Guardians Of Legend || Pokemo...

By CuoreFiamma

63.2K 1.6K 1.8K

The trainers from different regions were assembled in an academy where they planned to train the best of the... More

Prologue || The Invitation
Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09 [or rather 8.5]
Chapter 10
Chapter 10.5
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 [+ Halloween Special]
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 11

3K 74 166
By CuoreFiamma

Chapter 11
Took Him Long Enough To Realise
You Still Have A Chance

Red and the other Champions stayed quiet after Lance's explanation. It sounded a bit weird and really unusual but they heard him once and they were sure they heard it right. Considering Lance was also one of the Elite 4, he could never lie to Red or Gold because that would be a suicidal route to follow.

"Let me get this straight," Black began. "Team Rocket is starting an uprising? With Giovanni being the leader again?"

Lance nodded, confirming the Champion's statement.

Although the most triggered person was Gold. "That is impossible, Team Rocket's current king is not Giovanni, he wouldn't allow such a thing to happen," he said. "Team Rocket never went away in the first place, this is basically a formation of another Team Rocket."

"And how would you know that?" Lance asked without thinking.

"Because-" Gold paused, realising he could have made the slip of the tongue. "It is kinda confidential."

The red haired instructor decided he should forget about it since he had no power to demand answers. Not when his life was basically at stake.

"That had reminded me one thing," Red said for the first time. "The League Champions..."

"I haven't told them, since this is quite important the most powerful trainers of Johto and Kanto must know first," Lance told. "And that means the two of you. Since both League Champions are told to be in this academy, it was made easier for me. I will tell them as soon as I am done with all of you."

"Great, then tell them quickly," Gold demanded, since Red was not the one to talk. "And also, call me an idiot if you will, but.... who is the current League Champion after me?"

Lance raised a brow. He looked shocked, everyone could see it. Considering Gold has lived near Celebi's Shrine in Ilex Forest without any other more connection outside to world it was reasonable. In fact, all the other Champions had cut their ties off with the outside world with the exception of getting updates from their families. Only Ruby visited his dad in person, others had either cut off connection entirely or just meet on screen.

"At first he was a selfish child, but then thanks to you, he began to change his ways. And the fact that he became stronger after our team up battle, I guess he deserves to be called League Champion," Lance told. "The new League Champion is Silver, and in comparison to all League Champions he is the second strongest Johto had ever got."

Gold tried to stay calm. He masked all his emotions of fear and shock under a calm expression. "Is that so... then you better be good to him. Believe me, he is a good leader," he said, emotions poking his mind with a stick. Especially in some particular place... "Now, go, before they hear this from another source."

"Understood," Lance said. The leader of Elite Four made a pause before he went to the door. "Do you have any other demands?"

"Ah, just listen to the League Champions," the golden eyed teen said. "Both Red and I place a lot of trust in them."

With that, Lance left.

Gold's lips began to quiver, everyone in the room noticed. What was coming next was obvious that everyone had made their preparations; Black held on to a fixed counter, Ruby leaned to the wall, Diamond went under a table and Red went under the covers on his bed because any time was a good time to sleep.

Fists clenched, lips quivering, eyes shut, Gold tried to hold it in. But nonetheless, he failed like he always did. Feeling he couldn't hold it in any more, Gold let out a huge scream that sent everything in the room to shake side to side. A scream so loud that it could break all the glass that was present in the room.

Black swore, if it weren't the fact that he was a Champion and this thing had already happened five times before when they gathered, he would've dropped dead and rot. The brunet clenched his teeth, this was one of the worse case any of them had ever dealt. According to the Johto Legendary pokemon, the first time Gold did this was the worst case in Johto history.

After a huge amount of energy release, the golden eyed raven fainted to the cold wooden floor of Red's room. Black rushed to help the now unconscious boy while Red sat up, trying to get his mind straight.

"How much?" Red asked to the others, dealing with his migraine.

Ruby was the one who responded. Taking out a watch, he blinked at the time. "Forward, it's six in the morning already. Meaning we just went about sixteen hours ahead of time."

"Correction, forty hours, it is already the day after tomorrow," Diamond corrected. The blue eyed teen tried to adjust his footing. "Made sense why Gold fainted then. Going fourty hours forward in time is beyond his limits."

