They Called Her El Diablo

By coraswan

194K 6.7K 900

Academy fic. According to Sang Sorensen she can't handle her boys and their newfound 'needs'; abandoning them... More

Before we start
Chapter 1: The Downfall
Chapter 2: Enter our lovable Diablo
Chapter 3: Take Action or To Not Take Action
Chapter 4: Who the hell are you
Chapter 5: Whoo-sah
Chapter 6: There are intruders in the office!
Chapter 7: Strangest Lunch
Chapter 8: Numbers Don't Lie
Chapter 9: Smee
Chapter 11: Unpleasant Surprise(s)
Chapter 12: Kill the Occupants
Chapter 13: Just Let Me Go
Chapter 14: Woke,Ran,Found
Chapter 15: H3LL-O
Chapter 16: You're WHAT?!?
Chapter 18: Unwanted Past
Chapter 19: You Win Again
Chapter 20: So far, yet not far enough
Chapter 21: Closer till it burns
Chapter 22: Revival
Chapter 23: Relentless
Chapter 24: Get Outta Here!
Chapter 25: Decisions & Questions & vice-versa
Chapter 26: Mistake?
Chapter 27: Presents, Smiles and Truth
Chapter 28: The Past, Unmasked.
Chapter 30: Series of WTF events part 2
Part 31: United We Stand
Chapter 32: Going Places
Chapter 33: Frankbridge
Chapter 34: Houston; Days 2 and 3
Chapter 35: Houston Days 2 and 3 Part 2
Chapter 36: Yeah...It Ain't Over Yet
Part 37: The Storm Approaches
Part 38: Hero or Zero
Part 39: Schmecovery
NotUpdate: A03 anyone?

Chapter 29: Series of WTF events Part 1

4.7K 155 36
By coraswan

Shoutout to @RiemValentine and @TheBrownOne608 for your wonderful comments that absolutely make me laugh. Booo  @ Sang xD

 Much love to the everyone who has stuck with this story thus far and welcome newer readers! 



Hayden POV

(TimeSkip from the last chapter to Friday, the day before they introduce Hayden to Phil)

I squinted my eyes as the sunlight streamed in, right into my eyes. I reached out my arm, expecting to feel one of the boys' chests next to me. My eyes opened wide when I realized that I was alone in bed. Not only that, I was in my room too.

I remembered falling asleep between Marc and Corey last night in the movie room. They must've carried me here. I sat up and trudged to the bathroom, for my morning shower routine. It's almost 10am, how come none of them woke me up? Oh, whatever.

Upon exiting, to my annoyance, as I walked around the house, no one was home. I grumbled and made myself a simple breakfast of milk and cereal, and plopped myself in front of my computer so that I could get some work done. A note was inside the computer lid.

''Dear love,

We've been called to manage an emergency. Didn't want to wake you. Don't worry, will be back soon.


Your angels.''

I nodded, my annoyance at them lowering a little. I opened my playlist and let the music play.

Bobbing my head to the music, I worked on the spreadsheets and emailing all the necessary Board members about my latest 'work from outside the office' arrangement and listed ways they could reach me for anything. About an hour into my working, there was a muffled 'thud' in the room above. I lowered the volume of my jam and listened closer.


What the fuck, wasn't I alone?! I turned the music to its original volume so as to not alert the intruder.

I speed-walked to the kitchen and grabbed a butter knife laying about. Gripping it tightly, I walked up the winding stairs, anticipating the worst case scenarios.

Zombie? Murderer? Rapist? VOLTO?Or worse- an evil dentist! Ergh I jogged over to the room I heard it coming from. Huh. Axel and Owen's study it seems. Too bad guys....

I took a deep breath and pushed open the door.

I relaxed instantly. A fuckin' stray cat was lurking about making a mess of Owen's desk. I laughed a little, lowering the knife and padding over to the kitty. 'Hey, kitty. Where'd you come from huh?'' I questioned, making to pick it up. I scratched behind its ears, making it purr. I cooed ''Good kit-TY?!'' The cat hissed abruptly, scratching me and leaping away.

