The Central Kingdom (Book 3)

Galing kay emilyandjenna

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Book 3 of The Dark King series Higit pa

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 51

102 20 125
Galing kay emilyandjenna


It's so dark I can't see a thing. The blue flashes from my eyes and arms give way to her and her beautiful face. All I can hear is the sound of Byrd's breath getting shallow. She draws in a breath and slowly releases as I step near her.

"Raidyn, I-I-" she chokes out.

"Shh, little dove. Let's just enjoy this. Relax, I'm sure I'll leave you overly-satisfied, it's been months..." I am playing this overly confident, but I know all too well that it'll subdue her nerves.

She gulps, her eyes grow wide, and I grow harder, I want this now. I don't even care that I don't know our surroundings anymore. I grab a fistful of her hair in one hand as my other hand greedily runs over her body. I want as much of her as I can get. I crave the closeness we've been lacking. I love her in every way, but I love it most when we can spend our time like this. Her moans echo throughout the dark room and the sound of both of our breaths fill it as the tensions builds up and our kisses get rougher and sloppier. Gods, her hair's a mess now, but she still looks damn beautiful. I give her little shocks as my hand travels down between her legs. She's so ready and I know she's missed this as much as I have. Her head is leaned back and her eyes are screwed shut as my fingers work their magic and massage in circles.

"Raidyn, more." She whispers out, barely audible. Who am I to deny my queen her request? I finally drop my pants and fill her at the same time I lower my lips to her neck.

I wake up to Byrd moaning next to me. Shit. It was a dream and I must've sent my dream to her. I groan and roll on my side from my back to gently nudge her awake. I don't want to unfairly tease her. "Wake up, my queen. It was just a good dream of mine."

"You're the biggest tease." She groans awake.

"Sorry." I sigh. "It wasn't intentional, but we could always go at it for real if you want to just resign and lose the bet."

She grabs her pillow and puts it over her head huffing.

I swing my legs over the side of the bed and check on my two boys. Alanna is in the nursery with the two and instantly I'm glad it isn't Rosie because I'm in boxers and given the history...Alanna doesn't care and she'd never say anything. She's older and I trust that she wouldn't come onto me.

Riesner is actually up which means that Hollis is definitely awake. My boys. Looking at them is never tiring. He fidgets and grabs the rails of the crib to stand. I pick him up since this is what he wants and he seems content as I walk us over to the other crib.

"Raidyn, you can't always give Riesner what he wants. He is manipulating you without even having to use his power." Alanna scolds me.

"I can't help it." I guiltily shrug. Riesner begins to cry as he spots his brother in the crib below.

"Shhhh. If you keep crying like this I will put you back in the crib and I'm not picking you back up." I speak to him in a warning tone that I think he understands.

Ries continues to cry until I back away from Hollis so I do as I planned and set him back in the crib. "I wasn't playing around with you, son." I kiss him on the forehead as I set him back in the crib. "Alanna, Byrd should be over soon enough, she's just getting a couple more minutes of sleep before she's up for the day."

Alanna nods and I wave goodbye to return to my
chambers to get dressed. I have a meeting this morning with Duck in the library. Apparently, he as business to conduct with me.

"Hello Duckman." I greet as I enter the library dressed in all black as usual. My crown feels lighter on my head than normal, but it's probably because I had it cleaned yesterday. Duck is standing in front of a shelf, he probably has been placing books back while waiting for me.

"Good morning, King Raidyn." Duck bows his head. "Would you like to sit?" He motions to the table.

I smile and sit down. "I hope that our business has nothing to do with Raven. I really don't wish to get involved in the messy situation."

"No." He quickly says. "Nothing about her." Duck starts to shake his head. "Our business involves this year's scholar convention."

"The scholar convention? What about it? It was in the West last year, right?" I adjust my crown and shake out my hair.

"Yes, my king. Now it is to be hosted in your kingdom. I just wanted to go over the location and the details." Duck laces his fingers together.

