10 || Kellic

بواسطة HellaHotKellic

22.6K 951 1K

Word count: 31 k It all started with sunshine. More specifically, my sunshine. To be even more specific Kelli... المزيد



1.7K 94 89
بواسطة HellaHotKellic

Age: 27

Location: Adoption bureau

"I can't believe we might meet our future child, I'm so nervous," Kellin whispers to me.

Currently we're in the waiting room at the adoption bureau, waiting to speak with someone who works here about adopting a baby. Kellin is literally shaking with nerves besides me, I have been trying to stay calm in order to not make Kellin stress out even more but I'm starting to have a hard time doing so. Quiet honestly I'm nervous as hell too.

"I'm nervous too honey. But let's not get our hopes up way too much, we're still not completely sure if there is a baby that they will allow us to adopt," I whisper back to him, squeezing his hand.

"I know nothing is decided yet. But I do think we're getting a baby today. I don't think they'd ask us to come to Michigan all the way from San Diego only to let us know they didn't accept our application." Kellin looks at me with a look that I can't help but agree with.

"I sure hope you're right darling." I bring his hand up to my lips and kiss it before wrapping my arm around Kellin's shoulders instead. Kellin leans closer to me and wraps his arm around my waist, cuddling close to me while we keep waiting for our names to be called in silence.

It was only a short time after our wedding that Kellin and I started talking about having kids. Though it was obvious that we couldn't have a biological child, me and him together. Of course there were other options such as a surrogate mom, but we felt that adoption was the choice that fit us the best. So about two months after our honeymoon when we had talked it through properly and knew that it truly is what we want, we contacted a bunch of different adoptions bureaus and filled in applications.

After that it has only been to wait, as there was nothing else we could do. We hadn't heard much from any adoption bureau for a long time, only a letter from each that confirmed our application had made it through and our names where now in their systems.

After that we didn't hear anything up until two weeks ago when we heard from this adoption bureau in Michigan that said they wanted to see us in person. Now two weeks later, here we are; in their waiting room, nervously waiting for what they are going to inform us.

The past two weeks have consisted of getting any paper we might need ready. Papers who confirms who we are, confirms who our parents are and confirms we don't have any criminal past experiences and a whole bunch of other papers that I didn't even knew existed up until now.

We drove up here three days ago, or well we got here three days ago. The trip took a few days as well considering it's a long way to go so once we got here we rented a room at a hotel nearby where we've been staying for the past couple of days.

"Mr. and Mr. Fuentes?," an unknown voice suddenly asks, pulling me out of my thoughts.

The voice belongs to a middle aged woman with a clipboard in her hands and I figure she's someone who works here. Kellin and I stand up from our seats, walking hand in hand over to her before letting go of each other's hands so that we can shake the woman's hand politely.

She leads us through a corridor before she unlocks and opens the door to what looks like a small simple conference room of some kind. She holds the door open for us and Kellin and I sit down next to each other as she takes a seat at the other side of the table.

I take Kellin's hand discreetly under the table, lacing our fingers together and give his hand a light squeeze.

"So, I'm sure you're both very excited about being here and wondering what today will bring. You guys have been in our system for quiet a time now and there is a big chance you will be leaving this place with a child today," she speaks. As she utters the last sentence butterflies erupt in my stomach as I can't hold back my smile and Kellin seems to have trouble holding back his tears.

"But at first there are a lot of obligatory questions I need for you to answer. But if everything goes as planned which I hope it will, you will be able to bring home a baby today." She smiles at us and our reactions as she tells us this, before bringing out a whole bunch of papers, filled with all the questions we need to answer.

"So, if I have been informed correctly you don't care about the gender?"

"No, that's correct," I tell her and she moves on to the next question.

"And what about age? Is there a limit for you about how young or old the child can be?"

"Um, we've talked about from newborn up to five years old," I answer and she writes down my answer.

"You both have jobs, correct?"


"And do you have the opportunity to take some time off from these jobs to take care of a younger child?"

"Yes, at least one of us can do so," I reply and once again she writes down my answer.

We sit in that room answering questions for at least an hour and a half. She asks some more about our jobs, about our home situation. About our families and our past. She then talks about what happens after you adopt a baby, such as them doing checkups so that everything is going well. That they can help out if there would be any economical problems but also what kinds of things that would make them take the child away from you.

After sitting in that room for almost two hours she finally puts a couple of papers in front of Kellin and I that we sign before she puts them all in an envelope and into one of all the drawers that are in this room.

"Well Mr. and Mr. Fuentes, are you ready to meet your child?," she asks. We both nod our heads in silence, Kellin having tears in his eyes that I carefully wipe away and place a kiss on his forehead.

"We're gonna have a child.." Kellin mumbles as we're once again following the woman who I've learned is named Amber through the corridors before she opens a door and leads us into a new room.