I ducked. A knife whistled past and embedded itself in the wall next to me. ''What the fuck!'' I screeched, turning to face my attacker. A familiar face. I squinted, and it clicked.

''Yo-you're the fucking maid!''

''Nope, not a maid. More like a bounty hunter. Sang sent me. But wasn't expecting you...'' Josie, the ex-maid, sneered, fingering another knife, making to attack me. I spun around her lunging form and tensed.

''You're fired!'' I gritted out, readying myself.

I brought my own knife up, in a wide arc towards her back. She yelled as my knife met skin and blood oozed out of her wound.

''I wasn't a fucking maid to begin with! And I quit!'' It was impossible for me to get out of the way so I brought my forearm out as it took the brunt of her attack. I grunted, bringing my leg up and hitting her squarely on the wrist. Her grip on her weapon loosened and she dropped the knife. I grinned sinisterly and realization dawned on her that I was not a stranger to fighting.

''Why are you here'' I questioned. Ignoring me, she gripped my wounded forearm and dug her nails in making me hiss in pain. 

''Not for you, that's for sure.'' She retorted ,bringing her knee up she caught me in the ribs and I barely blocked the punch she sent to my stomach. In doing so, I couldn't block the blow to my face, making my lips cut against my teeth. Blood flowed.

''Get out of my damned house!'' I brought my leg in front of me and kicked Josie squarely in her abdomen making her stagger and roughly hit the wall behind. She grunted as her open back wound was further agitated by the impact. I reached and pulled the embedded knife out of the wall.

''Now, how shall I send little Sang the message that I don't like to be fucked with, Josie?'' I chirped around a mouthful of blood.

''I wouldn't be too smug, '' she gasped out and I felt the cool metal nozzle against my abdomen. ''Now, I know one of yer' little boy toys is a doctor. But I wonder if he'll be able to save ya in time? Being shot point blank is almost definitely fatal'' She mock pouted.

''I don't want to kill ya! This is a job. I'm not here for ya. I don't have anything against ya and I respect ya. But if it comes down to it, I will shoot ya and leave ya to die. You won't be able to avoid it. And the name's Sandra. I prefer Huntress, but whichever's fine.''

Shit. I gritted my teeth, knowing that, she had the upper hand. I couldn't disarm her and not risk her pulling the trigger before I got the gun. I'd get shot and it'd all be for naught.

''Leave. Now. Sandra'' I snarled. She spat blood on Axel's disarrayed desk and muttered, ''With pleasure.'' I slowly backed away from her, the knife ready to lodge itself into her throat anytime and she slowly headed to the door. She picked up the cat and smiled cheerily. 

''You-you brought your cat along?!'' I said in disbelief

''Yzma gets grouchy when she's left alone,'' Sandra defended. I gaped ''Y-yzma?! Who even- And you're Kronk then?'' I jeered. She snorted and shrugged.

''Nice meetin' ya, Diablo''' She fake curtsied, showing me the middle finger before she fled down the stairs and out the house. I heaved a sigh as I watched her through the windows, as she ran down the driveway, and out of sight. So much for doing work.And great, I'm famous to creepy huntresses and their cats.

I surveyed the room, and a blinking light from Axe's computer caught my eye. What a mess, I sulked, walking over to the table. I groaned when I saw the message on it.


I went to my room and got my handphone which had a lot of messages on it. Whoops, didn't see these earlier. Should've brought my phone along.

Me : Hey boys thanks for leaving me to wake up by myself in this big ass place -.- Anyways, Owen, Axe, kinda hope you don't mind redecorating~ Gabriel this is your cue XD

I put my phone down and went to the bathroom to wash away all the blood and shit. Dammit I actually liked this off shoulder top and such cute shorts these...were. Barely 5 minutes later, my phone rang.

''Sup.'' I answered, cleaning the cut on my arm.

