By Brink_of_pure_awe

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I woke up at six at night to a loud alarm I went to the computer and it flashed PLEASE EXIT THE BUILDING IN T... More

Chapter One Brey: A life changed
Chapter Two Nick: My Parents' wishes
Chapter Three Haleigh: Mission 1
Chapter four Justin: Fast forward
Chapter five Victoria: the return
Chapter Six Daniel: Surprise
Chapter Seven Chloe: Austin Smith
Chapter Eight Chloe: Dating
Chapter Nine Chloe: Lies
Chapter Ten Chloe: the TRUTH
Chapter Eleven Emily: Exit Stage Right
Chapter Tweleve Nick: Payment
Chapter Thirdteen Haleigh: Changes and Betrayal
Chapter Fourteen Justin: Assistance
Chapter Fifteen Tori: the unknown
Chapter Sixteen Daniel: well then
Chapter Seventeen Danny: FML
Chapter Eighteen Daniel: Like it's my Last
Chapter Nineteen Chloe: Normal not Boring

Chapter Twenty Emily: Sonnet 71

65 2 0
By Brink_of_pure_awe

There is this roller coaster in Tideland that after you get strapped in and go about a hundred feet in the air you come to the end of the track and you stop. Then the very tack that you are on rotates a full one hundred eighty degrees and connects to the rest of the track at a huge drop straight down, and after it lets you stare at the distance between you and the ground before you drop. That what it was like, first knowing that something was wrong, then everything changing, Then the drop. AG gave us our mission a month after Justin's funeral and since we were still pretty broken up about it and it just felt wrong without him. She gave us an easy one all we had to do is to take Aijhia Miller, the daughter of Geovanni Miller who is the leader of a very dangerous organization, from a holding cell in Las Vegas to a secret prison. While trying to get her to say anything about what her father can do or how far his reach goes.

When we went to pick her up she had found some way to get a phone call to an untraceable number we told Ag about it and she said that she was going to send her to a different location which turned out being the Regale building. Then we put a bag over her head and got her in the car after she tried to escape a few times we got on the road with her sitting between Haleigh and I in one car, hunter driving another with Tori and Max and Aaron in another. Went in the same direction for the entire drive following close behind each other. Then max and Aaron's car swerved and went into a ditch. Next these two people on motorcycles started driving next to us they pulled up to the driver and passenger seat then Shot them both. Making us almost crash thankfully Haleigh was able to steer us into a ditch, but they came back around with their guns trained on the car.

They stopped at the edge of the ditch and got off their bikes and I heard a helicopter in the distance. I was so glad about it thinking that AG had a chopper following us like she had done in the past it reassured my just knowing that all I had to do was hold them off. They were on either side of the car I gave Haleigh a nod and we opened the door and lunged at them. They obviously dodged the car door, but the first thing I grabbed was their gun and threw it to the ground. Then played with the blind spots in their helmet getting a few punches in their gut, but they didn't seem to be phased by a single one of them. Then they proceeded to kick my ass starting with punches in the face, stomach and a kick to the chest sending me the ground. The I grabbed handful of sand and threw it in their face then kicked the temporarily blinded helmet sending them on back a few steps. Then they took off his helmet revealing Nick's sarcastic face "I was being nice" he said. "well don't be" I snarled back. "Fine" he said with a shrug then a few seconds later I was face down in the sand with blood running from my nose and lip. I rolled over to see the helicopter land and the three of them climb inside then fly off.

Then Hunter and Tori pulled up with Aaron and Max already inside. The next thing I knew I was in AG's office with her starring me down. "what happened again" she said like she didn't believe us or didn't believe any of it. Hunter was done with it "GOD DAM IT WE'VE BEEN OVER THIS" he shouted. "We have got an agent in the hospital, a criminal on the loose, and your saying that the second and third best assassins in the western hemisphere are working for the most dangerous man in North America right now" She spat back. "I'm sorry if I am double checking" she said. Then AG's assistant walked in holding a stack of files, and the first think Max asked was if there was any news on Haleigh. She was still unconscious, but has become the only person in the world to get in the way of anyone in the Rena family and live. Then her assistant handed her the three files in her arms then left as fast as possible, and AG read the names on the files then looked at us. First, she drank the rest of her tea then took her mug and filled it with Whisky taking a big swig or two. She sat back down at her desk and reread the front cover of the files then drank a few more sips. "What is it now" Hunter said. "It seems that their contracts were not renewed at their demand" she said. "WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN" Hunter yelled. Tori took him by the wrist forcing him to sit down while AG finished her whiskey. "What does that mean" Tori asked nicely. "That means that we aren't in charge of or in control of the three of them" She answered. "The three of them?" Tori asked. "yes, Brey, Nick, and Daniel" she said starring at the files. "Here is what is going to happen, first you are going to try to convince Brey, Nick, and Daniel not to blow your covers, then you are going to infiltrate Mr. Miller's organization and destroy it, and after all of this is over you will be transferred to the CIA" she said. I asked her why would we be transferred and she simply said that our contracts were up and that it was time for us to move on. I left her office with an eerie feeling like this was not going to end well, but we knew exactly what we had to do.

