Fooling Ourselves

By Kelly_Al

1.4M 33.3K 6K

It was simple. He was my brother's ex-bestfriend and now enemy. I was supposed to stay away from him. I was s... More

Prologue: How It Happened...
How We Had Our First Encounter
How I Lost An Admirer
How He Ended What Didn't Start
How Bryan Got Attacked Twice
How I Spent My Birthday
How My First Date Got Ruined
How The Bad Boy Made Me Feel Safe...
How I Met His Siblings
How He Told Me Off...
How We Ditched
How Things Went Down...
How He Came Over....
How We Left The Table...
How He Won Us Over...
How We Got Caught....
How He Lost it....
How I Met His Parents...
How We Got Closer
How They Made Up...
How We Disagreed...
How He Looked Heart-Broken....
How We Smoothed Things Over...
How it was Calm before the Storm...
How The Storm Came...
How The Truth Came Out...
How It Was At School...
How The Dinner Went...
How we Talked about my Choices
How we Danced at Prom
How Everything Changed...
How He's so Beautiful...
How we Went Our Separate Ways...
How I Surprised Them
Bonus Chapter
New Book!
Bonus Chapter (Jace + Alicia)
New Book!

Bonus Chapter: How I Knew She Was The One

19K 298 19
By Kelly_Al



I shouted along with the other players as we belt out our school motto and made out way off the football field. I removed my helmet from my head and chuckled as two cheerleaders winked in my direction, one was brave enough to kiss my cheek. It was half-time and the cheerleaders would normally keep the crowd entertained while the teams cooled off for a while. I watched as they made their way to the field and started to cheer.

Alicia was the head cheerleader and I always liked to watch her dance. She would keep her eyes on me, with her usual playful look, as if she was cheering for me alone and I found that hot. I found her hot but she never tried to make a move on me. It was her loss really, because I am the captain of the team and everyone wanted something from me. But her playing hard to get never really bothered me because I had a lot of girls who were always ready and willing to be around me.

I watched as Skylar, my sister, climbed on top of the pyramid they had been building. I could tell from her facial expression that she was nervous but she safely steadied herself, grinning when she did so. From a distance, I saw one of the visitors in the crowd throw an object at one of the cheerleaders holding Skye up and she faltered which was enough to send my sister tumbling to the ground.

Her ear-piercing scream was enough to send my feet running in her direction, along with the other players. Alicia had reached her before I did and was questioning her about her pain looking worried.

"Can someone get her to the hospital please?" I barely caught the words that left Alicia's mouth.

"Give me my sister!" I demanded when I finally got to her.

"No, he can't do it. He has the game. Where's Ari?" Skye asked trying to hide her pain. I scowled at her words.

"Parting a fight. Oh, here she comes," Alicia spoke in a hurry.

"Come on Skye," Ari helped my sister up and guided her through the crowd and towards the car park. I relaxed knowing that my sister was safe with Ariana but as soon as I saw Dylan being held back by Theo and Thai from who I assumed was the offender, I took off in that direction. I barely managed to land a fist in the guy's face before some team members grabbed my hands and Alicia approached me.

"Listen up, star boy, you have a team to lead and a game to play so fighting this waste of space isn't on the top of your agenda," she warned, her hazel eyes seeming to glisten with her words.

"I sure as hell think he deserves to be my top priority right now," I practically growled at the guy and tried to pull away from my teammates. Alicia placed a soft hand on my chest and took a step closer to stop me from moving forward.

"I think you could be doing much more entertaining things right now," she stood on her toe tips and whispered against my ears. Her words alone were enough to drive me crazy but with her hand on my chest, I was wild with desire. I wanted this girl and I would indeed have her.

I only smirked as I walked by her and returned to the field. I didn't need to say anything else. She had been successful in taking my mind off my sister's injury and knowing that Dylan had gotten a few good punches in before he had been pulled away was enough to keep my anger for this guy at ease.

The last half of the game was even better. The whole Skylar incident gave the team a positive boost as we all wanted to win the game even more and defeat the visitors, which we were successful in doing. The entire school ran onto the field when time ran out and we were declared winners. Everyone was cheering and it made me happy to see the visitors upset and in a hurry to leave.

I grabbed Alicia as she was about to run pass me and pulled her against my sweaty chest. With my helmet in one hand and my other hand wrapped firmly around her waist, I pressed my lips against hers in a scorching kiss that had us hungry for more. She ran her hands through my wet hair before gripping it tightly and holding me closer. She pulled away from me with her trademark playful grin and walked away...slowly...teasingly.

It was in that moment that I knew I had to have her for myself and not in the usual casual sex kind of way... but the real thing.


I laughed at something James was saying as I drained the drink in my hand. It was Saturday, the day after the game and we were at a party out of town celebrating our win. We had made plans to stay over-night at a hotel to avoid having to drive all the way back home so early in the morning. After apologizing to Skylar earlier and making her breakfast, I left her safely at home with Ariana, knowing she was in good arms.