"What? When? It's really ready to be hosted here again?" The last scholar convention was years ago, but I just didn't expect it to come again. Honestly, I had that convention so far in the back of my mind that I almost forgot it existed.

"Seven weeks to be exact. It was in the East before the West, the North was off limits as well as the Lost Kingdom and the years before that it was held overseas. It is rightfully your year, king. It is quite alright I already have some planning done, I just need some of your staff to help me with food and decorations."

"Anything you need feel free to use. I want the scholars to have the best time and stay as possible. Shall I send over Petunia to help you?" I chuckle.

"That sounds wonderful." Duck smiles. "Thank you."

"Really?" My eyebrows shoot up in surprise. "You actually want Petunia to badger you?"

"Is she that bad?" Ducks eyebrows raise. "Oh yeah, I guess you're right she was pretty terrible during yours and Byrd's wedding day."

"I mean," I scratch at the back of my neck and lean back in my chair, "she's great at what she does. She's just a pain to work with. You'll probably do fine, she's just got a strong personality."

"I guess I'll need all the help I can get. I know nothing of party planning. I mean Raven knows exactly how to--" Duck cuts himself off and clears his throat. "Thank you again, King."

"Let me know if you need anything else." I stand from my chair and nod. "I will save the ballroom for your event." I wave and turn to exit the library, but I stop in my tracks when I see a furious Cal storming in.

"What the hell did you say to Raven?! Why was she crying this morning?!" Cal growls looking past me to glare at Duck.

Duck stands up from the table grabbing books and rolling his eyes. "Good afternoon to you too, Calpurnius."

"Answer my damn questions, scholar! I have little patience for this." Cal slams his fists on the table.

Duck makes his way to one of the shelves nearby to put a book away and calls back. "None of your business, farmer."

"You say that with some respect! There is nothing wrong with being a farmer. Without me you wouldn't eat, you wouldn't even be alive!" Cal yells, his face bright red. "Gods, I should've never saved you. Raven and I would happily be together." He mutters under his breath.

"You saved me because that is what Raven wanted and she is damn happy that I am alive. You're just upset and mad that you aren't Raven's first choice and you might never be." Duck scoffs. "Farmer."

Cal walks over to Conroy and grab him by the collar of his shirt. "I'm sick and tired of you talking down to me like I'm nothing! You pompous asshole!" He winds up his fist and socks Duck in the eye. "If you're not going to be there for her and you're just going to make her cry I will hurt you far worse than that black eye you'll have in a couple hours." Cal spits out.

Duck grabs his eye and snarls out. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" He punches Cal back square in the jaw.

The two engage in hand-to-hand combat in Duck's precious library. Knocking over shelves and tumbling books and papers as the go. I really don't want to put myself in the middle of this and the entire time I've been watching with my eyes wide. Guilt gets to me when I realize I can't let both of the men Raven loves kill each other so I know I have to intervene...

I pry the two apart, Duck is on my left and Cal is on my right. "Both of you need to stop! You both love Raven and you need to think about her, she would hate to see this right now. Come on, both of you know better."

Duck pulls away from me and straightens out his shirt. "Sorry, King Raidyn. You're right, fighting like this is very immature."

"Coward." Cal hisses as I push him back. "You couldn't get your hands dirty for a second."

Duck lets out a low laugh. "I have no desire to put my hands on scum like you, farmer." He taunts. Duck looks roughed up, for sure, but I have to admit that he did much better than I ever expected him to.

"Do you really want another black eye?" Cal shouts, peaking out from the side of me.

"Would you get the hell out of my library? I'm tired of seeing and hearing you." Duck crosses his arms against his chest.

"Fuck this, Raven needs me." He throws his hands up. "You stay away." He gives one last dirty look to Duck as I escort him out.

Duck rolls his eyes once again and scoffs. "Bastard." He mumbles.