Red was, like always, silent. The raven kicked his legs to the side of the bed and told them he would carry Gold back to his room. If hearing the fact Silver became the League Champion shocked him this much, he wondered what happened when Gold noticed how Silver had moved on happily with his life. He must've held it all in that it actually built up a lot of pressure.

Red sighed. Gold's string was coiling more and more around his neck each and every time he thought anything related to Silver. Any further more, it would kill him. For Black, he was already dying as they breathe. Ruby? To think about Wally felt like he could split his brain open. And for Lucas, his hand had bleeding more lately. Haha... the world was so cruel.

But each and every one of them knew that it was partially their fault for falling in love.

And it was their rival's fault to land them in this curse.

Though, it was the world's fault that they were soul mates in the first place.

The red eyed teen shook his head. Everyone was at fault here.

He then paused to look down through a window, where he could see the building for the Boy's dorm.

They went fourty hours ahead of time and Red did not attend any classes for a few days now.

The Leader of all the Champions smiled.

Green must be ripping out his hair right now.

Because that idiot [even though he rarely admits it] was always worried about the others around him.

That was why he would make a good leader.


Green gripped his hair. Red didn't come to class for more than five days straight and he was more than convinced that Red was sick in bed. Dammit, the worst thing about Red getting sick was that he would never have the strength to move from bed. Scratch that, he wouldn't even have the enough energy to eat!

The brunet sat down and stared at his desk, thinking all about the negative things that could [but never should] have happened to Red after a few days of absence. Lance's teachings were always useless to him because he only went to the academy for research purposes. The only thing he found useful was Marcus with his Gym Class, even though they tortured him from time to time (meaning: always).

The Battle Royale was about to start soon too. The team registrations would close tomorrow so he better hurry up or else he would not advance and keep his position as a Silver Badged student. Problems and concerns were piling up these days. Most of them were not necessary in public's eyes but they were to him. With the exception of the League Champion thing Red was-

Okay, he would admit it this time, just this once. With the exception of being a League Champion and a Gym Leader, Red was his number one concern. He would never mean it if he said he hated Red. Well, he didn't like him because Red of his ignorant nature and leaving him to wait for three years but that was the point; he never hated him, he would say he didn't like him because in this kind of situation, there must be a little love for everything.

He groaned. Now he was all sappy that everything could go turn to mush.

Class had ended and Green was told to stay. He wasn't in trouble that was for sure but the look on Lance's face had made him feel a bit queasy in the inside. The brunet told N that he would join him and Cheren later so they should just go and do something about the Battle Royale.

"You are not going to tell me that I need to pay attention to your lessons, do you?" Green asked. Cause' if Lance was going to do that he had to remind him how the system works outside class.

Lance tried to hide an audible gulp but the League Champion had noticed it. It was common for people to be scared in front of their boss. Though Green had to admit that sometimes it was annoying. To watch people quiver and view him like a god, it was ridiculous. If it weren't for Red, he would be a lunatic out for power to enjoy the pleasure of people crying on their feet.

"No, it's not that, I need to inform you something, but first we need to wait for the League Champion of Johto," Lance told. "He would be arriving soon."

The League Champion of Johto? Now that it was mentioned, Green had never took the time to meet other League Champions despite them always visiting the elite four. The only League Champion he knew was Diantha Carnet from Kalos and they only met by chance, Green never did want to meet her when he was sent to do research in Kalos.

The sliding door to the classroom opened.

"Lance, I swear if we are going to discuss about the train from and to Goldenrod City shutting down I assure you that it was--" Silver stopped midway sentence when he noticed that Lance was not alone. "Green?"

The said brunet glanced at Lance. "Why is he here?"

"Because I need to inform both of you something," Lance said. "Whatever spoken here must be tight shut or else it would cause massive panic."

"You didn't answer my question," Green muttered, low key demanding an answer.

"Now is not the time," Lance tried. "Right now as we speak, things are in a stir in both Johto and Kanto. So I need both League Champions of both regions to be present."

Green looked at Silver awkwardly, one eyebrow arched. He pointed to the red head with a look that had asked Lance; 'Him?'

"The League Champion of Johto," Lance answered the unspoken question.

Silver rolled his eyes like it was not a big deal. "Just get on with it if it is urgent."

"Right," Lance cleared his throat before he continued. "There were random attacks lately that occurred in Johto. At first we thought nothing of it until we received news that there were sights of grunts from Team Rocket in Kanto."

