𝐒𝐡𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞...

By starlightdove

11.7K 544 660

"𝘐 𝘥𝘪𝘥𝘯'𝘵 𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘷𝘦 𝘢 𝘱𝘢𝘵𝘩 𝘰𝘧 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘦... 𝘣𝘦𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦'𝘴 𝘴𝘰... More

01 | Confessions of a Runaway
02 | Uncovering a Truth
03 | Seal the Deal
04 | Eyes of Fire
05 | Introductions and Bad Choices
06 | Tasting Rejection
07 | A Heart to Heart
08 | Main Ingredient
09 | Still a Mystery
10 | Snakes and Fish
11 | The Good Samaritan
12 | Twittering Musician
13 | Introductions: Second Attempt
14 | Ender's Dance
15 | Following Anna
16 | The Raven and The Robin
17 | Epiphanies
18 | Investigations
19 | Meet My Fist
20 | Lawbreaker
21 | A Hidden Purpose
23 | Unexpected Rival
24 | The Devil's Fruit
25 | I'm Too Old For This
26 | Off To The Races
27 | Broken Memories

22 | Temporary Home

257 17 16
By starlightdove

          "Novalie, is that all you're bringing?"

I looked up at Benedict as he loaded luggage into the trunk of a fancy car, having no idea what kind of model it was; only that is was lavish... and shiny.

"I'm a light packer." I proudly held my old backpack, which Faisal so lovingly shoved into the suitcase he packed for me.

Ender was impatiently waiting in the passenger seat as we neared, nodding briefly at Zelda and her crew when they departed separately. Everyone already shared personal goodbyes with Lyric the previous day, as his solo trip to his family's manor in France demanded attendance. I also said my own farewell to the twins, all while doing my best to avoid a lecture from Connie.

I noticed with amusement that the colour scheme of my small group was wearing varying shades of black.

The Dark Representative sported charcoal pants, a distractingly well-fitted shirt, and surprisingly: an expensive leather jacket.

He was basically matching with me.

If one ignored his price tags, which were probably quadruple the cost of my clothes.

Benedict's knit sweater and double-breasted overcoat was a bit more formal than the two of us, though the upperclassman owned his outfit.

A nervous energy built from the thought of being in a confined space with two attractively problematic young men, furthermore making me feel inadequate as I once again realized the class difference. With my scruffy second-hand jacket and beaten up Converse, I truly resembled a misplaced stray.

I silently cursed Zelda for her new sports car, which only allowed one smaller individual to squeeze between the two seater. Obviously, with Fable's petite frame and her relationship with Leon, they were the wolf's chosen passengers.

Which lead me here, stuck with these two.

I jumped in the back and had to stop myself from kicking Ender's seat like an overzealous kangaroo, excited and eager for wherever we were heading. "Our first road trip!"

The only response from him was a hum.

The driveway in front of NIFEEN was lined with other vehicles making their exit, everyone more than eager to escape the castle for an entire winter holiday. My memory recalled Faisal ridding himself of Connie and I by the other entrance months prior, forcing us to walk the trail as opposed to just driving further.

Did Faisal personally refuse to be near NIFEEN, or did he simply enjoy the fact that Connie and I suffered the trek?

Probably the latter, that sadist.

"Stop making so much noise." Ender swiftly pulled a neck cushion and sleeping mask from out of nowhere, abruptly facing the window and leaning his head against it.

"Ender gets car-sick when he's not behind the wheel, so it's best to leave him be." Benedict entered the driver's side and started the engine.

"He won't hear anything if we stuff him in the trunk." I offered kindly, dismissing the sarcastic 'ha ha' coming from Ender.

The basilisk adjusted his chair and played around with the mirrors.

"Don't mess around with my settings too much," Ender mumbled without moving.

I gave him a disbelieving look, not understanding why he wouldn't want to use his beautiful vehicle.

Benedict did a quick seat belt check as he reversed the car and drove down the main driveway, expertly weaving through students and cars with ease.

