A Clace Remake!

By my_secret_obsessions

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#themortalinstrumentsmovie #themortalinstruments #cityofbones #cityofashes #cityofglass #cityoffallenangels #... More

A Clace Remake!
A new beginning.
Raziel College
Beautiful Friendships
Tall Dark & Handsome
Ouch Times 2
Can't you see?
Will it set us free?
Blast from the past
Oh boy.
Grateful <3
What now?
Well well
Thumbs Up
Too long pt 1.
Sneak Peek!
Too long pt2
Finale pt1
Finale pt 2
The end.


3.1K 80 38
By my_secret_obsessions

Jace POV

"she's not going to like this"

We hear Isabelle say as we enter the library.

Clary looks at me confused, I look back at her and shrug, and she smiles.

"I hope your not talking about me" clary says and turns to look at them.

Isabelle makes a face and says "well...."

"Just spit it out" clary says rolling her eyes.

"Well in Isabelle's defense it was my idea" simon says

"That makes it all better now doesn't it" I say as I sit down and pull clary with me.

"We need to talk to Craig and we were having...." Isabelle says and hesitates

"Um trouble, convincing Aline to help us" simon fills in

Clarys grip get hard and I can tell she's biting her cheek.

"So?" I say

"Well, she got him to come so they will be here tomorrow afternoon" Isabelle says and bites her lip

"Oh god, Clare they told Aline that Jace was the one asking for her help and she's coming too" bass spits out.

Oh shit.

I look at clary, and she looks pissed and she's looking at our intertwined hands and she's still biting her cheek.

She let's out a deep sigh and says


"We'll okay then" simon says

"Okay so let's get to business" bass says

"I I sir" simon says saluting him.

Isabelle and clary smile.

"We found a picture in our parents room & we thought you guys should see it" bass says picking up a picture.

We all gather around it after he places it on a coffee table.

"That's mom & luke...what am I suppose to be looking for?" clary says

"That's mom!!" Isabelle says looking at Alec & i.

"My fathers in it to" I say pointing to him.

Isabelle looks at me with worried eyes and tries to smile.

"Look at these two, don't they look familiar?" Magnus says

"Holy shit! it's Craig and sutton!" simon says

"And this dark looking one is valentine" Alec says

"What the fu-" clary starts to say

"Language Garroway" I say

"What's going on here?" I hear Maryse say as she walks into the library

Alec & Iz look at me.

"Mom these are our friends and it's complicated but I promise we will explain it all" Alec says

I can see Maryse staring at clary.


"You look like someone I use to know" she says as she notices me looking at her.

Clary looks at me.

"What is your name?" Maryse asks


"Clary, what's you last name?"

"Were Garroway's" Sebastian says

She flinches and looks at us, noticing that they don't look like luke.

"Oh my... but Lucian..."

"You mean Luke? our step father?" Clary asks

"You look just like your mother, that I don't even need to ask if she is your mom" she says looking at clary.

"But yet you look so much like your real father" she says looking at bass.

"I use to know your parents, all three of them for that matter" she says

"Great because we need your help" Isabelle says.

Clarys POV.

I'd be lying if I said it didn't creep me out that this woman knew my family and who we were just by looking at us.

But she was related to jace & Isabelle and we'll Alec, but we weren't that close... but this did give me a little bit of comfort.

Everyone filled her in about what was going on.

"Oh dear, I need to tell the clave" Maryse said

"I don't know what good that will do" Magnus said

"But go ahead mom" Alec said giving Magnus the eye.

"Don't worry, we will work this out" Maryse said looking at Sebastian and i.

She looked down, and saw jace & me holding hands and she raised an eyebrow at jace.

I tensed. Jace smiled & said

"Marsye as you've already met clary, she is also my girlfriend"

Her eyes bulged a little bit, but said

"That's wonderful, but I can only assume she is the reason you all were suspended? am I right?"

My face turned red.

"It's complicated" jace said

"We can discuss this later..... alone" she said and looked at me when she said "alone"

"I'm going for a walk, come with me bass?" I said holding my hand out to him.

"Yea, & for the record your son is lucky to be with clary" bass said and we walked out.

"Are you serious...." I hear jace saying

"Heyyy wait up!!!" says simon with magnus.