We got back to Myrtle Beach and went to the place where Chloe worked, but the people there said that she was kidnapped three weeks ago. This one woman Sabrina pointed out everyone who was really close to her, and we talked to them turns out they talked to her via a video call but they didn't know where she was. We called her back and tried to track it, but Tori ran into her own fire wall that she was kind enough to make so strong the she couldn't get through it. Thankfully Chloe answered and to my surprise said that she would try to talk to Nick, and told us not to get our hopes up about Brey and Danny but especially Brey. After that we went to Atlanta to start the mission and hoped that we wouldn't get caught. We started as we always do first splitting up then finding a connection and finding out what all we need to break apart. A few weeks later I was one of the girlfriends of Mike Caldwell or the guy who ran all of Mr. Miller's cocaine for him.

It annoyed me to even try to have a conversation with the guy, but that thank fully ended when a bullet went through his skull when he was taking me on a date. I didn't tell the police anything and in return Mr. Miller allowed me to have dinner at his house after the funeral. There were a lot of people there most of which I didn't know so it was easy for me to slip upstairs to look around. In one of the bedrooms I found a computer that I was happy to plug Tori into, but the second I was finished I heard a sound behind me. I turned to see Brey standing there with a pissed off expression. "I suggest you go back downstairs before I help you go down stairs" she said very menacingly. I heard someone walking up the stairs so I said a bit louder "Well excuse me I was just trying to find a bathroom." Then a man stepped in to see the matter. He was around five eight, medium build, short brown hair, and brown eyes. "What seems to be the matter" he asked looking at Brey. She told him that she was just about to help me downstairs and he told her that was unnecessary and that he would escort there himself.

The man's name was Ethan and he was Mitch's older brother, and unlike him he was very kind and humble. He and I talked to each other for about two weeks after the funeral then we started dating. I tried really hard not to get too attached to him, but he reminded me too much of Rachel. Their laugh, their smile, the way they both dipped their head when they say something sweet how could I not catch feelings. About a month later Mr. Miller had a party to celebrate his Daughter getting engaged, and he invited everyone who worked for him. Ethan asked me if I wanted to go with him and before thinking about how Nick and Brey's obvious presence I said yes. Tori had finished going through the entire computer and all the other devices connect to it, and it turns out that we would not be able to destroy all of his organization at once. Since it is spread all across the globe of course all the head people would be at the party, but that leaves out everyone else that could easily operate without all of these connections. AG told us to send her a list of all the other locations and focus on making them no longer connected to each other.

This was no easy task there were going to be at least two hundred fifty people there plus extra security, so the night before Max, Aaron, and Haleigh, who had finally recovered from the last time she had a confrontation with Brey, showed up with about thirty extra tactical team members. The night of the party Ethan told me to stay close to him and that should anything happen to go to a room in the back and wait for someone to come get me. The Miller's mansion was enormous with everything lit up with gorgeous gold accents everywhere I looked. We walked threw a marble corridor with a fountain streaming light pink water, entered the enormous ballroom. It was cream and gold with light pink flowers on each of the tables with a large area in the middle for dancing. Ethan and I sat at a table at the edge of the dance floor with a few other couples that all seemed to know each other with me as the exception. Brey, Nick, Danny, and Chloe all sat together with their Trainer Chase and some woman who I assumed was there with him. About an hour after we had Dinner I texted Haleigh that it was time. Then I saw Chase hand the woman he was with a set of keys and She left with Chloe.

