The Project- A Zouis Fanficti...

Von NandosNation

153K 2.9K 712

**** Includes Lirry/Narry/Nosh**** Louis Tomlinson has never been popular. Zayn Malik is the school's most po... Mehr

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Co-author announcement!
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Hey guys!
Chapter 13
Thank You
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
What you need to know about chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 19

1.6K 71 15
Von NandosNation

Ciao my lovely readers! Sorry the update is a little bit later than I planned, but my wifi was so messed up while I was gone. D: Here's chapter 19! I know I've lost a lot of readers due to my ridiculously  long periods of time between updates lately, but thank you to those who have stuck with me <3 LOVE YOU ALL! 

Oh yeah, you know what makes me really happy? COMMENTS! Please please comment on any chapters you like! I love reading them and responding to them!! Also VOTE VOTE VOTE! It really helps keep me motivated! THANKS Y'ALL YOU DA BESTEST *Gives cookie* What is your favorite type of cookie? Because that's what cookie I shall give you. *Blows kiss* MWAH! 


---Liams POV---

My head ached, my stomach churned, and my eyes watered. So many things had happened in the past few minutes. It was as if everything came back to me. Every single detail of my life suddenly had rushed into my head after Harry kissed me. I remembered my mom and I walking through a park when I was little, I remembered my first day of preschool, middle school, and high school plus all the days in between. I remembered all of my birthdays and my favorite presents. I remembered meeting Zayn and Harry in first grade and becoming best friends within minutes. I remember when we started to pick on Louis, how Zayn and him got together, how Harry and Niall were together, and how I kissed Harry. While he was with Niall. I knew everything about me. 

A nurse came in to the room and I shot out of my bed and ran to her. "I remember!" I yelled. She looked stunned for a second before beaming at me.

"Liam, that is fantastic! And so soon? I will call your mother!" She hurried out of the room and shut the door behind her. I took a deep breath and walked around my room, spotting my phone. I snatched it up from the table and turned it on. The first message I saw was from my mom.

Mom: Sweetie! I would've called, but I wasn't sure if you were sleeping or not. I'm so relieved you're okay. I will come this afternoon as soon as I can. I love you so much :)

I beamed at my phone and typed a loving response back, as any good son would. The second message was from Zayn.

Z: Liam, It's Zayn, your best friend. If you still don't remember anything, just know that Louis and I are coming to see you today. Don't freak out or anything ;)

I laughed openly at my phone. I couldn't wait to see both of them, now that my memory was renewed. I scrolled down to see another message notification from Harry.

H: Hi Liam. I'm sorry for leaving so quickly last night. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for taking advantage of you like that, but if it triggered anything, anything at all, let me know. I'll be there soon. xx

Little did Harry know, his kiss fixed everything. I layed back down on my bed and stared at the ceiling, deep in thought. So I had kissed Harry and from what I can remember, we were drunk. Harry was with Niall at the time, then Niall found out about the kiss from Louis, then Harry confirmed it. Now Niall and Harry weren't together anymore. Harry was coming to see me with Zayn and Louis so... Where was Niall? Maybe he didn't know yet. I wouldn't blame him if he didn't want to talk to me or Harry for a bit. 

While I was wallowing in thoughtfulness, I didn't hear my hospital room door open, but I felt someone embrace me and squeeze me so tight I could barely breathe. My heart jumped out of its chest and the sudden contact. 

"Whoa!" I yelled, prying at the arms around my shoulders. "Who is touching me? I wasn't mentally prepared for this!" 

"It's just me you big idiot. I was worried! The nurse barely mentioned you had your memory back!" I heard Zayn's voice and grinned before hugging him back. 

"Zayn! It's good to see you now that you're not busy fucking Louis." I teased while Zayn eventually let go of me. 

"What a nice way to say hello," I heard another voice say sassily. I knew it was Louis before I even looked up. He stood at the edge of the bed, holding Zouis, smirking at me. "You slipped on a pillow. Wow. You'll need a better story than that if you want to impress anyone in the slightest." Louis teased, handing Zayn their doll. I raised an eyebrow at him before pulling him to me and hugging him, maybe a little too hard. 

"Is Harry here yet?" I asked, trying not to sound too eager. 

"He's on his way, lover boy, don't worry." Louis said, ruffling my hair. The two of them sat down and talked to me without being angry about the whole Harry thing. To be honest, it was refreshing and... nice. 

For the first time in a while, I felt great.


