Blind Love

By HarmonizetheHeart

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Hello my name is Lauren Jauregui and I'm blind. This is my story on how I found my true love with Camila Cabe... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: The Meeting
Chapter 3: Go On A Date With Me?
Chapter 4: Date Night
Chapter 5: She's Perfect
Chapter 6: Second Date
Chapter 7: Crazy Fun
Chapter 8: Jauregui Charm
Chapter 9: Mine
Chapter 10: Dinner with the Parents
Chapter 11: Defend & Protect
Chapter 12: Mind Fucked
Chapter 13:What the future holds
Chapter 14: Jealousy kills
Chapter 15: double date
Chapter 16: tight Schedule
Chapter 17: new times
Chapter 18:Happy Anniversary
Chapter 19: The Call
Chapter 20: The Surgery
Chapter 21: Seeing for the first time
Chapter 22: Tricking and loving
Chapter 23: New Year
Chapter 25: Blind date & Blind Love
Chapter 26: In love & Walking in Paris
Chapter 27:New life
Chapter 28: Bachelorette parties
Chapter 29:Wedding Day
Chapter 30: The Future Ahead of Us

Chapter 24: Love is the thing

686 23 0
By HarmonizetheHeart

  I begin the day with my favorite class. This will be the first time I will be in class since the surgery.

"Good morning class before I begin, I would like to congratulate Lauren."He tells the class.

Everyone begins  to clap and I smile at the gesture. I hear a few "Congrats" and get some pats on my back.

"Alright now we are going to begin with some thinking questions."Professor says.

Everyone in the class groans. A few people roll their eyes me included. Don't get me wrong I love Professor Anderson's class but his stupid thinking questions bother me.

"What is one thing Human's need to be happy?"He asked.

"Sex."Justin said and everyone laughs.

"No Bieber, Hansen can you tell me?" He asked.

Dinah groans and puts her phone in her pocket.

"I don't know puppies?"She asked in a sarcastic way.

"No Hansan, but studies have shown that dog make a human feel better.Jauregui put us all out of our misery." He says.

"Love."I say smiling, my mind instantly thinking of Camila.

"Why is that? Give me facts." Professor says jumping in excitement.

"The 75-year Harvard Grant studies-"He interrupts me.

"God, I love Jauregui. Give me more because obviously everyone here is lost. Tell us more."He says.

"It's one of the most comprehensive longitudinal studies ever conducted — followed 268 male Harvard undergraduates from the classes of 1938-1940 for 75 years, regularly collecting data on various aspects of their lives. The universal conclusion? Love really is all that matters, at least when it comes to determining long-term happiness and life satisfaction." I state memorizing this from the textbook.

"That is very true. This is something that continued for 75 years, men in a room similar to this playing the same game we are right now. The only difference is that we know the answer."He says as he leans on his desk.

"Jauregui can you give me another theory?"He asked and I nod.

"One is love. The other is finding a way of coping with life that does not push love away."A quote from the famous George Vaillant, a psychiatrist. For example, one participant began the study with the lowest rating for future stability of all the subjects and he had previously attempted suicide. But at the end of his life, he was one of the happiest. Why? As Vaillant explains, "He spent his life searching for love."I simply say.

"A man was living the ultimate low of life. He wanted to end it. All psychiatrist, psychologist are deeply scared of suicide. Even if you aren't any of the two you are still scared because most people don't even show it. Love saved him from himself."Professor Anderson said.

"Yeah but what happens when they break up? You can't depend on someone. That's wrong."Justin says.

"Bieber, have you ever fell in loved?"Professor Anderson asked.

Before Justin answered he looks over at Selena and gulps.

"That not important."He states.

"But it is. Why, because if you haven't then anything you are about to say is irrelevant since you don't know. If you were in love and it went downhill you think all love is like that when it isn't ."Professor Anderson says.

"Hansan, ever been in loved?"Professor Anderson asked, Dinah blushes and nods.

"Jauregui?"He asked me and I nod proudly at my beautiful girlfriend.

"Coleman? Williams? Jenner? Hadid? Malik? Gomez?" He continues asking the entire class.

Some people nod others shrugg.

"Love is the thing everyone needs."He says.

"Raise your hand if you have been in love and it made you happy."He says

I see over a third of the class raise their hand.I notice that Justin even raises his hand while looking at Selena.

"Oh Bieber was in love?"Professor Anderson jokes.

Justin rolls his eyes and scoffs.

"Okay do we have time for another question?" He checks the time and nods.

"What are three things people can't resist to pay attention to?"He asked.
"Girls!"Some boy shouts in the back.

"No, but close."He says I raise my hand.

"Sex?" I asked and he nods.

"Two more who can guess?"He asked.

"Food." Zendaya says

"Yes anyone want to go for the last one?"He asked again.

"Can you give us a guess?"Selena asked.

"What three things you ask yourself before giving attention to something? What is the famous quote?"He questions.

I instantly remember reading something about this.

"Can I eat it? Can I have sex with it? Will it kill me?"I let him know and he begins to smile.

"This is why Jauregui is going to be the best psychologist. The last one is Danger. Three things humans can't seem to resist are food,sex,and danger.Why is that? Hansen give it to me."He says leaning on his table.

Dinah groans again putting her phone away.