"Hey!" Two familiar girls caught my attention as they crossed over. "That's Eve and Vivian walking, I'm not saying to run them over..."

"Novalie, driver gets to decide who they run over."


"I'll let you pick what music to play," Benedict tried to appease.

"Do you have any glitchcore?" I looked over at Ender's dozing frame, his blocked eyesight missing the view of scenic trees and snow passing by.

"What the hell is glitchcore?" Ender grumbled sharply. "Either way, absolutely not."

"If Lyric was in the car he'd insist on listening to one of his recorded songs." Benedict began fiddling with the stereo, switching to a channel that catered to classical pieces.

Ender gave a grunt of approval with the current music drifting in our small space.

It was a few hours later when my insistent I-spy games got old, so I followed my fellow phoenix's example and fell soundly asleep.

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The trip was uneventful, except for Benedict hitting a fairly large bump on the road that caused Ender to smash his head against the window he was resting on.

The incident also woke me up, but not in such a violent manner.

It also turns out that Zelda was an alarmingly fast chauffeur, so it wasn't surprising that she and the rest beat us to the location.

I stepped out onto the driveway with stretched arms and was greeted by an ethereally white Victorian mansion, extravagant and wholly historic while sitting amongst the pine grove. It was obviously an expensive house, with the acres of private property hugging its borders.

Benedict and Ender went to take out their luggage from the trunk, all while I nervously shrugged my backpack strap higher.

Everyone gathered into the front foyer, where a middle aged man came careening down the stairs with a large grin. He walked up to Ender first and gave him a large hug, which was strongly returned. The host then greeted others in a familiar fashion, turning to Leon and I as he finished welcoming everyone.

We were awkwardly standing on the sidelines as they all warmly caught up, not knowing what else to do but smile politely.

I roughly elbowed Leon, hoping he would break the ice.

He did, all while giving me a glare. "Hello, sir."

"Leon, I've heard much about you from the others!" The man came over and shook his hand, adding a friendly arm slap.

"All bad things I hope," Leon joked.

"Of course." The older man grinned back. "Please, just call me Arthur."

Arthur seemed to be someone whose aura came from within, one that shone brighter than average. He knew of life's realities and learned much as a result, keeping the positive part of humanity close.

I automatically took a liking to him.

Even more so as I noticed Ender regard him with solemn respect, an expression that further showed their close bond.

The owner of the beautiful estate then turned to me, giving a confused yet amiable smile. "I don't think the others said word about you?"

I gave the group an unimpressed glance.

"Nova." My hand hesitantly reached over to give Arthur a handshake, his firm grip making shaking it more than twice. "Uh, pleasure to meet you, sir."

Paternal adults always made me feel uncomfortable, almost as if they were a reminder to what I no longer have, a missing presence that impacted my psyche harder than I wanted.

"Just Arthur." He then turned to Leon as well. "Would you two like a quick tour?"

"We should probably put our stuff away first," Zelda offered. "I know Antoinette wouldn't like a bunch of bags blocking the entrance when she comes home."

Arthur seemed to sober up at the name mentioned. "I'm sure you girls can show Nova to your room, Leon will head off with the boys."

Fable made a motion for me to follow, heading up to the second floor and down a long hallway. We entered a well furnished room, the fixtures graced with dark woods and even darker drapes covering tall windows.

It was a warm space, with a cottage-like vibe.

"Is there going to be a death match for one of the beds?" I surveyed everything around me.

The girls gave an apologetic look as they seemed to notice that there were only two beds on opposite sides of the room.

"I'm sorry, your coming was on such short notice!" Fable looked worried as she addressed me, ignoring the way Zelda quickly went and jumped on her own acclaimed bed without any remorse.

"To the rest of us!" Zelda yawned loudly as she brought her arms behind her head. "It wouldn't have been, if Ender told us sooner."

"I'm glad he invited you," Fable replied earnestly. "Leon was skeptical in coming, but almost instantly agreed when he heard you were also tagging along."

"He's a giant baby," I laughed. "Also, the couch looks plenty comfortable for me."