Cal loses his mind and breaks away from me to fist fight with Duckman again. I shake my head and decide to run to get guards. This is a situation that is best left to them.

After the guards split up the two and calm both of the men down, I bump into Raphael in the hall.

"Hey, little brother. How is your stay so far?" I smile down at the boy. It's been a week since Raph arrived in our kingdom to stay for a couple months.

"Good." Raph smiles. "Luscinia took me into town yesterday and showed me around. She said you would've come, but you were busy." He looks slightly disappointed.

"I'm sorry, I had boring judgement to take care of. How about I skip out today and we go riding? Would you like that?"

"Yes!" Raph clears bus throat. "Yes, I would like that very much." His smile widens. "Can I ride Twist again?"

"Of course! I think Twist is the perfect horse for you." I pat his back.

"Let's go." He grabs my hand and tugs at me.

Raph and I ride for a couple hours. By the end, the sun has been beating down on us and we are sweating profusely, the horses are exhausted too. Raph is a great kid and this week has been great. I love having him here and it makes me excited to picture the future and him playing with my sons or even being a loyal guard in my castle someday.

When Raph and I reach the castle doors Jax approaches and hands me a letter with a purple seal. Cynric's seal.

Raidyn Rastifen,

As you have probably heard my beautiful and most perfect son in the entirety of the realm was born a week ago. I have received your wife's letter--quite a good laugh. Casden is to be my heir, but it is not Luscinia's choice to "give up her birthright in exchange to leave your kingdom alone." I still don't like you, Dark King. I despise you and those bastard children- speaking of, my spies tell me my late wife's bastard Raphael is there. One quick question atrocious King, is your wife wearing the king's crown in your kingdom now? You are foolish and a laughable idiot and I will not stop until you and the abomination you call a life is over. I find it truly precious that my daughter is trying to save your pitiful kingdom and children...but then again you are the king of manipulation. See you soon.

The Great King Cynric Veldhashalm

I crumple up the letter as lightning flashes outside and thunder cracks. Does Cynric really think he can still get to me and get under my skin with the same old comments? I don't need a thing from him. I don't need reassurance. I know my sons are legitimate and that in a battle between Cynric and I, I will always come out on top. What I am shocked about is that Byrd has been corresponding with Cynric. I almost don't believe it, but then again there's only one way to know for sure; the source, I head to the garden where Cristi told me Byrd was and sure enough I spot her among the roses.

"Is it true that you're writing with your father? Are you going behind my back, Byrd?" I noticeably frown while approaching her.

Byrd frowns back at me. "I'm sorry. I meant to tell you, I just got a little distracted."

"Have you always been doing this? Or is this a new thing? It just hurt me to think that you would correspond with the most dangerous man in the realm and this kingdom and the alliance's greatest enemy and not tell me at all. You always know with me, I would like the same with you." I run my fingers through my hair and peer down at her since I'm right in front of her now. I understand how she could've got caught up and forgotten, but it's been a week. He could've attacked as his response to her letter and I would've never saw it coming. I wouldn't have been prepared and neither would have any of our people, I don't even want to think about the potential bloodshed. "I get that he is your father no matter what, but this is war, Byrd."

"I wrote him a letter as soon as I found out his son was born." Byrd picks at her fingernails. "I just thought maybe he would give up if I told him to just make his new prince his heir."

I grab her hands in mine to stop her from her habit. "Please, look at me. I am not outrageously mad about this, but we need to tell each other these things. It is not a time of peace and your father is unpredictable. This is not the way I want it to be either. We rule together and we need to stand together, our communication is important more than ever, things are only getting worse."

"I'm sorry." She looks up at me with sad, regret-filled eyes.

I shake my head and speak softly to her, "Just tell me that you'll tell me next time around."

"I promise." She looks down at her hands in mine probably wanting to fidget with them again.

"Thank you." I massage her hands with my thumbs. "I have news to tell you. We are hosting the annual scholar convention. Everyone comes to town in seven weeks."

