When Siblings return

By Star_OfTheShow

15.6K 290 142

When Adami returned he found that Yugo had changed. Yugo was mad at Adami for leaving, but when something beg... More

Don't. Touch. My. BROTHER!!
Why did you save me? I was an awful brother."
Numb nuts
Something unexpected
Its been years, and now he's back
Got a Real Good Feeling Somthin' Bad About to Happen
HOLY BWORK!!!!!!!!!
The Eliatrope Sickness
Barfing? Still?
Auther's note
Years later.......
New Home
Crimson Claw Archipelago
Need To Escape.... Oh Hey An Earthquake.
Old Friends
Portals... I Can Make Portals..... Neat.
I got Tagged..... And I'm Very Confused
Gotta Save Yugo..... Who's That Guy?
The End of One Thing, Leads to the Beginning of Another (Finale)

You left me.... Why come back now?

2.3K 42 22
By Star_OfTheShow

"Adami has been gone for 10 years, I'm 28 now, he's not coming back." Yugo said

"Oh please Yugo, he's your brother, he'll come back." Chibi said who was now 16

"No he won't, Chibi, you have Grougle, but I have no dragon sibling anymore, I'm just me now."

"King Yugo..."

"I'm going for a walk, tell Alibert I'll be back soon."

"Okay Yugo."

Yugo stepped out the door of the inn, and started walking away from it. He thought as he walked, he thought of the good times he had at one point had with Adami, but he couldn't stop thinking about all the bad times too. He walked until he got lost in the woods. "Where am I?" He asked himself "oh no I got lost in the woods again. Alibert's gonna have a field day finding me."

"I could help you find your way back, Brother."

Yugo whipped around only to see his dragon brother. "Adami."


"You're not my brother."

"Every other Eliatrope says otherwise."

"I'm king of the Eliatropes."

"So what?"

"My say is the most important."

"Your point is?"

"You left me.... Why come back now? You've been gone for 10 years.... Where'd you go?"

"I can't tell you Yugo."

"Then leave me alone, I can get home by myself, I don't need the help of someone who wants to stay a stranger."

"I'm not a stranger..."

"Sorry Alibert says I can't talk to strangers."

"Yugo I-"

"Good bye."

Yugo opened a portal and teleported just outside of Amelka, when he arrived it started to rain, not just a sprinkle, it poured, freezing, ice cold rain, the tears on Yugo's face though, were hot as lava, for a while Yugo stood there, tears blending in with the rain, as he looked down at the ground, he got soaked, his hat was sopping wet, so wet it was pointless for him to keep it on, he took off his hat, not caring if anyone saw his Eliatrope wings. The light the small Wakfu wings illuminated the area around him. His tears started to become Wakfu, and anyone could have been able to tell that he was crying. What he didn't notice, was that he was being followed by a black figure, who jumped from rooftop to rooftop, until it shot a tranquilizer dart at him and hit right on target.


Yugo was walking in a dark room, with no lights, just darkness, it was an endless void, he tried to open a portal, but he couldn't even move his hands, he looked down and saw restraints, holding him down. "YUGO IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO WAKE UP."

Yugo shot up when he awoke, his arms restrained so he couldn't escape. "Yugo, I see you woke up, normally I would have just attacked you, but this seemed like it'd be more fun."

"Who's there?!"

"The first Zelor you met."


"Yes, and I see you've survived to age 28."

"I defeated you 16 years ago! Get over it! I was 12!"

"Please you haven't forgiven your brother have you?"

"What brother."

"Bitter I see, well my Noxens will put an end to that."

"Wait WHAT!?"

"The room you are in is filled with hundreds of Noxens, they suck the Wakfu out of living creatures."

"What the crap!? You are clearly still insane!"

"Tell me where the Eliacube is!"

"No... Let the Noxens kill me if you want, I will not let you destroy the world and my friends, just so I can live. I AM YUGO, KING OF THE ELIATROPES, AND YOU NOX WILL NEVER GET WHAT YOU WANT AS LONG AS I REINCARNATE THROUGH MY DOFUS!"

"Then I guess you'll just have to die, Noxens feast away."

"Do your worst."

The Noxens came out like a hurricane, they flew directly at Yugo, and began to suck the Wakfu right out of him, all Yugo could do was scream. He screamed in agony, hoping someone would hear him and stop Nox from killing him, lucky for him, someone did. That someone was someone he was particularly angry with.

"Brother." That someone said as he felt Yugo's Wakfu being taken. "I'll save you."

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------important word 1-----------------------------


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