They Called Her El Diablo

By coraswan

194K 6.7K 900

Academy fic. According to Sang Sorensen she can't handle her boys and their newfound 'needs'; abandoning them... More

Before we start
Chapter 1: The Downfall
Chapter 2: Enter our lovable Diablo
Chapter 3: Take Action or To Not Take Action
Chapter 4: Who the hell are you
Chapter 5: Whoo-sah
Chapter 6: There are intruders in the office!
Chapter 7: Strangest Lunch
Chapter 8: Numbers Don't Lie
Chapter 9: Smee
Chapter 11: Unpleasant Surprise(s)
Chapter 12: Kill the Occupants
Chapter 13: Just Let Me Go
Chapter 14: Woke,Ran,Found
Chapter 15: H3LL-O
Chapter 16: You're WHAT?!?
Chapter 18: Unwanted Past
Chapter 19: You Win Again
Chapter 20: So far, yet not far enough
Chapter 21: Closer till it burns
Chapter 22: Revival
Chapter 24: Get Outta Here!
Chapter 25: Decisions & Questions & vice-versa
Chapter 26: Mistake?
Chapter 27: Presents, Smiles and Truth
Chapter 28: The Past, Unmasked.
Chapter 29: Series of WTF events Part 1
Chapter 30: Series of WTF events part 2
Part 31: United We Stand
Chapter 32: Going Places
Chapter 33: Frankbridge
Chapter 34: Houston; Days 2 and 3
Chapter 35: Houston Days 2 and 3 Part 2
Chapter 36: Yeah...It Ain't Over Yet
Part 37: The Storm Approaches
Part 38: Hero or Zero
Part 39: Schmecovery
NotUpdate: A03 anyone?

Chapter 23: Relentless

4.9K 167 20
By coraswan

Hayden's POV

So after we had cleared up the confusion and agreed to be in a relationship, I reminded them that this was my first time in a 14-way relationship so we definitely had to work some schematics out, like how to prevent others from getting jealous, to prevent neglect of one guy and over indulgence on another etc .

To my surprise they'd already come up with a plan (past experience showing, guys) and schedules. The guys made me sign a contract too, saying that if things ever got bitter between us, I would get to keep whatever presents they had given to me, but in exchange, I wouldn't go to the press about this relationship or company secrets. I'd scoffed saying I knew how betrayal felt and that I would kill myself rather than expose them but they pleaded, citing peace of mind.

Astonishingly, while I was getting myself beaten to bloody pulp, these guys were casually setting up a room for me in this tremendous loft of theirs. The Colour scheme was chaotic but in a good sort of way. Gabriel told me he'd pieced together the guys' individual ideas to create this, and I was floored. It was made up of the guys' favorite Colours and Gabriel had worked his magic to make it all come together very seamlessly.

They had all settled in the living room for some games between themselves. I played spectator still too overwhelmed to play anything right now.

The pain and ache all over my body was becoming unbearable again so I trudged over to Silas where he was lounging and plopped myself unceremoniously on his lap, drapping my legs over Raven's lap, purposely letting the heel of my foot graze his manhood. They both stopped paying attention to the game of Poker they were in, not caring about the high stakes. Nathan, Marc, Brandon and North looked on, amused, as they continued playing for money.

I leaned my head back onto Silas' massive shoulder, looking up at him through my eyelashes. ''Could I, ride you to the kitchen?'' I murmured into his ear, making him stiffen a little. ''W-what?'' He asked

''Could you, give me a piggy-back ride to the kitchen?'' I asked again, this time my voice at normal volume.

''Sure, '' He stood up with me immediately, dumping his cards on the table. ''Silassss, ''Brandon and North groaned in unison at his departure.

''Είστε ζηλιάρης που επέλεξε να με οδηγήσει'' (You are jealous she chose to ride me) He told them, smirking widely, in Greek? I supposed.

The entire room halted in whatever activities they were engaging in an zeroed in on us. Knowing that they'd all heard Silas and that he probably said something dirty, I shrugged casually, ''What?''I jumped onto his back the best I could with my bruised body. ''Let's go!''

Chuckling, he walked me away from the room towards the kitchen, and I ignored the hushed whispers the guys behind us were sending each other.

''You guys all know Greek, was it?''