''HAYDEN ARE YOU OKAY WE-'' Marc started

''Oh, no I'm fine really.  Other than the fact that I was fucking, attacked,'' I mumbled the last part.

''Did she say attacked?'' I heard someone in the background

I sighed loudly, ''Guys! I'm fine. What made you leave so early?'' I changed the topic. 

''Someone, we think it is probably Kaylie, hacked into all of our networks simultaneously. We had to rush down so that we could coordinate the staff and minimize the loss of company data'' Dakota's voice came over the phone

I nodded, even though they couldn't see me. ''Alright, I'm fine at home, just take your time.''

''You didn't answer our messages for the longest. We were worried.'' Luke whined

If only you knew why I was busy. ''OH, angel, don't worry I'll answer your messages okay?'' I cajoled.

''Good girl'' Gabriel chipped in.

''What did you mean by redecorating, babe?'' North asked.

''Jeez, are all of you in this call? Hah, funny thing, you needn't worry your pretty heads over it. You can expect a surprise when you get back. That's incentive, eh?'' I teased

''You're incentive enough zoi mou'' Silas intoned 

''Charmer'' I teased. Many chuckles echoed over the phone. I took the alcohol to dab at the open wound.

''Go on, be heroes. Save your company from the evil clutch-ow-clutches of Kaylieee''

''You hurt yourself?'' Owen demanded

I rolled my eyes, ''A scratch, really. Stop worrying. Now goooo!'' I mock-scolded, still dabbing. Heh, it's a wonder they haven't thought to check the internal cameras 'round here. They must be reaally busy.

''All right, we love you. Respond to our messages or I'm gonna come home and spank you!'' Sean warned.

''Hmm, well... I might just.....not reply,'' I smirked, hanging up.


''A SCRATCH?!?!''



I winced at the volume. Hell of a greeting. I waved my hands frantically. ''Now, now, you're overreacting, I rea-''

''DOOOOCCCCCC'' Gabriel screeched as Raven carried me to the couch. I huffed, exasperatedly.

''I'm here!! What's all the racket!'' Sean yelled.

13 hands pointed to me. I grinned sheepishly. ''In my defense, I did say you'd have a surprise waiting for you..'' 

''Sweet mother of god! Get me my kit Owen. Axel, get me warm towels. Brando-'' I tuned out as Sean began barking orders at the rest. Heehee at this rate I'm so going to be spoiled.

Victor sat next to me, holding my hand. ''Wait till y'all see the study.'' I whispered to Victor

''I'm glad you're okay but you should've called us. Or at least set off the panic alarm'' 

''But I'm fine, Victor. I wasn't in mortal danger and I wasn't panicking'' I argued

He sighed, letting his head rest on my shoulder. Corey took the seat beside me. ''Hey Core,'' I said tiredly

''Hey baby. I'm sorry none of us were here-''

''Oh pish-posh, it was all a co-ordinated effort by Sang to get you all out of the house so that the Huntress could steal information off Axe's computers. I was the wild card''

''Huntress?'' Dakota asked, settling across from us

''Yeah,'' I smiled thinly, ''Your housekeeper, Josie, isn't Josie, she's the huntress, a tracker with a villainous cat'' 

''Villainous cat?'' Brandon echoed, setting some supplies down. The rest had also gathered, crowding around, a mountain of medical stuff around us. 

''Name was Yzma. Uh, don't you think that's a bit much?'' I gestured to the pile.

''Only the best for my baby. Now start from the top. Every detail Hayden'' Axel commanded. I relented, recounting my encounter with Huntress/Sandra and how she knew me as the Diablo. I told them about the cat and the study.