Both League Champions were silent as Lance explained what happened in the past week. The propaganda, the attacks and each and every place that was infiltrated. Two years ago, this happened before but the only difference with that and this was Giovanni. Last time they did this was because they wanted to contact Giovanni now Giovanni was the one leading them.

"There is also one detail I should mention," Lance said. "There was a report saying that the grunts used unidentified pokemon. We figured it may be something outside Johto and Kanto since the people described them as 'something never seen before'."

Silver crossed his arms. "Question is, which region are we talking about?"

"We are still on it," Lance answered.

"Is that all?" Green asked to confirm.

"For now."

"Speaking of which, have you told the Champions?"


"What did Red say?"

"He said nothing. But they told me to rely on both of you."

Since when did he put that much trust on me? Green thought. "Great then, meeting dismissed."

Both Champions began to walk out the classroom with Green having his eyes on Silver who looked both furious and convincingly murderous. He knew it was a bad timing but he really wanted to ask; "You are the League Champion of Johto?"

Silver's facial expressions soften a bit. "It's unexpected but yes. Since Gold is my rival and the Regional Champion, I need to step up my game somehow," he told. "Plus, I did a stupid thing back when I was twelve so I thought being the League Champion can somehow reconnect myself to Gold. But even being the League Champion wouldn't make a difference, I couldn't find him."

"Well, he's in front of you now," Green reminded. "Why can't you go and say sorry to him and reconnect all the hearts and strings?"

"I can ask you the same thing," Silver scoffed.

"I'm not part of this-"

"Red is front of you right now, so why didn't you go and talk to him after three years apart?" Silver demanded. "You are mature enough to put out the fire on your childish rivalry, so why do you still act so stubborn?"

Silver had bombarded him with questions that exerted massive pressure on him. Course' the questions regarding Satoshi and why couldn't he do anything about them only had one answer.

"The answer is simple," Green began, shutting Silver up. "For me, Red is not like any normal friend. I know I had said that I didn't like him but I don't hate him. Because in every situation there must be a little love in there. Satoshi is like the summer's sun I knew that from the beginning."

Silver stood there amazed and shocked at the same time. Green shook his head when he saw the redhead's expression.

"Listen, between me and Red is all too late. I am the one at fault here that he became cold and emotionless. But I still believe that the Kanto's shining sun is still in there. As for you," Green faced Silver who was still dazed. "Gold still has his emotions in tact, both of you still haven't broke up so there is a chance for both of you to be happy together. Until Ethan says it's over, he is still your boyfriend."

"Wait!" Silver shouted. His face turned so red that it could put his hair to shame. "How did you know that I was dating Gold?!"

Green realised his mistake. "Whoops."

"N told you didn't he?!"

"Didn't he tell everybody?"

"HE DID WHAT?!" Silver fumed.

"Just kidding, just kidding," Green reassured. "Anyway, take my words to heart. You better make a move before both of you end up like Red and me. Trust me, you don't want that."

"But you admit it right? You admit that you like Red!"

"I don't hate him but I don't like him. So do I like him?" Green said. "I told you before, it's too late for both of us. But if I have to be really honest, I don't like him at all and he hates me so the feeling must be mutual."

Green could see that Silver was annoyed. "Why won't-"

"The feeling must be mutual but since when did I let Red have his way?" Green asked. "I do not like him. I love him. Is that clear now?"

Silver blinked. He must've thought that he was dreaming. But his feelings were more true than ever. Thankfully there was no one around to eavesdrop their conversation.

"Don't tell anyone about today. Or else I will expose that you're dating Gold."

Silver glared at him. "Do what you want, I wanted everyone to know what's mine after all."

"Then how about the rumour of you being the Team Rocket's Giovanni's son?" Green challenged.

"Okay. Who are you? Where did the idiot Green go?" Silver asked.

The League Champion of Kanto snapped from his facade. Was this an after effect if he spent a day without Red around him? If so then he was going to be dependant on him.

"Sorry, let's just ignore what happened today," the green eyed brunet told. "Also, have you heard about N's theory?"

"The one about our rivals? Yeah. Do you believe in though?"

"I was in denial at first. But the more I think of it... I know what my biggest mistake is." Green eyes' narrowed when he remembered his stupid move three years ago. "And more than ever I want to punch my past self for it."


"One question," Silver began. "How did you make a your pokemon burst out multiple coloured flames?"

