Chapter 19

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You opened your eyes but it seemed as though ink had stained your vision. Obsidian consumed your surrounding in a shrouding darkness. You could feel your hair swinging loosely around your face, arms paralyzed at your sides with iron binding them to the arms of a chair. You couldn't move, each limb feeling as though it weighed a ton alone. The binds almost seemed like overkill. Your mouth hung open loosely, but your couldn't move your lips to speak. Your panic, your fear, trapped within a limp body. 

The steady thump of a heart monitor grounded you, consistent and loud in the silence. It grew faster and faster, the only reflection of your panic. 'I can't see. Why can't I feel my body? Where am I?'

"If you don't calm yourself, I'll be forced to subdue you again." Had you been able, you would've jumped at the sharp, sudden voice.

The darkness shifted about you, swirling and moving. Your eyes followed the motion, the monitor spiking more. It pooled seeming to collapse inward and light trickled into the surroundings. The dark seemed to climb over itself, building up farther and farther until the shadow of a person appeared mere feet away from you. Fusing together, a woman took the figure, stepping from the darkness and facing you. Her skin was a sickly pale tone, violet eyes shown with an odd lack of emotion. Straight black hair laid over her slender shoulders, almost reaching her naval in a braided knot. She wore a pristine white lab coat typical of an evil scientist, beneath it only common clothes. From a pocket on her coat, swung a plastic badge. a code resting beneath a steely- faced photo of her. She seemed to ignore you, peering intensely at the monitor beside you. 

"You're clearly in a panicked state, as to be expected I suppose. But truthfully, if you cannot control yourself, I'll be forced to put you back under. I'm sure you are extremely confused, but cooperation would be best. If you do, I will allow you some motion." 

"Oh don't be so harsh my Love! The girl deserves some slack does she not? She is a tough little cookie after all!" That voice was familiar, in a bitter way. Your eyes didn't move far, finding the rat bastasrd not far from the doctor before you. She smiled fondly at her vermon underlings, pulling pieces from a loath of bread and offering it to them in turn.

"Nezumi! I've told you well more than I should need to! Get those pests out of my lab before they make chew toys of the equipment!" The doctor snapped, sparing an irritated glance at her companion.

"Oh you silly! We both know they won't do anything without my word. At worst they'll leave a few 'samples.'"

"Samples that I will need to clean up. I needn't waste my time on such trivial things if you just obeyed my wishes."

Despite the obvious difference in the two, an odd warmth against cynical cold, they quarreled like an old married couple. They seemed almost enthralled by the battle of words. Your heart slowed, finding some comfort in the familiarity of their argument.

The doctor looked back quickly, grin just slightly when realizing your vitals and proceeded to return to normal. "Ah, I see you've been able to slow your heart rate. Very good. In a few minutes the drug will wear off and you shall regain use of your limbs. Don't bother attempting escape, it won't be possible."

Somehow, you felt you already knew that.  'Who are you? What do you want from me?'

"Your questions will be answered in time. For now, all you must know is to address me as Ryoko. I will return in exactly one hour. Until then, Nezumi will be here to keep watch on you."

And just like that, she turned mechanically and left, shadows seeming to lick and crawl on her heel. Nezumi giggled fondly, waving to her beloved as she vacated the room.

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