𝐒𝐡𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞...

By starlightdove

11.7K 544 660

"𝘐 𝘥𝘪𝘥𝘯'𝘵 𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘷𝘦 𝘢 𝘱𝘢𝘵𝘩 𝘰𝘧 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘦... 𝘣𝘦𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦'𝘴 𝘴𝘰... More

01 | Confessions of a Runaway
02 | Uncovering a Truth
03 | Seal the Deal
04 | Eyes of Fire
05 | Introductions and Bad Choices
06 | Tasting Rejection
07 | A Heart to Heart
08 | Main Ingredient
09 | Still a Mystery
10 | Snakes and Fish
11 | The Good Samaritan
12 | Twittering Musician
13 | Introductions: Second Attempt
14 | Ender's Dance
15 | Following Anna
16 | The Raven and The Robin
17 | Epiphanies
18 | Investigations
19 | Meet My Fist
20 | Lawbreaker
21 | A Hidden Purpose
22 | Temporary Home
23 | Unexpected Rival
25 | I'm Too Old For This
26 | Off To The Races
27 | Broken Memories

24 | The Devil's Fruit

358 18 24
By starlightdove

          Lunch was a miserable affair, mostly for Leon, Fable, and I.

The only upside was dessert, which presented itself as vanilla cake that Antoinette seemingly baked herself.

I exchanged cursory glances with my two seatmates, wondering if the food was poisoned. Yet as everyone else took a decent bite without keeling over to die, we grudgingly ate the delicious confectionery.

"I hate to admit that this tastes really good," I grumbled quietly.

"Yup," Leon sullenly agreed.

Antoinette was polite enough, and one would even say kind towards her treatment of the others. Though it took a drastic turn whenever addressing us three, which was odd, considering we did absolutely nothing wrong besides existing.

It also irked me beyond belief by how much attention she was getting from the usually reserved beings of Ender and Benedict.

I wonder how a certain nightingale would react to her...

"Lyric would've caused a scene the moment Antoinette stepped inside." Fable didn't see my incredulous expression of witnessing her perfect timing, although it confirmed the musings of them also not getting along.

Just who was this girl?

Antoinette looked young, although the glint in her gaze stated that she knew far more. Wisdom that wasn't uncanny to find in unique Soul Spirits, especially those who were mythical or immortal.

This new arrival wasn't as she seemed.

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Our small trio sat glumly on a velvet sofa situated near the living room's corner, while the rest were loudly conversing amongst themselves by its middle.

Fable sat with perfect posture beside my slumped body. "I'm sorry she's been rude."

"It's fine, at least she didn't call me a maid." Leon's sagged further into the cushions.

I pinched him. "Being called a maid isn't an insult; they're hard workers that make sure a house doesn't fall apart."

"I still can't stand her."

"She gets that a lot." The Neutral Representative mumbled bitterly, an uncharacteristic sound.

"We can all band together and form a club," I joked halfheartedly. "Maybe even invite Lyric."

"I didn't want you guys to feel alienated." Fable sighed as Leon gave her back a comforting rub. "Antoinette is... intense."

"Maybe she's just in a shitty mood." I tried to rationalize, wondering how someone could act the way she does, as if above others.

"Yeah," Leon snorted. "A real shitty mood."

"Don't talk like that when the others can hear, they're very protective of Antoinette."

"And you aren't?" Leon stroked a gentle hand through her dense curls, only to panic seconds after as he got momentarily tangled in them.

Fable smiled as his fingers were ensnared, gently maneuvering them away. "We never got along since the beginning, I'm just glad you guys are here to keep me company."

"Anytime." I gave a reassuring grin as her expression drooped further, it was like watching a sunflower wilt.

Leon kissed her. "I'll always support you."

I waved a lazy hand. "Yeah, yeah... I've got your back too."

Fable's happy expression seemed to slowly make its way back onto her delicate features, russet skin giving out warmth as she flushed.

"Super Leon and Supernova are here to serve!" Leon enthusiastically gave me a high-five as I laughed.

Fable smiled at her boyfriend. "You two are thick as thieves."

"It took me one whole year to get a single laugh from Nova when we were at the orphanage." He had a nostalgic grin, remembering our past misadventures. "And it was only because I fell down a staircase."

I snorted at the memory. "You were mid-joke, toppling over and falling into a heap at the bottom of these giant stairs—determined to finally finish your punch line, which you so happily did."

"To be young and reckless," Leon reminisced.

Fable looked amused. "Thanks for tolerating his presence throughout the years."

"Ditto, because now you have to put up with him for even longer than I did!" I gave her one of my kinder smiles, adding a wink as she giggled.

Leon scoffed. "Nova is the difficult one, all she would do was scare off the other children."

"Kids are stupid," I said.

"Adults too." He stretched slowly and got up. "I'm gonna' grab a glass of water... do you ladies want anything?"

