Their Next Chapter

Par donmaryfan

118K 2.7K 367

This story follows Love is the Best Medicine. I wrote this about 4 years ago. I only have a few chapters of i... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85

Chapter 23

1.7K 40 2
Par donmaryfan

The rest of Thanksgiving went well. The kids and their cousins had left. Jane went to lay down for a bit. Don noticed his wife seemed to have disappeared and after the emotions of talking about William and Matthew he was worried about her. He smiled when he ran into her in the upstairs hallway. "There you are; are you okay?"

"Lasix." Meryl said making him laugh as he knew she constantly had to go to the bathroom.

Don smiled as he kissed her cheek. "You're feeling okay?"

"I'm fine; sweetheart, really." Meryl said tenderly smiling at him. "I'm sorry if I worried you. Did your brothers leave?"

Don nodded. "Mom is laying down. We can go."

"It's whatever you want." Meryl said as they walked downstairs. "I'm just along for the ride. I have nowhere I have to be."

Don laughed at her. "If you're just along for the ride then you're the most encouraging and supportive passenger there is. Actually, I like co-pilot better."

"Don, Meryl." Brad said as Don and Meryl walked into the kitchen. "I'm glad you're still here."

Don was a little confused. "We were just discussing our plans for the night."

"I was hoping you two could fill in some blanks for me; I have obviously missed so much and am trying to understand things." Brad said motioning to the table.

Meryl looked at Brad and then Don. "I'll go check my emails in the other room and give you two some time to talk."

"You sure don't need to." Brad said. "I'd like all three of us to visit."

"You never have to excuse yourself." Don said strongly. "I want you here."

Meryl smiled as she sat down next to Don. "Then I'll be here."

"What do you want to know?" Don asked as Meryl wrapped her arm around his shoulders, sitting close to him, and he placed his hand on her leg.

Brad took a drink of his coffee. "I find it very odd that your ex-wife of more than 40 years was here today. What are your relationships with her like? Why was your mom contacting her? Who is Harry's father? I'm not accusing you, Don, but he sure does look like a Gummer."

"Don has NEVER cheated on me; and Henry is older than Harry." Meryl immediately jumped in.

Don reached for the wine bottle and the glasses on the table; pouring both him and Meryl glasses. "As I explained earlier, we were BRIEFLY married. Then I moved to the East Coast, thank goodness, it's the best move I ever made. I hadn't seen her in YEARS. Then mine and Meryl's first Christmas together in 1978 we came out here and ran into her at a restaurant when it was just the two of us. It became clear she and James still saw each other during our conversation with her."

"When Jane's father died, we came out here and I walked in on James and Peggy having sex here in this kitchen." Meryl explained. "He tried to guilt Don and me into not telling Jane. After much conversation we decided to protect her."

Brad shook his head. "My God, he never changed."

"I wanted to protect Meryl. She was pregnant with Henry at the time and I didn't want the extra stress for her. So, as hard as it was we decided together to keep it to ourselves. I told James off and said how sick it was. He said someday I would understand not staying faithful to one person." Don looked at Meryl and shook his head. "I still don't understand; and never will."

Meryl leaned her head on Don's shoulder. "Because we're not them. Henry was several months old when we came out here for Jane's hip replacement surgery and I ran into Peggy at the store while Don was checking on Jane at the hospital. She was pregnant and said she was naming her baby Harry, like Henry; and that they would be brothers insinuating she and Don would get back together."

"NEVER EVER GOING TO HAPPEN." Don said strongly. "Peggy was awful to Meryl when we were here. Saying she would be closer to Mom than Meryl ever would. Trying to tell my wife to leave me. She smacked Meryl. I was furious. I threatened to press charges."

Meryl took a deep breath. "Jane has a special place in her heart for Peggy, even though she KNOWS Harry is James' son biologically. I'll never be good enough in her eyes."

"Which is so fucking ridiculous." Don shook his head. "Meryl is the only woman I've ever loved, truly; the only woman I ever will."

