Your Fault (Bakugou X Reader)

De BanthaBug

321K 11.4K 15.2K

You didn't know that the day you wandered away from your mother was the last time you'd see her. You didn't... Mai multe

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 7

17.1K 645 1.5K
De BanthaBug

At home you were as happy as usual. When you sat at lunch with Uraraka and Izuku you were smiling. In gym you stayed ahead of your class, minus a few students. The only place you neglected to grin in, was class.

Your soul focus was on studying and preparing to be a hero. Your scores were high. Your GPA stable at a constant 4.0. However you just seemed to lack any sense of joy in your expression when you sat in the classroom.

People pointed it out to you. After the villain vs hero exercise where you fled the building and didn't come back, everyone was concerned by your bandages that tightly wrapped your limbs. You were silent and distant to their words. Nobody except Izuku, Bakugou and you knew what happened after you left.

You could feel his eyes drill into you day after day, his piercing gaze like daggers that trailed their pointed tips just below the skin as they scaled your spine. You shuddered and dutifully took your test. "Aizawa sensei!" You announced, breaking an uncanny silence that hung over the room as many of your fellow students continued to take your latest test on 'Morality in Varying Circumstances'.

"What do you want (Y/N)?" He asked, having become accustom to your loud interruptions.

"I've finished my test. I'd like permission to exit the room now until next class." You said calmly.

Normally, in an average classroom, the teacher would laugh and tell their student to sit down immediately. However, at UA it was much different. The teachers were used to oddities and encouraged students into them. "Any reason in particular?" He inquired, looking more closely at you.

"Something is irritating me. The best way to rid of its hindrance is to simply leave and return later." You informed him, shooting a sharp glance at Bakugou.

He sighed and nodded. "Fine. Turn in your test and leave. You have twenty minutes before you have to return. Go."

Nodding, you promptly gave him your test and moved to the window. Opening it wide, you heard gasps as you tilted out the window and fell to the ground. However you landed on your feet and stood, walking away as your classmates crowded to look at you. You could hear Aizawa sensei snap at them to return to their seats and you giggled. "Sorry sensei." You muttered.

You folded your hands over one another as you walked around the campus, taking rhythmic breaths as your eyes danced over the scenery. Beyond the walls of UA you could see the city skyline. You pondered the thought of thousands of people separated from you by a mere slab of concrete. Boundaries were easily resurrected between the world of heroes and the world of tame. Sometimes it baffled you how easily the two world collided.

You hesitated for a moment as mangled image of your mother glanced across your eyes. Your hand drifted to the ribbon and tugged gently, as though to make sure it was still as present as ever. You sighed and ran a hand through your hair. You checked your watch and groaned.

"Fifteen minutes..." You muttered. "I have to avoid him got fifteen more minutes."

You sat down with your back to a tree and closed your eyes. With the world blackened you listened closely to the world that surrounded you. A gentle breeze swept over you in the Autumn air, Winter's approaching cold biting it's end. The tree rustled with the swaying grass and you could feel yourself melt away into the blind, calming enjoyment of nature.

"Hey idiot!" A harsh tone bit, making your heart jump as you did.

You recognized the irritated tone anywhere and growled as you opened your eyes. Your lips remained shut as you looked up at Bakugou. His brow was furrowed in annoyance, his thin lips set in a grimace. "What do you want fire hazard?" You bit venomously, your stare as cold as steel as you watched him.

He growled at you, pressing a foot into the bark of the tree behind you. You didn't flinch, rather instead raising a brow. "If you have no business with me then leave. I have fifteen minutes before next class and I intend to spend them peacefully."

"Well it doesn't seem you have a choice now do you?" Bakugou sneered.

You grumbled under your breath and stood swiftly. You had left your things in the classroom so you didn't need to grab anything. Bakugou's hand clamped to your collar and your growled. "Let. Go." You said in a short, snappy tone.

"No." He said bluntly, his grip firm on your jacket.

You whipped around to face him, finding him impossibly close as you almost knocked his nose. Your face reddened and your back pressed against the tree. Your eyes darted downward unable to meet his gaze. You tried to bark an order at him but failed miserably.

"Get off of me." You instructed quietly.

Slowly you closed your eyes and touched your chin to your chest, your furrowed brow meeting his nose.

"Where did all that confidence go?" Bakugou pressed closer and your nails dug into the bark of the tree. "I know you don't hate me. I just can't figure out how you really feel. Tell me (Y/N), how do you really feel about me?"