"Are you sure?" Fable's doll-like lips pursed anxiously. "I can always just give you my bed. You're taller than me, so it would be more comfortable."

I assured her that it wouldn't be a problem, the couch was more than enough for my body to stretch out on.

"Just a heads-up in case you don't know, Arthur is Ender's uncle." The rough voice of Zelda abruptly interrupted us. "You'll probably be meeting Antoinette too, she's a family friend."

"Are they the only ones living in the house all year round?" I maneuvered my way towards our bathroom, placing a toiletry bag on the counter.

"Yeah, but there's the cooking and cleaning staff also."

Lips formed a frown as I thought about her words, the expression only deepening as I glanced at my reflection in the mirror. A girl with sharp brown eyes stared back, a mass of unruly black hair framing her angular features in a manner that warned others of a wild creature.

I twisted a piece between my fingers, absentmindedly noting that it was now growing past my shoulders.

Fable chose that exact moment to walk in the bathroom, placing her own personal items inside a drawer. "Are you thinking of getting a haircut?"

"Not really..." I responded while tucking a strand away. "I only hack it off when the length gets annoying."

"Why don't you style it differently?"

I looked at her with doubt.

"You're actually stunning, Nova, there's a raw beauty about you." Fable then grabbed a small object, promptly reaching up and clipping it on the side of my head.

"Raw beauty?" I deadpanned.

"You have a cute face, but it's your eyes that promise something beyond physical beauty." She smiled kindly at my off-putting grimace. "It makes you intimidating and vulnerable all at once."

Zelda's laugh rung from the other room, before she was found underneath the bathroom doorway. "Are you hitting on her?"

Fable blushed. "I am not!"

"I'm kidding!" The other girl guffawed, before turning towards me with a cheeky smile. "She's right you know, you're kinda really hot."

It was my turn to become red.

"Zelda, you're making her uncomfortable!"

"It's true—" The silver haired menace then grabbed me by the shoulders, turning my body towards the mirror. "You're a tall babe that proudly walks with purpose, it's no wonder you have admirers."

"I'm not too sure about the purpose part," I mumbled out. "Or admirers."

"You do have gorgeous legs," Fable added.

Zelda shook me violently, ignoring the way I frantically grabbed onto the counter for support. "Just wait until one of them confesses to you."

The wolf was going to say more, but a particularly loud gust of wind howled.

"I hope there isn't a storm coming." Fable looked worriedly outside.

I followed their line of sight, gently removing Zelda's hold on me.

Am I oblivious, or did her earlier words hold truth?

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Dinner was an interesting affair; it was like being part of a giant family.

I looked at the hyperactivity going on all around, feeling slightly uneasy, as I've never formally been at a home with so many welcoming people.

Arthur and Benedict were discussing school by the table's head, with Ender telling off Zelda—who was attempting to catapult her peas onto his plate with a fork by the other end.

I learned that Ender hated peas.

My attention then drifted to Leon as he was quieter than usual, his gaze reaching mine in an encouraging manner. We sat near the middle of the table as per request from Arthur, saying that he wished for us to feel at home.

I continued to eat mashed potatoes, scraping the soft substance around my plate in thought.

Meals at the orphanage were never a fun affair; it was a mechanical process of lining up and finding a seat beside kids we hardly knew. Eating with children that would soon be taken away or be bitterly waiting. Family was never brought up in that place, nonetheless having household dinners.

I felt jealous of Leon, who had Fable reassuringly give him a pat on the arm.

"Pass the salt."

I looked up at Ender as his voice reached me from across the table, face drawn in an expectant look. My eyes darted around and noticed his desired seasoning beside Zelda's plate, who was busy reading the label on a wine bottle.

"What's the magic word?" I stared him down.

"Novalie..." He looked as if he was going to sarcastically repeat his demand, yet one look from his uncle and he strained a short 'please'.

"Fine, but that wasn't the magic word." I pushed the salt closer, watching him lean over and snatch it.