Brad was trying to wrap his head around all this. "What about James and Peggy leading your rapist to you, Meryl?"

"Don?" Meryl asked looking at him.

Don kissed the top of her head. "Go ahead baby, and I'll jump in."

"To make an awfully long story short, Don and I were being stalked and harassed by Mann-the stalker and rapist. Don took Henry and I to our country house to be safe; and when we were gone we were told he broke into our apartment but actually used a key that James gave him-that he got from Jane, though Jane said she didn't know. Mann was convicted and sentenced to jail but then he  broke out about a month later. He beat me and kidnapped me and Henry from our apartment while Don was running an errand." Meryl said with a shaky voice.

Don took a deep breath. "My best friend is Mike and Maggie Brown's son." Don said figuring Brad knew who he was talking about and saw recognition in his eyes. "Well, Larry is now the DA of Manhattan but he was the ADA at the time. He beat me to our apartment when he heard Mann broke out. I came home to police tape and Meryl's blood everywhere.  Larry told me Mann broke out and took her and Henry. I was screaming for her and Henry; but they were gone. Meryl was so fucking brave and managed to escape from Mann about an hour later and called me from a payphone. As we were tying to get a trace to the phone booth Mann found her and Henry; and took them again. I spent DAYS trying to find them with her family and Larry and police. One day I came home to find Mom and James in MERYL'S apartment, our apartment, and I was furious. Mom had been especially awful to Meryl then and James always treated her like shit. I was FURIOUS after how they treated her that they pretended to be concerned and sit on HER sofa.  I KNEW James had a role as there was evidence of James and Mann's relationship and phone calls. I finally beat it out of him where they were; James bought the warehouse where they were being beat and tortured and Meryl was raped."

"He also bought the gun that Mann held to a baby Henry's head; and used to try and kill Don when he saved us." Meryl choked.

Don nodded as he wiped her tears. "Peggy also helped with all this."

"My lord." Brad breathed. "What is this about Jane blaming you for your rape, Meryl?"

Meryl rubbed Don's neck. "It really upsets Don to talk about."

"Can you?" Don choked looking at Meryl as she nodded. "I'm sorry."

Meryl took a drink of her wine. " No reason to be sorry, Don Man. When Don rescued us my brother was with him, and took care of Henry while Don saved me, so once Don was shot and the ambulance came Henry and I rode in the ambulance with him. I so badly wanted to go with Don for his testings but I couldn't. So, our doctor and friend was with him and so was Larry. I got Henry checked out like I knew he would want. I then had a rape exam, and was pregnant with William so got all checked out. My dad and Larry were in the waiting room during Don's life saving surgery since I couldn't be; which I hated. I felt like he was always there for me; and I couldn't be with him when he needed me most."

"You were where I needed you to be; getting all of you checked out. You were there for me." Don interjected. "When she shouldn't have been out of bed she came and found me."

Meryl wiped her tears. "I needed to see him; so I told my mom and sister-in-law who were with me that I had to use the restroom; but I had to see Don before they took him to surgery and I was able to see him being wheeled in. Then I was taken to Henry's room, where my brother's and sister-in-law were taking care of him, and was finally updated on Don's situation and was allowed to go see him. Larry was with me. We got to Don's room and Jane was in there. I heard her telling Don she was going to bring him and Henry here. Saying I could no longer put him in those positions. She told the nurse she was the one to make medical decisions for him. I NEVER wanted Don in that position. I would have done ANYTHING for him not to be in that damn bed."

"I know, baby." Don said consoling her. "Meryl is the ONLY one I would want to make my decisions for me. I even had legal papers drawn up. 6 months earlier James kidnapped Henry then tried to kill me when we rescued Henry. I was terrified something would happen to me and my family, Meryl and Henry and any future children we would have, wouldn't be safe; so I drew up papers to make sure they were."

Meryl nodded. "Larry knew all this. Jane wouldn't let me near Don until Larry threatened to have her removed. I kept telling her to move but she wouldn't. She said I was upsetting him but the more she threatened me the more upset Don was getting even though he was in a coma.Once Larry got her to move I went over and was able to calm him down. We then went out into the hallway and that's when she said it was my fault and I deserved to be raped. She said I really didn't love him; that I didn't protect him. I would DIE to protect him."