''Yeah,'' Silas confirmed. ''We all knew different languages so, Owen and Axe came up with the idea for us all to learn each other's languages. I taught them Greek, North taught Greek also, Raven taught Russian, the twins- Bulgarian, Owen and Axe, German, Sean and Marc Japanese, Kota, Nate and Victor were French and Spanish and Luke and Gabe taught us Hindi. It was a fantastic time and we had so much fun, especially San- ahem, we're here!'' He cut off abruptly when he veered towards the topic of Sang. His face had contorted slightly, as if stuck in bad memories.

I jumped off his back and walked in front of him. ''Silas,'' i cooed ''You don't have to talk about things you don't want to. We all have our secrets, but if you're ever wanting to share or just talk about it, I'm here,'' I placed a hand on his rough cheek and kissed it softly.

''Sorry, zoí mou,(my life) I just remembered some things. It's not that we don't trust you, it's just that we're afraid that if we bare our ugly side....well, you'd leave too'' He breathed shakily.

''Silas, I know what it is like to be abandoned and lost. I won't leave you, ever, not willingly. You guys have to force me out, if you want that. '' I soothed, feeling tears behind my eyes, breaking for this giant kind man I'd been lucky enough to snag with his 13 other brothers.

I was seriously getting pissed off with this Sang woman. How could anyone bear to even leave any of these guys and still be in their right state of mind? Fucking nutty bitch that's what she is. I'll probably go all Hades on her ass if she ever came within sight of my boys. Yes, my boys. I didn't have much, but what I did have, I protected with every fiber of my being.

''Not happening baby girl. Just give us some time to get over our insecurities.''

''Promise me you'll come and talk to me if you're ever feeling down. Don't let your past ruin us Si. Promise me!'' I demanded.

''I promise...Oh I love it when you get all demanding. Makes me want to put you over the island and have my wicked ways with you. '' He husked seductively.

Feeling in control and playful, ''I'll have to punish you if you continue to be a bad boy Si-las.'' I purred, raking my nails down his chest.

He leaned towards me but I stopped him by grabbing his throat and squeezing lightly. "You wanna kiss me, you have to ask nicely first"

"Let me ravage your mouth until there's no doubt of my love for you, please?" He hissed out, eyes dilated in pleasure.

Love? I nodded slightly, giving permission.
He growled deep in his throat and pushed me back against the fridge his hot, skillful tongue thoroughly exploring my mouth. I fought back with equal ferocity and our tongues were caught in an equal battle for dominance. Eventually he'd won, but I put up the good fight. He pulled back and licked his lips. ''Delicious'' He husked, and I shoo-ed him away to deal with his little problem. He understood though, that I wasn't ready for that.

After I caught my breath, I turned around and started opening the drawers and fridges searching for it. A-ha! Found it!

Holding my unopened bottle of Russian Vodka in victory I danced around the kitchen a little, in celebration. Then, I opened the bottle and took several long swigs in succession, sighing as the alcohol helped alleviate the pain to more bearable levels. I was left alone for quite some time and I was beginning to wonder if anyone would come by, while staring at my 3/4 empty vodka bottle.

''Booboo?'' Sean's confused voice came from the entrance of the kitchen. I was already feeling a little buzzed. ''Hey angel boy, 'bout time!'' I chirped.

''Are you drunk?'' he asked, looking a bit horrified and amused.

''Of course not! T-this is just some good ol' fashioned sel-self medication'' I hiccuped, as I staggered over to him tripping over my feet and crashing into his chest.

''It isn't even nighttime'' he mused holding me close to his chest as we made our way, unsteadily, back to the living room

''It's happy hour somewhere, darling,'' I told him, planting a big kiss on his pillow-soft lips.

''Is she drunk?'' Owen's voice came from behind us. Turning to look at him, I was unsurprised to see Axe next to him, ever the silent sentinel.

''Stone angels!'' I skipped over to them, sense numbed and wrapped each arm around their necks bringing them to either side of my face. ''Gotta be fair,'' I whispered conspiratorially, before giving them a big smack on their cheeks.

''Ow!'' They cried.

''You shouldn't be watching creepily from the shadows, '' I lectured, my hands moving wildly. ''You wanna join, just join!'' I cried, continuing on with my skipping down the hallway, taking my bottle back from Sean's limp hand. They gaped as I left them, one with reddened lips and the other two with reddened cheeks.

''I'm tired'' I whined, situating myself in Corey's lap, interrupting the intense hacking match he had going on with Victor. Victor too, stopped playing and looked on adoringly.

''Shall we get you to your room my Queen? We can wake you later for dinner?'' Victor suggested.

''Sounds perfect,'' I grinned goofily taking another swig of my precious Vodka.

