When Siblings return

By Star_OfTheShow

15.6K 290 142

When Adami returned he found that Yugo had changed. Yugo was mad at Adami for leaving, but when something beg... More

You left me.... Why come back now?
Don't. Touch. My. BROTHER!!
Why did you save me? I was an awful brother."
Numb nuts
Something unexpected
Got a Real Good Feeling Somthin' Bad About to Happen
HOLY BWORK!!!!!!!!!
The Eliatrope Sickness
Barfing? Still?
Auther's note
Years later.......
New Home
Crimson Claw Archipelago
Need To Escape.... Oh Hey An Earthquake.
Old Friends
Portals... I Can Make Portals..... Neat.
I got Tagged..... And I'm Very Confused
Gotta Save Yugo..... Who's That Guy?
The End of One Thing, Leads to the Beginning of Another (Finale)

Its been years, and now he's back

811 12 10
By Star_OfTheShow

It had been 5 years since King Yugo was reborn as a girl, and she refused to stay still. "Yuki!?" The 21 year old Eliatrope yelled looking for the queen

"You can't catch me Chibi!" Queen Yuki shouted as she flew around the near the ceiling through portals

"C'mon Yuki! You have lessons today!"

"But I don't wanna sit around for hours on end, pretending to pay attention to Quilby when he's talking!"


Meanwhile on the other side of the castle....

"Adami!?" The 21 year old black dragon yelled as he looked for the leader of his kind

"You can't find me Grougal!" The small Blue and white dragon yelled from his hiding spot

"C'mon Adami! You've got lessons today!"

"But I don't wanna go and be bored for hours on end!"

Adami flew out of his hiding spot and flew across the castle near the ceiling, until BAM! He collided with Yuki. "We've be caught Adami!" Yuki said as Grougal and Chibi picked them up

"What do ya wanna do to escape?"



"Portals and fire?"


Adami set the carpet on fire, and Yuki opened their escape portal, "C'mon Ad let's go to the village!"

"Let's go!"

They jumped through the portal and appeared in the town square, and when every Eliatrope saw the five year old queen and the five year old dragon, they got swarmed. "Aww their so cute!" One said

"Look at the queen she's so small!" Another one shouted

"Aww can I hug one!?" One yelled

"Maybe town wasn't the best idea." Yuki said

"Yeah." Adami agreed.

"Castle garden?"

"I guess."

Yuki opened another portal and she and her brother jumped through the portal dropping into the garden. "Armond, do you think the rumors are true that my old friends Yugo was reborn as a girl after Nox killed him?" A Sadida girl said as she walked with a man named Armond.

"No idea Amalia, but if so, I'd like to meet this Queen of the Eliatropes."

"I'm sure she acts the same as she did when she was a he. That felt weird to say."

"Hi!" Yuki shouted from behind a bush

"Who's there!" Armond yelled

"Me!" Yuki yelled as she stood up and waved "hi!"

"And who might you be?" Amalia asked

"I'm Yuki! And this is my brother Adami!"

"Do you know where Quilby is?"

"Yeah but, I'm kinda avoiding going to Eliatrope history lessons, go find Chibi and ask him."

"Why are you avoiding learning about your history?"

"I'm 5 what I wanna do is play."

"Chibi I found them!" They heard Grougal yell from the sky

"We've been found Ad! Run!"

The 2 ran from behind the bush and headed for the fountain "aw come on! Chibi they're headed for the fountain!"

The black dragon and his brother landed and ran to the fountain, on the way Chibi yelled "if you're looking for Quilby, he's in his study!"

"Thank you! Well let's go Armond."

The Sadida royals walked into the castle soon after they heard a scream, and they turned around to see Yuki and Adami running into the castle being chased by something nobody had seen in five years.... Grambos and Noxens. "Run!" Yuki yelled as she ran up the stairs to hide somewhere

Adami, wanting to protect his sister, set the Grambos on fire and followed her up the stairs, only to come back with her both of them screaming, and being chased by Nox himself. "What's going on out here?" Quilby said as he walked out of his study "Nox!"

Amalia, using her powers, made strong vines appear out of the ground and grab Nox. "You leave them alone!" She shouted

"Ah Princess Amaila. Don't worry I haven't forgotten about any of my enemies, your just not the royal I'm after."

Adami and Yuki were hiding behind the stairs, preparing to attack, when Chibi and Grougal picked them up. "Hey we wanna help!" Yuki whisper shouted at Chibi

"You are 5 you are not going to fight a Zelor." Chibi whispered

The 2 21 year olds carried the 5 year olds up to Yuki's room and locked them in there. "Man he won't let us help cus we're little." Yuki pouted

"I know.... Wait! There's a balcony in your room!"

"There is! You can shape shift right?"

"Yep!" Adami said as he changed his shape to be a wild boar

"Neat! Fly us outta here!"

"Okay..." Adami changed into a dragon and Yuki climbed onto his back

Adami flew the 2 of them out of the room, only to be tackled by Grougal... "You were told to stay, so you will stay."

"We wanna help!" The 5 year olds shouted

"You're 5 you will not be fighting. You would get killed."

"No we wouldn't." Yuki pouted was Grougal sat her on the bed

"You will not leave this room."

Yuki then had an idea. She opened a portal and she and Adami jumped through it, into Quilby's study. "Man we spent all day trying to avoid this room and now I've purposely entered it." Yuki said

The 2 stepped out of the room into the throne room, where the battle had lead to, Yuki raised her little hand and blasted Nox with a laser. "Pest."  Nox yelled

The small Eliatrope Queen blasted him again and again, attempting to help. Until Nox teleported behind her. "Hi..." She said

"Stay away from my sister!" Adami yelled

"Trust me, you don't have a say, pesky dragon."

Nox then knocked out the 5 year olds, and picked them up. He carried the 2 outside, and then he teleported back to his hide out...

Yuki, was in a dark room, chained to the floor, her brother was being flung around like a rag doll, and she was crying, but she wasn't Yuki, she was a boy, and she heard her brother yelling the name Yugo, she was very confused. Who was she, was who she is not who she was supposed to be? If not then why was she, who she was? Yuki's tears dried and she felt nothing but pain, she was trapped...

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