"You almost did." Don choked. "10 years ago Mann came back and tried to shoot me but Meryl jumped in front of the bullet and stopped breathing in my arms. Mom has NEVER thanked her. The time Meryl is talking about after her rape I was in a coma but could hear Mom being awful to her. I tried to come back so Meryl and Henry would be protected. I was in a coma but could hear all this and it broke me. I knew Meryl was breaking; and I HAD to get back to her. I was absolutely, am still, furious that after my wife was tortured and raped that my mother tried to take me and our son away from her. I have tried to move forward; but I think I'll always be upset about it."

Meryl nodded. "James and Peggy were sent to jail for their roles."

"Mom continued to be awful to Meryl during that trial." Don shook her head.

Meryl jumped in. "We have recently learned that Jane is jealous I have given Don a life she never could. That we have a love like she had with you; and she was bitter."

"That's no excuse." Brad said. "I'm so sorry."

Don had tears in his eyes as he looked at Meryl. "I HATE how my wife has been treated. Any other woman have run for the hills. Here she is, coming back for more beatings from this family. I would so ANYTHING to protect her and our children."

"You have." Meryl whispered with a kiss to his lips. "Life with you is too important to leave in the dust."

Don smiled at Brad and held Meryl. "This is why she is more important than anything."

"Because you were trying to protect your family from James abuse and hatred, that it sounds like Jane bought into, you weren't around much?" Brad asked now understanding.

Don nodded. "Unfortunately, Mom blames Meryl. It has ALWAYS been my decision. My family is too important to me; I wasn't going to let them live through what I have my whole life. MERYL is the one who wanted me to have a family like hers."

"I was always hopeful things would be different for him and would insist we come out." Meryl sighed. "The more my husband is beat down when we come here; it's harder for me to insist."

Brad was now understanding everything. "Meryl, I am truly sorry for how I have treated you and misjudged your relationship. I am sorry I terrified you; and made you think something was going to happen to her, Don. I completely misread the situation. I'm glad you two have each other. Thank you for being so good to him, Meryl."

"He is the BEST thing that has ever and will ever happen to me." Meryl choked as Don kissed her head. "All I have ever wanted is for him to be happy and healthy."

Don wrapped his arm tightly around her. "Thanks to you I am. For the record she is incredible to me. She and our children are the best things to EVER happen to me. I wasn't, I'm not, going to let anyone ruin that."

"We won't let it." Meryl winked as Brad smiled.

At that moment Jane walked in. "Hope I haven't missed anything."


"You don't have to leave, Don." Jane said not long after she came back downstairs from her nap. "If Meryl needs to leave then we can take you to your hotel later."

Don shook his head; and tried to bite his tongue. "It's been a long few days. I want to spend some time with my wife."

"You'll be back tomorrow, right?" Jane asked.

Don shook his head. "I told you weeks ago we are going to the Browns' tomorrow."

"I also have a surprise for Don." Meryl winked at him. Brad came out with their coats. He gave Don his and put Meryl's on her; kind of surprising her. "Thank you, Brad."

Brad shook Don's hand. "It was good to visit today."

"It was." Don decided to go with what he was thinking. "Maybe we could come out for breakfast on Saturday before we leave. Is that okay with you, M?"

Meryl's face lit up. She felt like they had turned a corner with Brad. "Of course it is, Don Man. Whatever you want to do. Like I said, I'm along for the ride."

"Co-pilot." He corrected her with a smile and wink.

Brad had a big smile on his face. "I would like that a lot."

"I'll have something ready." Jane smiled.

Don and Meryl said their good-byes and Meryl turned to Don. "You glad we came?"

"I actually am." Don smiled pulling her to him. "Thank you. Now, I want to get my wife drunk and have my way with her."

Meryl started laughing as she pointed towards their car. "Your co-pilot would like that; lead the way, handsome."