Ender shook out a bit of its contents. "What was the magic word?"

"You already said it." I grinned, watching as his expression morphed into confusion.

He continued to look puzzled, trying to recall what was said earlier.

Arthur abruptly stood up with his champagne glass. "I would just like to make a cheers to all you kids, and for surviving yet another half-year at NIFEEN."

Benedict, Zelda, and Fable were the only ones who also had wine in their glasses, with Leon and I opting for water. Ender was a psychopath that didn't have any form of liquid with his meal.

We all raised our varying drinks and clinked glasses, loud cheers filling the large room.

"Here's to the other half," Benedict stated, a satisfied nod forming as he tasted the aged merlot.

"New year new me, bitches!" Zelda downed her drink.

Fable delicately sipped hers. "Zel, it isn't New Years."

"She's already drunk," Leon laughed.

I abruptly stopped chuckling when something brushed up against my leg from underneath the table, a foreign sensation that made me pause. Everyone began to talk to themselves once more, so I convinced myself it was imagined... until it happened once again.

Do I duck my head under the table real quick and check, or was that weird?

Ender snorted under his breath, earning him a glare.

"Are you playing footsie with me?"

He scoffed. "You wish."

It was then that a screech came out of Leon's mouth, he frantically brought both legs up on his chair. "Something just bit my leg!"

"Fable, control yourself, no biting at the table!" Zelda seemed to laugh the hardest at her joke, with Arthur confiscating the wine bottle in her hand and stating that she's had enough to drink.

I bent down and surveyed various shoes, frowning as I saw nothing besides varying footwear. Hair stuck up as my head whipped back up, strands collecting static from the tablecloth.

The sight that then greeted me was not what I expected—Ender uncharacteristically smiling. I've never seen such a sincere expression on his face before, and it took my breath away.

God, don't let this awaken something in me.

An arctic fox was squirming in his arms, the small creature yipping in an excited manner.

I assumed that Ender was the owner, judging by how happy the animal was responding to his presence. In turn, it made me question how to even get a fox. He may have stumbled upon one when it was just a cub, or he bought one for a decent sum... the latter seemed quite possible, judging by his uncle's estate.

Ender's family appeared to have an unfair amount of money, his entire presence letting off an air of regal understating, knowing what had value and what didn't. He never advertised this fact, but there was obvious awareness towards his priviledge.

"A fox?" Leon's voice rose in decibel. "I won't get rabies will I?"

"Of course you won't." The phoenix seemed mildly offended by the assumption, hugging his pet in a protective manner.

I held myself back from doing an annoying baby voice, knowing that I subconsciously cooed at small creatures.

"Penelope!" Zelda shouted, earning a friendly yip from the furry creature.

"I was just making sure!" Leon defensively put his hands up in surrender. "You look comfortable enough to have her on your lap."

"I know who else he'd like on his lap." Zelda snorted, almost knocking over the pitcher of water beside her. "Wow, the room is spinning..."

"She's definitely had too much wine." Fable got up with a sigh and supported the other's swaying form. "I'll go take her upstairs. Thanks for dinner, Arthur, it was lovely."

The host shrugged it off and stated something about being young.

Their leave made everyone else slowly move away from the table, meals finished and ready for the maid to take care of. I felt uncomfortable allowing another to clean my mess, though when I offered to help, they shooed me.

I was now stuck with Penelope and the three boys, bodies tired from our long drive. An idle conversation floated around us, with the new addition happily falling asleep by Ender's thighs, the humans' voices murmuring through the warm living room.

No, I wasn't jealous of a fox.

A sudden thought popped inside my head, and I turned to Leon. "What the frick is your spirit?"

"I haven't told you?" He looked taken aback for a moment, then it turned into incredulity.

"I wouldn't be asking if I knew."

"Okay, Sassy Lassie, jeez!" Leon scoffed. "Have you ever heard of a caladrius?"

"Yeah," I confidently said.

"She has no idea what it is." Ender didn't shy away as I gave him a scowl.

