It's Hard To Say "I Do", When...

By FaithVictoriaSanford

23.5K 1.1K 301

Pete Wentz Fanfic. Paige got more than she bargained for in search for a little money. It's not necessarily a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (Pete's POV)
Chapter 8 (Pete's POV)
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 (Pete's POV)
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Sequel Time!
Remember Me For Centuries

Chapter 10

670 39 13
By FaithVictoriaSanford

Multiple updates in one day xD whoop whoop! Thanks for the reads guys. Remember to like and vote:D

8:00am and I was driving down the
street half asleep, and weaving in and out of cars to just get to where to where I am supposed to be going and be done.

I parked outside his house and walked up to his door. I took a deep breath and knocked on his door waiting for an answer. I kept waiting and waiting but there was no answer. So I knocked again. I was getting irritated because I just wanted to get inside, and out of this stupid humid air making me feel like I was swimming with the fish.

Giving up I turned around and started walking to my car. I pulled out the keys in my pocket and placed it into the door lock.
"May I help you." I look up to see a tall woman standing in front of the door that I was just knocking at. Looking at her with my eyes wide, mouth open I dropped my keys. I slowly bent down to pick them up my eyes never leaving the woman. I started walking up the stone pathway I was so familiar with. I got up to her and stood in the door way just looking at her and she just looked back her face mirroring mine. She looked scared or more like worried of the way I looked at her.

"Melissa, who is it?" I watched him walk over grabbing her waist and pulling her in for a kiss. I turned my gaze to him, now I was horrified. I stared at them both feeling my eyes stinging and all if the blood rush to my head.
"Erik?" I looked at him tears rolling down my face freely. I balled my hands into fists fighting the urge to punch him in his cheating face.

Erik turned to look at me and his smile faded he just looked back at me and we all stood there for a good minute. I walked up to the woman and smiled grabbing her hand. "Hello, my name is Paige Johnson and I'm Erik's girlfriend of 2 years. Nice to meet you."

She looked at him and her eyes turned bright red and she turned her eyes from him to her hand. Her hand resting on her now large baby bump. Bump is an understatement it now looked like a hill. I'm guessing she was 7 months along. "I'm sorry, it seems you had gotten the worst of it." I smiled a sympathetic smile to her and turned back to Erik. I raised my hand back and slapped him as hard as I could leaving a mark on his face. I felt my hand stinging but I didn't mind the pain. At least I could share my pain with him. "We're over. Don't talk to me again you pig!" He looked at me blankly, no emotion which made me want to punch him even harder. "Come on Paige lets talk." Erik looked at me but I didn't want to hear any of his excuses. I stormed off to my car and jumped in my already unlocked car. "Come on baby!" I could hear him screaming to me. How pathetic, when his other pregnant girlfriend is right next to him. I can not believe him.

I drove and drove and drove not knowing where I was, anger rushing through me. My whole body felt hot. I grabbed the steering wheel so tight my hands went numb and turned pale.

I reached a red light and I just lost it. I put my head in my hands and just cried my body felt weak. I felt weak, I should have known. I sobbed for 15 minutes, I felt like my heart was just ripped out of my chest and it was thrown to the ground and stomped on. I couldn't breathe because it hurt so bad. It hurt so much I just wanted to sleep but I couldn't. I had to be at Pete's in an hour.

I sat in my seat crying wishing it could be over. I gave him everything. I gave him my love, I was always there for him whenever he needed it and what do I get in return? I get my boyfriend who I've talked about marriage with having a fucking kid with another woman.

Tears rolling down my eyes I turned my car around. I had to go somewhere where I wouldn't cry. I needed to talk to someone.

I decided that I'd just go to Pete's a little early since I'd have to go their eventually. It took me 30 minutes to get their and I called Pete and he opened the gate for me.

Before getting out I looked at myself in the mirror and saw my eyes were a little bit puffy, but it'd have to work.

I knocked on Pete's door and he immediately swung the door open and smiled.

As soon as he really looked at my face his smile dropped and he grabbed my arm pulling me into his house. "Paige are you okay?" He looked into my eyes with a sad look on his face. His sad eyes made me lose it again. Now I was sobbing again. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he hugged me tightly. I sobbed into his shoulder while he rubbed my back cooing soft words that I couldn't make out. I just didn't want to let go. It made me feel better to have someone to be with besides the silence.

Pete's POV

With Paige in my arm I lifted her up still hugging her and carried her to the couch. I set her down and looked at her red puffy eyes and smiled.
"What happened?" I just smiled at her hoping to reassure her that it was going to be okay. But asking her just made her cry even more.
"H-he is having a.." she started crying even more and put her head in my arms. I stoked her hair, "Go on." I lifted her up and cupped her face in my hands to make sure she could look me in the eyes. "Take a deep breath honey." She took a few deep breaths shutting her eyes tight. Once her breath had calmed down she opened her eyes, "He's having a kid."

"Who?" I looked at her raising an eyebrow. She just looked at me for a few minutes with a terrible look on her face. It pained me to see her like this.

"Erik." She started crying again, but not as much previously. They weren't waterfalls anymore.

"You're pregnant?" Paige looked up at me and laughed an angry laugh. She just shook her head with a sarcastic smile.

"No, but Melissa is." I just looked at her not knowing what to say yet. "To make it worse she has to be more than 7 months along. We dated for two fucking years! I don't know what I did to deserve this!" She just looked at me not able to produce any more tears.

"I know people." I winked to Paige and she smiled at me.
"No thanks, it will be fun to see him raise a kid." I laughed at her comment wanting to just make her smile. I looked over at the clock and saw it was 9:38. I picked up the phone and dialed up Patrick.

I listened to it ring twice and then I heard the phone connect, "Hey bro! What's up?" Patrick screamed into the phone sounding drunk.
"Hey guys I can't come in today I have stuff to take care of." Paige looked at me and I just smiled to her.
"Dude really? What's wrong do you need any help." Patrick was always so caring and then there was Andy screaming in the back, "You fucking piece of shit, you're a jerk!"
Laughing I replied to Patrick, "Nah everything should be fine."

"Okay but call me if you need anything Pete." Patrick hung up and I put my phone back in my pocket.

"You don't have to do that Pete."

"It's fine, I want to be here with you." She leaned back over and gave me a hug. "Thank you." She smiled into my shoulder.

Read, comment please, and vote. It would be great to have readers but I enjoy writing this story anyways. :D

-xoxo Faith

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