Mystic Goddesses

By sammy_wonder

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Jolene and Jupiter were born into a family of Demi-Gods. The girls are very special because when twins are bo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9 Part 1
Chapter 9 Part 2
Chapter 10 P1
Chpter 10 P2
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 8

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By sammy_wonder

Ever since the night James and Josh helped the girls, all four of them have been hanging out. Jupiter and Josh still banter a lot but I think she has more fun with it when she does it. Jolene always spends the night at James and Josh's house now and Jupiter comes over during the day. Jupiter sometimes spends the night as well.

"James! Do you have any ice cream?" Jolene asked through the door. James was showering but cravings wait for no one!

"Check the freezer. There should be some in there." James yells over the water.

"Thanks, babe," Jolene said before running downstairs to the fridge.

When she got down stairs to the fridge she opened the freezer and searched for ice cream, but no such luck.

"Maybe they have another freezer in the garage," Jolene said to herself. She headed to the garage and found one of those box freezers. She opened the lid and found the ice cream! She grabbed the ice cream and went to go back inside. As she was closing the lid something caught her eye, it was another box fridge. The thing about this one is that it wasn't a fridge the box said 'warmer' she has never seen a box warmer and her curiosity got the better of her and she opened it up. When she looked in the box she found a bunch of blood bags...

"What the hell?!" Jolene exclaimed.

'Jupiter I need you to get to James and Josh's house ASAP!" Jolene said though their link.

'Why, what's up? Can't James take you home?' Jupiter replied.

'NO! I need to get out of here now and I don't want them to know!' Jolene said frightened.

'Shit, what happened?' Jupiter replied when she could hear how distressed Jolene was.

'I'll tell you in the car, get your ass here now!' she said.

'I'm already in the car! I'll be there soon!' Jupiter replied.

Jolene then walked into the house she went to James' room just to get her things and to get out.

When she got into the room she slowly and quietly walked over to her items and gathered them up. Once she had everything she snuck out of the house and waited outside.
Jupiter knew something was wrong by the way Jolene was talking. She got dressed grabbed her keys to her car and sped off. She was trying the whole time in the car to get Jolene to answer her but she wouldn't, so she sped up more. After 20 minutes she arrived at their house and pulled up. She parked the car and got out but she couldn't find Jolene anywhere. She tried the mind link again but got nothing. That had Jupiter worried, she thought Jolene would be out here waiting for her.

"Jo, Jolene! Where are you?" Jupiter whisper yelled.

"Dude this isn't funny get out here! I'm really worried!" Jupiter whisper yelled again. There was no response so she decided to check around the house. Once Jupiter rounded the corner of the house she came face to face with Josh.

"Oh shit!" Jupiter said. "You scared me half to death!" She waited for him to respond but he just stared at her intently.

"Dude, say something this is creepy," Jupiter said with a little worry. Josh didn't reply again.

"What the fuck man say something! Where is Jolene!" Jupiter said pushing Josh with all her might but he didn't even move. Jupiter's eye went wide, she thought about using her powers to get her out of this but she knew that she would just get herself into more trouble, she didn't spend too long thinking about it before she took off running in the opposite direction. Jupiter made it 10 feet before Josh grabbed her and dragged her inside.

"Let me go, Josh!" Jupiter yelled as she kicked and flailed her limbs around. Even though she was resisting he carried her like she weighed nothing. Josh brought her inside and up to James' room where she saw Jolene tied to a chair and an empty one waiting for her. Josh placed her in the chair and tied her up. When they both were tied down the boys walked in front of them.

"I'm sorry we had to tie you up but you probably wouldn't have talked to us any other way," James said.

"What is there to say! I found fucking blood bags in your garage!" Jolene said. Jupiter whipped her head over to Jolene and Jolene just gave her a nod.

"What the hell?! Are you guys psycho killers?" Jupiter said.

"No, we aren't killers well not intentionally," Josh said.

"What does that mean?! That doesn't help!" Jupiter said looking at Josh.

"We aren't fully human," James said.

"We aren't humans at all," Josh added.

"We are hybrids. That means we are half-vampire and half-werewolf." James explained.

"Are you guys crazy? Did you take the wrong meds this morning? That is impossible there is no such thing as vampires or werewolves" Jolene yelled freaking out.

"It is true," Josh said.

"No you guys are crazy. Just let us go and we won't tell anyone." Jupiter said.

"We can't let you guys go until you understand that we won't hurt you. You are our friends we would never." James said with sincerity in his eyes.

"You are telling us to believe in fairytales," Jolene stated.

"We are just going to have to prove it," Josh said. He walked up to Jupiter and put his hand on the armrests of the chair. He got close to her face. "You ready?" Before Jupiter could reply his eyes turned golden with black around the edges and the veins pop out around his eyes, then his K9s elongate.

"Holy fuck!" Jupiter said pushing back in the chair but it wouldn't budge. Josh's face goes back to normal but instead of moving away she just stays there staring at Jupiter. Jupiter just looks at him with wide eyes filled with fear.

