They Called Her El Diablo

By coraswan

197K 6.8K 924

Academy fic. According to Sang Sorensen she can't handle her boys and their newfound 'needs'; abandoning them... More

Before we start
Chapter 1: The Downfall
Chapter 2: Enter our lovable Diablo
Chapter 3: Take Action or To Not Take Action
Chapter 4: Who the hell are you
Chapter 5: Whoo-sah
Chapter 6: There are intruders in the office!
Chapter 7: Strangest Lunch
Chapter 8: Numbers Don't Lie
Chapter 9: Smee
Chapter 11: Unpleasant Surprise(s)
Chapter 12: Kill the Occupants
Chapter 13: Just Let Me Go
Chapter 14: Woke,Ran,Found
Chapter 15: H3LL-O
Chapter 16: You're WHAT?!?
Chapter 18: Unwanted Past
Chapter 19: You Win Again
Chapter 20: So far, yet not far enough
Chapter 21: Closer till it burns
Chapter 22: Revival
Chapter 23: Relentless
Chapter 24: Get Outta Here!
Chapter 25: Decisions & Questions & vice-versa
Chapter 27: Presents, Smiles and Truth
Chapter 28: The Past, Unmasked.
Chapter 29: Series of WTF events Part 1
Chapter 30: Series of WTF events part 2
Part 31: United We Stand
Chapter 32: Going Places
Chapter 33: Frankbridge
Chapter 34: Houston; Days 2 and 3
Chapter 35: Houston Days 2 and 3 Part 2
Chapter 36: Yeah...It Ain't Over Yet
Part 37: The Storm Approaches
Part 38: Hero or Zero
Part 39: Schmecovery
NotUpdate: A03 anyone?

Chapter 26: Mistake?

4.9K 155 35
By coraswan

Double update!!! :)

Hayden's POV

Dakota had lines of code running across the screen, almost as fast as he was typing. I was bored and was observing Corey and Victor as they worked. I hadn't touched my coffee simply because I didn't like it. I only drank it previously while working in PR because I wouldn't be able to stay upright otherwise. Displays suddenly popped up and I perked slightly, seeing the streets outside of Grounded Kombat. Dakota knew what time we had arrived at the club, so we assumed that Trent had arrived before us, having staked out the place before. It's how he knew that you'd be there and managed to sign himself up for the last fight, Dakota reasoned

I knew he was right and I felt guilty and annoyed that I'd brought the angels right to danger's doorstep. I didn't want anyone to get hurt because of their association to me. Sure, there was the Volto freak and everything, but the Trent incident could've been completely avoided if I wasn't such a fuck-up who needed to fight to keep herself sane.

''Hayden!'' Dakota's annoyed tone filtered into my consciousness.

''Sorry,'' I mumbled, taking the pictures he had just printed from his outstretched arm.

I flipped through them, not recognizing anyone. Wordlessly, Dakota handed me another stack and I barely stifled a groan, getting nasty side-eye from Dakota who was looking exhausted.

I pushed my untouched cup of coffee towards him silently.

After handing me the 50th photo, I snapped. ''I don't fucking recognize anyone. It's fucking pointless'' I groaned

''Calm the attitude right now little demon. I'm not in the mood '' He continued typing.

I bristled. Admittedly, sure, he looked like shit and had been up a good portion of the night, from when the boys had informed the rest that we were at the Rings to now. I would've cut him some slack, but I was highly strung too. Exhausted from my fights, drained from taking a human life, to finding out that there was someone else after the boys and I, and not to mention the guys still keeping secrets from me about their past. So, maybe in different circumstances, I would've let it slide. But not now.

''Not in the mood?! No fucking shit, we're looking for a murderous freak on the loose from your fucking past, which you refuse to share. You guys need only ask, to know my damned past, but I share it, because that's what a relationship entails! But, no, I'm patient and I'll wait for you to share. But, now you're talking to me about attitude? If anything, I'm fucking entitled to my attitude, Mr. Lee, after everything that has happened tonight!'' I snarled standing up, ignoring the slight squeak the motion made.

''You should learn to be fucking grateful we're still with you, after everything that has happened! It's not like you share everything either! I don't even know if we can trust you! Volto coming back, right after you came into our lives?! This was such a mistake'' He growled back.

I recoiled as though I had been struck. He might as well have. That might've hurt less.

''Kota!'' Victor yelled at him angrily ''Take that back right now!''

Dakota seemed to realize what he had said. ''Hayden, baby, I-''

I let out a pathetic whimper. ''It's fine, I u-understand.'' I backed away from them, my  back to the  door. I grabbed a couple of pens quietly from a desk I passed.

''No, I didn't mea-'' Dakota tried

''Yes, yes you did. Every word. You're right, this was a mistake.'' Tears were freely falling down now. I'd never felt more hurt. Not even when Plank betrayed me. And I knew Plank longer than I did these guys. I ran abruptly to the door and shut it behind me, blindly sticking the pens into the keyhole to jam the mechanisms.

I turned to run only to come face to chests to a befuddled Marc and Gabriel.  I smiled, pretty sure it came out like a grimace, especially with the tears making everything around me blurry.