"That? It is a hidden ability for starter pokemon I guess," Gold answered as he tried to set the camp fire. The twelve year old poked around with the firewood with a billiard. Camping out in the cold had been normal for both of them, while in the morning they trained to become better and better. With Ethan being only twelve and the League Champion he needed to stay the best.

"It's still a long way to go..." Silver commented. "For you to become like Red."

"Well, I will beat him. If I can find him on that damned mountain."

"Gold, Red is a Regional Champion. Not just some guy who beat the elite four," Silver reasoned.

"Yeah, well, if I can beat him then I can become the Champion of Johto right?"

"Seriously, that's all what you think about. Be considerate about me a little would you?"

Gold rolled his eyes, Silver acted all tsundere in public's view but he was just an attention seeker towards his boyfriend. It almost surprised Ethan when he felt pressure on his back.

"Hey Ethan..." Silver whispered. "Let's make-"

Gold punched Silver on the face, knowing what was coming up next. This was more than the seventeenth time his boyfriend asked this type of request and he had become annoyed by them as days passed by.

Silver rubbed his nose in pain.

"Geez, how many times do I have to tell you? We're still twelve don't expect me to give you my virginity that easily," Ethan claimed.

Silver pouted and the League Champion sighed. Gold pushed down Silver to the ground with the raven's head on Silver's chest. Even with his boyfriend alone, it was already warm.

"When can I make you fully mine?"

"You're a pervert. And we're just twelve."

"Yeah but," Silver placed a hand on Ethan's head. "What if anything happens between us?"

"You don't plan on leaving me are you?"

"Of course not," Silver claimed. Gold felt that he was lying but he ignored the bugging feeling. "Anyway, when?"

"I don't know, fourteen, sixteen-ish?" Gold said, watching the day as it got darker."Hey, Silver. Promise you won't leave me."

But in the end, he did.

Golden eyes snapped open. Ethan sat up quickly as if he woke from a horrible nightmare. Cold sweat dripped down his cheek, heart beating faster than ever, hand pulling the string around his neck.

"You're awake."

Gold stared at Red who sat on a chair, legs crossed, eyes narrowed.


"Fourty hours forward," Red answered simply.

Gold went silent. Just how much did Silver affect his life?

The raven slumped back to hit his head with a pillow. "Did you saw? Since whatever goes psychological is part of your attribute."

"Yes, I did."

"What do you think?"

"Both of you were happy," the red eyed raven answered. "Why would he leave?"

"Because of Team Rocket and all those stuff," Gold answered facing away from Red. "I became a Regional Champion with him on my side, and all I got was getting dumped right after."

"You remind me... of Green and I...." Red told. "For both of us it's too late. But... you and Silver can be happy."

Gold sat up and looked at Red who still kept emotionless face.

"Laugh, smile and cry," Red said, raising a finger after he said each word. "Those are some things I lost but with all of you I can get that back. So as long those who are under me are happy I can be too."

Red stood up and left the room, leaving Gold speechless and on an emotional roller coaster. His hands gripped the sheets. "No Red, you're wrong. You're the one who has the chance."

Because I am sure I saw your string was repairing by itself. Did Green realise how much he loves you already? Whoa, took him three years. What an idiot couple.


N played around with his skateboard ramp. How in Arceus' name did they got it in there? No one knew but then again for the past few years he had lived his life in the most unbelievable ways. For two years, he had lived with Silver considering the similar connection between them.

Both of them were raised by a horrible father figure.

Both father figures were leaders of an evil team.

Both father figures left the team in their hands.

Both misunderstood about pokemon and trainers.

Both of them made the same horrible mistake.

That was why he said it before to Green, apologising wouldn't be enough.

The green tea haired king got off his skateboard so he could reorganise his thoughts. Touya was innocent, really innocent. And two years ago he tried to take that away. Well, he almost made that mistake but then he did something even worse. He was an idiot, a foolish bastard, his biggest mistake was leaving Touya. Why did he left him alone in his castle?

The door was slammed open by none other than Silver. N noticed how Silver looked angry so he raised both of his hands to claim innocence.

"YOU IDIOT! WHY DID YOU TELL GREEN ABOUT MY BOYFRIEND?!?!?!" The redhead screamed at his face.

N rolled his eyes. "Oh, come on, I was just going to give Green a little push he was pining his crush on Red so I had to-"


Silver clumsily swung his sword so N easily dodged it.

Their battle went on for half an hour or so until N got like fifteen scratches and Silver finally went out of breath.

"Done yet?"