Once we step in the first thing I hear is crying. The room has multiple cribs in it, most of them having a baby in them. There is also a woman that I assume works here with taking care of all the kids.

Kellin immediately looks like a child himself that has walked into a candy store. He's been absolutely obsessed with kids lately. Okay fine, I have as well. I'm just better at hiding my emotions and keeping calm in the moment.

Amber leads us over to the crib that is furthest into the room where she stops and both Kellin and I look down in the crib. I have some trouble to not start crying too as I look down at the small human down there.

If I'm gonna be stereotypical and go by what the baby is wearing I'm gonna guess it's a girl. She's trying to stand up in the crib but doesn't manage to do so very well as she falls down onto her butt, a big smile taking place on her face as this happens.

She looks up at us with so much curiosity and tries standing up again, only getting the same results as the time before. I'm guessing she can't be more than a year old.

"Guys, this is Copeland," Amber tells us and I look up at her instead of the baby. Though Kellin keeps his gaze on Copeland as he has started making silly faces that causes her to giggle, making my heart melt at the sight in front of me.

"She's lovely," I say, Amber nodding in agreement.

"And definitely in need of parents. Considering it already seems as if they're getting along," she nods her head towards Kellin who's not even paying attention to us, "I think you all would be very happy together."

"Is it okay for me to pick her up?" Kellin asks, joining the conversation.

Amber nods, giving Kellin the okay and carefully he leans down and picks the baby up from the crib. Copeland keeps giggling and looks at Kellin with her big blue eyes. Her giggle reminds me so much of Kellin's as well as her eyes, if I didn't know better I would think they're related.

I can tell that she already likes Kellin by the way she doesn't protest the slightest as he holds her close to him, rocking her back and forth and places a kiss against her head.

"How old is she?" I ask Amber.

"She's eight months old. If you'd like we can take a seat and go over her background story shortly. After that you will only need to sign some more papers before you can take her home. And if you don't have a baby car chair we got some for sale," she tells me and I agree to sitting down with her.

Kellin joins us by the small table that I actually believe are meant for kids, letting Copeland sit in his lap. Once we're seated Amber tells us some more facts about Copeland and other information we need to know.

"Copeland is the name she was given at birth, so it's not something we named her. Of course you can change her name if you'd like although I think it would be nice if you didn't. You see she's been here since she was born. Her mother was only sixteen and her father left her mother when he found out she was pregnant. Then the mother passed away when Copeland was born even if Copeland is a healthy baby but was therefore put up to adoption. Her mother decided on the name before she was born so out of respect for her we kept it. Like I said, she's about eight months old and her birthday is June 22nd. Other than that it's not really much you need to know, unless you have any questions?"

I look over at Kellin to silently ask him if he has any questions as I don't have any myself. Though he just shakes his head a little making his hair move back and forth which Copeland seems to be entertained by as she reaches out one of her tiny hands and yanks it.

Kellin winces a bit and both Amber and I have to hold back our laughter before going back to seriousness. She brings us the few more papers we need to sign which we do quickly and as Kellin has signed the last line the realization hits me like a ton of bricks. We're parents now. Kellin and I are officially parents to our own baby daughter.

As the realization hits me I can no longer hold in the tears anymore and let them fall freely just as Kellin. Amber has given us some alone time and as we're both standing up I wrap my arms around Kellin from behind.

Copeland looks at us with her big eyes, and she seems to be a bit confused as to why we're crying so much.

"Can I hold her?," I ask Kellin. He nods and turns around, carefully handing me Copeland.

At first I'm terrified she won't like me in the beginning but as she smiles up at me all the worry leaves my body. She seems to be such a happy baby. I kiss her forehead before bouncing her up and down slightly while Kellin leans in and pecks my lips.

"Ready to go home baby?," I ask the little girl in my arms even though I know she doesn't understand me that well.

I carry her to the reception where Kellin and I buy a car chair for our daughter. The lady working at the bureau thanks us, but I tell her that it's definitely us who should thank them. She wishes us good luck with everything and tells us it's just to call if we need help with anything and that someone will come check up on everything in a month or so, seeing so that everything is working out well for us and Copeland. Personally I'm sure everything will be perfect from now on. The three of us, Kellin, Copeland and I being a small loving family.

Age: 28

Location: Living room

It's been almost four months since Kellin and I adopted Copeland together, meaning she'll be turning one in only a matter of days. So far the adoption bureau has visited us twice, but we've been informed the visits won't be as often as time passes. From everything they've seen so far, Kellin and I are taking good care of Copeland and everything is going well for us.

So far taking care of Copeland has been the most wonderful thing to do. Kellin is home with her during the days and as soon as I come home from work I spend time with them. I really want Copeland to know who I am as well, not thinking of Kellin as her only parent but to know that we are both her parents.

