1 Minute to Fight
Confronting Anonymous... I Can't See His Face.... +_+
Impersonating a Princess, Not My Forte
Thanksgiving Special
Debrief Arguments
Murder and Anger
Wisp's Past
Using Other Anime Advantages
I Hate Kiro
Getting a Boyfriend
Saving My Brotha From Ano- Stop it. Stop it Now Anime. -_-
We All Ship...Da Wubba!!- Anime Haven't We All Told You to Stop? +-+
Infiltration Gone Wrong
Bonus Chapter Part 1
To Destroy A Heart
Destroying the Evil Light Inside
Goodbyes and Guess Who's Back? Back Again?
Fight to the Death
Marry Christmas~
Bonus Chapter Part 2
Book Two
Sequel is Out!!!
Blooper- What I was Gonna Write But- *Author's Note*
Book 2 (Original Idea but SFOL xp)
Goofing off Q & A
Behind the Scenes


275 1 0
By animeandmusic

There were many hiccups in the making of this book, but the next chapters will show a few.

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