''Your study is pretty fucked up,'' I told Axe and Owen apologetically. ''Not to mention, some data got stolen. I should've checked before she escaped-'' I lamented

''Ah. Furniture is replaceable love, but you aren't'' Owen assured

''Besides, didn't any of you tell her? Any data copied in this house has to be cleaned by either myself, Victor or Corey's program. We have the codes and we change it every day. If it isn't cleaned by our program, the data corrupts itself mere minutes after being copied. Considering the lengthy fight, which was awful by the way, the data probably corrupted itself before she even stepped out of the house.'' Dakota explained

''And from now on, you'll be wearing this,'' Luke sneakily snapped a gorgeous durable looking watch around my wrist. ''It can only be remotely taken off by us. It's waterproof, anything proof really. It gives us peace of mind.''

''Let me guess, trackers and panic buttons?'' I asked knowingly.

''Yup, latest HLG Invention prototype. Cost us more almost a mil. Don't you like it?.'' Victor cocked his head cutely. ''Ergh fine! But only because I don't want any of you to worry your heads off and run around like headless chickens everytime something happens. And it's a beautiful invention my Angel. '' I kissed Vic on his cheek. I felt myself start to doze while the rest continued talking. 

''You still up for the lunch tomorrow? Phil will understand if we cancelled'' One of them asked. I was too tired to recognize who it was. ''No, I'll be fine. Let's just do it tomorrow.'' I waved an arm around randomly. 

''Let's get you to bed huh?'' Silas picked me up andI nuzzled my face into his neck, falling asleep before we even reached the bed. 


When I woke up, I was comfortably snuggled in to two warm male bodies on either side of me. Blinking rapidly to wake myself up, I glanced up from where I was half laying on someone's chest. Ah, Dakota. I twisted slightly to glance behind me. Awww who knew big bad Raven would look so adorable while sleeping!  One of my boys must have dressed me in one of their large oversized button-down shirts so that I could sleep better. Going by the woodsy scent, I'm guessing Nate.

Hmph but they totally left me alone yesterday morning without a word. I'm gonna pretend to be mad. Just to see what they'll do.

I sneakily manoeuvred myself around the possessive tattoo-ed arm and Dakota's firm grip on my ass. Cheekily, I arranged their arms such that they were over each other's groins. Grinning at my handy-work I made to move off the bed, wincing when I put too much of my weight on my hand, making the bed bounce a little.

''You really thought we wouldn't wake?'' Came the husky rasp from behind me. Fuck.

Schooling my features to look disinterested, I turned back to face them, still sitting on my knees. ''Well, you left me to take care of myself yesterday morning. So, I thought I'd repay the favor. Only this time, you'd have each other to help'' I smiled fakely, suppressing my grin as I watched them walk into my trap. Oh, I will never tire of teasing my boys. I made to move off the bed.

''have fu-wmph'' I was grabbed by a vice-like grip and pulled backwards into bed. I flailed and tried to get the arm off but it was unrelenting. I landed on a hard chest, with a 'oomph'. I blinked up at Raven who was in front of me and turned back to look at Dakota, who hadn't released his grip, questioningly. 

I was sitting between Dakota's legs and he wrapped his ankles around mine to pull my legs apart. ''I guess we should, apologize, huh?'' Dakota whispered fiercely, making me shiver.

Okay this was taking an unexpected turn. ''Uh, no, no apology needed! I'll just be on my way and you can- oh god'' I was cut off my a loud moan. Was that me? Dakota had nipped me hard on my sweet spot and was now laving the spot sensually.

''I think, we can all, take care of each other this morning'' Raven smirked, tracing his finger up my thigh.

My throat went dry at the delicious sensations that the two were eliciting from me. Dakota, from behind me, bit and sucked on my ear lobe. ''We need your consent baby girl'' he teased huskily as Raven's finger trailed lightly over my clothed mound. ''I'm-i'm not ready for-, '' I got out, gasping a little.

''Shhh...there's so much more we can do, without making love. And it would be.. just magical... for our Queen'' Dakota mumbled over my skin. Heh, this is really what I loved about our relationship. We didn't need to have sex to show that we loved each other. It was about loving, trusting and communicating with each other. Though, I think I was nearing the point where I was ready for us to take that next step together. It'll just be challenging.