"That was weird, I didn't wanna be in there when that bomb explodes" Magnus says

I laugh.

"Seriously clary, don't worry about her" bass says noticing that I was chewing my cheek.

"I know, can we go some where?" I say

Magnus's face lights up.... "YES!! takis!!! the best food EVER"

"We'll lead the way glitter queen" simon says.

We all laugh & start walking.

I can't shake the bad feeling I have about Maryse, maybe it's just my nerves because she was we'll sorta jace's mom.

Isabelles POV

"are you serious..... aren't you always telling me to try and let someone into my life?" jace wails

"Yes but not with a child of valentine!!!!" Maryse screams

"We didn't know who she was!" I say

"There not like him mom" Alec says

"Because you don't really know them!" Maryse says

"I love clary, and I plan on marrying her someday! so you better get use to her!" jace says

"Your to young to be able to know that" Marsye says

"Your wrong" Alec says

Which shocks me. wow.

"Alec, don't start" Maryse says

"I don't need your blessing" jace says and is about to turn away to leave.

"Wait, you don't know everything.... you think you do but you don't. valentine is dangerous-"

"They grew up by with there mother and the step father" jace says

"They didn't even know valentine was there father till we told them" Alec says

"I don't care, & I don't want them here" mom said

I was in complete an utter shock

"That goes for all of them, including the warlock"

Alec's faced turned red. Jace had his hands in fists at his side.

"Too bad you can't do that" Jace says smiling.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me, the institute is not yours, you may run it but you cannot deny another shadowhunter sanctuary of the institute in a time of need" jace says

We all smile as my mother as responsible looking as she always does threw her hands down and squealed and then stomped away.

"We'll I can't say that was fun" I say

"Times 2" jace say

"Ehh make that 3" Alec says

Sebastian's POV

we get to the restaurant and a waitress immediately sits us in a booth near the back and gives us our menus and says

"Hi, my name Kaelie, and I'll be your waitress today... can I get you guys something to drink?"

"I'll take some white wine" Magnus says

"I'll take a beer" I say

She smiles at me and says "what kind?"

"Surprise me" I say back

"Ughh I'll have a mango smoothie and a shot of your strongest liquor" clary says

Kaelie rolls her eyes.... was she jealous?

"When did my little sister get so grown?" I say more to Kaelie than anyone else

"Oh shut up bass" clary says

Kaelie smiles

"And you?" she asks simon

"I'll take a redbull and rum thanks " he says

"Okay, I'll be back in a minute" she says walking away.

I look at clary and she is chewing her cheek.

"Stop worrying" I say

"Yeah, I don't know what had her panties in a bunch" Magnus says

"Seriously" simon says

Clary smiles but not a full one, it didn't reach her eyes.

Kaelie came back with our drinks. "Did you guys decide on what to eat" she asks

"No, but keep my shots coming please" clary says

"Will do" Kaelie says smiling

"I'll take some steak, very rare" simon says

"Eww" Magnus says

"I'll have some shots to" I say

"Ooo I want ceviche!" Magnus says pointing at the menu

"Okay" Kaelie says and walks away.

After a couple drinks later we are hammered, well except Magnus.

"Lightweights" Magnus said to us

"No no no Magnus, you mean liggggghhhhttttwwwwwoooodds" simon slurs

I look behind me and see them walking in. I look at clary and she's giggling.

Once she follows my eyes and sees them, she crouches a bit and tries to hide behind me.

They reach us.

"What the hell?" Alec asks

We don't answer but we do laugh and Magnus rolls his eyes.

Jace looks confused,

"clary you know I can see you right?" He says with an almost hurt look.

Clary wails "your mom hates me" and puts her head on the wall.

Jace looks at me with pleading eyes to move. But I ignore him.

"It's true" Alec says

"Alec!!!" Isabelle says and punches him.

"Hate to ruin the moment but I need to go I'm going to be sick.." Simon said.

"I need to eat something first" Isabelle says

"It's fine Magnus and I will take him back" Alec says

"Thanks" Isabelle says and goes to sit at the bar, I get up and follow her.

Jaces POV

Bass gets up so I quickly take his place.

I pull Clarys face off of the wall and make her look at me.