Your face was consumed in vivid blush as Bakugou pushed against you. You swallowed the lump in your throat and gave him the answer you kept telling yourself. "I-I hate you! More than a-anyone!" You stuttered.

"Liar." Bakugou growled. "Tell me the truth."

"I told you! I hate your guts!" You yelled.

"I know that not true!" He barked back.

"Then I don't know how I feel!" You yelled, nails bleeding as the ran against the rigged surface of the bark. You pressed their bloody tips into your palm and closed your eyes, yelling at Bakugou with all your might. "Kacchan you've been torturing me for as long as I can remember and I know I'm supposed to hate you! I get all hot in the face and I can't word a conversation, but every time instead of just that unintelligent loathing I'm supposed to feel is just me feeling clumsy and shaky because I don't know how you're going to react."

You paused for a moment and shoved him back. "You bully me and push me around and call me names and I don't understand why but every time I want to tell you I just get tongue-tied and- and-" You began to stutter. "And my heart is in my throat and suddenly I'm aware of every breath because I find it so hard to breathe."

Finally you lifted your chin as your confusion manifested in tears that slid down your face. "I still don't-"

You didn't get to finish your statement as Bakugou pressed his face to yours, lips moving against yours as his eyes remained closed. You hesitated, eyes widening before finally you squeezed them shut and kissed back. You stood like that for a moment, Bakugou pinning you against the tree and your bloody palm resting against its textured shell.

When Bakugou pulled away you didn't know where to look. Your eyes fell down to his mouth as your hand ghosted your lip. "W-W-Why d-did you-"

"You have until the end of the day to figure out how you feel." He said bluntly, turning away.

You stood in silence as he walked away. Shaking your head, you looked at your watch and yelped quietly. "I'm going to be late!"

You ran inhumanely fast to the classroom, your mind spinning with flustered thought. You easily passed Bakugou up in the hall as you ran, but you were almost tempted to slow behind him so you would pass him. You could feel his eyes on you and a blush dusted your face.

"What the hell Kacchan..." You muttered.

You ate your lunch silently as Izuku and Uraraka chatted. Before lunch, the class took a period to choose class rep. You didn't volunteer but Izuku being nominated made you giggled. However your confusion consumed the most of your thoughts.

You pushed the food around your plate barely eating compared to your muddled thoughts.

Kacchan kissed me.

You could feel your face heat up and you put your fork down. Lifting your tray, you threw away the remains of your meal and moved to leave the cafeteria. Your hands clasped around your arms as you started towards the exit but stopped.

What the hell? No! He isn't going to consume me like that!

You pivoted on your heel and turned back towards your friends.

Though this might mean that he likes me too...

You hesitated.

Too?! No No No! I'm not doing this to myself.

You froze in your tracks, turning back and forth between your friends and the exit. "Uh, (Y/N), are you alright?" A monotone voice asked.

You jumped slightly and turned. You were relieved it was a familiar face but also embarrassed. "Oh, hi Todoroki." You said, offering a weak smile. "I'm okay, just, ya know, standing."

You sounded suspicious even to you. It was a good thing you didn't go into drama. Todoroki seemed unconvinced but shrugged. "If you're unwell you should go see Recovery Girl. You can't go any good if sick."

You laughed, rubbing your neck. "N-No, I'm fine. Besides, heroes don't get days off so why should I?"

Todoroki chuckled and patted your head before moving past you. A shudder went down your spine as you felt a chill go through you. And it wasn't Todoroki's quirk that did it.

You could feel eyes on you and it was unnerving. Your eyes surveyed the cafeteria but you couldn't pin the source. "I could've sworn-"

A loud siren cut you off, causing you to cringe and clamp your hands over your ears. Panic stirred instantly as it was said villains were on the premises. Chaos ensued instantly and you were drowned by the flow of people. You couldn't move, your feet barely even touching the ground on the packed space. A hand fell on your shoulder and you were yanked back, landing roughly on your behind.

"Ow..." You muttered.

Looking up, Todoroki offered a hand which you took gratefully. "So much for future heroes..." You sighed.

"How did villains even get on campus?" Todoroki questioned. You held your arms as you waited at the back of the crowd, hoping that no villains would bust through the windows. Iida, someone you'd yet to really talk to, took charge after a few minutes of chaos and the students fell in line. You smiled to yourself and moved towards the exit. Todoroki ended up staying close by as the room cleared. "(Y/N)," he said as you neared the double doors.