If you were wondering why the girls haven't been trying to use their telepathy, it is because their eyes get a thin layer of white over them. They didn't want the boys to know about their powers so they kept from using it.

'Jupiter it isn't too hard to believe since we have powers and all. Plus we are supposed to save the world.' Jolene said using the link. She closed her eyes so the boys didn't think anything of it. Jupiter didn't respond right away.

'Yeah, I guess you are right.' Jupiter finally replied.

"Okay so let's say we believe you guys, what happens next?" Jolene said.

"Well if you believe us then we will untie you and you can ask us questions or leave if that is what you want. But if you choose to leave, you can't tell anyone about us." James said.

"Okay well, we do believe you so untie us," Jupiter said flatly. The boys hesitated at first because they were unsure if they should believe them but when Jupiter gave Josh an evil look and shook her chair they untied them and the girls stood up.
"Do you have questions?" Josh asked.
"Or do you just wanna leave?" James added looking at Jolene with sad eyes.

"We have questions," Jolene said.

"How did you become hybrids?" Jupiter said getting straight to the point.

"Well, we both were born werewolves. We belonged to a pack but we didn't share their beliefs so we left. When we were roaming the woods we were attacked by something. When we woke up were were in alot of pain and had an enormous appatite but eating dead animals weren't doing the trick. We were walking somewhere in the woods when we heard voices, when we approached them we were drawn to them. Something in us was telling us t attack them and we couldn't stop ourselves. Lucky for us the people ended up being hybrids as well and they explained everything and they took us under their wings. There was one guy who was really helpful and made sure we were on the right track. The night he let us come back to his place and stay with them since we didn't have anywhere to go. He told us that the only way for someone to be a hybrid is to be a werewolf first and we fit that quota." James explained.

"So that is how... Well, what if it didn't work?" Jolene said.

"Well, we didn't have much choice did we," James said in a joking tone.

"Every story I have read about werewolves, they have a mate, the person they are to spend the rest of their life with. How can you date Jolene if you have someone out there that is perfect for you? Also, how does the mating thing work?" Jupiter said.

"It is true we do have mates but I got lucky and Jolene is my mate. I knew from the first time I saw her. I didn't tell you guys what we were because I didn't want to scare you, but obviously, that didn't work." James said with a little laugh.

"The thing with mates is that when a werewolf is mated with another werewolf they both instantly know once they look into each other's eye and/or make the skin to skin contact. If a werewolf is mated to a human than only the werewolf can feel the bond at first. The werewolf has to convince the human they belong together. Once they start to get close she starts to feel the perks of being their mate. If a werewolf meets their mate and then their mate rejects them, they either die or go crazy." Josh said.

"Okay, next question do you guys age since you are vampires too?" Jolene said.

"We don't, the age that we were turned is the age we stay for the rest of our lives," James said.

"How long have you guys been hybrids?" Jupiter asked.

"About 100 years give or take. You lose track after a while." Josh said with a laugh.

"Wow. What kind of powers do you guys have?" Jolene asked putting air quotes around powers.

"Well we have strength from both, speed from the vampire, heightened senses from the werewolf, and a bite from one of us can kill a regular vampire," Josh said.

"So when you bite them they instantly die?" Jupiter asked.

"No they don't die right away, its a long and painful death," James said.

"Is there any cure?" Jolene asked.

"Yes, our blood. If we feed them our blood it will instantly heal them." James said.

"Oh okay well that's pretty much it, I think," Jolene said before she looked at Jupiter to see if she had anymore. 

"Did you find your mate, Josh?" Jupiter asked. Josh's head whipped towards her and he just stared at her. After a while, James urged him to share.

"Yes I did find my mate a couple of years back but she was viciously murdered. I don't like talking about it that much though." Josh said in the saddest voice. Jupiter and Jolene have never seen him like this before.

"You know the mate thing is pretty cool but it sucks a lot too because if you lose your mate you don't get another," Jupiter said.

"Well, that isn't always true! There is a thing called second chance mates. The Moon Goddess has to take pity on you and allow you another mate." James said. Jupiter and Jolene looked at Josh with hope in their eyes but before they could say anything Josh cut in.

"Yeah that is true but the Moon Goddess rarely takes pity on anyone, especially a hybrid. If I'm being honest, without James I probably would have gone crazy or killed myself." Josh said.

"So are we all cool?" James asked trying to change the subject, knowing Josh was uncomfortable.

"Yeah, you guys are cool with me," Jupiter said.

"Yeah, we're good. I just need some time to process." Jolene said.

"That is fine with me. I'm just happy you are okay with this." James said.

"Well, it is late and we need to head home. We will see you guys later." Jolene said before she went up to James and kissed him on the cheek. The girls got into Jupiter's car and drove home.
Once the girls left James called someone on his phone.

"We told them who we are," James said.

"I understand, but they found the blood bags! I don't understand why this is so bad." James said.

"Yeah, they said they were fine with it. Jolene is a little hesitant but other than that we are still good. Jupiter sounded fine with it too." James said.

"Okay we understand, we'll talk later," James said before he ended the call.

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