My boyfriend is a superstar...

By ataerublue

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Toni's boyfriend Nathan recently signed a contract into a new boy band but there are catches, one of which is... More

Chapter 1 - Audition
Chapter 2 - The Contract
Chapter 3 - #AZ'uR
Chapter 4 - Kyle
Chapter 5 - Teddy
Chapter 6 - The Break Up
Chapter 7 - 'Love of your life'
Chapter 8 - Dad
Chapter 9 - The Explanation
Chapter 10 - Mother's Truthful Words
Chapter 11 - Fight!
Chapter 12 - 'EWWWW! I made out with my half sister?!'
Chapter 14 - As U Are
Chapter 15 - The Music Box
Chapter 16 - 'What are you gonna do? Hit me with that sock?'
Chapter 17 - Love Story
Chapter 18 - 'Ohmigod! You're GAY!'
Chapter 19 - The Plan
Chapter 20 - Crystal and Teddy
Chapter 21 - 'I don't recall you being my boyfriend.'
Chapter 22 - The Dinner Date

Chapter 13 - Mr. Piggy

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By ataerublue

Kyle's POV

"We'll be back in a sec," I said, grabbing Leila's hand and dragging her out into the hall.

"Ouch, let go! My wrist's snapping off!" she whined, trying to twist her hand out of mine. I let go and she stumbled back a few steps.

"How old are you?" I asked, cornering her against the wall with one arm.

"I'm 16, why?" she asked, angrily.

"You're 16?! What were you doing at that club? Do you go there often?" I asked.

"Yes...I mean no...I mean...oh I don't know!" she said, refusing to look at me.

"Tell me the truth," I said.

"You promise you won't tell daddy?" she asked, looking up at me with pleading eyes. I sighed and nodded. "I don't go there often, only when my friends go...probably once or twice a month."

"Can you promise me something in exchange for me not telling Carson?" I asked. Urgh...I can't believe I made out with her...I mean...that is just so wrong!

"Y-yeah...sure?" she replied.

"Don't go clubbing until you're old enough, that's all I ask," I said. She reluctantly nodded. "Now to solve the next problem."

"Next problem?" she asked.

"I made out with you...well...more like you made out with me," I replied.

"Oh...yeah...that..." she said, blushing. Blushing? Don't tell me she liked me!

"Forget about it. No feelings, understand?" I said coldly. She just nodded. "Right, I'm off now. Say goodbye to Carson for me."

"Huh? You're not staying?" she asked.

"Do you want me to stay? You didn't look very pleased when you first say me," I said, smirking. She blushed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," she said.

"Anyways, you're here now, so go look after your Dad," I said, ruffling her hair. She blushed again and ran off. I shook my head and laughed. She reminds me so much of Sammy. After saying thanks to the nurse, I got a taxi to Toni's house.


Toni's POV

"Thanks Nathan," I said, getting out of the car. He followed. "You really don't have to walk me to my front door you's about 2 metres away!"

"Haha, I know, but I want to," he said, holding my hand. I smiled.

"Are you and the band gonna be alright without Carson?" I asked.

"Yeah, we'll cope. There are assistants...but they're not as good as Carson. He's like a father to us," Nathan said with a sad smile.

"Well...he is a father to one of you," I said, trying to lighten the mood. Nathan just gave a half-hearted laugh.

"Well, looks like I must bid farewell to you...alas, the front door is upon us!" Nathan said overdramatically. I laughed...he's such a geek sometimes.

"Someone's been revising way too much English these past few days," I said, still laughing.

"!" he said, sounding surprised and pointing at himself. I slapped him gently on the arm.

"Much as I love playing guess who with you, I need to sleep before I run over someone tomorrow," I said, pulling him in for a kiss. Damn, I wish I could stay longer...we pulled apart with silly happy faces and with one more hug, we parted for good. Now look what he's done! My mind's gone all...English-ry?!

"Mum, I'm home!" I said, locking the door.

"Hi sweetie, how's Carson?" she asked. It's just gone midnight and she's still up?

"Yeah, he's okay Mum, he had a minor stroke," I said, walking into the living room. Mum was looking at the bills. So that's why she's still up.

"Oh my, can we help him in any way?" she asked, looking up with genuine concern.

"I don't think we can to be honest, I think he just needs a good long rest," I said, sitting down next to her. "What's all this?"

Mum didn't say anything, just kept her head down, reading a piece of paper.

" to something wrong?" I asked. She bit her lip and sighed.

"I might as well tell you're gonna find out sometime anyways," she said. Okay...I'm getting just a little bit worried here...

"What is it?" I asked.

