Mark of a Dragon Rider.

By Spillover1173

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(Cover is thanks to @Potato__Writer) Long ago Dragon Riders were viewed as heroes and it was an honor to be a... More

Chapter 1 *edited*
Chapter 2 *edited*
Chapter 3 *edited*
Chapter 4 *edited*
Chapter 5 *edited*
Chapter 6 *edited*
Chapter 7 *edited*
Chapter 8 *edited*
Chapter 9 *edited*
Chapter 10 *edited*
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 11

234 13 0
By Spillover1173

Why am I the only one who doesn't know. 'Moon I think you should tell Sky how you feel about him.' Lula said. I think I now have a good idea what Zen is trying to get Sky to say. He must secretly....

He must secretly hate me and he doesn't want to tell me because I am the only other dragon rider that we know about. I mean we did attack each other when we first met. That kind of breaks my heat though because I think I was starting to fall for him.

"Sky our dragons want us to tell each other something for a reason and I think we should. We can after we check on Stella. Those boys could have gone and tried to hurt her again." I said. Sky seemed to think it through. "You said 'our dragons' meaning Lula wants you to tell me something to." He said.

"Well I do have something to tell you after we visit Stella. Lula says so at least." I say. Turning my back to him I keep on walking to Stella's house all the time. 'Lula I think I read somewhere that dragon's have battle names and they normally go by those?' I ask her.

Lula seems to think about it. 'I think so but I am not really sure. 'If you want to give me a battle name and have me go by that then OK.' She says. This is going to be easy. 'You name means 'Midnight Blaze' so that is what I am going to call you for your battle name.' I say.

She looks at me like she is going to bite me but then she smiles wide. 'I like it but for short you can call me Blaze.' She says. I knew she would like it. I keep on walking and then the town finally comes into view. 

I am only going to call her Blaze out loud. 'Lula can you come with us? I would like to keep you near me and we are going to travel by rooftop.' I say with a smile. "Zen can you go hide? Sky we are going to be traveling the fun way." I say with a wink.

Sky just moans and starts mumbling how I was going to be the death of him or something along those lines. Well if he hates me then why would he be saying that stuff unless he wants me to kill him. I don't understand males. They are so confusing.

I shrug and walk over to a tree that is right next to a house that is on the very edge of town. Once I am on the roof I wave a hand for Sky to start climbing up. I think Stella said that her house was on the far outskirts of the village. At least that is the direction that she ran in.

So I start running along the roof as soon as Sky gets up here. With a quick glance over my shoulder to make sure that Sky is still there. It is a wonder that he has never done this before. Wait he might have when he was with that gang he was hanging out with.

I don't think that that was the case though because not many people do this. The other thing is that hardly anyone looks up at the roof tops anymore to that also helps. We are soon on the far side of town.

I look at all the houses along the edge of town. The richer people of this town seem to have houses closer to the middle of town and the poorer people have their's on the edge of town. I see Stella sitting outside on her porch.

I find a tree near a house that isn't to far from Stella's and climb down. I watch Sky start to climb down but about half way down he steps on a weak branch and falls. He looks up at me with a sheepish smile and I just shake my head. "I thought I taught you better then that." I all I say but I say it with a smile so he knows that I am teasing him.

"Well you never were a good teacher." He mumbles. I spin around and face him. He holds his ground. "You never were a good teacher because you are a great one." He says. I shake my head at his tactics and continue walking to Stella's house.

When she sees us she comes running. I smile. "Oh my gosh are you guys all right?! I was so worried and I tried to go inside but my mom is out working and the house is locked." She said in a rush. 

I smile at her. "I am fine. My dragon is to. No need to worry I promise. Now our those boys leaving you alone?" I ask her. Sky starts mumbling something about how he isn't all right but I don't think Stella herd him."I am fine to. Why didn't you tell her that Shadow?" He asks me.

I narrow my eyes at him. "You are a big boy and can speak for yourself."I say. Stella squealed and I looked at her. "You to our the cutest couple I have every seen!" She says jumping up and down. Sky looks startled and I nearly choke on my own spit.

Stella starts to laugh at the way we reacted. Sky started mumbling about why we saved her in the forest. I elbow him in the gut and that just makes Stella laugh even harder. I shake my head and look at Stella.

"Stella do people know what those boys do to you?" I ask her. She shakes her head no. "They think that they are my friends because they treat me like there little sister in town. When we leave they try to beat me and do other mean things to me." She says.

I shake my head. Were people this close to the castle really this blind? People in my village new right away if someone was bulling another person from or outside the village. "Well you are going to talk to your mother. Then we are going to talk to the mayor of this town. I am sure there are other bad things happening here that they mayor is to blind to see." I say.

This might be the dragon rider side of me but I can't stand injustice like this. I am going to talk to that mayor right after me and Sky say what our dragons want us to talk about. I don't know what Zen wants to get Sky to tell me but I am sure this is going to be an interesting.

Stella runs back up and onto the porch. I can't leave her like that and I don't know when her mother is going to be back. "Stella can you please take me to where your mother works?" I ask her.

She hops up and runs in the direction of the middle of the village. Clawdet is following close behind her. I am only calling that tiger kitten Claw. I smile and take of after them. I can hear Sky following close beside me. 

Stella is a fast runner. For a kid that is. I am still way faster then her though. We made it to the middle of the town where all the stores and other things of the like are. There is an inn and a blacksmith shop along with a bar here. 

Stella starts walking towards the inn. I follow her. Any job at an inn is normally very bad and you don't get paid as well as you should. She walks in and goes to the front desk. "Hey Missy can you tell me where my mother is today?" She asks the lady. The front desk is also a bar. "She should be on the top floor cleaning the hallway." Missy told us.

Stella nodded and ran up the stairs. We went to the top floor which is the third floor. Her mother is cleaning the hallway. When she sees me and Sky she pulls Stella a little closer to her. Well I guess I would be a little cautious to.

"Hi I am Shadow and this is Sky. We came with Stella to keep the boys from trying to hurt her." I said. Stella's mom raised her eyebrows in surprise. She turned to Stella. "I thought those boys were your friends?" Her mother said.

Her mother held her arm out and her sleeve went up just a little. I saw something poking out from under her sleeve on her arm. I hold my hand out for her arm and she looks at me and tries to put her left arm in my hand. 

I look at her and shake my head. She sighs and pushes Stella and Claw behind her. She then puts her right arm in my hand. I pull her sleeve up and there on her arm rests the mark of a dragon.


Word Count: 1510

So that is it for this chapter. I have taken real pride into this work of art. Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter.

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