Steve Trevor Preferences || W...

By UGottaLovePlums

77.6K 1.9K 601

Title says it all really. ;) More

Your First Date
When You're Both Drunk
When He Has A Nightmare
How He Kisses You
The Morning After Your First Time
That Song That Makes You Think Of Him
When You Give Him A Hickey
Who Knew He Liked Bubble Baths...
When He Is Late For A Date + 1K views!
When He Cries
When He's Depressed
When You Fell In Love
When You Surprise Him
When You're in Hospital
When You Wear His Shirt + 2K (Whaaaaaaaat?)
Alone Time With Steve (SMUT) + 3K Views (Are You Sirius?!)
When He Thinks of You
When You Die || Not the End of the Book
When You Cook For Him
When He Gets Sick
When You Get Engaged +4/5K???
Your First Kiss + 6K
Your Honeymoon (Smut)
When You Don't Love Him
When You Take Him To Bed (Super Fluff) + 8K
When He Returns From War
When Diana Dies + 9K
When You Get Intimate (Smut)
Diana's Best (Wo)Man Speech At Your Wedding
When You're Pregnant
10K Special: Part One
When You Dress Up For Him
When You Have An Argument
When You Visit Him On A Mission
His Fatal Flaw
When He's With You Until His Dying Breath +12K
How You Met (Part 1)
How He Battles With His PTSD + 13K
When He Bonds With His Stepdaughter
Your First I Love You
His Favourite Part Of Your Body
When He Supports His Transgender Partner + 15K
The Stages of Mourning Steve
When You Leave Him (Part One)
When You Hate Him (Part Two)
When He Can't Let You Go (Part Three)
When You Keep Him Alive * Non-Triggering * (Part Four)
When They Become Concerned (Part 5) +18K
I Do (Part 6)
When Death Brings Sadness (Part 7)
When He Begs You To Love Your Body
When He Adores Your Stretch Marks
When He Wants to Help With Your Depression
When It's Time For Your Punishment (Part One)
When He Doesn't Want To Play Games
Part Two
Dear (Y/N)
When You Come Out
When He Has A Breakdown
Short But Sweet (Smut)
"You look so cute when you're all blushy and squirmy like that."
"Baby..." you murmured. "what's wrong?"
"I'll be good for you, daddy."
"Where do you want my mouth, sweetheart?" | Genderfluid Reader

When You Get Married

947 38 18
By UGottaLovePlums

A/N: Urgh, this for me was the most difficult chapter to write, so I stole bits and pieces from my other books. I know, I cheated. Oh well, at least you get to marry Steve, right? ;)


"Do you, (Your Full Name), take Steve Trevor to be your lawfully wedded husband?" the vicar waited for your response.

Tears filled your eyes. This had to be the happiest day of your life. The day you married your lover. The day you both got to spend the rest of your lives together.

"I do." You nodded and met his blue eye contact, there were tears in his eyes too but a huge grin spread across his face.

Steve could find no words to describe how beautiful you looked.

When you had walked up the aisle (without tripping), he could have sworn that his heart had stopped. You looked so undeniabley esquisite in your (insert description of your preferred wedding outfit).

"And do you, Steve Trevor, take (Your Full Name) to be your lawfully wedded beloved?"

This was it, the moment when you would spend the rest of your lives together.

Diana watched as her best friend stood at the front of the church, a smile on your face so big, she feared that your head would split in half.

You were marrying the man of your dreams. Everything was as it should be.

The raven-haired, independent female was happy. Happy that her dysfunctional family was now happy. Happy that everything had run smoothly and that she looked absolutely stunning in her bridesmaid dress. Happy would be the word to describe this occasion. She almost felt giddy with the emotion.

She  watched as you exchanged rings and vows.

"I do."

That was it.

The elderly Vicar smiled. "I now pronounce you married, you may now kiss."

The entire congregation burst into applause as Steve swept you into a romantic embrace.

"I love you." the blond male whispered.

You giggled in response and wiped a tear from your eye. "I love you too, husband."


The Champagne flowed freely. The music was in full swing. You and Steve, the happy couple had hired the band that Diana had recommended. So romantic. She had excellent taste in music.

As you danced together in the middle of the dance floor, your arms found themselves to be looped around your husbands neck and his own, around your waist.

You leaned your forehead against his, closed your eyes and enjoyed the pleasant atmosphere. "Enjoying yourself, (Mr/Mrs) Trevor?" his velvet voice whispered huskily in your ear.

You felt yourself shiver as he whispered the name '(Mr/Mrs) Trevor'. That was you now. (Y/N) Trevor. You loved the way he said it in his american accent. It sounded so perfect. "Oh yes. How about you, Mr Trevor?"

He chuckled, such a wonderful sound. "I am enjoying myself so much that," he paused, an amused smile played upon his lips. "I don't want this moment to end."

"I couldn't agree more, let's spend the rest of our life like this."

"Mmm, it sounds so good when you say it." he purred. "Say it again."

"Let's spend the rest of our life like this."

He contendly sighed. "I can't believe we're married."

"Neither can I."

"I feel different."

"In what way?"

"I feel...I feel really, really happy."

There it was again, Reader, that word 'happy', it seemed to be an infectious emotion. Are you happy?

"So do I." you smiled at him, as you gazed into those ice-blue of his eyes that, were so full of love. 

A love for you.

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