"We're a bit behind with the bills," my Mum blurted out.

"Don't worry, we'll sort it out Mum," I said, reassuringly.

"No, Toni...when I say behind, I mean really behind," Mum said. I sat there shocked, not quite trusting myself to say anything. "You know my job doesn't pay a great deal...and well this house and both of's quite a lot to pay wages can't cover it."

"Mum...why didn't you tell me earlier? I can get a part time job or something!" I exclaimed.

"How can I let you do that? You're my child, I'm supposed to be doing the providing," Mum said, tears flowing down.

"Mum! I'm not a kid anymore. You can lean on me!" I said. She started crying even more.

"Oh Toni...I'm sorry," she said quietly.

"Mum, it's fine! We'll get through this somehow!" I said, patting her on the back.

"Get through what?" Teddy asked, leaning on the door.

"How did you get back so fast? did you get in? I locked the door!" I said, staring at him in shock.

"His daughter turned up...and remember the spare key under the flower pot?" he said, smirking.

" still remember..." I said.

"Now, what do you have to get through?" he asked. Mum bit her lip, debating whether to tell him or not. I mean, Teddy is basically a part of the family...but this is really quite big.

"Don't worry Teddy, it's nothing," Mum said, tidying away the piles of paper.

"Right,'s $350 for letting me stay here," he said, walking over and placing a wad of money on the desk.

"What?! No Teddy, you can stay here whenever you like! You don't need to pay!" Mum exclaimed, trying to give it back to him.

"Mrs S. I know, so just take it as thanks for always being there for me. Seriously...take it, because I'm not taking it back," he said, giving Mum a little smile. Then he turned to me. "Now, you need to show me my room...or else I'm sleeping in your bed."

"What?! You wouldn't dare!" I scowled.

"Oh you two kids...go on, get outta here and leave an old woman to her peace!" Mum said, smiling again. I smiled back. As soon as we were out of her sight I gave Teddy a huge hug.

"Woah...what's that for?" he asked.

"Thank much! It really does mean a lot," I said, giving him another hug.

"No problem, you would have done the same if I was in the same situation," he said, smiling that cheeky smile.

"I'll repay you, I promise!" I said with a determined face.

"Well...I know how you can repay me," he smirked, wriggling his eyebrows. I laughed and slapped him on the back.

"Oh Teddy, you do crack me up!" I said, giggling hysterically.

"Now, slave, show me to my room!" he said. I made a shocked face and led him upstairs to the guest room.

"There you go, if you need anything else, you know who to call," I said, pushing him into the room and running away before he could ask for anything else.

As I closed my door, I sighed. Teddy's always there, whenever I need help, I don't even need to say anything and he's there. I walked over to my bed and picked up Mr. Piggy, smiling at it. Then I went to sleep, hugging Mr. Piggy tightly.

*A few hours later*

Something tickled my nose. I twitched it but the thing didn't go away.

"Mmhhnnnn leave me alone!!" I said, slapping the thing away with my eyes closed. The thing tickled my nose again and I opened my eyes angrily to see Teddy laughing at me, holding a feather in his right hand.

"Teddy! I'm gonna MURDER you!" I said angrily, trying to hit him whilst still staying in the warm bed.

"And good morning to you too, slave," he said, dodging my arms by stepping back.

"Oi, I'm not your slave!" I said, still trying to hit him.

"Are too," he said.

"Are not," I replied.

"Are too," he said.

"Are not!" I said.

"Are t-!" he began.

"Stop being so immature Teddy!" I growled.

"I'm a teddy, I can't help it," he grinned. Then his grin disappeared when he noticed something.

"What? What is it?" I asked, looking around me. Suddenly I felt a cold wind around my tummy.

"You still have this?" he asked holding the thing that was insulating my tummy up. It was Mr. Piggy.

"Urm...yes..." I said, blushing.

"You...sleep with it?" he asked slowly. I must have turned beetroot by now.

"Yes..." I said quietly.

"Is it the same one?" he asked, examining it. I nodded. "The same one that I won for you at the school fair?"

"Yes Teddy, it's the same one alright? Stop asking the same questions again and again!" I said, annoyed. When I looked up, he was still examining Mr. Piggy. Then he broke out into the most gorgeous smile I have ever seen any living person have. He looked like a three year old with a sweet tooth looking at a jar of sweets. He looked at me with that smile still on his face, and quickly pecked me on the cheek.

"Thanks. I'm off for band practice now," he said, jumping up and running out of the room, leaving me sitting in bed looking at him in shock. I looked down at Mr. Piggy who was smiling at me.

"You're owner is one weird boy," I said to it, laughing to myself.

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