My Soulmate

By violein

50.3K 1.9K 805

"I won't hurt you. Trust me." These words you've always heard. But no one ever kept this promise. Everyone l... More

Chapter 2 - Forced
Chapter 3 - Tell me who you are
Chapter 4 - His facade
Chapter 5 - The loner
Chapter 6 - Mindreader
Chapter 7 - Falling for you?
Chapter 8 - Our secrets
Chapter 9 - Miracle needed
Chapter 10 - Big Changes
Chapter 11 - Underneath the stars
Chapter 12 - The new member
Chapter 13 - Trustissues
Chapter 14 - Lovey-dovey
Chapter 15 - Curse or blessing?
Chapter 16 - The game of emotions
Chapter 17 - Tell Me Why
Chapter 19 - Forgiveness
Epilogue - Happy Endings

Chapter 1 - At Point Zero

8.1K 193 40
By violein

Raindrops fell out of the dark clouds above you and your clothes got soaked. You pulled the hood of your hoodie deeper into your pale face. You're freezing a little because of the cold. While pushing your hands deeper into your pockets, you went through a small dark alley.

The night fell already and you were still on the way back home where your sister was waiting for you.

Your Backpack was filled with food and medicine that you got for her.

After you went around the next corner, you heard a noise behind you.

-Was someone following you?-

You quickly turned around. But you saw nothing.

-Just imagination..- you said to yourself and kept on walking.

But soon you stopped again. There was something. You weren't alone.

You: "Why are you following me?" you said without turning around.

It was silent for a moment. You could only hear the raindrops fall on the ground.

Until you could feel a warm breeze stroke your neck.

Someone was standing close behind you.

???: "Don't act like you wouldn't know. Don't play with fire, babe."

You could determine that it was a guy who was talking to you. His voice sounded familiar to you. You knew him. It was Jimin, your ex-boyfriend.

You: "Clear off. I owe you nothing anymore."

Your voice was harsh. You still didn't face him.

Jimin: "Do you think so? Then where's the money?"

All of a sudden he took your shoulder and pushed you rough against the cold brick wall.

He leaned towards you while staring into your eyes.

Jimin: "Don't mess with me, silly girl." he warned you.

You: "Like I said. You will get it. Just give me some more time."

Jimin: "We both know you can't get it. And I have no time." he ruined your words.

You: "Why do you still underestimate me?"

You were annoyed by him.

You grabbed his wrist to take his hand off of you. But his arm didn't move. So you kept his gaze again.

Jimin: "Anyway.. you could pay it back otherwise."

He had a big grin on his lips.

You: "Aish, shut up." you said disgusted, knowing what he meant.

Jimin: "You know, you'll always be mine. We are meant for each other. And..." he hesitated for a moment. " need me."

He whispered the last three words in your ear. But his voice wasn't caring. You could hear, how he was obsessed with you. He wanted to own you. Forever.

You: "I don't need a jerk like you."

Your voice was now angry and loud.

You spat straight in his face and could escape from his construction as he let go of you. His face was filled with anger. Obviously, he didn't like your reaction.

You turned your back to him, to continue your way.

Jimin: "Aish, you b*tch! You know what happens if you can't get the money. You won't get away that easy."

He looked after you, while you disappeared in the darkness.

You were about to run into his trap. You just hadn't noticed it yet.

And no one could help you.

------------------ 1 hour later

Y/S: "You're finally here! I was worried!"

Your older sister rolled towards you as she heard that you closed the door behind you. Her wheelchair stopped in front of you and she reached her hands out to you. A slight smile was formed on your lips as you saw her.

She was paralyzed since a car accident that happened four years ago and she was blind from birth. Every time you looked at her, you felt guilty. It was your fault that she had to live like that. You kept blaming yourself for her disability.

Now you two lived together ever since your parents passed away.

You: "Sorry that it took so long." You said with a soft voice and took her hands.

Y/S: "Could you get everything?"

She let go of your hand and rolled back to get out of the way so you could enter the small kitchen.

You: "Yes. I will cook you something in a minute."

You placed your backpack on the counter and began to unpack.

The kitchen was a mess but mostly you haven't had any time to clean up. You were still a student and you had to go to school. And after school, you had to work in a coffee shop to earn the money for both of you. At the weekends you also worked as a bartender until late night. And the money you earned still wasn't enough to survive.