We both declined, watching as he left the room to pursue hydration.

Sudden laughter made us turn.

If I was jealous of Penelope on Ender's lap, a fox, then it was almost laughable by how I felt with Antoinette's annoying head casually resting on him this time around. Her hands were raised in the air as she enthusiastically talked, a laid-back demeanor seldom seen. Ender guided them down as they flew near his face, lifting a brow and stating something that made Benedict snort inelegantly.

I had to remind myself that jealousy was human nature, an ugly trait that resides in the pits of everyone. Or perhaps it was merely a voiceless pattern of envy, something that I shouldn't consider bothering with.

The reason for my displeasure sneakily glanced, and it would have been disregarded, if not for the smug look gracing her pretty face.

That absolute witch.

For a quick moment, Antoinette's ethereal features made me think of another with purple eyes and a stifling air of superiority.

She reminded me of Connie.

Thoughts filtered, expression turning sour as I ignored everything else, all attention revolving around my white-haired companion. He would have probably hated the living guts out of this girl, and that thought alone made me snicker—they were too alike to ever get along.

I abruptly stopped when realization hit me further; Faisal's distant words reemerging.

A unicorn laying their head on the lap of some maiden...

Ender was no fair maiden, but the resemblance of this current scene and my gut feeling from Antoinette were uncanny. If I was drinking anything it would have gotten spat out, as realization slowly formed. This overbearing presence was in the forefront of my mind, the possibility making me wheeze.

I couldn't stop the next sentence. "You're a unicorn."

Ender seemed startled by my voice reaching across the parlour.

Zelda's head whipped upwards, her attempts in persuading Benedict to join a card game momentarily forgotten.

"I beg your pardon?" Antoinette's voice was barely above a hum, it nonetheless got everyone's attention.

"You heard," I sassed.

She swiftly rose, storming over and reaching using an index finger to hook the front of my hoodie. "Repeat. What. You. Said."

"What's with everyone manhandling me?" I instinctively gripped her skinny wrist, but my temperature escalated before I could stop it, the heat causing the other to yelp and back away.

Ender flinched, voice furious. "Novalie!"

"There wasn't a need to burn her." Benedict's stern voice told me off.

"Ow." Antoinette's fierce expression from earlier sunk into one of pure victim-hood, with the boys asking if she was alright. "You guys know how terrified I am of people discovering my spirit."

She had the audacity to let out a small sniffle, voice wavering.

"And y'all know how terrified I am of people coming up and grabbing me?" I had a strong edge of sarcasm.

"This isn't the time for your smart remarks," Ender snapped.

I returned his sharp look, refusing to add anymore fuel to the fire.

"Okay, rewind." Zelda's face was confused. "What started all this?"

"She knows what I am." Antoinette seemed perfectly composed, renewed from her previous damsel act. The burn from my actions never fully developed, seemingly healed before it could fester.

Unicorn voodoo magic.

Ender's attention perked up all of a sudden, as if there was someone explaining the situation to him—which was probably the case, because he gave Antoinette a serious nod seconds after. I only noticed the exchange because it was a mirror action to my own experience, a private conversation shared between minds.

"You've got to be shitting me," I exhaled.

Benedict and Zelda seemed to connect the dots as well, for they gave guarded looks as I shuffled in unease.

"How did you know?" The slits of Benedict's pupils became prominent as he narrowed them down, a hissing quality reaching his voice.

"I just recognized the signs," I stammered out, not liking the harsh look on his usually civil countenance.

Zelda stepped forward. "Signs?"

"Uh, y'know—head laying on the lap, mind reading, somewhat unbearable to have around." I backed away as they became defensive.

Even Fable looked uneasy as she heard the conversation expanding.

"How do you know that?" Ender frowned, which of course made me scowl.

"Reading," I fibbed.

If I could recall Connie's brief lesson, unicorn spirits were practically a myth, often tricked into having an agreement with another for selfish benefits.

Currently, I was being seen as one of those villainous people.

That glorified horse even told me how sensitive of a topic it was... I'm such an idiot, confronting her so suddenly.

"Novalie," Benedict began once again. "Someone uneducated towards Spirit Culture shouldn't be sprouting improper assumptions that should otherwise be kept private."

Ouch, that felt like a teacher's scolding.

I gave a half-ass apology.

My abrupt exclamation from earlier could've been seen as reckless, but excitement overshadowed anything else. Because Antoinette's spirit was the perfect gateway to further understand the mess I've found myself in, especially if Connie kept hiding valuable information about our own contract.

Which was something that I still didn't wholly understand, with Faisal dictating the mysterious terms.

He was a mystery.

I was going to have a serious discussion next time I see him, that or blackmail the unicorn into spilling all secrets. The image of Connie sitting in an empty room with a single light source entered my mind, seeing myself decked in detective gear and an interrogation stance almost made a laugh erupt—focus, Novalie.

