rich bitch. ➯ c.g

By -noodledoodle

351K 5.8K 2.7K

A rich kid in a not so rich neighborhood More

chapter two.
chapter three.
chapter four.
chapter five.
chapter six.
chapter seven.
chapter eight.
chapter nine.
chapter ten.
chapter eleven.
chapter twelve.
chapter thirteen.
chapter fourteen.
chapter fifteen.
chapter sixteen.
chapter seventeen.
chapter eighteen.
chapter nineteen.
chapter twenty.
chapter twenty-one.
chapter twenty-two.
chapter twenty-three.
chapter twenty-four.

chapter one.

33.2K 441 525
By -noodledoodle


It didn't surprise me when my father told us we'd be moving once again, he had a habit of moving around. Dad owns a company, where he works from home or anywhere he wants. My mother is fine with the moving because she becomes bored of staying in an area for too long. I'm 13, nearly 14. Being the only child, I've always had my beloved parents on my case, so I could never do "kid things." Instead, I attend soirées and socialize with other rich people.

Of course moving to a different city, during the middle of the school year wasn't ideal. Everyone would have their friends groups and I'd be known as the new kid for the hundredth time. Just great!

Mother, Father, and I were sat down having dinner all together. This usually doesn't happen, as father is too busy with work, but when the time comes we try to cherish it. As per usual, a full family dinner ends up with a fight or bad news.

"Lillian, as you know we're moving tomorrow and you'll be starting at another school ", my father stated as he cleared his throat, "and your mother and I have decided that you'll attend a public school instead of a private one."

"You're kidding me, right?" I glanced back and forth between them. "This is just some joke, it has to be. There's no way in hell I'm going to a public school!" I shouted as I threw my silverware.

"That is no way to behave young lady. You're excused, go to your room." Mom calmly said.

Moving day

Chicago. Mother and I have visited one other time, a business proposal for dad's company.

"The house is beautiful Lilly. 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. plenty of space for us."

"That's more than enough room for a family of 3 mother."

Exploring the house, I finally stumbled upon my room. Since the movers had already furnished the house, the only thing I had to do was organize.

"Is it ok if I go explore the neighborhood a little?" I asked.


"What? why?"

"Because it's dangerous out there and we want you to be safe."

"Why move us to an unsafe neighborhood then?"

"Lilly, go back to your room."

"No mom, I just want to go explore a bit and you guys just want to keep me locked up in this house! It's bullshit!"

"Excuse me, young lady you're behavior is completely unacceptable. Go to your room!"

Throwing myself on my bed, I let out a sigh of frustration. Staring at the ceiling, my eyelids started to get heavy. I stopped fighting the urge and drifted to sleep.

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