''Mischief? What's wrong?'' Gabriel held out a hand.

''I-i''s a m-mistake. I s-should g-go'' I tried keeping my voice steady but the sobs that were threatening to break out made my voice crack weirdly.

I ducked under both of their arms and raced up the stairs to my room. There was an open window there calling my name. I heard the door downstairs come off its hinges as Vic and Corey's frantic voices filtered upstairs.

''Shit, shitty pen, giving way, shitty timing, shitty boys with their amazing good looks and a shitty rich ass fancy house, shitty me for shitty decisions and shitty life'' I growled under my breath, scrubbing tears as I figured out the best way to leave. They'd predict me to be in my room so I gotta leave through another's.

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and I rushed out of my beautiful room, kissing it bye, and ran down the hallway, silently. I found an isolated room at the end and threw myself in, locking the door behind me. Huh, it may have been isolated but it was slightly bigger than any of the other rooms I'd been in, including the one I woke up in when I first met them.

Jesus, how big was this damned place?? Judging by the sexy automobiles in the room and two identical stairways leading to an elevated platform on both sides of the room, I came to the conclusion that this was North's and presumably Brandon's room. The banner of Henshaw-Taylor Automotives above the fireplace might've also given it away.

Shaking myself out of my reverie, I looked around for an escape. Ah! A window above one of their beds.  I was caught dead in the centre of the room, teary and puffy eyed, my one-piece crumpled, my legs shaking from exhaustion in my thigh-highs. The bathroom door opened. How did I know it was the bathroom? 'Cause, Brandon came out, bearing his fucking tight abs, in nothing but a towel, dripping wet.

I gaped. He startled at my appearance and then his eyes narrowed at my state. He nonchalantly walked to the wall nearest to him and keyed in something on the keypad. I watched cautiously, waiting any moves he might make. With a resounding click, the door I'd just entered from locked itself. Fuck, fuck, no! I turned around and tried to pull it open only to be met with a non-moving door and Brandon calmly said '' It's built to withstand even Luke's escape attempts. Even the windows are locked. Now, sweetling, wanna tell me what's got you so worked up?''

Fuckity fuck. Maybe I should incapacitate him or something?Since it's just me and him.  And....there went that plan I told myself snarkily as North's head popped up from under the car, in the corner workshop I hadn't noticed previously.

''Talkin' to yourself is a fucking sign of insanity bro- Oh, baby girl!''

He stood up and walked over to us, his posture tensing as he saw my face. ''Who do I kill? '' He said darkly

''That's what I WAS asking before your bamboozled ass sauntered in'' Brandon griped

''Open the fucking door, Br-brandon'' I hiccuped, failing miserably in my attempt to demand. He crossed his arms over his chest and stared wordlessly at me.

North approached rapidly and grabbed me into his warm embrace. I fought against him weakly, not having the energy to do so. He just held on tighter and the safety and care I felt in it, just made my barriers come tumbling down. Cuing the waterworks. It was ugly, messy and snotty.

North rubbed my back soothingly and picked me up walking to the couch and setting me on his lap.

Brandon appeared soon after, sitting on the couch. I saw him through my blurred vision, as he lightly dabbed at my face with tissues. ''What's wrong baby girl?'' Brandon cooed, gently placing a calloused hand on my cheek. I tried sighing but hicupped slightly instead.

So, since they asked, I told them. How I was stressed upset and tired, how Kota wasn't in better shape. How he snapped and why I snapped in retaliation. I quietly spilled the nasty things he told me in his anger. North's grip on me tightened and Brandon's face contorted in fury.

''One moment, sweetie,'' he said, pressing a kiss to my lips and walked over to a intercom next to the door.

He growled something in Russian, the fury ignited on his face as he spoke to someones over the com. I tugged on North's shirt sleeve. ''What's he doing?'' I asked in curiosity.

He had a dark smile as he listened to Bran's angry sputtering. ''He's mad at Kota, baby doll, for what he did. Now he's threatening Kota's parts and other nasty stuff you don't need to hear.'' He explained. I wanted to ask more, but North kissed me deeply, cutting off any train of thought and doubts I had. We, like the others I had kissed, fit so perfectly, like pieces of a puzzle. I mewled, clutching at his shirt for more. Soon, before I even realized, I had moved myself such that I was straddling him on the couch our cores meeting with sparks, separated by his jeans and my thin one-piece.

I needed to burn this one-piece.

Brandon's hissing had ceased now and he barked something to the listener, before walking to us. He sat down beside us and lifted me up from North's lap, and making me straddle him instead.

''Now, i don't do this thing well, so listen well. You are not a mistake. We chose you together, because you're intelligent, loving, sassy, funny, cute  and daring. You're not afraid to go toe-to-toe with any of us and even though the others might not be ready to say it, we love you. We love you and we're not letting you go ever. '' North breathed into my ear as I cuddled with Brandon.