Don and Meryl were enjoying time together and unwinding after a stressful two days; after Don made sure the bartender kept the drinks flowing. Don placed his arm around her and ran his hand up and down her side, caressing the side of her breast. "I was so worried about you today."

"Me?" Meryl giggled at what he was doing to her as she rubbed her nose against his. "Why?"

Don took another drink. "When Brad said he couldn't calm you down."

"Just a lot of emotions, baby." Meryl smiled. "How's my favorite guy, EVER?"

Don laughed at how drunk they were getting; and he didn't care. They NEEDED this. "Ever, huh?" He flirted. "I'm actually good. I'm relieved he apologized to you. I will NEVER forget that fear of thinking someone was after you again; but relieved it has ended this way."

"I'm not excusing what he did; but I think he was just worried about you." Meryl said stroking Don's fingers. "He was really nice to me today."

Don got a serious face. "He fucking better be nice to you."

"Don." Meryl giggled. "He does remind me a lot of you; I really liked seeing that."

Don look hurt. "He's not going to take you away from me, is he?"

"Yeah right, Gummer." Meryl said nibbling on his lips. "You are EVERYTHING TO ME."

Don smiled as he kissed all over her face. "Just as you are to me."

"Don." Meryl moaned as she pushed him away when she felt herself getting excited at what he was doing to her, but they were in public. "What'd you think about our kids today?"

Don got a proud smile on his face. "I was pretty damn proud of them for protecting you like they did."

"For protecting us like they did." Meryl smiled. "And for circling around Mamie."

Don got an irritated look on his face. "Fucking Harry. I'm so sorry about Peggy and Harry."

"Baby!" Meryl exclaimed. "They aren't your responsibility. Mamie was okay."

Don stroked her face. "I know; and I'm grateful. She and I had a good talk that made me feel better. However, if it hadn't been for him then you wouldn't have had to live through losing Matthew and William."

"In a way I think reliving that was a good thing." Meryl said taking a drink. "We turned a corner with Brad through all that."

Don nodded; he knew she was right. "Thank you for being with me through all this; I don't know how to thank you for all you do for me."

"You thank me every day." Meryl said as she leaned her forehead against his. "Just by loving me and spending your life with me."

Don tenderly kissed her lips. "Let's get drunk."


"I'm glad you're staying here with me." Jane said as she and Brad were getting ready for bed that night. "Just like it should have been."

Brad had been quiet. "I haven't decided completely; it depends on you."

"Me?" Jane asked surprised as she got in bed. "I want you here."

Brad shook his head as he sat on the side of the bed. "It depends on how you treat Don and Meryl."

"You had her number before you met her." Jane said trying to win him to her side. "She's always tried to take Donald away from me."

Brad shook his head. "I know how you can be, Jane. I do love you; but Don is my son and Meryl is my daughter-in-law. Don and Meryl told me a lot of why Don doesn't let his family come out here very often; and I agree with him. Telling Meryl she deserved to be raped and not letting her around Don when she was terrified for his life?"

"He NEVER would have been hurt so much if he wasn't trying to save her." Jane exclaimed.

Brad's eyes got huge. "She's his wife, Henry is his son. Of course he would protect them at all costs."

"No one would ever do that for me!" Jane responded.

Brad shook his head. "You should be happy that Don has such a wonderful relationship with his wife. James abused Don and you stood by him. He kidnapped Henry. He's tried to kill Don and you stood by him. No wonder Meryl has always wanted Don to have a happy life and Don wouldn't let them around here. You need to stop this and you need to stop it now. Meryl loves our son just like I hoped he would find. Like I loved; and do love you. You better stop attacking her and alienating Don. Making her so upset she has heart episodes? Not okay. No wonder Don was so upset thinking someone was after her."

"And if I don't?" Jane asked challenging him.

Brad had a face like thunder. "I'm gone; we're over. You're important to me but I finally have my son in my life, I hope, and I will do ANYTHING to protect him and his family."


"Don!" Meryl said excitedly and with a slight drunken slur. "They have karaoke!"