"Scholar convention?" She looks taken back.

"Oh, right, you were in the North your entire life, let me explain. All the scholars in all the realm, even the ones overseas, get together every year in a kingdom for one large convention. It is our turn to hold it this year."

"Interesting." She smiles lightly. "I can't wait to actually see this convention. I'm sure Duck is thrilled."

"Duck is thrilled, although, Duckman does have a new black eye and collection of bruises I bet he wants to heal before the convention."

"What?" She raises her eyebrows.

"Cal barged into the library pissed off because Duck made Raven cry and the two got in a fist-fight." I sigh.

"Poor Raven, this has gotta be so hard on her." Byrd frowns.

"My thoughts exactly. I think that even without this pregnancy she would be emotional right now."

"I wish there was something more we could do."

"Maybe there is..." I trail and use one of my hands to scratch at my chin. "Why don't we, or you rather, give her a day of pampering?"

"Not a bad idea at all." She nods her head. "I think a day of relaxation is just what she needs."

"Plus, I think you could use it with our two little rascals."

"Three..." she clarifies, "little rascals."

"You're not pregnant again." I say jumping back like something slapped me in the face.

"Of course I'm not, we haven't had sex in months." She growls. "I was referring to you."

"I'm not little and even though we haven't had sex in months, you'd think you would've remembered that." I smirk.

Byrd's face turns pink. "I'd rather not think about it." She says clearing her throat.

"Did my dream get your knickers in a twist?" I tease.

Byrd's eyes grow wide and then return to normal. "I don't know what you're talking about." She shrugs.

"You did this morning." I chuckle. "You're the most terrible liar."

She lets out a soft whimper and bites at her bottom lip. "No. Nope. Don't know what you're referring to."

"Just let me know when you're ready to lose the bet." I smile.

She clenches her fists. "I am not losing this bet."

"So I should continue the dreams?" I continue to tease.

"You're cruel and I'm going to find something that bothers you equally." She begins to storm out of the garden.

"Byrd!" I call to her and she stops in her tracks. "You! You bother me."

"Apparently not enough." She mutters.

"Yes, enough. I'm dying over here. That dream was mine and it wasn't even meant for you."

Byrd turns to look at me over her shoulder. "Really?" She slightly smiles.

"That's what I meant this morning when I said it wasn't intentional." I nod.

"Just like old times, huh?" She sighs. "Why did we even make this stupid bet?"

"I don't know, but I would sure like to break it." I croon and step closer to her.

"Then why don't we put an end to this madness." She breathes out. "Nobody wins, nobody loses."

"Deal, later tonight then?" I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Deal." She smiles and places her hands on my hips.

I give her a parting kiss and head on my way to check in on Raph. When I received the letter I know he scurried off to somewhere when my storm started up outside.

I knock on his chamber doors and open up to peek my head in. Raven is inside talking again to the boy. "Is everyone alright in here?" I ask.

"Yes." Raph smiles largely. "Everything is perfect." He looks over at Raven.

"Yes, Raph here was just telling me about your time riding together this afternoon." Raven grins largely as well.

"I take it that you haven't seen or heard about Cal and Duck yet then?" I raise an eyebrow.

"No, I have, but I am not going to let those two keep upsetting me. I am tired of all the crying I've been doing lately." Raven's grin fades.

Raph puts his hand on top of Ravens and look at me. "I've been helping the Princess forget."

Raven and I both burst out laughing.

"Oh Raphael, you're so adorable." Raven's happy disposition returns.

Raphael's smile turns weak and he removes his hand and nods his head.

"Can you read Raven's mind right now, Raph?"

"No, but I can read yours, Raidyn." He says softly.

I blush because I know all I am thinking about is undressing his sister and having my way. I shake my head and decide to change my thought to my boys. "So you're talking to Cal right now, Raven?"

Raven narrows her eyes at me. "What are you getting at here?"