''And, we might we fucking assholes sometimes but we will always love you unconditionally, regardless of your past or what you've done.It's no easy feat to love all 14 of us, we know, and we love you for it. We will tell you our pasts. We will baby, you just gotta trust us to do it when we're ready. And I know it's infuriating and stressful to be kept in the dark for so long, but we need a little more time. Can you give us just that, baby doll?'' Brandon asked

I leaned my head on his shoulder looking up at both of them with wide eyes. ''You love me? Do you mean that?''

Brandon dipped his head down and tenderly, loving pressed his lips to mine. ''More than anything.'' he said seriously.

I sniffled. ''Dakota doesn't. I don't want to come between your family,'' I protested, but was silenced when North shook his head

Brandon answered, '' Kota didn't mean a single word of it baby, he was stressed, tired and frustrated and instead of working it off, he took it out on you. The rest are down there giving him a good tongue lashing.''

I didn't know what to say. The selfish part of me wanted to stay here, wrapped in the safety of my angels' arms but there was a half saying that I should leave, to prevent any problems.

Sensing what I was conflicted about, North reassured me, ''Brothers fight and argue baby girl, we do it regardless of the situation, it's normal for them to fight. The thing that now unites us and makes us stronger than ever is our love for you. Understand??'' He barked.

I nodded, the fleeing idea firmly kicked out of my head...for now. I snuggled between North and Brandon, their collective warmths making me doze off slightly, as the exhaustion caught up with me.

''Let the doll rest. I'll go down and see the state of our house and get in a few punches myself. You stay with her'' North rumbled, running a paw soothingly through my slightly tangled locks. I was lost to the blackness of sleep, breathing in the scent of my angel wrapped around me.


When I came to the land of the living once more, I was confused. Because a)this wasn't my room b) this wasn't North/Brandon's room and c) I wasn't snuggled up to Brandon. No, this scent, and this stiff belonged to Dakota.

I narrowed my eyes, the puffiness and soreness making me cringe. I looked up at him slowly to see his intense green eyes framed by thick black rimmed glasses staring down at me. I pushed myself up, taking in the room he likely shared with someone else. Probably Vic and Core, seeing two other beds on the ends of the rooms.

Untangling myself from his warm arms, I threw my legs over the edge of the bed and prepared to leave.

''You're not going to say anything to me?'' He asked

''What's there to say? You should be saying something to me instead'' I huffed and walked off

Suddenly, I was grabbed around the waist and pushed roughly against the carpeted wall. ''Don't you ever walk away from me, kitten'' he hissed

I hit his chest, but he didnt loosen his grip on me. Instead he forced a leg between my thighs, spreading them while one of his hands snaked up, grabbed both my wrists and held them above my head, to the wall, firmly. ''We're having a fucking discussion'' he said

I turned my head. ''Wasn't I a mistake Dakota? Someone not to be trusted? Well, you should let me leave then! So you can find yourself a two-bit whore whho'll keep her mouth shut for a pretty price. You can fuck her all you like,a fuck doll, that's what you want! You don't want m- ammmmm''

He forced his tongue into mine, roughly nipping at my lips when I tried to close my mouth. I Bit his tongue, but he just growled and pressed himself against me harder, his free hand coming up to grip my throat lightly.

''You fucking listen. I love you. Not some two-biit whore willing to spread hers for some cash. You. No fucking body else. If I want a fuck doll, that's what you'll be for me, because I. Fucking. Love. You!'' He growled animalistically, making me drench myself, again, in my one-piece.

This fucking one-piece is like a wet magnet.

I tried to get him to come back and kiss me again, but he moved just out of reach, deliciously tightening his hold on my neck.He trailed kisses down my jawline and bit into my pulse point, hard enough, that I was sure it wold leave marks. I moaned wantonly, trying to get friction down below by rubbing myself slightly on his thick trouser-clad thigh. He groaned a little and ravaged my mouth once more, his hand leaving my throat to plunge two fingers unexpectedly into my sopping wet channel. I cried into his mouth, the pleasure driving me loopy.

"I know you were wet when you were sitting next to me in the computer room. The patch you left was pretty big. I'm sorry for fucking going off on you like that baby." He spoke against my skin, the vibrations making me lose my senses. I threw my head back, exposing my neck to him more.

''Forgive me, Little Demon?'' He asked seductively, teasingly taking his fingers out of me.

I just shook my head and mewled and thrust my hips, trying to get his fingers back to where they were. ''Na-uh baby. You want that, you gotta say the words'' He sang

''Yes! OF course I forgive you Dakota!'' I screamed as he roughly pushed them back in. I saw stars as I came, shuddering as I did, Dakota's hands holding me up. He gently released my hands from where they'd been imprisoned above me, and lifted me up, bridal style.

''Let's get you washed up, huh? Then I can show you a little present I got you'' He soothed, walking to the ensuite bathroom. I hummed in delight. He pressed a tender kiss tony lips. "You're mine. Ours. Forever."

I smiled.


Yay this chapter was like uP and DoWn and I loved writing it huehuehuehduehue. I do so love chaos~

Keep tuned to follow more adventures of Hayden and Hayden's Angels!

I love each and every one of you and your support means alot! Vote! Comment! Share! to spread the joy of Academy!!

Follow me to get the next chapters, fresh off the upload!



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