Horrifying New Start (Book I)

By thevelvetrose

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(Part of the New Beginning series.. Book 1) A girl named Samantha was taken, along with many other girls. to... More

Chapter One - A Warning
Chapter Two - The Beginning
*HNS (Chapter Three)
*HNS (Chapter Four)
*HNS (Chapter Five)
*HNS (Chapter Six)
*HNS (Chapter Seven)
*HNS (Chapter Eight)
Horrifying new start (9)
Horrifying new start (11)
Horrifying new start (12)
Horrifying new start (13)
Horrifying new start (14)
Horrifying new start (15)
Horrifying new start (16)
Horrifying new start (17)
Horrifying new start (18)
Epilogue (Months later)

Horrifying new start (10)

30K 599 127
By thevelvetrose

Chapter 10

Missing you…

The next day when I woke up. I had this feeling. Like I was still with Zack. I expected to be asked if I was ready for breakfast. I expected to wake up in his arms. But when I opened my eyes. Jack was right there. He smiled crooked. 

“Hello Sam”


I ate breakfast and took and shower. It was about noon then. I decided to read and draw.

“Nice drawing” Jack complemented. 


“Do you know how to tango?” He asked suddenly. 

“Uh. No”

“Its easy. Come here”

I got up and walked over to him.

“See. Just move that foot a little left. that’s right. Yeah. See its easy” He smiled.

He looked into my eyes. Almost like a trance I was in.

Then he pulled me close to him and kissed me. The whole time I was thinking ’Pull away Sam. You haven’t even known him a week’ but I was so surprised that I just put my arms on his shoulders. 

About a minute later the shock ran out and I pulled away. 

“Something wrong?” He asked.

“I’ve known you for only a few days Jack”


“And I don’t think we’re ready for that” 

“Admit. You liked it”

“That’s not the point!”

“You took a minute to say this?”

“Please understand. I have to know you”

“How well do you know Zack?”

“Pretty well”

“Are you two together?”

“As in?”

“A couple”


“I know you have kissed.


“Only twice?”

I nodded.

“So what you are saying is that you and Zack have been through more?”


“Tell me what happens day to day”

“I wake up and he fixes me breakfast. We talk between breakfast and lunch. I read after lunch. We go outside for about two hours. Walking around and enjoying nature. Then I take a nap for an hour and I eat supper and then read some more. Then we go to sleep” it sounded really boring. But I missed it.

“Okay. Then we should try the schedule. Where is Zack when you eat?”

“He’s normally there. Telling me I shouldn’t pick the vegetables off” 

“What about when you read?”

“I’m not sure. I think he cooks”

“What about when you sleep?” 

I didn’t exactly want to that.

“Um. He sleeps on the left side of the bed” 

“And you sleep on the right?” 

“Um. Yeah”

“So you sleep in the same bed?”


“What about when you take a nap. Where is he?”

“I don’t know”

“Lets try your normal schedule”


“What do you do now?”

“Go outside”

“Lets go”

He held out his arm and I took it. We headed outside.

He went completely by schedule. Then it was time to sleep. I really wished I didn’t sleep. I knew Zack longer. Maybe I was just overreacting?

Nope. Definitely not.

“Goodnight Sam” Jack came out only wearing red pajama bottoms.

“Um. Goodnight. Um Jack” I stuttered. Scooting to the very edge of the bed. Away from him.

“Do you normally sleep that far apart?” He asked. 

“Um. Yeah. Its better this way”

“Okey dokey then” He shut the light off.

I didn’t fall asleep till about two hours later. How could I?   

Morning. I felt so tired from lack of sleep. Then I felt wide awake when I opened my eyes.

I woke up with my head on Jack shoulder. I hand my left hand wrapped around his neck.

It took me a second to get my thoughts together. If he was still asleep. Then I could maneuver my way back over the my side. That was my plan.

I slowly moved my arm away from him.

“Good. Your up” He said. 

I turned my head to look at his face. He had a crooked smile.

“How did I get over here?” I asked.

“You rolled over here around one”

“How do you know that?”

“I wake up easily”

“Huh. Nice to know” I leaped out of bed and to the table.

He was in front of me. Staring at my face.

“What?” I asked. Looking away.

“I don’t know. I was just trying something”

“What were you trying?”

“Apparently when I stare into your eyes you become confused” He shrugged.

“Huh” I muttered. 

“Today is the big decision day huh? Going to be tough right?”

I didn’t say anything.

“Hey” He lifted my chin. “It will be fine”

“Yeah right” 

He half smiled and pulled his eyebrows together.

“What’s on the schedule now?” He asked.


“What would you like?”

I thought about it. “Surprise me”

He left. While he was gone. I debated on whether I should choose Zack or Jack. Is Jack’s 

friendliness real?

But Zack I knew was real. 

An hour later. Jack came back with a covered plate.

“Coffee cake with eggs” He announced proudly.

“Yum” I dug in.

“After this. What’s on the list?” 

“We talk”


After I finished. Jack cleared my plate and had me sit on the couch.

“What do you want to talk about?” He asked.

“Do you still want to be my protector?” I asked. This question had been bothering me all week.

He lifted my chin up and kissed me. It was sweet and lasted about ten seconds. I was as blown away as I was before. 