"Oh, nothing. It just seems like your decision is pretty decided. I was just wondering when you're going to make it official."

Raphael's shoulders noticeably slump. "You're choosing Cal?"

"Cal is the father of my baby, Raph." Raven gently places a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry to hurt you, but I do love him and it is what is best for my baby and I. I know that someday you'll be the best guard in the entire realm and by then I'll be old and wrinkly, you'll be happy to be with one of the ladies closer in age to you when you see me." She laughs lightly.

Raphael frowns and fidgets with his fingers. "I will always love you, Raven. No matter what."

"Come here." Raven smiles and gestures for him to lean in. He does and Raven gives him a peck on the cheek. "Feel at least a little bit better?"

"Mhm." His cheeks blush.

"Now I know what you're thinking." I point at Raph. "I guess we can call it even."

Raph shies away from me putting his hands in his lap and just smiles at Raven adoringly.

"Raph, may I borrow you for a moment, buddy? I have a friend I would like for you to meet." I look from him to Raven and back.

"Yeah." Raph nods his head and stands walking to my side.

He follows me down the halls until we reach the ballroom. The ballroom isn't exactly what I pictured for this meeting to take place, but it will be nice for Raph to get to meet the highest guard in my kingdom, the general. Jax is standing next to Cal and another guard he must be training in full uniform. I can't recall Raphael ever meeting Cal before either so this is an introduction of sorts as well.

"Raphael, I would like to introduce you to General Jax and two guards in training, Calpurnius and Seth." I gesture to the men accordingly.

Raph's attention goes straight to Cal ignoring the other two. He blinks. "You're Cal?"

"I am." Cal nods and I pray in my head that another fight over my sister won't break out in front of me today. "Pleasure to meet you, Raphael." He extends his hand.

Raph only crosses his arms and looks Cal in the eyes. "Don't you dare hurt her."

Cal drops his arm to his side. "I wouldn't ever. If I ever do, you can kill me yourself."

Raph nods his head. "Good. I'm glad we're at an understanding."

Cal chuckles then returns his face to seriousness. "We do. Raven has told me a lot about you."

Raph's face lights up. "She has?"

"Yep and she even says good luck with the training right now." Cal gives a small grin.

Raph turns his head smiling and blushing. He clears his throats and look at Jax finally. "It's nice to meet you, General."

"Nice to meet you too. Now shall we get down to business?" Jax puffs out his chest.

Raph straightens his spine and pushes his shoulders back. "Yes sir."

"Have you been studying the rule and guide book I heard you received about a week ago?" Jax asks crossing his arms.

"Yes sir, I have." Raph nods.

"Good." The general smiles back. He continues and yells in the faces of the men and Raph, "I want all three of you to properly stand and salute the king and I. After that, I would like the three of you to march in unison formation."

Every single general I've had or known in my life has been similar. When general's are working they are completely different people than when they aren't. They constantly put up a front and scream to intimidate when in reality the general is a nice person, like Finn or Aslo for example, they would kill you in a flash on the battlefield, but if you met them with their families they'd never give you a hard time without reason. Generals seem to have to most respect for royalty because they understand the burdens and responsibilities that come with power and rule. I've met one female general before and she lives oversea, even she followed the typical hard-personality-while-in-work thing and then ditched it when she was out as I can recall from reading my journal entry the other day, her name was Talia and I slept with her for a day and her best friend the next. Talia is one of the few women I've met with super strength. Stereotypically, super strength for some reason is a power more inclined to be in a male. Talia was introduced to me by Wyr since she was his cousin.

I leave a very serious-faced Raphael in the hands of General Jax and head to Raven's chambers to discuss Byrd's birthday which is nearing.

"Hey." I knock and open the door where Raven is lying down in bed reading a book.

"Hey R." Raven smiles and closes her book setting it on the end table next to her bed.

"Can you help me plan something for Byrd's birthday next week?"