"Seriously, chill, so what if everyone else knows?"

Silver dropped his sword. "Anyway, we have another problem in our hands..." he began. "Looks like my father had thought up of another stupid plan."

N raised an eyebrow. "Really? Then Unova is also in great danger."

"Can't we just wipe them out quietly?"

"Unfortunately I cannot summon a legendary pokemon like I did last time," the fourth year told. "And also, have you found anything about it yet?"

Silver took a deep breath.

"Green had admitted that he did a stupid mistake. Now all we need is for Wally and Pearl to tell us if they did something wrong themselves," Silver muttered. "That way, we can finally confirm if your theory is right."

"Well, there shouldn't be anything else is it? I thought I was the dumb one at first, but if I look closely...." N raised his hand and narrowed his eyes. It was faint but he was sure about the green string around his finger. It was thin though, which made him feel guilty for what he had done.

On the bedside table was a book with the title 'The Strings of Fate'.

"I can't see it very well but if it's Wally I am sure he can see it," the teen said. "Because the string can only be visible in the eyes of the naive and innocent."

"Weird, how come I can't see mine?"

N was silent before he told Silver;

"That's because you are too concentrated on taking Gold's virginity that your head is filled with a lot of kinky play."

Silver grabbed the sword and vowed to kill N once more.


OMAKE with Q&A;

"I know this is weird but isn't Wally supposed to be the uke in the relationship between him and Ruby?"


Ruby was silent, trying to arrange his thoughts as his feet were dipped into the pond near his bedroom. There was a saying that reality was weirder than fiction but... it just didn't make sense.

"Hey, Ruby, you in here?"

Ruby turned to see Black, who was almost like the embodiment of all shotas in this world. (But that would make N a shota-con right? Right.) The ruby eyed teen stared at Touya, his thought not left astray. If he had his glasses right now maybe he could see better but Touya was close enough for him to see.

Touya went out and found him near the pond. "I thought you were drowning yourself again," he sighed in relief.

"I don't drown myself, that Ethan's job. If I want to do anything to myself I'll go to the moon."

"True, since you literally want to get out of the surface of the Earth," Touya said with a sweat drop. "I am just here to ask you what you want for dinner later since Red is on duty today."

"Ah, anything is fine by me."

Touya nodded. "Alright then, you look busy so sorry that I wasted-"

"Touya, can I ask ya something?" Ruby asked. "How do you imagine you'll look like in the future?"

Touya made a confused look. "Me? Well, if it is in a span of a year or two most likely I will look the same but it shouldn't change that much right?"

"RIGHT! EXACTLY!" The ruby eyed teen exclaimed, standing up. "But how in the world can someone grow taller and look more mature in less than two years! My head hurts thinking about it!"

"Your head hurts... are you talking about Wally?"

"YES EXACTLY!" Ruby said. "How did grew like ten to fifteen centimetres in under two years?! What kind of genes he inherited?! Like, what is up with his growth spurt?!"

A sweat drop on Touya's forehead. "Did he changed that drastically?"

"No, but certain details of him changed. He just looks more mature now..." Ruby muttered.

"Honestly Brendan, I can ask you how did you managed to look younger in just a year too," Touya said quietly.


"Nothing, it's just... how do you even picture yourself?"

"Me? I think I look mature. It should be like that too in other's eyes, right?"

"Umm....." Touya trailed off, trying to hide something from him.

"Right?" Ruby asked again.

"Y-yeah sure, if you think and say so..."

"Back to the topic, how did you or anyone grow like that?" Ruby placed a finger on his chin to show that he was thinking.

"Does it really matter?" Touya asked out of the blue.

Brendan looked at Black with a look demanding an explanation.

"I mean, even from the beginning you never imagined yourself as the seme in the first place right? Since you are secretly a minor maso-" Touya stopped his sentence when he heard a splash. "Ruby?"

It took him a second to realise Ruby had fainted and fell into the pond, drowning deeper and deeper.



"Question; are all the Regional Champions virgins?"

"Seriously, when will Lucas realise his brother and his secretary has something going on?"


Lucas arched an eyebrow. They were outside in the garden enjoying tea with his older brother and Marcus. But hearing such question out of his brother's mouth had made every single Champion to freeze.

"Why the weird question, onii-san?"

Lucian placed his tea cup on it's plate. "This is for the sake of your family and also your region."