''Where'd you go Malen'kiy voin? (Little Warrior) Do you not want?''

''Answer him''

''I was just distracted,'' I leaned up to meet Raven's lips in a passionate kiss, with Dakota as our witness.  Dakota harshly tightened his grip around my body and tugged me away abruptly. I panted, confused. ''I didn't say you could kiss him.'' he growled in my ear, but he understood that it was me, giving consent. Just not how he wanted me to. Oops. I shuddered in pleasure at his tone. Raven had long since retreated, starting to kiss his way up my leg, towards my aching core. 

''You will not come till I say you can. Anything you wanna do, you ask us. Those are our rules, sweetheart. Understand?'' I moaned instead, as Raven's hot breath ghosted over my wet panties.

''I asked you a fucking question!''He snarled seductively 

''Yes, yes! I understand!'' I cried, as Raven tore away my panties as though they were made of paper. ''Hope those weren't your favourite, malen'kiy voin (little warrior)'' he smirked devilishly. I watched as he gave me a long, languid lick, totally unprepared for the sensations it would invoke in me. I moaned loudly, my hips jerking as my back arched as much as it could when I was still fastened securely to Dakota's chest. His hand was busy, slowly unbuttoning each at a maddening pace, teasingly trailing over my bare skin. I hadn't realized earlier, but I was completely bare under the shirt. My nipples pebbled as the cool air caressed me with each unbuttoning. 

Raven was sucking, licking and nipping at my lower lips like a man starved. I jerked a little more, which prompted Raven to bring his large hands up to hold my hips down. Dakota was rolling a peak between his cool fingers, alternating between rough and gentle treatment. All the while whispering to me about what Raven was doing. ''Watch him go sweetheart. Like he's feasting on a magnificent meal. Do you like that huh? Like his tongue rubbing around your pussy? Bet, you love the piercing don't you, dirty little girl. What does she taste like Raven?''

''Sweeter than fucking fruit. And she's fucking tight too.'' Raven said, before sticking his tongue up inside me. I groaned as the piercing roughly stimulated me. I felt my pleasure building, I would explode, any second now.

I remembered what Dakota had asked so, ''May I please come?''

He nuzzled his face into my neck, and I jumped at the the roughness of his five 'o' clock shadow against my sensitive skin. ''Nope,'' he teased, pinching one of my hard peaks. The hand that was wrapped around me trailed down slowly. Raven noticed, and backed off momentarily allowing Dakota to dip his thick fingers into me. Irritated at the loss of pleasure from Raven's talented mouth, I thrust my hips, whimpering softly, the best I could from where it was being held down by Raven's hands. ''Shhh, I want a taste,'' Dakota said, bringing his hand up slowly, his fingers glistening from the juices it was covered in. I looked away, too shy to watch, and focussed to jerking my hips hinting toRaven what I wanted. Instead, Raven grabbed my chin hard and turned my head to make me watch Dakota take his wet fingers into his mouth slowly. Dakota kept eye contact with me, making me shiver from the intensity that was in his eyes. 

Distracted, I failed to notice Raven descending once more, adding his fingers to the mix. His free hand shifted and instead he used his muscular forearm to hold my hips down. I gripped his hair tightly as he got to work on me once more, driving me insane. I reached my other hand behind me to tug strongly at Dakota's locks. I grunted in pleasure, trying to hold in the impending climax. ''may. i. please.come!'' I cried, tears leaking from my eyes at the pleasure. Dakota leaned, flicked my nipple roughly and bit my earlobe. ''Come'' He growled

I climaxed with an unparalleled intensity, making Raven work extra hard as he gulped down every last drop of my release. Screaming their names, I think I blacked out momentarily at the intense sensations running through my exhausted frame. As I slowly came down from my high, panting wildly, I curled up between the two as they whispered praises, both dipping their fingers between my legs to grab the remnants that Raven had missed. Raven grabbed my face and gave me a deep kiss, making me taste myself in his mouth. Once he was done, Dakota, who was licking his fingers again, kissed me passionately, the sweetness of the gestures making me giggle. I lazily buttoned my shirt up, making to move, mindful of my bandage.