I've just come home from work and step into our house that Kellin and I bought a couple of years ago. I lock the door behind me before walking further into the house.

"Honey?," I call out, letting Kellin know that I'm home.

I don't get any answer at first, that's weird. He should be home since his clothes and Copeland's stroller is inside. Maybe he just didn't hear me then. With a deep sigh I sit down on the couch, closing my eyes for a second as I'm tired from working all day.

The silence in the room that I was enjoying is ruined as I hear my two favorite people enter the room. Copeland comes running in clumsily as she's still a bit unsteady while standing up, and Kellin is chasing her, running slowly on purpose.

"I'm gonna get you, I'm gonna get you, I'm gonna get you," he speaks in a baby voice but stops running and talking as he sees me on the couch.

"Da!" Copeland shrieks excitedly as she sees me. So far she can only say 'da' mostly and not any actual words. Though since she is almost a year Kellin and I are waiting for her first word to come at any time now.

"Hey Cope, come here," I tell her, opening up my arms for my daughter.

She comes stamping over to me and I pick her up as she reaches the couch, kissing her head. I try letting her sit in my lap but she seems to have none of that as she whines until I let her stand on my thighs instead.

Kellin joins us on the couch as well, sitting down close to me and leans in to kiss me. I press our lips harder together, trying to add tongue into the kiss but with no success as Kellin pulls away.

"Not in front of the baby honey," he tells me and I groan in annoyance.

"But I miss you, I miss having sex with you," I whine and pout at Kellin.

"I miss you too but that's what it's like when you're parents, and don't mention sex in front of our baby daughter," he scolds me, lowering his voice at the end.

"Honey, she's a year old. She doesn't know what that means."

Kellin rolls his eyes at me but lets go of the subject anyway. I turn my head back to Copeland who is happily stomping away in my lap. Ever since she learned how to walk she's barely stopped. I smile at my daughter who giggles before stomping her legs harder, this time slipping a bit with her foot and landing on not the best place. Well for her it doesn't matter as she happily keeps stomping, it's for me that it hurts.

I let out a groan of pain, moving Copeland's feet away from my crotch as Kellin starts giggling hysterically at me. I give him an annoyed look that only makes him giggle even more, I swear he's just as immature as when we first became friends in kindergarten.

When he calms down from his giggle attack he leans over and press a kiss against my cheek before speaking.

"I'm sorry babe, but that was kind of hilarious. And I think it's safe to say that Cope agrees with me, we won't be having sex tonight." He giggles at himself, until another voice makes him shut up.


Kellin's eyes widen as well as mine, both of us turning our heads to look at Copeland.

"Did she just?.." I begin, but get interrupted by Copeland.

"Sex!" she beams and I contemplate whether I should start laughing or crying.

"No, no, no oh my god no the adoption bureau is gonna take her away from us now. Vic don't you see what just happened?" Kellin begins ranting, looking freaked out about the situation.

"Our daughter just said her first word, Kells this is amazing!"

"No it's not, her first word was sex!"

"Sex!" Copeland happily shrieks again and I finally break, bursting out in laughter. Kellin gives me a less than impressed look to begin with but soon he can't contain his laughter as well, given it is kind of a funny situation.

"I guess it is kind of great.." he mumbles.

"Sex!" Copeland shouts again before I even have the time to answer him.

"I definitely think it is, everything is great," I say, leaning in to kiss Kellin again.

At this moment I'm about as content as I could ever get with life. I have everything that I have ever wanted, and everything I will ever need. I have a beautiful husband, and a beautiful daughter. We live in a beautiful house and everything is just as I've always wanted it to be. Kellin and I share an interesting love story, and I can't wait to create the rest of it.

So yeah, fifteen year old me was incredibly wrong as you all can see now. At one point in life, for a very long time I thought Kellin never would be mine. I thought he'd find someone else but as we've made it to the last important event of our relationship, I can happily tell you that I was wrong. And Kellin and I are happy with each other.

My life with Kellin didn't turn out as I had expected it to, but I wouldn't change a thing about it, as I find our love story absolutely perfect.

At the age of fourteen I fell in love with my best friend, and a year later we vowed to marry each other at thirty five if we were both single. So from then on, between the ages fifteen and nineteen I ruined my best friend's relationships. At nineteen and a half I told him the truth. At the age of twenty four I asked him to marry me and at twenty four he said yes. So at twenty five we got married. At the age of twenty seven we adopted our daughter together. At twenty eight I'm the luckiest I've ever been and I swear, the luckiest man alive.

The end!:( Even though this story hasn't been getting many views at all it has been fun writing it so I hope at least someone has had fun reading it as well:) And as usual, please remember to vote, comment and share the story. If you have any questions, one-shots request or just want to talk, feel free to message me:)❤️

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