James and I liked to party a lot. It had always been our thing but we especially loved out of town parties. It was like living it up somewhere else in the world before we had to return to our real life. It was also easier to hook up this way and I was a man of many needs. I grinned at that thought as I watched a sexy number in a really short skirt lean over to whisper in her friend's ear while keeping her eyes on me. I only had to wait five more minutes before she came over.


Whatever she was saying was suddenly lost to me as my eyes caught a particular redhead who haunted my dreams the previous night. Alicia. She was wearing skin tight high-waisted jeans with a mesh crop top and a tiny top underneath. It barely covered her breasts so that her skin was on display and with the mesh over it, she looked ready to be devoured. Her make-up seemed light except for the pink lipstick covering her delicious lips and her hair was let down. So much red. What was she doing here? Worse, what was she doing in some corner with a guy hovering over her like she was some cheap slut?

(Her outfit below)

"Hey! Where are you going?!" the girl who was talking to me called out as I brushed pass her and stormed over to Alicia. I roughly grabbed the guy and pushed him away from her.

"What are you doing?!" Alicia scowled as she took notice of me.

"What are you doing here?" I practically barked out.

"I'm here for the same reason you're probably here. To. Get. Laid."

"Aren't you supposed to be home daydreaming and reading more into our kiss than there is," I hissed annoyed with her presence at the party. I was more annoyed with her presence in my mind.

"Excuse me? It's obvious that you're the one who's caught up on a simple kiss. Get out of my way," she demanded. A simple kiss? The kiss was anything but simple.

"If you're really here to get laid, then I'm going to be the biggest cock-block of all times," I told her and trapped her with my arms. She wasn't getting laid by some other guy. Ever.

"Jace," my name sounded good coming from her mouth. She stepped closer and placed her hands on my jeans, slowly lowering them, "If you're not going to let me get laid by some other guy..." her hands were just above my crotch, "And both of us came here to get laid," she gave it a slight squeeze which drove me crazy, "Then maybe we should both have sex."

She didn't have to tell me twice. My lips were soon on hers, kissing and biting, trying to get any kind of reaction out of her. She wrapped her legs around my waist and I carried her out to my car. I barely managed to focus on the road to get us to the hotel I was staying at for the night, as her hands were all over me. We were the tumbling out of my car and towards the elevator and then to my room.

It was when we were safely behind doors that her moans got louder and her actions bolder. Ours clothes were left in a pile by the door which James would certainly fall over when he got back but I didn't care. I was mostly concerned with pleasing the beauty I had in my arms for the rest of the night. We were like animals in the kitchen, on the couch and even in the shower until we finally settled in the bedroom. We rested for a while before we woke two hours later and were at it again. But this time it was different...softer...more passionate...slower...and much more pleasurable.

I had never experienced sex like that before and now that I had, I never wanted to experience it any other way. But we didn't just have sex, it was something so much more than that. It was something precious...something beautiful. Something I could only have with Alicia and something I never wanted to have without her again.

I grinned down at her as she cuddled closer to me. Her hair was a mess and her skin bruised from my kisses but in that moment, she was most beautiful to me. I held her closer, tighter...not ever wanting to let go of her. I silently prayed that I wouldn't have to as I drifted into a deep sleep.


I woke to empty sheets and no Alicia beside me. In a panic, I sat upright and quickly looked around the room in search of the redhead who had haunted my dreams. A smile broke out on my face as I saw her walking out of the en-suite bathroom half-dressed. She left the room without giving me another glance and collected our clothes from outside before re-entering the room. I watched as she pulled on her jeans.

"Hey baby, leaving so quickly?" I teased as I climbed out of bed fully naked. Her eyes drifted below my waist for a brief second before she met my eyes.

"Yes, I thought you were familiar with how these things work," she told me as she buttoned her high-waist jeans.

"What things?" I asked, a frown beginning to form on my face.

"One night stands," she rolled her eyes as if I was annoying her.

"You think that's what this was?" I was offended now. I had never been treated like this in all my nineteen years of living.

"Okay so we might hook up a few times after this but that's all it will ever be right? Hooking up. You don't do relationships so let's not pretend some amazing sex is going to change you overnight," she chuckled. Why was she finding this funny?

"I don't want to just hook up with you. I want us to try having a relationship. You're different for me," I explained cautiously.

"Okay well, I don't do relationships. I'm a free spirit who doesn't want to be tied down. I like sex, Jace, a lot and not just with one guy," she reached for her top and pulled it over her head. Fixing it properly, she looked over at me, "Now this is extremely awkward but tell you what, we can pretend this morning after conversation never happened. You woke and didn't see me, deal?"

"Alicia," I reached for her before she walked out of my room and pulled her closer to me, "I want to date you and I'm not okay with you sleeping around with other guys."

"Jace I only slept with you because I thought you'd be cool with this kind of thing. I didn't know you were clingy. I know I'm a good lay but that's all this will ever be. I'm leaving now. Don't call me, just treat me like another one of your other girls," she didn't even look back at me as she rushed out of the hotel.

I sighed and threw myself back in bed. Of course. The one girl I liked had to be some type of sex addict...she was like a female me.

*So more bonus chapters or nah?*

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