Don looked at her like he was waiting for her point. "And?"

"My Girl!" Meryl said excitedly.

Don laughed at how drunk his wife was and he loved it. "No, you're MY girl!"

"No, the song!" Meryl said pointing to the music folder she was looking in. "PLEASE! PLEASE! SING IT!"

Don was looking around. "Darl, I don't think so."

"The bar is empty." Meryl said scooting closer to him and kissing his neck. "You know what your singing does to me. That's my song."

Don sighed. "I only sing that in private for you."

"You have the most beautiful voice." Meryl said as she sat on his lap placing kissed. "They're getting ready to shut down the karaoke. PLEASE?!"

Don patted her hip as she got up. "The things I do for you, woman."

"Thank you!" Meryl beamed.

Don went up to the guy running the karaoke and he took the mic. "For you." He winked at her.

Meryl sat there as she watched her gorgeous husband take the mic and shake his head. She took his scotch glass and took it up to him. "Here."

"No, you're not going anywhere." Don said after he took a quick drink and pulled her to him.

I've got sunshine on a cloudy day.
When it's cold outside I've got the month of May.

I guess you'd say
What can make me feel this way?
My girl (my girl, my girl)
Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl).

Don pressed his forehead to Meryl's as he continued to sing and they swayed to the music. He didn't need to see the lyrics. He had sung this song to her and their girls enough through the years.

I've got so much honey the bees envy me.
I've got a sweeter song than the birds in the trees.

Well, I guess you'd say
What can make me feel this way?
My girl (my girl, my girl)
Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl).

Hey hey hey
Hey hey hey

I don't need no money, fortune or fame.
I've got all the riches, baby, one man can claim.

Don pulled her to him as she unbuttoned another button on his shirt so she could kiss the chest she loved so much as he held her close.

Well, I guess you'd say
What can make me feel this way?
My girl (my girl, my girl)
Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl).

I've got sunshine on a cloudy day
With my girl.
I've even got the month of May
With my girl
Talkin' 'bout
Talkin' 'bout
Talkin' 'bout
My girl
My girl
As long as I can talk about my girl...

"Your girl loves you." Meryl whispered with a kiss to his lips.

Don handed the microphone to the kid packing everything up and thanked him. He then pulled Meryl back to him with one hand as he held his scotch with the other. "I love you, my girl."


You could hear Meryl's dirty laugh throughout the bar as Don whispered in her ear and ran his hand on the inside of her thigh making her laugh harder. He was ready to put his promises into action. "Let's go upstairs."

"Not yet." Meryl giggled. "This is too fun. We never do this."

Don looked around. "Because everyone has a camera phone these days."

"No ones here or paying attention." Meryl said pulling him back onto the dance floor.

Don laughed as they danced uninhibitedly, dancing around each other. "This is fun."

I like big butts and I can not lie
You other brothers can't deny
That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist
And a round thing in your face
You get sprung, wanna pull up tough
'Cause you notice that butt was stuffed
Deep in the jeans she's wearing
I'm hooked and I can't stop staring
Oh baby, I wanna get with you
And take your picture
My homeboys tried to warn me
But that butt you got makes me so horny
Ooh, Rump-o'-smooth-skin
You say you wanna get in my Benz?
Well, use me, use me
'Cause you ain't that average groupie
I've seen them dancin'
To hell with romancin'
She's sweat, wet,
Got it goin' like a turbo 'Vette
I'm tired of magazines
Sayin' flat butts are the thing
Take the average black man and ask him that
She gotta pack much back
So, fellas! (Yeah!) Fellas! (Yeah!)
Has your girlfriend got the butt? (Hell yeah!)
Tell 'em to shake it! (Shake it!) Shake it! (Shake it!)

"Shake it, baby!" Don yelled as she did. "Shake it!"

Shake that healthy butt!
Baby got back!

Don rubbed his ass against hers as the danced. "My baby's got back."

"Don." Meryl giggled as they continued to dance.