''Oy! What the fuck is she drinking??'' Gabriel yelled across the room from where he and Luke were playing a video game. He'd paused it and was staring at the bottle.

''Is she fucking drunk?!'' North bellowed

''It helps with the pa-ain'' I whimpered, scared he might hurt me, when I was in no condition to fight well.

''You're fucking scaring her, asshole, back off!'' Raven growled at North stepping in front of me.

''We're taking her to bed to rest, we'll talk about this when we're back.'' Corey insisted, his voice unwavering as he scooped me into his arms.

''My bottleeeee'' I mewled

''That's enough for today, люблю, (love), '' Raven petted me gently on the head, as I was carried past. I kissed his wrist before waving to everyone. ''I don't understand'' I told him to which he winked sexily at me. Eeep.

''Byee, I'm gonna nap now! Don't fight, or I'll come down and kill each of you, by flaying the skin from your bones and leaving the remains for vultures to feast on'' I cackled as I was brought up the stairs. ''And, you know I'm capable of it!'' I sang, my voice echoing through the hallways.

I must have fallen asleep in Corey's arms as when I woke I found myself on a bed. It took me a few minutes to realise that this was my bed in my new room the boys had given to me.

I caught sight of the digital clock which read 10pm. On the bedside table there was some chunky soup with the note

"Drink me!"

I smiled at their thoughtfulness while eating quickly. Which was why I felt a little bad that I was gonna sneak out for Grounded Kombat without telling them. I didn't know how they would take it especially since we were official. Also, I really didn't want to fight with them so early in our relationship. I really wanted it to work out between all of us and if keeping a few secrets would help that, then I would.

I might've forgotten to mention that with the new room also came a spanking new wardrobe with clothes for all events in my size. I had asked Brandon what if I didn't agree to be with them, what would've happened to the clothes? He shrugged at said they wouldn't have stopped trying to get me to give them a chance. My heart had totally melted at that point.

I grabbed some black sportswear and walked into the bathroom to freshen up. I had looked out of my room and concluded that most of the guys were already in bed or preparing for it. They wouldn't expect me to sneak out right after my nap.

I wore a sexy one-piece with thigh highs that allowed me mobility and got ready to leave, out the window when a baritone voice from behind halted me in my steps.

"Just what the fuck do you think you're doing?" North asked , his tone menacing as he advanced on me, the shadows keeping him partially hidden.

"You-you were here all along??" I asked mortified . I can't believe I didn't freaking see him?!

"Not just me," he answer tilting his head to the left. I followed the movement and saw Gabriel lounging there eyes intently watching me. I gave a weak wave.

He too stood and came to stand in front of me next to North. "We're here because we wanted to apologise to you for overreacting earlier. But now, we're kinda glad we were here, aren't we, North?"

"Apology accepted, now leave my room so that I can go."

"Na-uh baby girl, we're following you wherever it is you're going. And that's final. Or shall we wake the rest and let them know what you're up to?" North asked, knowing very well that it won't go down as well with the others

"I was gonna tell you guys, just maybe tomorrow morning or something..." I admitted.

"Where could you possibly be going anyways at this time of night dressed like that?" Gabriel pressed

"C..l...u...b" I mumbled

"We didn't quite get that," North rumbled grabbing my Chin and making me look into their eyes directly.

"The club, my fighting club" I ground out, scared that they'd be unable to accept this part of me.

"I didn't tell you guys, I'm sorry, I was afraid you would leave me and I didn't want us to argue so early into our relationship " I divulged.

North and Gabriel spoke back and forth in what sounded like Russian rapidly. I waited patiently. If they weren't gonna allow me, I wouldn't fight them on it tonight, but I would have to argue for it tomorrow when everyone was present.

"Fine, we can go," North reluctantly agreed.

"But we're not going without backup and disguises"

"Disguises? " I asked

"Yeah, can't have people recognising this pretty face and the ugly mugs of the others right? Whatever would our PR manager say?" He teased making me blush at my slight oversight.

"What backup could we possibly have?" I asked curiously

"The in-house sort. Give us 10minutes and we'll meet you guys at the garage North." Gabriel said cryptically and ran off to god knows where.

North and I shared a look as we wondered what Gabriel had up his eccentric sleeves.....

Soooo that's it for this chapter!! Some humour and filler incidents (: the action WILL be back next chapter so stay tuned!!! Continue to show your love and support for "They Called Her El Diablo" ~ Your votes, comments and shares mean a lot to me!!

So, Vote/Comment/Share whichever works best for you and I appreciate each and every one of you out there

Much love❤️


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