---Niall's POV---

Josh and I had just pulled into the school parking lot and were making our way into the building, pushing each other and laughing. I expected to see team Zouis and Harry and Liam as well. I was prepared for it though. They were all in my first class, which was health. I assumed the project had to be ending soon, I mean almost none of the guys had been paying attention to it. I planned to talk to Eleanor when I got to health. 

"My first class is chemistry." Josh said, squeezing my hand, knowing I was to see Harry soon. "I'll see you next period, yeah?" I grinned at Josh and nodded before leaning over and kissing him quickly. 

We parted ways and I got a text from him a second later

J: i miss u

I rolled my eyes, laughing, and tapped out a response. 

N: Shut up ive been gone for one second 

J: Gasp! fine be that way ): but i know you love me

N: Maybe I do, maybe I don't... ;)

I was forced to put my phone in my pocket when I entered the classroom. I saw girls all huddling around Mrs. Westley with their dolls. I glanced around the room to spot Zayn or Louis and maybe even Liam and Harry, but I didn't see any of them. I hummed thoughtfully as the bell rang. None of them were all late at the same time... Where could they be? 

I took a seat next to Eleanor and began to talk to her about out project. Before Mrs. Westley got to the front of the class, I whispered to Eleanor.

"Hey, do you know where Louis is? And or Liam, Zayn, or Harry?" She gave me a stunned look.

"Y-You haven't heard? No one told you?" She asked. My stomach dropped. 

"Told me what?" I asked loudly. Eleanor glanced around the room before whispering to me again.

"Liam had traumatic amnesia from hitting his head yesterday. Luckily it was short lived, but really intense. For over 10 hours, he didn't remember his own mom!" I gasped. This had all happened and no one told me?

"I can't believe they didn't tell me!" I screamed under my breath. Eleanor looked sympathetic. She laid a warm hand on my arm. 

"Listen Niall, I'm sure they didn't want to upset you anymore. They probably did it in your best interest. He's okay now, don't worry. I'm sure you can visit him after school!" 

"So, you know everything that happened, huh?" I asked gloomily. She laughed slightly.

"Ni, how long have I been friends with Louis? Of course he told me everything. I was surprised you didn't text me about it too." 

I gave her an apologetic smile as Mrs. Westley started talking. I made a mental note to go to the hospital immediately after school. It was time to talk to Liam. 


---Liam's POV---

Louis, Zayn, and I talked about school, family, and even Niall for a while before Harry came bursting into the room. 

"WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH SHANNON?" He yelled, straightening out his jacket and running a hand through his ruffled hair. 

"What are you talking about?" I asked, laughing at his disheveled appearance. 

"The slutty nurse downstairs!" Zayn cried out, laughing with me. "What did she DO to you, Harold?" 

"She's crazy!" Harry yelled. "I walked in to get permission to enter Liam's room and the next thing I know, she pulls me to her and tries to fucking kiss me! What the hell? It took two other nurses to pry her off of me!" 

Louis burst out laughing and said "I'd imagine working long hours as a nurse wouldn't get you much action. Jealous, lover boy?" He asked me, winking. I rolled my eyes at him and shook my head.

"Nah, you look pretty rattled though." I said to Harry. "Maybe you should kiss someone else to get your mind off of it." I added slyly. Zayn and Louis took that as their cue to leave. Zayn shot out of his chair and yanked Louis up with one arm, as the other was holding Zouis. 

"Well it is clear we are not needed here anymore!" He said loudly as they both strode quickly to the door. "We shall head over to school. It was nice to visit you Liam!" 

Louis shouted "USE PROTECTION!" From down the hall and Harry shut the door quickly. 

"I'm sorry. About them. They're both a bit..."

"Perverted." I finished for him. He looked up at me and tilted his head slightly.

"Yeah, do you remember them at all?" 

I smiled. "Harry, I remember everything." 

His jaw dropped and before I could react, he rushed over to my bed and grabbed my hands. "What?! Why did no one inform me of this? What triggered it?" He was so excited and I couldn't wait to tell him how he was the reason I remembered everything. 

"It was you. Your kiss! After you left, it was as if everything just crashed onto me, like a wave. I remembered everything from basically my whole life. Well, not everything, but you know what I mean. Thank you so much!" I said, squeezing Harry's hands. He looked so happy as he smiled at me and my stomach was filled with the lame butterflies that everyone gets. My heart sped up and my cheeks flushed. Wait.. did this mean what the books, TV shows, and movies said it meant? 