I like 'em round, and big
And when I'm throwin' a gig
I just can't help myself, I'm actin' like an animal
Now here's my scandal
I wanna get you home

Don pulled her to him as he cupped her ass and pulled her tightly against him. Whispering in her ear. "Fuck, your ass feels good. I wanna get you upstairs."

"Not yet." Meryl said as they continued to dance.

And ugh, double-up, ugh, ugh
I ain't talkin' bout Playboy
'Cause silicone parts are made for toys
I want 'em real thick and juicy
So find that juicy double
Mix-a-Lot's in trouble
Beggin' for a piece of that bubble
So I'm lookin' at rock videos
Knock-kneed bimbos walkin' like hoes
You can have them bimbos
I'll keep my women like Flo Jo
A word to the thick soul sisters, I wanna get with ya
I won't cuss or hit ya
But I gotta be straight when I say I wanna [moan]
Till the break of dawn
Baby got it goin' on
A lot of simps won't like this song
'Cause them punks like to hit it and quit it
And I'd rather stay and play
'Cause I'm long, and I'm strong
And I'm down to get the friction on
So, ladies! (Yeah!) Ladies! (Yeah)
If you wanna roll in my Mercedes (Yeah!)
Then turn around! Stick it out!
Even white boys got to shout
Baby got back!

"My baby's got back." Don said smacking her ass making her laugh even harder.

Baby got back!
Yeah, baby... when it comes to females, Cosmo ain't got nothin' to do with my selection.
36-24-36? Ha ha, only if she's 5'3".

So your girlfriend rolls a Honda, playin' workout tapes by Fonda
But Fonda ain't got a motor in the back of her Honda
My anaconda don't want none
Unless you've got buns, hun
You can do side bends or sit-ups,
But please don't lose that butt
Some brothers wanna play that "hard" role
And tell you that the butt ain't gold
So they toss it and leave it
And I pull up quick to retrieve it
So Cosmo says you're fat
Well I ain't down with that!
'Cause your waist is small and your curves are kickin'
And I'm thinkin' bout stickin'
To the beanpole dames in the magazines:
You ain't it, Miss Thing!
Give me a sister, I can't resist her
Red beans and rice didn't miss her
Some knucklehead tried to diss
'Cause his girls are on my list
He had game but he chose to hit 'em
And I pull up quick to get wit 'em
So ladies, if the butt is round,
And you want a triple X throw down,
Dial 1-900-MIXALOT
And kick them nasty thoughts
Baby got back!
Baby got back!

Don had pulled her to him again as he put his hands in her back pockets of her jeans and she did the same. He whispered in her ear. "Hot ass."

"I love your ass." Meryl said as she also placed her hands in the back pockets of his jeans.

Just then the DJ announced the last song of the night. "Now, a slow song to end the night."

"We won't be ending on a slow note." Don whispered in her ear as he placed MORE than enough cash on their table for their drinks and tip.

Meryl grabbed his hand pulling him towards the elevator. "We better not; you have lots of promises to keep, Gummer."


It was agony for Don to keep his hands off Meryl during the elevator ride. He couldn't believe another couple was in there at the same time as they were AND they were also headed up to the private Luxury Suite floor you could only get to with your key card. He could't believe his luck. He wanted to touch her so badly; and he knew she wanted it just as badly by the look in her eyes and her nipples straining against her top.  As soon as the doors opened he pulled her out, and into the suite. He turned around to lock it and when he turned back Meryl had her coat and clothes off. He didn't know if she had EVER gotten undressed so quickly. They both knew the evening was NOT going to end on a slow note as Don had promised her back in the bar.

"FUUUCCCKKK." He moaned when he saw her standing there in only her black lacy bra and panties. He still couldn't get over how perfect her body was at 62 years old.

"You're a little overdressed there babe." Meryl commented as she tore his coat from his body and they quickly worked together until he was standing in nothing but his boxers.