The time was exactly ten-thirty-nine when the tactical team burst through the doors and windows. It was like they were everywhere. Everyone seemed to scramble most getting shot. I ducked under the table peaking from under it to see if I could find Ethan and try to save him, but that didn't happen and I found him lying on the floor with blood seeping from his chest, eyes staring directly at me. He gave me that last smile then took his last breath. Why can't I ever be happy I thought I have been surrounded by other people who are madly in love, and I'm the one all alone. The guy who has to focus on not lying is married, the guy whose first instinct is to kill everyone that get in his way is engaged, Haleigh has a string of people in love with her, god knows what's going on with Brey and Danny, yet I can't find a guy or girl who I love without me having to leave them or them dying. Thinking of this I took the nearest gun and shot everyone shooting at me that wasn't dressed in tactical gear. Brey, Nick, Danny, and Chase were just sitting at their table like there was nothing was happening around them. They just sitting there drinking water as if they expected this to happen, they were surrounded by carnage and blood and seemed to almost enjoy it. This was crazy and sick going towards sadistic. I mean I always knew they were crazy and very comfortable with death, but they were able to just ignore it.

After, everyone around us either dead, or had been arrested by the tactical team, Haleigh, Hunter, Max, Aaron, and I surrounded the table where the three assassins and the whatever Danny is. Haleigh pulled her gun first and the rest of us followed as if this was going to even the odds. "What now "Chase asked taking a sip from his glass. "you all are going to jail, with everyone else here" Haleigh said. They looked at each other then let out a small laugh which was very unsettling. "you can't be serious'' Nick said, and she told him that she was. By that time the fourteen tactical team guys were surrounding them as well. "Well that's going to happen right" Danny chimed in, while the tactical team moved in closer. "Hunter, you should leave, I really like Tori and I'm not looking forward to sending you to her in a box" Brey said. "Who would have thought that you would be leading this whole thing, and thank you so much for helping me win this bet" Brey said to Haleigh while Nick and Danny just rolled their eyes. Then Max and Aaron stepped closer and Nick told them that is was a bad idea, but they and the tactical team didn't feel the need to listen.

The second Aaron grabbed Brey he pretty much sealed the fate of the entire Tactical team. He grabbed her arm and she snatched his hand then slammed his head into the table. The she stood driving her knee into his stomach a few times forcing him to spit up blood, and finally knocked him out with a punch in the face. Next, she took his gun and shot the four guys behind her. While that was happening, across the table the four guys behind Nick tried to rush him, and were met with a concussion and a bullet to the head. Beside him Chase had killed the two men that tried to grab him by stabbing them in the throat with a butter knife. While the other two were fortunate enough to get their neck snapped and windpipe crushed. Across the table the last two team members grabbed Danny and pulled him to the ground, and he stabbed then with something that was in his hand. Their mouths started to foam and they started to shake, then they fell to the ground.

The four of us formed a semi-circle around Brey, Nick, and Danny. Haleigh and Hunter put their guns down, but Max and I kept ours trained on Chase and Danny. Then Hunter punched Nick and Haleigh lunged directly at Brey. The Two boys squared off and Nick said that he was sorry for what was about to happen then they started to fight. Where Haleigh just ran straight for Brey and tried to kick her in the head. Brey blocked it, grabbed her leg, and flipped her knocking the wind out of her. Then she walked over to her, pulled her up off the ground and knocked her out cold with a punch to the face. Meanwhile Nick and hunter were exchanging blows until Nick kicked him in the center of his chest and proceeded to choke him till he lost consciousness.

Max tried to charge her, but she took his gun, pistol whipped him, and while she was distracted I did what I though Haleigh would want me to I shot Brey in the stomach. The only problem was that the entire upper half of the dress was bullet proof. That ladies and gentlemen is when I realized that I was going to die, not when Chase aimed his gun for my head, not when Brey threw a knife at me, not when Danny shoved something in my side, and not when Nick aimed his gun for my chest. I don't know which one of those actually killed me but that is how I died. I felt the blood leaving my body and everything just dropped twenty degrees in seconds then I stepped out of my body and watched the world around me continue to play. They grabbed Hunter, Max, Aaron, and Haleigh and put them in one of the cars outside and put me in a body bag in the trunk. Then Danny blew up the mansion, and he drove the car about three miles away. The three of them said a few words over my body and I heard Brey say "I'm sorry Emily". That was the first time that I heard her ever say sorry and not in a sarcastic way. After that was all done Brey was the one who closed my eyes for me, and that's when I saw them. They were standing over on the other side of the road I walked over to these two dressed all in white and they asked if I was ready. I took Rachel's and Ethan's hands and started walking towards the end of the road that seemed a lot lighter than where I was standing. They Both gave me their award-winning smiles, and with the only two people that I have ever really loved I walked into my afterlife.

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