Was I in love? 


Harry's POV (from earlier) 

As soon as I woke up, I was alert and ready to go. I jumped out of bed and pulled on my jeans with whatever random shirt was lying around. After a quick check in the mirror and brushing my teeth, I was saying goodbye to my mom, who was on the phone with Liam's mom, and heading out the door. 

Once I was in the car, I stopped to take a deep breath.

Breathe Harry. Your kiss may not have triggered anything. Don't get your hopes up. I thought. Frowning at that very thought, I pulled out of the driveway. I wondered why I was so hooked on my kiss triggering Liam's memory. I wanted it to be me that helped him remember everything, but why? 

I knew the answer already. It was because I wanted Liam to be mine. 

After I arrived at the hospital, I jogged to the front desk, where another obstacle awaited me. First, it was the overwhelming scent of perfume, then the flash of white teeth, orange skin, and dyed hair. The typical slutty nurse that you see in the movies. I sighed and tried to make it clear I didn't have time for talking. I wanted to see Liam. 

"Hello there, cutie. Can I help you out in an special way today?" She asked, confidently. I grimaced and shook my head. 

"Um no. I need to see Liam Payne. Room 204. Like, now." 

"Now? Are you sure about that? Can you at least tell me your name?" The nurse purred. "I'm Shannon." 

"Ok cool, now I need to know if I'm allowed in there. You work in a hospital, not a strip club." I snapped. However, this didn't seem to go through to the overgrown barbie. All of the sudden, her hands shot out from under the desk and they gripped the front of my shirt, yanking me forward.

"Shit!" I yelled as she tried to press her lips to mine. "What is wrong with you? Get off me!" 

Shannon, however, was as desperate as they come. She clawed at everything. My hair, my jacket, my shirt, and my face even. I tried to push her away, but was blinded by her stupid hands.

"HELP! CRAZY NURSE ATTACK!" I yelled as I saw two other nurses in my peripheral vision. They both looked up from their clipboards and gasped, running over to my rescue. They managed to pry crazy Shannon off of me. 

"I am so sorry sir! What do you need, we're on it right away." One of the nurses asked as the other gripped Shannon. 

"I need to see Liam Payne. 204." 

The nurse typed in the name and number on the computer and looked at me apologetically before saying. "Go right ahead. Sorry again sir." 

I just gave a small wave before jogging up the stairs to Liam's room. I burst in without thinking about it really and yelled "WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH SHANNON?" 

I noticed Zayn and Louis in the room as Liam started laughing. Zayn knew who Shannon was apparently and I explained what happened to me

Louis burst out laughing and said "I'd imagine working long hours as a nurse wouldn't get you much action. Jealous, lover boy?" I looked over at Liam, who rolled his eyes at Louis. 

"Nah, you look pretty rattled though." He said to me. "Maybe you should kiss someone else to get your mind off of it." My jaw dropped. This Liam didn't seem so lost... I liked it. 

Zayn and Louis obviously took that as a personal invitation from Liam to get the hell out and they both hurried to do so, claiming they'd be at school. The last thing I heard before shutting the door, embarrassed, was Louis' loud voice shouting


I winced and blushed as Liam chuckled. I turned around and began "I'm sorry. About them. They're both a bit..."

"Perverted." Liam finished. Wait, how did he know that?

"Yeah, do you remember them at all?" I asked, hopefully. 

I smiled. "Harry, I remember everything." I think my heart exploded. YES! He remembered! Liam was back! 

"What?! Why did no one inform me of this? What triggered it?" I cried, rushing over to Liam. Beaming, he told me how it way my kiss that triggered it. MY KISS! It HAD worked! Liam squeezed my hands and I met his eyes. I smiled at him. I was elated, overjoyed. Now looking at Liam, I felt nervous, excited, dizzy, and in shock. Did this mean... Could it mean... 

Was I in love? 


BAHAHA THAT'S THE END GUYS Whoa just the end of the chapter, chill out! Liam and Harry's POV both end with the same question! AHHH! They were both so cheesy omg I'm a bad cheesy person if that even makes sense... ANYWAY! Hope you enjoyed reading because i enjoyed writing! Chapter 20 comes in May probably WHOO! Remember to VOTE AND COMMENT PLEASE!!! Ok, love you all *Gives cookie* Bon appétit! *Blows kiss* MWAH!

PS: This chapter is poorly edited

PLUS: Look at the old gif of Louis. 

*running out of the hospital room* "USE PROTECTON"



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