They stood there for a moment just looking into one another's eyes. The looks alone were enough to make them come. The pure magnetism and attraction was undeniable. Meryl threw herself at him, attacking his lips, as she ran her palms over his muscular chest. She didn't think she could ever get enough of his chest. He worked out and you could tell. She loved how he wanted to keep in shape as much for him as for her. Don thrusted his tongue into her mouth as he ripped her bra from her body and cupped her breast into his hand. This only made Meryl wetter and she shoved herself closer as she ground herself against him as she moaned. With shaking fingers as their tongues battled with one another they ridded each other of the rest of their clothes. Don's hand moved to her entrance and slid his fingers in, the pleasure was almost too much for Meryl to take. As he worked her clit with his fingers his mouth paid special attention to her breasts. Whimpers began to escape her lips as his fingers kept pleasuring her and were sliding inside her body. Her body started to tighten and with a cry she came. God, Don loved to know he caused her to release like this; and so quickly even after all this years.

"I don't want it end, Don, I don't ever want it to end." Meryl gasped. "I don't want to stop coming. Do it now."

Don looked around, he quickly picked her up as she wrapped her legs around him as he practically ran for the bedroom. He was glad that housekeeping had already turned down the bed for the evening. He thought he could come right then when he felt her wetness move against him as he ran. He quickly laid her down on the bed. She immediately spread her legs for him. Don almost came, again, just then from looking at her give herself over to him so totally and completely. He ran his fingers down her folds and slid his finger deep inside of her. Meryl sat up  and pulled him towards her.

"Your turn." She moaned as she took his hardness in her hands and worked him to a frenzy.

"Too much, I need you now." He panted. "All night...wanted you...TOO MUCH!" 

She inserted him into her welcoming entrance as he moaned. "Hard, hard." Was all she could manage to say as she wrapped her legs around him.

Don laid her back and entered her with one powerful thrust. "Like that?"

"God, yes, don't stop." She moaned. "Don't ever stop, BABY."

'Stop?' He thought. 'Is she crazy? I could never stop.' He couldn't imagine ever having to stop making love to her; he hoped it never came to that.

Meryl's back arched off the bed as her orgasm never stopped. This was all too much. Talking about their past and how their love made them stronger. The flirting in the bar, the singing and oh God, THE DANCING. Don was holding the top of the headboard above her head to give his thrusts even more leverage. He wanted to drive himself inside of her until he couldn't go any deeper. Meryl couldn't catch her breath due to what he was doing to her. She really thought he might actually thrust so hard he could push her head through the headboard and wall; she smiled at the fact that she STILL affected him like that. It was like a ride at DisneyWorld, but much much more thrilling and exciting. Meryl hadn't stopped coming this whole time. She kept urging him on until with one final pump he screamed with his released. Both spent, he collapsed on top of her as they both kept coming and coming and coming.

"Holy shit." He moaned with a raspy voice.

Meryl ran her hands up and down his sweaty back. "Fuck, Don, that was, God, baby, I have no words." 

Don was still breathing hard. "My girl's still got it; she always will."

"So will my guy." Meryl breathed as he got off her. "Baby, why is the room spinning?"


"Here baby, drink this." Don said coming back into the bedroom in his boxers after getting some water and a banana. "Eat this."

Meryl smiled as he helped her is up and put on his church. "Thanks."

"I'm afraid I was a little too rough with you, my girl." Don said kissing her head referring to all the alcohol they consumed. He then reached for the Advil by the bed. "Here, love."

Meryl ate her banana and drank her water with the Advil. "I'm better. Thanks, Don Man. Didn't want to ruin the moment."

"You didn't ruin ANYTHING." Don said with a kiss to her lips as they got in bed and he held her. "That was fucking fantastic. I had fun tonight."

Meryl kissed his chest. "Me too; I love and cherish these moments with you. I have the most fun with you."

"Me too, my girl." Don said turning off the lamp and kissing her head. "Night, I love you." 

Between the alcohol and her orgasms Meryl was quickly falling asleep as she threw her leg over his hip and they held each other tighter. "Love you, Don Man...MY DON MAN!"


A/N: The song are My Girl and Baby Got Back. Thanks to @Streep_Lange for all her amazing ideas and being a sounding board!

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