Y/S: "And you? You must be hungry."

You: "Don't worry. I'll be fine."

After you finished unpacking you cooked a little meal for your sister. As always, she thanked you a thousand times before she started to eat. You smiled while watching her, deep in your thoughts.

After you made sure that she took her medicine you helped her to go to bed. You also got ready for bed once she fell asleep.

Your bed was an old mattress on the ground next to your sister's bed.

It wasn't really comfortable but it sufficed. You couldn't afford more.

You: "Sleep well." You whispered to her after you laid down and closed your eyes.

------------------ next day

You woke up early this morning. After you took a shower, you left the apartment quickly to get the newspaper and check for mail. With a hot cup of coffee, you sat on the little balcony after you went back.

Your sister was still sleeping.

You sighed as you opened the first letter.

It was a bill again.

And another one.

And... -what is this?-

Your eyes widened as you read the letter.

Dear Mrs. Y/LN

Since you didn't pay the rent for the apartment in time we decided to step back from our contract. You have to leave the apartment by the end of this month. You will also be contacted by our lawyer.

We are sorry to tell you this but we wish you the best for your future.

kind regards


You could hear a dull noise behind you and immediately rushed back inside.

The scream from your sister came from the bedroom.

You found her there on the ground next to her bed. -She must have fallen as she tried to get in her wheelchair.-

You: "How often did I tell you not to try it by yourself?!"

Your voice was worried.

You helped her up and sat her in the wheelchair.

You: "Did you hurt yourself?"

As you asked you knelt down in front of her. You placed your hands carefully on her legs and looked up at her.

Y/S: "No." she said barely and looked down on her lap.

Her face was filled with sadness but she didn't cry.

Y/S: "I hate this life." she stuttered.

You sighed and grabbed her hand.

You: "You're such a strong woman. I'm so happy and grateful to have you still by my side. You give me so much strength. Because of you, I fight. I fight for us and I always will. We will manage that! Do you hear me? We won't give up!"

As you said these words, a little tear ran down your cheek. Your words didn't only calm your sister but also yourself.

A bitter smile was forced on the lips of your sister and she tightened her grip around your hand.

Y/S: "I'm so proud of you, little sister. You are the strong woman here. I see what you do for us. It's unbelievable how you manage that. Without you, I would be nothing."

You: "Without you, I would be nothing." You repeated her words with a light smile, while you still looked at her. Your sister was your number one. The only one you respected. The only one you looked up to.

------------------ 15 hours later

You walked down the street. You were on the way to work. Your mind was filled with worries and you didn't really look where you were walking. You wouldn't even care if you bumped into someone now.

After the conversation with your sister this morning you went to work at the coffee shop. You didn't tell her about the dunning letter. And you weren't sure if you should. And how.

-Where should we live now?- You didn't have any perspectives. Your sister would have to go to a medical residence, where nurses will keep an eye on her. Her doctor approved that.

-And I?- You would be forced into a dormitory since you were still underage and without a family.

You were too deep in your thoughts to realize the squeaking wheels of a car in front of you. You didn't realize you were about to cross the main road, either.

Shocked you looked up. You could see in slow motion as the car was trying to stop in front of you.

But before you could react, a hand grabbed you and pulled you from the street.

You stumbled into the arms of a young man. The stranger held you tight so you couldn't fall and looked at you.

You felt really dizzy and still completely shocked.

???: "Are you okay?" he asked.

You couldn't say anything so you slightly nodded while looking at the ground. -How could this happen?!-

The guy shook his head.

???: "No, you're not." He answered his own question and lead you to a closeby bench.

You sat down and he saw that you were shaking so he took his jacket off and placed it over your shoulders. Then he sat down next to you.

You moved your eyes up at him to look at your savior. He didn't look much older than you.

-Maybe twenty?-

But you couldn't read his face. He gave you a blank expression. Even as you lightly smiled at him he didn't smile back.

You: "Thank you." You stuttered as you came to yourself again and your smile faded slowly.

???: "Better watch out next time." he said after a moment of silence.

He didn't take his eyes off of you even once.

You: "I will. But I have to go now." You said as you remembered that you would be late for work.

You took off his jacket and gave it back to him before you turned around and went on.

You couldn't see how he stared at you as you left.

-Who was she?-

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