You mean it is for your own sake! All the Champions excluding Lucas thought. Even Marcus could tell that the headmaster had his 'overprotective-brother-mode' on.

"Well if you ask then..." Black began.

"I am." All the Champions answered in sync.

Then all pair of eyes went to a certain someone, particularly Gold - who then asked why they were staring at him.

"Seriously, you're a virgin?" Marcus asked.

Even Red was shocked.

"Yeah, I am! Do you think I would let Silver take my virginity when I am just twelve?!" Gold asked.

The others thought about it and agreed it made (no) sense (considering how desperate Silver looked like).

"Then what is up with the dresses you have in your closet?" Ruby demanded. "I mean you said both of you did something before-"

"Oh, that? That's just to satisfy Silver. As long as I satisfy his sexual desires with all the random kinks he have then I was to stay virgin until I'm ready," Gold explained proudly.

Lucian had a sweat drop. "So your rival has a dress kink?"

"No, he has a Master-Slave/Maid/Sevant kink, all the things he bought for me was so I can play the role of a maid or some other submissive role so he can dominate me." While he was explaining the rest of Silver's sadistic side, Red had covered Touya's ears for purity's sake.

"He had never even invited me to his room so doing something like that should be outside comfort zone," Gold finished. Then he remembered something. "In fact, the only person who ever went into their rival's room was Touya (- Red too but he had unrequited love with Green)."

"What? Me?" Touya asked, pointing at himself. "Yeah, I slept with N a lot of times before I became a Champion."

Lucas blinked. " selpt together?"

"Yeah, on the same bed. But nothing happens."

Currently all of the Regional Champions realised that Gold and Touya were all one or ten steps ahead of them inside the love life zone. Which actually brought them (Ruby, Diamond and Red) felt shame consider they were older than them too.

"Anyway," Black began innocently. "How about you headmaster? Are you still one too? I had never heard a girlfriend though."

The older Kouki brother sipped his tea quietly, trying to hide his blush. "Well, if you have to ask-"

"Of course he's not," Marcus, the secretary began. "And there's no girlfriend either."

Lucian tried to keep calm. "Idiot, you just stated that I am a virgin," he said as he drank more tea.

"What are talking about?" Marcus asked. "Lucas, if you were wondering about it too, of course your brother here is definitely not a virgin. He just acts like one."

"But then he claimed as one though," Brendan reminded.

"Yeah, but he's not a virgin because I made sure that he's not a virgin every single time," Marcus replied casually.

Headmaster Lucian spurt his tea and choked on air.

It took the students five seconds to understood what the blond secretary actually meant.

"Oh," the Champions said in sync with red blushing faces.

Lucian weakly slapped Marcus side, face flushed red. He was about to scold him but due to embarrassment in front of his younger brother he was now at loss of words.

"And I can make him stop walking for a few days too, so if you want to escape any classes-"


"Awh, Lucy-baby, your face is all red," the blond secretary and gym teacher said, cupping both of Lucian's red cheeks with his hands. "Come on, it is about time your brother knows, you know?"

"Yes but doing this in front of everybody else is-!"

"I know, I know, it's embarrassing but you actually love these kind of thrills don't you," Marcus said smugly as he traced a finger across the headmaster's chin. "Seriously, do you want to stay on bed all day tomorrow? You have work you know so if you needed anything you have to be always dependant on me agai-"

Lucian covered Marcus' mouth to save himself from embarrassment in front of his brother.

But alas, you couldn't reverse what was done.

In front of the flirting couple, were five blushing Champions who needed to process everything that had happened.

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Hey guys, Kazira Hagane { Kazira2207 } here!

I actually have my English qualifyings tomorrow so I thought it was a good idea to practice and study. Anyways, this chapter is a bit rushed and messy so sorry if I can't meet up with your expectations!

As I said before I did some specific research for these kind of things so I spent my time playing five different otome games for the sake of gay romance (mainly Flase Fiance, Princess Closet and also Mystic Messenger for character analysis).

Glad you guys enjoyed the extra chapter too! I had fun writing it. Currently I am working on the Durarara!!! Shizaya and also Kida x Mikado fanfic I wrote last year. Also, I have another fanfic called 'Knew too Well' for Kekkai Sensen.

If you guys want some visualisation about how the Regional Champions are all ukes, read Nekota Yonezou's Elektel Delusion and try to guess who is the uke at first sight.

That's all from me, Love all of you lovelies!

With Cookies, Candy & Cream,

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