I Don't Like Bad Boys

By ThatChickCanWrite

77.3K 2.3K 239

Her name is Serenity Renolds and she screams nerd. She's also captain of her school's volleyball team and...b... More

I Don't Like Bad Boys
Meet Your House Buddy
Rough Week
Knocked Out
Back To School
The Pain Unbearable
Win The Championships!
New York City
I Shopped Alittle Too Much
Ma'am Please Let Go Of Her Weave!
Named After Him
Many Things Scare Me
Wedding Day
Boys and Body Heat
The End.
I Don't Like Bad Boys~TATEN'S POV~
Long Time No See!
Hate to bother you again BUT..
If you're still here...


2.4K 76 17
By ThatChickCanWrite

I Don’t Like Bad Boys




Serenity Renolds


16 Years Later..

“I don’t fucking get this!Can someone help me?!”Olivia yelled in frustration over her siblings.

“Language!”Taten and I said in unison.

This caused Olivia to roll her eyes.

“What’s ‘fucking’?”My Greyson of five years old asked me.

I glared at Olivia who turned around and gave a look that said ‘HELP ME NOW’ to Taten.

“Nothing son.”Taten said quickly.

“I’m a grown man!You tell me!”Greyson crossed his arms trying to look tough while looking up at a man who could easily throw him like a football..across the football field.

“Greyson…’fucking’ is a bad word.If I hear you say it,like your big sister Olivia,I will cut off your peewee and throw it into the ocean.”Taten said calmly.

My eyes widened.

“Not my peewee!”Greyson gasped,”I won’t ever say it!I’m sorry God!”

At this point,Greyson was on his knees,looking up at the ceiling and saying,”Forgive me.”

Honestly,how does a five year old remember stuff from church when we hardly go.

Whoops bad parenting on our part.

“Mommyy!I’m hungry!”Brielle complained.

“Dinner is almost ready.Can your tummy wait?”I said.

She nodded and ran back to her toy pile near the stairs.

“Taten?How many kids do we have?”I sighed.

“I believe four.Guess my peewee couldn’t stay behind closed doors.”

I froze and slapped him on his arm.

“Taten stop it!Now where is that other kiddo?”I groaned.

“RIVER IS HERE!”I heard before none other then my second born came down the stairs…on the rails.


River slid down the rail and zoomed probably two inches over Brielle’s precious head of curly locks.

You see,We have four kids.

Olivia is 16,a sophomore in highs cool,River is 10 and at the age where Olivia says ‘he thinks he’s cool’.

(She has a period already who you know..those mood swings..)

Greyson is five and Brielle is three.

Before my wedding day,I was already pregnant with Olivia and didn’t have my wedding until she was one.

So Taten and I have managed to grow a family in the past 15 years.

We popped…I popped out babies.

Psh Taten couldn’t pop out babies,not like he would want to anyways,These kids all came out all natural.

Out my secret chamber and into daddy’s arms.

“Dinner is served!”Taten yelled from the kitchen.

I stood in my place as my three kids who weren’t in the kitchen struggling with homework(Olivia)came running past me like a stampede.

Despite my crazy kids,I love them to death.

Lay and a finger on my children I swear to God I’ll cut a bitch.

“Mom why do you have four kids?Dad couldn’t stop after me..?”Olivia smirked.

“Olivia Joyce Rosenfield!”I scolded.

Erase that,I can LOVE them at times.

But the whole ‘cut a bitch’ statement still stands.

“Mom watch out!”I heard before being splattered in the face by our dinner.

The spaghetti noodles and sauce burned my face slightly,but my anger was bigger than the hot dinner on my face.

I took the spaghetti off of my face and saw a guilty Greyson Rosenfield shiver under my gaze.

Scratch the whole ‘cut a bitch’ statement too.These kids sure are something.

“Greyson Connor Rosenfield!First,You’re going to clean up this mess without looking up at anything or anyone and then you’re going to apologize to your mom.Do you understand me?”Taten said firmly.

Greyson nodded before grabbing a wet towel and wiping the floor and table.

I got up and washed my face.

“Mom I’m sorry.I really am.”Greyson said softly.

I tilted his chin up so he could look me in my eyes.

“Is this true?”I rose my eyebrows.

“Yes mother.”He said without breaking contact with my eyes.

I smacked his head playfully,”Finish dinner kiddo.”I smiled.

He walked slowly to his chair and began eating his spaghetti that Taten re-heated for him.

“Taten I’m going to bring Olivia to the mall tomorrow afternoon.Can you take the kids to the park while we’re out?Or anything to occupy them?”I asked him,grinning when Greyson slurped a noodle,it left a streak of sauce on his chin.

“Yes of course my wife.”He said,looking at the kids.



“Ok Olivia are you ready?”I asked her while re-adjusting my purse on my shoulder.

She nodded and we drove to the place that is a mall.

“Where to first?”I questioned.

“Can we go into Forever 21?”Olivia responded.


Olivia Rosenfield

I waited for my mom to reply.

“Of course sweetheart.”She answered causing me to inwardly jump in happiness.

I rushed up the stairs and headed to my section.

“This top would look cute on you Olivia.”My mom held up a translucent chiffon with a floral design on it.

I nodded immediately and smiled.

This is why my mom is set apart from others.My dad even.

They’re so laid back.

If Greyson threw that spaghetti at me yesterday,I would’ve killed him right then and there.

Plus my mom is absolutely fashionable for a 39 and a HALF year old.

After 20 minutes in that store I left with 3 bags.

“Thanks mom.”I said honestly.

She responded with a smile.

“Can we sit and talk for a minute?”

She nodded and we sat onto the couches.

“So what’s up?”She said somewhat fidgeting.

“Well,this guy goes to my school and has been flirting with me for the past week.He may be coming over here right now so don’t embarrass me or I’ll kill you.”I said quickly.

A look of confusion spread on her face.

This ‘guy’ had something for me and his name is Cyrus Easton.

Apparently he’s some major bad boy.

Every girl,and I mean every girl worship the floor he walks which is so stereotypical.

He wears your stereotypical low jeans,stereotypical leather jacket,stereotypical t-shirt clung to his skin,and stereotypical sneakers.

“Hey.”He said sheepishly.

I rolled my eyes inwardly.

“Hi.This is my mom.Serenity.Yep.”I said awkwardly.

He shook her hand before looking back at me again.

“If your mom doesn’t mind I’d like to buy you a pretzel from ‘Peter’s Pretzels’ where your mom can see us.”He made sure to add that last part.

I looked at my mom with a pleading look in my eyes.

“Sure that’s fine.”My mom shrugged.

I stood up reluctantly before walking with him to the pretzels.

I was actually hungry so nice timing Easton.

“So..my offer for that date still stands…”He said slowly.

“Easton drop it.”I sighed.

After he purchased my pretzel and bid me goodbye I went back over to my mom.

“Why weren’t you flirty?”My mom pouted.

“Because of one thing.”I rolled my eyes.

Her eyes widened  in surprise at what I said next,

“I don’t like bad boys.”



Hahaha was that incredibly cheesy..or nah?

xD don't even.

So this is the official ending to this story!

Maybe I should write a short 10 chapter sequel?

It came to me as I wrote that last dialogue.

So I may do that after my new story is finished.

It'll be about Olivia and her siblings growing up and ALOT MORE OF CRAZY STUFF.

Maybe even include Savannah's POV?

What happened to her anyways?

Hah stay tuneddd losers.

Olivia to dah side doe-->

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