“Jack. I thought we talked about this”

“You don’t want to kiss. I just thought actions speak better the words”

“So you still want to fight for me”

“Of course”

“What will happen to Lee if I choose Zack?”

“They will give me a choice of either keeping her. Or returning her to earth. Like a refund”

“What would you do”

“No, no. I want you to think about that today”

That made me curious.

We talked about random things after that. We talked about our age. He is 22. Zack is 20. I was laughing when he mentioned his favorite animal. A bunny. He said it was because of their speed. But I had a feeling he was a softy.

“When do we head to the court room?” I asked.

“At noon. After lunch”




“Well. There is a right choice and a wrong choice. Just make the right one” He smiled intimidating.

“Yeah. Its just that easy” I muttered sarcastic. 

“Come on. Lets take a walk”

I followed him. On the brink of a melt down. 

We walked outside under a tree. And just sat down.

“Is this real?” I asked.

“Is what real?”

“You being nice. Or is this a show?”

“Of course its real” 

I knew I wouldn’t get the true answer. But I measured his expression. It was still calm. 

His eyes still a green purple. 

“Its time for lunch” He muttered an hour later.

The time went by so quick. Because of my mind going through the pros an cons of both Jack and Zack. 


“What would you like to eat?”

“Soup” My stomach felt uneasy.

I ate slowly. My stomach hurt so bad from the decisions. And I think I made my choice..

“Lets go” He told me. Holding my hand.

“Okay” I frowned.

Then we headed to the court room.

“Please wait out here. Someone else is in there” A man told us. And we sat down.

We waited. Sitting in some comfy seats. Then Zack and Lee walked in.

Lee had a grin on her face. She gripped tight onto Zack’s arm.

“Hello Sam. Jack” Zack greeted.

“Hey Zack” I waved.

I turned to look at Jack. To see if he was going to say hi. But when I turned my head. He lifted my chin and kissed me. I was a cross between shock and angry. I couldn’t see Zack’s face. Nor did I want to.

I pulled away. Not wanting to make a scene. Then I wiped my lips.

“How have you and Lee been doing this week?” Jack asked. Seeming unaffected by my turn down.

“Good” Zack answer. I looked at him. He was looking at me.

“Its been great” Lee answered with a smile.

“No one asked you Lee” Jack told her.

She huffed. 

“You may come in now” A man said.

Jack helped me up. And we headed into the room.

“Trial is in session. Samantha Peters. Please come onto this plate form behind the railing”

I walked up there. And put my hands on the railing, facing Jack, Zack and Lee.

“Please say your decision and why you chose them”

I looked at all of them. Lee pulled Zack closer to her. Resting her head on his shoulder. 

Jack smiled at me. 

“I choose…” I looked at both of them. My pros and cons list disappearing from my head. 

“I choose Zack” I muttered.  

I watched everyone. Zack was shocked, but had purple eyes. Lee was completely angry. If her eyes could change color. They would probably be black.

Then there was Jack. His eyes were red. He was angry by my decision. 

“Why did you choose Zack?” The man asked.

“I’ve known him for two months. He is sweet and caring”

“And why not Jack?”

That was a tough one.

“I didn’t know if he was being real about this. Or if it was a game” I muttered. Not looking at him.

“Okay. Please step down. Jack. Please step up” the man said.

I walked over and sat where I was before. Next to Jack’s chair.

“Jack. Have you decided what you are going to do? Keep Lee as your own. Or take her 

back to earth?”

“Back to earth” Jack answered with a quick glance at me.

“Tomorrow you may take her back to earth”

“May I take her today?” He asked.

“You may. If that’s what you want”

“Yes sir” He shot a glance at Lee. Who was angry. But I felt joy for her. She gets to go home. I didn’t even have that choice.

“You may leave now. And pick a girl there”

“I will wait a while for another girl sir”

“You may… Dismissed” 

I turned to look at Jack. Who had a blank look on his face. Then he looked at me.

“You made your choice” He muttered.

“I did” I looked straight in his eyes.

“See you later Sam” 

“Bye Jack”

He grabbed my chin and kissed me. A little too much passion. I didn’t say anything when he pulled away. Not wanting to make him angry.

“Lee” He shouted. Pointing over next to him.

She gripped tight onto Zack. Fear in her eyes.

He sighed and walked over to her. Grabbing her from Zack’s arm and walking out of the room. I looked fearfully at the doors.

“She’ll be fine. He wont hurt her” Zack muttered in my ear.

“Will Jack be?”

“Of course”

“I hope. He seemed pretty mad”

He put his arm around my shoulder and we headed through the doors.

“You chose me. I’m shocked” He smiled warmly.

“How can you be shocked by that choice?”

“We had a fight a whole week before the trial. And you really like Jack. He’s cool”

“Your cool”

“What do you want to do?”

“Sleep. I slept awful last night”

“Jack told me how you slept” He murmured.

“Do I detect a hint of jealousy?” I asked.

He didn’t say anything. 

“How did you and Lee do this week?”

“Fine. She’s a little too clingy. I think we need some distance” 

“No distance. I need someone who isn’t manipulative”

“How many times did you kiss?” He asked suddenly.

“Like four I think”



“No. you chose me” 

“Why is Jack waiting to get a new person?” I asked.

“I think he’s a little upset”

“Oh. I guess he should be”

It felt nice to walk with Zack. Hand in hand.  

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