"I've stumbled upon one," I confessed.

"You did?" Ender asked this with disbelief, the subtle hint of concern entering his expression.

"An interesting development." Benedict tilted his head in curiosity, before proceeding to observe me like I was a fascinating specimen. "They only reveal their true identities with past or present contracts."

Zelda put a fist on her popped hip. "That and they only offer themselves to people who are closely followed by death."

My neighboring phoenix grew tense.

I blinked. "Whaddya' mean?"

"Unicorns make oaths with someone destined to die before their time." The wolf shrugged. "Folks describe them as A Dying Wish, triggered by the caller's imminent end."

I felt sick.

Benedict continued. "They collect magic from souls that are about to die, in exchange, their powers can postpone their master's passing or even grant a second chance at life."

"My contract with Ender was completed in a few weeks, the average timeline." Antoinette sneered, joining our conversation reluctantly. "I helped him avoid an early demise, and like all bargains I've had before, our minds are still linked even after the bond concluded itself."

Ender didn't seem too happy about his past being mentioned.

The average timeline was a few weeks.

It's definitely been more than a month for me and Connie.

Something isn't adding up.

Ender made a sudden noise of disagreement. "Ridiculous, you hardly understand anything—you're basically an Unspirit."

I shot him the nastiest glare. "My bad for being a late bloomer."

"You didn't even bother knowing your beast until recently," Ender scoffed with crossed arms. "You're running around the Spirit Realm as if it's a funfair, not taking anything seriously."

"I didn't ask to be put in NIFEEN," I snapped. "I didn't even ask for the blasted contract!"

"A contract is between two parties, no one else." Ender shook his head. "So you can't tell me otherwise."

My lips pursed. "I wasn't calling the shots."

"That's impossible, you have to be the voice of terms, otherwise nothing would be legitimate." Ender looked at me like I was the dumbest thing on Earth. "Unless you have brain damage or unidentified amnesia."

Something about his last comment made me pause, thinking back to when Faisal unveiled nostalgic feelings, familiar words shared between us without a second thought.

Grey eyes that were so recognizable.

Unidentified cracks in my memory.

Fuck, maybe I did have brain damage.

Ever since I discovered being a phoenix there was a pestering cry inside my heart that wanted to break free. But then all of a sudden things would be blank, an empty feeling that left me numb.

"Why are you really here with us?" Ender spoke with pure distrust.

Antoinette was standing close to him, expression menacing as she listened quietly.

I turned towards the frosty girl. "I'm not after you or planning anything malicious, like Ender's accusing."

Amber eyes shifted back onto me. "Right, because your scheme of pretending not to know anything vaguely important is just a lack of general competence."

"Fuck off." I held back my middle finger as a snarky tone reemerged. "I know you're judging me like I'm some sort of reckless brat that doesn't appreciate the Spirit Realm, but do you honestly think I even want to be here?"

Ender's stare turned harsh, my words digging into him in a way I couldn't understand. "Then why attend the academy?"

I could hear Connie's evil cackle in my subconsciousness, since he would have found this whole situation hilarious.

"I decided to enroll because I've been told that there's answers about my parents mur—someone said I'd learn more about my family at NIFEEN."

I fumbled over the confession of murder, unable to say it out loud as a sharp pain stabbed into my heart.

Ender's irises were gold as he stepped closer. "You're not telling the whole truth."

"So what!" I shoved on his chest, a small flourish of smoke leaving my palms. "I just want answers—sue me."

"Answers." It was almost scary how his entire disposition changed from annoyed to livid. "That's something you yourself never give."

"Oh, so you're Mister I-Share-Everything all of a sudden?"

Leon chose then to walk in at that exact moment, holding a glass of water and looking beyond lost. The confusion on his face deepened as he observed Ender and I's tense argument.

"Did I miss something?"

"This doesn't concern you, Lester." Benedict said this while Ender coincidentally spat 'piss off.'

Leon's brows arched further, causing him to shoulder Ender out of the way as he went towards me. "Careful, or I'll waterboard you."

Ender's ire increased, looking about ready to snatch said glass and break it over the younger boy's head.

Benedict grabbed his shoulder and sternly spoke. "Everyone, sit down."

Without a second thought we all obeyed, not wanting to further aggravate the basilisk. Ender shrugged off his friend's grip, nonetheless complying with the command.

"Alright, why are we cornering Nova?" Leon demanded this as Fable hesitantly sat down beside him.

The eldest student then began to pace, his expensive shoes walking across an equally as luxurious carpet. Red eyes drifted amongst everyone in the room, only stopping to softly address us. "We don't handle situations with childish remarks and actions."

The slight hissing tone from earlier lingered, making me squirm as I was reminded of his true nature.

