The Luna's Secret Daughter (O...

By kmw20406

11.5K 354 38

You've all heard the story where the teenage girl gets rejected and gets welcomed back and resists but still... More

Chapter Two - Normal is Boring
Chapter Three - Mom's Home
Chapter Four - Shopping
Raksha's Shopping
Kristi's Shopping
Chapter Five - Control
Chapter Six - Ceremony
Chapter Seven -

Chapter Two - Death of the an Angel

1.2K 43 7
By kmw20406

Five Years Later

Angelina's POV







I slam my right hand on the alarm clock on my bedside table my body still buried in my white, grey and black sheets and pillows. I sit up in bed wearing my grey fluffy pajamas. I drag myself out of bed and pull myself into a hot shower. 

I walk out five minutes later and dress in a white button shirt tucked into my black pencil skirt, pull my blonde hair into a fishtail braid up do and apply minimal makeup, natural colored eye shadow and blush a little mascara and liquid eye liner with tiny wings at the end. I walk to my door and slip on my black two inch heels. I walk out of my bedroom into the room right across the hall.

"Wake up Raksha you have to get up your babysitter Kara will be here in half an hour." I say opening up pink curtains with light hitting a pink little bed.

"Okay Mama." Raksha crawling out of bed and walking towards her closet pulling out a grey and black striped shirt and black shorts and dress in them slipping on her black flats. She walks to her bedside table and brushes her raveb brown hair.

We walk downs stairs to the kitchen and I pull out some coco pops and poor it into two small bowls with a little bit of milk and walk over to our small wooden table where Raksha waits. I sit down placing a bowl in front of us and start to eat, when a sudden pain stabs my stomach and I've gotten so used to the feeling of Alex sleeping with another.

"Mom why do you get sudden pains?" Raksha asks eating her cereal, just like the time she asked why other kids have a mommy and a daddy but she hasn't seen daddy and I told her it's because her father rejected us, he didn't want us after that she never asked about her dad only my brother, mother and father.

"It's because of your dad, as you know werewolves get mates when they're nineteen if the mate is rejected and they don't accept it the wolf slowly dies but it dies quicker if their mate lies with another person and dies instantly if another person not them is marked."

{Tell her Angelina...} whimpers with little strength.

"So does that mean your wolf will die and you won't be able to shift?" Raksha asks with curiosity and fear.

"Yes but that also means a few minutes later the person will die as well..." I say with tears wanting to poor from my eyes as I see Raksha starts to realize what I mean.

"So that means eventually you'll die?" Raksha stutters.

"Yes I'll die eventually but hopefully not for many years Raksha." I say "I am so sorry baby, but Kara your babysitter also works at an orphanage so you'll go there once I do if your not old enough, the longest I live will be to you eighteenth birthday." I cry as I wrap my arms around my crying daughter.


Angel's POV

9 pm

"Raksha time for bed." I whisper feeling the pains in my stomach as I stand with Raksha who reluctantly gets up with me and we start walking up the stairs. But then I halt as the pains get worse and go up to my heart and neck and just keep getting worse and worse.

"Mommy whats wrong." Raksha says starting to panic.

"I don't know!" I moan as I fall down onto the stairs clutching my heart and neck "Get the home phone and dial 911 sweet heart and ask the operator for the ambulance." I say sternly seeing Raksha's icy blue eyes filled with fear and tears as she runs down the stairs.


Raksha's POV

I run down the stairs and almost stumble in the dinning room. I snatch the phone off the hook and dial 9-1-1. The phone rings as my blood boils with fear.

"Hello what service do you need?"

"Hello operator I need an ambulance!" I cry tears bursting from my eyes

"Okay they will answer in a few seconds."

The phone starts to ring again as my blood temperature feels like it's rising and I hear my mom cry in pain and I run with the phone right to her and comfort her in the pain.

'Hello what is your emergency."

"My mama collapsed on the stairs and is having sharp pains." I cry as mama cries again in pain with tears rolling down her face non stop.

"Where do you live, what's her name and her age?"

"We live on 2121 south park ridge, her name is Angelina Silvers age twenty four." I cry as I lean on to my mama.

"The ambulance is on their way."

"Can I hang up?" I ask

"Yes you may."

I hang up the phone and cry.

"Raksha listen to me sweet heart remember what I told you this morning?" she moans and I nod "Well it looks like I won't be around for your fifth birthday but you must promise to be on your best behavior, you must learn to be happy and love with out me Raksha, no matter who adopts you they will love you and you must love them like you love me."

"I can't, I can't, I will never love anybody as much as I love you." I cry leaning over mama

"I pray to the Moon Goddess that you do." Mama groans "You also have a choice, if you want you can go live with your father.'

"No I never want to see him, I hate him he has caused you so much pain!

"So many memories of you and me so many." she stutters tears pouring down her pale face putting my face in her hands " So many." 

Her eye's flutter shut over her golden brown eyes and I gasp "Mama, mama wake up don't!" I say but her hands fall from my face and land limp onto the stairs, I give her a little shake but in my heart I know it's to late. I sob leaning over her limp body clutching her light pink sweater staining it with salty tears of grief and sadness over the death of an angel.

Sirens wail outside and halt to a stop right outside my house they barge threw the door as I lay on mama's limp body. They walk around the corner and gasp at the sad sight of my sweet mother Angel. But they are not alone, Kara comes in and screams but quickly regains and pulls me away and I sob more on her shoulder.


The funeral was small but reasonable, after that I went to the orphanage with several important possessions. A family photo of my moms brother, mother, father and her self, a silver wolf locket with us two, several changes of clothes, shoes, hair supplies, jewelry, money and other valuable possessions. After packing everything I need in to three large suit cases we drive to the town orphanage.


Hey guys hope you liked the first chapter in the book it is a medium sized one you will get some smaller and bigger ones.

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