Leon rolled his eyes at the both of us. "It's a white bird originating from Greek mythology that has the ability to heal sick and injured people. I don't know how much of that applies to me, since I haven't discovered any miraculous traits."

Benedict's profound voice joined the conversation clearly, red eyes never leaving the elaborate novel in his hands. "It's often described as a dove, which belonged to a king. Legends say that if the caladrius looked into the face of a sick man, then he would live. If the bird looked away, then it would mean the man would die from his illness."

That serpent seemed to conjure books out of thin air. Suspicious looking ones too, since this looked like his many untitled tomes.

"Aw," I teased, looking back at Leon with an overly fond look. "We're two birdies!"

"Please don't ever refer to us as that, Supernova." He reached over and ruffled my hair, making me shove his hand away with a laugh.

My smile naturally became more gentle at the old nickname.

"You can admit you've miss me." I let cockiness show, until he playfully smacked the back of my head. "Okay, no need to hit!"

"How long have you guys known each other?"

We both turned towards Ender, who paused his brooding to stare intently. Keen eyes surveyed us with a look of displeasure. It was gone seconds after, and instead an expression of curiosity reappeared.

"I think around... six years now?" Leon shrugged. "Give or take."

"Unfortunately," I snorted.

Leon curled his lip mockingly. "Don't you love me?"

"I suppose." My finger jabbed his side, earning an 'ouch' from the male as he grabbed a pillow and used it as a makeshift shield.

"Have you guys ever dated?" Ender prodded further, petting Penelope's head as the strong wind from outside loudly howled.

Benedict glanced up from his volume suddenly, and judging by the look on his face, he was wondering the same thing.

"Nah, Nova has always been my sister from another mister." Leon seemed to laugh at the absurdity, before a look of reminiscence washed over him. "Besides, it wasn't what we needed at the time."

I could only imagine that he was picturing the bland orphanage and its occupants.

The two older boys gave a look of contemplation towards the both of us, seeming to process the information inside their brains with relief.

I scoffed. "Leon couldn't even stick to one girl at a time."

"I've changed my ways!" He raised both his palms up in defense as the two other males gave him varying looks of threat.

"If you dare do anything to hurt Fable, I will roast you." Ender said this while mindlessly stroking his fox, all in a manner that made him look like a super villain petting their evil cat sidekick.

Ender meant roasting in a literal sense of course, that he would painstakingly burn Leon to a crispy kabob. Still, I tried to hide a snicker as I imagined the Dark Representative verbally abusing the other until defeat.

Leon nervously chuckled, looking at Benedict's own face of warning—his words were assured as they left him. "You two know how much Fable means to me."

Ender gave out a minor winch, almost as if he was trying to accept the fact that Leon bulldozed his way into their group almost instantly. The hard expression slowly made its way back onto me, and instantly, it became even more disgruntled.

In his head, we were two strangers who managed to creep inside their secretive lives and cause a rift.

A cell phone suddenly rang, bringing all our attention to the side table, one that was directly beside my right. The noise caused Penelope to wake up and yawn, though she went back to sleep seconds later with not a care in the world.

I looked over at the call and noticed that it was coming from a sleek-black iPhone.

"Pass it over," Ender said with an outstretched hand, only to pause and say a gruff 'please'. He was unmoving, resembling a statue who refused to move and jostle the creature on his lap.

"What's the magic word?" I asked, making a motion to throw over the small piece of technology.

"Novalie, I just said—" That was when I chucked it over and watched as he smoothly grabbed the device, giving a warning look as he answered. "Yes? Oh, Annie, we were all wondering when you would get back."

I tried not to listen in, but my ears gravitated into the conversation nonetheless.

"I guessed the bad weather would delay you... yeah, we can prepare your room for tomorrow." Ender's voice morphed into something softer. "I know, I've missed you too."

The last part made me frown, an uneasy feeling sitting in my stomach from its implications.

Because the magic word was in fact Novalie, since whenever he said it, all I could do was comply.

Which was a dangerous thought.

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