''Room for brunch?'' I asked, winking at them both. They chuckled and we got off the bed to get ready for the day and our meeting with Phil.

Gabriel somehow knew that I would be in the shower, so when I came out he had already laid out a cute outfit for me to wear to meet Phil. I was going to choose something more conservative, but I couldn't deny the allure of wearing this outfit. 

I walked out grabbing my sunglasses as I walked to the kitchen. ''Whoa, whoa where you goin''' Gabriel appeared out of literally nowhere. I squeaked and jumped. He grabbed me around the hips and brought me toe to toe with him. I looked up (yup, still shorter than him in my booties) at him questioningly. ''Heard you had a good morning?'' He husked, inching closer to my lips. ''I forgot to send invitations'' I teased. He closed the gap between us, his arms encircling me. He used the piercing he had to fight my tongue and I had to give in, as my knees grew weak. Pulling back, he smirked cutely, giving me a once over. ''Na-uh. '' He reached to my shirt and knotted it above my skirt, showing off more skin. ''You sure?'' I asked

''Positive, now let's go! We have get the other fuckers to see you!'' He smacked my bottom gently, making me laugh as I sauntered away.

The others had already eaten, or skipped breakfast I guessed, seeing as the kitchen was empty and the revving of engines could be heard from the garage as the cars squealed out of the garages. I guess I would get something light so I would still have space for the brunch with Phil. I wolfed down some milk and a granola bar. On the bright side, they'd never see me coming.

Gabriel met me at the front door, wrapping a scarf around his neck and winked. ''Let's go baby'' and wrapped an arm around me possessively. The driveway was filled with gleaming, sexy cars as the boys lounged around them, laughing and bantering with each other. 

It was absolutely comical to watch as one by one they noticed me standing with Gabriel, and the raucous laughter died off. North sputtered his energy drink all over Nathan's jeep bonnet making him glare and punch North roughly on the arm. 

''So, who's driving me?'' I asked, walking down the steps to the driveway. I stifled laughter as everyone rushed to open their doors, cajoling me to ride with them. They then started arguing with each other, making me frown. 

I whistled loudly. ''Stop fighting! Or I'm taking my own car and driving myself to the restaurant. And none of you will touch me for a fucking week'' I crossed my arms over my chest, making my girls pop more. ''Now, let's try again,'' I glared, ''Who am I riding with?'' Immediately the boys started conversing with each other in fluent Greek, more mature and amiable in their tones. I smiled to myself, trying to maintain my fierce facade.

Owen cleared his throat. I looked to him. ''You' riding in Vic's car, with Nate, Brandon and Silas. We'll take turns after that.'' 

I nodded in approval. ''Alrighty-whoops!'' I had thrown my hands up in excitement and forgot I was still holding my phone making it fly through the air. Thankfully it landed on a grass patch next to the stairs of the porch. 

Completely forgetting that my skirt was short, I bent over completely, to pick it up. ''Oh god help me'' I heard a groan from behind. I picked it up and turned back to them, watching confusedly as they all averted their eyes and started fidgeting. ''Well? What are y'all standing around for?'' I started walking to Vic's car. 

Gabriel came up and murmured, '' That is a sexy pair of panties, mischief. Can't want to tear them off'' I gasped, realizing that I must've flashed them all when I bent over. I covered my bum protectively out of instinct earning laughter from the rest. ''Don't be shy sweetheart!'' I stuck my tongue out at Marc, walking faster to Vic's car. Fuckers. Hot, beautiful fuckers.


Hi!! :) Took longer than expected to get this up but I am very thankful for all of you who have made it thus far! Will upload a new chapter asap!! Meeting with Phil next!!

Comment, Vote, Share the joy of Academy with your friends!

I treasure each and every one of your methods of appreciation <3



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