"Yes." She says quickly. "What do you need help with?"

"I just don't know what to do here. I don't know whether or not to throw her a huge bash. I don't know what she wants. Have you heard anything?"

"No, I actually almost forgot it was her birthday coming up." Raven scratches at the back of her neck. "Lets throw her the biggest party ever!"

"Sounds good to me. I just want to make her happy and impress her."

"Yes! I can see it now--the spotlight on her, the extravagant dress she can wear, we can do all her favorite foods and colors!" Raven rambles.

"Great. So you'll help me?"

"I would love to help you, R." She stands up and claps her hands together. "It'll get my mind off...yes, I'll help."

"How is that going by the way? Do you know how far along you are?" I scratch at my neck.

"How ever old Hollis is." Raven laughs nervously.

" in a couple of months you'll find out the gender?" I say awkwardly.

"In about eight to nine more weeks." Raven nods her head.

"Maybe Duck already knows it." I suggest, just throwing in the possibility.

"He wouldn't tell me anyways, he is very strict about his prophecies."

"Yes, well grandma or Astrid might mention it to you anyways if he doesn't."

She grabs her stomach and smiles weakly. "I'm nervous."

"You'll do great, Raven. You'll be a wonderful mother, you're already a very compassionate person."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. It's just one thing taking care of my nephews and another taking care of one of my own."

"I was so nervous to be a father myself. I didn't think I would be any good, but once you hold your baby in your arms everything changes." I sigh.

Her eyes start to tear up. "Yeah, yeah, everything will be okay." She wipes her eyes.

I walk over to Raven and hug her tightly. "Everything will be okay, I promise. Do you need me to stay with you? Are you okay?"

"Yes. I'm fine." She sniffles and holds me tighter.

"Okay, well, do you need anything from the kitchen? I'm heading down there for a snack?" I pat her back.

"Uhm, no, well yes, maybe. I'll just join you."

Raven and I travel down to the kitchen and we crack open a bag of potato chips.

"I love these chips." Raven gushes.

I chuckle to myself. "They are pretty good."

Raven and I actually finish the entire bag. Raven yawns and excuses herself for the night and I head back to my chambers and prepare for a night of romance with my queen. I grab candles from a utility closet and spread them out over the room. I quickly light them all and throw off my clothes to hop in bed and shimmy myself under the covers. Minutes later the door creaks open.

Alanna walks in and blushes like mad. She quickly covers her eyes with her hands. "Oh! So sorry, King Raidyn."

Byrd enters and looks wide eyed. "Am I...uh...interrupting something?"

"No! No." I quickly spit out and cover myself more with the covers. The covers are now under my chin and any boner I had has dissipated.

"No! Heavens no!" Alanna removes her hands from her eyes to wave them.

Byrd looks from me to Alanna. "Is there something we could do for you then?" She stammers and raises her eyebrows.

"I-I was just returning the breast pump, Your Highness." Alanna shakingly points down to the dropped machine.

"Thank you." She takes it from her and nods. "It's, um, broken."

"I-I-I just-t dropped it." Alanna nervously blurts.

"You know what it's quite alright Alanna, I'll take care of it." Byrd bends down to grab the broken machine. "Thank you, you're excused."

Alanna curtsies sloppily and scurries out of the room and I wouldn't feel any worse having caused the scene.

"Byrd, I was setting up for you and she-" I ramble.

"I get it." She holds up a hand and walks over to the table to set the pump down.

I motion for her to come over to the bed and slowly massage her back. "I'm so sorry about that again. I just wanted to set the mood a little." I whisper and chuckle and she laughs back and moans a little as continue to work out the knots from stress.

I slowly lift up her shirt to massage and kiss the bare skin of her back. "I love you, little dove."

Slowly we work our way to laying side by side and passionately making out. I am so hungry for her, I feel the tug in my groin worse than in the dream this morning. A plea escape her lips and I finally insert myself in her.

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