Antoinette curled her lip in annoyance.

Ender and Leon gave each other nasty looks, followed by myself giving the fiery brunet a mocking smile.

"Unicorns are not a trifle matter to play around with, you must understand their secrecy." Benedict chose to single me out.

"Of course I do, Co—" I tried to cover up the blunder. "My contract would kick my hiney to Jupiter if I did something careless."

"Will your mystery unicorn bring any danger towards us?" Zelda suddenly asked. "Because these deals can sometimes get out of hand, no matter how inconsequential the terms were to begin with."

I shook my head. "No one else will be involved."

"You can't promise that," Antoinette simply remarked. "Young Soul Spirits are volatile enough to be considered dangerous. Luckily, I've reached my first century this fall."

I bit my tongue, almost stating that Connie was definitely that number multiplied by like ten.

Constantine would be even more dangerous because of how ancient he was.

"We're a tight-knit group." Fable quietly spoke, her first words since all this drama started. "It was just a bit surprising."

Leon's face was puzzled. "Nova, what the hell happened between leaving the orphanage and attending NIFEEN?"

I gave him a significant stare. "This whole mess started because I met someone who knew about... him."

The returning look I got was grim.

Leon had a lot of insight regarding my past, hearing it from me and reading all details from our local news outlets.

𝙱𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚙 𝙷𝚎𝚒𝚛 𝙱𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚜 𝙳𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝙰𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚕 𝙼𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚛: 𝙵𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢 𝙺𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚍 𝙸𝚗 𝙲𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝙱𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚍... 𝙻𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝙳𝚊𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚞𝚛𝚟𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚜.

"They knew about the fire." Leon disregarded the inquisitive stares of everyone else around us. "And they just introduced themselves to you randomly?"

"It felt more like a reunion." I frowned, not knowing why such a thing would leave my mouth.

There was so much weight regarding that enigmatic man, like he was poking around with a stick and urging me to remember something. Silver eyes like smoke filtered through my vision, blond hair accompanied by handsome features, all charmingly wrapped with a sinister smile.

I felt nauseous.

"Do they have a name?" Ender interrupted.

"Everyone has a name," I gritted out, still extremely annoyed at him.

Benedict was leaning against a large bookshelf, carelessly rubbing the leather cover of his untitled book. "Feel free to share."

"He's known as Faisal."

I surveyed my audience and searched for any sign of recognition, seeing as they all neutrality took in the name. Relief hit me at everyone's lack luster reaction, glad that they didn't know who he was.

"I've never heard of him," Antoinette stated confidently.

Zelda nodded in agreement.

Fable's soft voice followed shortly after. "You'd know more people."

"I do, it comes with having decades under your belt."

I once again recalled Connie stating that he was older than all the classroom occupants combined. Making his age dominate Antoinette's by a milestone, and I really wished he were here to put Ice Princess in her place.

I felt sluggish, atmosphere still tense.

Something suddenly felt very wrong.

The overbearing nausea from earlier didn't help, with my tongue suddenly feeling scratchy. It was a familiar sensation, and I tried to recall what was eaten recently. Probably nothing out of the ordinary, since I'm always careful towards citrus.

Except for that surprise dessert which was actually really good.


"Hey, random question: what kind of fruits were in the cake?" My voice was hoarse as I caught everyone's attention, personally addressing Antoinette with worry.

"None." She frowned in genuine puzzlement, somewhat annoyed that I directly asked her. "Just hints of orange and lemon zest in the frosting."

I'm a doofus.

I abruptly stood, in hopes that I could get away from prying eyes.

"Shit!" This urged Leon into action, his tall form distorting strangely as I began experiencing tunnel vision. The caladrius got closer, putting a cool palm on my arm in concern. "Are you having a reaction?"

The lightheadedness increased as someone else placed their grip on my bicep; it was then that the doorbell rung.

Heat radiated strongly.

Figures blurred into one.

I was having trouble breathing, scorning myself for lacking any Antihistamines or Epinephrine. I wasn't prepared in the slightest, my health once again ignored and pushed down to a crevice I lovingly called 'Unimportant'.

Someone warm stood nearby, their presence causing comfort as strong hands supported my weight.

"Ender." My words slurred as they escaped. "You can let go, I'm not dying."

"Are you sure about that?" He didn't budge. "Because it looks to me like you're going into anaphylaxis."

Finally, in stepped two unlikely people covered in snow, boots tracking wet splotches across the embroidered rug.

"Novalie." A less than cheerful voice broke our gaze.

This was quickly followed by a melodic shout. "Nova Scotia!"

My throat tingled, before I promptly vomited onto someone's overpriced shoes.

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🕊 D O V I E 🕊

A dialogue filled chapter, with many more shenanigans up ahead!

Sasha Luss as Antoinette Foster

Antoinette's Theme

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