"Yeah Todoroki?" You asked, looking at him.

"Can we speak after school? There is something I'd like to discuss with you."


Bakugou's words echoed in your head and your memory flickered to the kiss. 'You have until the end of the day to figure out how you feel.'

I'm not about to let Bakugou consume my life.

"Yeah sure!" You chirped. "I'm free after school. Where do you want to meet?"

He smiled. "I'll wait for you at the entrance, I'll lead you from there."


You parted ways and the day went by semi-normally. Aizawa sensei explained how the alarm was false and it was actually just some especially annoying reporters. The end of the day approached soon and before you knew it, you were chatting with Uraraka and Izuku as you packed up your things.

"Oh, Izuku you can head home without me today. I have plans for after school." You informed him.

"Oh, okay!" He nodded.

"You could always walk Uraraka home." You teased, elbowing him.

Izuku blushed and you snickered. Uraraka seemed oblivious to my teasing and I sighed. "Well, later losers, I'm off."

You swung your things over your shoulder and left the room, a chorus of discordant 'Goodbye's following you. Your feet carried you rhythmically through the halls and as you exited the building a wave of hot air hit your face.

As you looked around, you didn't see the usual groups of students that collected at the front gate. Instead a ring of students students collected in the side yard, chanting and yelling echoing from the spectators. An explosive boom and shards of ice decorated the air. "What the hell?"

You rushed forward but couldn't get past the thick wall of students. Straining to see, your eyes darted to a tree and you wasted no time scaling it to survey the fight. Your breath caught in your throat as you watched Todoroki and Bakugou charge at one another.

The turf was destroyed, the ground frozen but patches of it melted and burnt grass beneath it. The two boys faced each other without words, their only communication through battle. Instantly you stepped in, body dissolving into air and your clothes hung by the limbs of the tree. Your eyes would appear white when you returned to normal.

You landed on the ice without slipping and threw your hands outwards towards the two feuding boys. A wave of pressure took them both off their feet as you yelled. "Can you two quit it with the stupid fighting?!" You snapped.

Bakugou looked around, not seeing you. "Where the hell are you?" Bakugou barked.

"She's airborne you idiot. Her quirk is adaptation." Todoroki bit.

"Shut up!" You ordered. "Why the hell are you to fighting?!"

"That half-and-half bastard is trying to get his hands on what's mine!" Bakugou growled.

"She isn't yours to begin with! Why would she even want to be after how you've treated her?" Todoroki retorted.

"Who are you talking about?" You asked.

"You ya fucking idiot!"

You quirk faltered and the pressure fell away from them. They both fell, turning towards the direction of your voice. "I'm not property." You said bluntly. "And I sure as hell am neither of yours."

They both fell silent and you sighed. You looked at your clothing in the tree and groaned. Sitting in the tree, slowly the area cleared of students until only Bakugou remained. He picked up his jacket from the ground and rested his back against the tree you sat in. You growled internally, unable to change back until everyone was gone.

He ran a hand through his blonde hair and looked up at the sky. "Fucking idiot..." He muttered.

Closing his eyes, you were getting agitated. "Will you go home already?!" You barked, clamping a hand over your mouth.

Bakugou jumped up, alarmed by your voice. "You're still here (Y/N)?" He asked.

You sighed before retorting snappily. "No shit Sherlock. I can't change back until everyone's gone."

He smirked before laughing. "Great, so I have a captive audience." He lulled.

You looked at him with an annoyed glare. "What do you want?" You asked bitterly.

"Your time is up. Tell me how you feel." He ordered.

"Turn around and let me change first." You bartered.

He was a silent a moment then shrugged. "Fine. But if you cheat I'm going to blow you to bits."

You rolled your eyes and watched as he turned away from the tree. Quickly you changed into your uniform and jumped down from the tree. You tapped Bakugou's shoulder and he turned. Your expression was blank as you raised a hand and slapped him across the face.

He reeled back, confused then mad. Before he could yell you spoke. "Don't ever treat me like property again." You hissed.

Then you wrapped your arms around his middle and hugged him. His expression was pure confusion. "I'm still unsure about how I feel, but I know I want you around in my life more. Like when we were kids at least. I'd like to be friends again."

Bakugou hesitated before hugging you back. "Fine. I can do that."

You smiled at him. "Thank you Kacchan."

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