"Jace...." it sounded like she said jay-uice

I chuckle

"Why are you drinking? & especially with out me?" I ask pretending to be offended

"I think with everything going on, I deserve a drink" she's says

"Your right" I say and wave towards Kaelie and she comes over.

"Hey jace" she says

"Hey Kaelie, can we get two shots?"

"Yupp I'll be right back" and she walked away

I looked at clary and she was frowning.

"What?" I ask

"I bet your mom would like her"she says

"Your cute when your jealous" I say touching her cheek.

"I bet your mom thinks she's pretty"

"Clary, ENOUGH!" I say and pound my fist on the table.

Clary jumps.

"Brads mom loved me!!!!" she says and slides down the booth and crawls out under the table and books it out the door.

Isabelle's POV

We sat at the bar i had just started eating when bass started.

"You really think simon can make you happy?"

"I'm not going to talk about simon to you" I say sticking a fry in my mouth

"So let's talk about us"

"What about us?"

"What happened, why..."

"Bass, we werent gunna work" I say

"I know you don't believe that" he says scouting his chair closer to me.

"Deep down, you know were alike and your attracted to me." he's says whispering in my ear, making me shiver

"I mean look at us, and then look at him" he says

"Remember all of the fun we had together?" he says touching my shoulder.

I look up at him and he doesn't hesitate and leans his face towards mine

Clarys POV

I honestly don't know what's going on with me or why I just tried to intentionally hurt jace.

Maybe it's the liquor, maybe it's the stress from my parents, maybe it's his mom, maybe it's just me. idk

I run outside and it's pouring rain. I am instantly soaked!

I start running.

"Clary wait!" I hear jace yell.

I hesitate before turning around.

When I do my heart hurts by the look on jaces face.

"Ah, hell" I think

We are just staring at each other on the sidewalk, breathing hard. Getting drowned by the rain.

Jace steps towards me and grabs my face.

I don't hesitate when he kisses me. It fills me up with warm loving passion, our bodies press together and I reach my hands around his neck. My body tingles everywhere.

He pulls away only a little so he can say

"Can't you see nothing else matters to me anymore? can't you see from the moment you stepped, we'll fell into my life... I've belonged to you"

I giggled remembering how we first met.

"I love you & you love me, that's all that matters" I say

"Exactly, & Maryse will come around, she's just afraid of your dad"

"Let's just call him sperm donor, my dad has and always will be luke" I say

"Okay" jace says laughing

"I love you"

"I love you too clary"

We stayed in the rain for awhile, resuming where we left out. Jace's kisses just drive me mad.

We went back to the institute after a while.

"Were gonna get sick" I say

"It was worth it" he says when were in the hall. He stops us to give me a quick kiss.

It was quick because we heard moaning coming from Alec's room.

We laughed and went to Jaces room. We quickly got out of our soaken clothes and then dried our selves of with a towel and then changed.

I wore my black pajama shorts with one of jaces t shirts that was too big for me but it was comfy and it smelled like him.

Jace just had on black basket ball shorts that tied in the front.

We crawled into his bed and I immediately went into his arms. I put my head on his shoulder and my arm on his chest.


"Mmhm?" I answer

"My aunt Tessa, she will love you"

I smile and give him a kiss. I laid back down and I traced the runes on his body while we talked. Eventually we both fell asleep.

Magnus POV

"for love of all fashion please don't ever sign me up to help a drunk simon" I say rolling my eyes

"Yeah never again" Alec says pulling off his shirt.

"At least the rain helped get some of the puke off you." I say pinching my nose.

"Not enough" he says

"Very true, you should burn the clothes" I say

"I'm gunna shower" he says smiling at me.

"I'll just change to" I say once he leaves the room.

I search threw his dresser to find sleep ware and decide not to invade his privacy so I quickly snap my fingers and I am in my favorite cashmere silver pajamas.

I quickly hop on his bed and pull out my phone and play flappy bird.

Alec came out after a while in boxers and a white t shirt.

He jumped on the bed and took my phone off of me and bent his face towards mine.

Maryse POV.

"Where is this idiot ?" I think

"Hey" Craig says reaching me.

"Craig" I say with a stern look

"What was so damn important that it couldn't wait until tomorrow when I was already coming here?" He asks

"Getting my children involved in this was NEVER part of the plan!!!!!!"

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