"Without food you'll die, without sex the species won't continue, and if you are killed the other two questions don't matter." Dinah says proudly.

"Wow, Hansen did the reading? I'm impressed well see you guys tomorrow. Remember keep those minds at work. Also an essay will be due next week. I want it at my desk next Monday at 7:59. Not a minute later." He warns.
I quickly gather my things. I notice Dinah slowly behind, still texting. I sigh and wait for her for a few minutes. She still doesn't notice me so I clear my throat.

"Oh, Lauren you are still here?" Dinah asked. I nod and walk towards her.

"Why have you been texting more than usual?"I ask her raising my eyebrow.

"It's Mani, we are sort of fighting."She tells me with a sad look in her eyes.

   I give her a look of comfort. I take a seat next to her. I wonder what is going on.

"What's wrong?"I ask.

"Her parents asked her is she was into girls, and she freaked out."Dinah says.

"What did she say?"I ask trying to get to the bottom of things.

"She said no, that she never had and never will. Her parents told her that it would be okay if she was but she still denied it. Lauren I am tired of being her secret."She confirms.

"D, I'm sorry. You want me to talk to her?"I ask.

"What's the point look at her last text message."She says tears in her eyes.

I take her phone and look between their text messages.

My queen ❤️🔐:
I don't think we should keep doing what we have been doing
Sent 9:34

What r u even saying? You really want to end us?
Received 9:35

My Queen❤️🔐:
I need to figure things out, I'm sorry
Sent 9:40

You really do. And when you do don't bother to call me.
Received 9:42

My Queen❤️🔐:
I'm really sorry.
Read 9:44

I'm not believing what I just read. I give Dinah back her phone and I notice that she is crying.

"I'm so sorry. Dinah come here."I say giving her a tight hug.

"I was falling hard Lo."She tells me between cries.

I rub her back for comfort. I was about to say something before Camila interrupts us.

"There you are babe, I got worried when you didn't meet me at the coffee- What happened?" Camila interrupts herself, noticing Dinah's state.

"Mani and I broke up."Dinah says

"What?"Camila asked admittedly going on best friend duty.

"Look at the text messages."Dinah says handing her the phone.

"She broke up with you by text?"Camila asked annoyed. Dinah nods and Camila puts all her anger towards me.

"You need to get your best friend on check. If she is going to break up with Dinah she at least has to have the decency to break up with her in person."Camila says getting angry.

"I agree with you completely."I say.

"You better because until then, no kisses for you and I am going to be with Dinah. We will have a best friends night with Ally, don't wait up."Camila tells me getting Dinah's stuff.

"What about coffee? Or my nightly cuddles? And the bath we were suppose to take together tonight."I say in a whiny voice.

"You can do all that with Normani as you tell her to grow a pair."Camila says walking out the door leaving me alone.

I quickly take my phone already mad at Normani, not giving two fucks about her feeling right now.

(A/N Normani Lauren)


"Yes, Lauren Michelle Jauregui?"

"You broke up with Dinah? Over a fucking TEXT?"

"It's more complicated than that"

"No, it's not. Where are you? Me and you are going to have a girls night because my girlfriend is cutting me off on my delay kisses because you broke her best friends heart."

"You think it doesn't hurt me? I'm scared what my parent are going to-"

"Don't give me that bullshit. I know damn well both your parents support you no matter what.I also know for a fact they know about Dinah and you since Andrea talked to me saying that me and Camila remind her of you two. WHAT THE HELL IS your PROBLEM? Do you not like Dinah?"

"I do, I got an internship Lo."

"That's great what does that have to do with Dinah?"

"It's in New York. The one I really wanted I got. I didn't know how to tell Dinah."

"SO instead of tell Dinah the truth, you lie to her and make yourself look like the assole who dumped her by a text?"

"I don't know how to tell her"

"I'm texting Camz, we are crashing a girls night and YOU are telling Dinah."

I quickly hang up on Normani and text Camila.

Sent at 10:17

Camzi Jauregui:
Yes? Did you talk to Mani?
Received at 10:19

Yes I did. I got shit to tell you.
Sent at 10:20

Camzi Jauregui:
Received 10:22

Mani is moving. She likes Dinah a lot. But she's moving.
Sent 10:23

Camzi Jauregui:
Woah.. thats crazy. She needs to tell Dinah like NOW!
Received 10:24

Im on my way rn.
Sent 10:26

Camzi Jauregui:
See you soon. I love you baby.
Received 10:28

I love you too babygirl. See you in a bit.
Read 10:29

I begin to get ready. I meet Normani half way to Dinah's dorm. When we get there I knock and pray that Dinah doesn't answer. I silently thank God when I see my lovely girlfriend.

"Hey babe, hey Normani."Camila says giving a warm smile.

"Hi Camila." Normani says returning that smile.

"Come in guys."She says opening the door. Normani and I enter the room admittedly noticing Dinah's head on Ally, and her comforting the taller woman.

"Dinah someone's here to see you."Camila says making Dinah turn her head to notice us.

"What is she doing here?"Dinah asked coldly.

"I need to talk to you."Normani says.

"NO. You said enough. We are over k bye."Dinah says with anger and rage in her eyes.

"Please. I owe you an explanation."Normani said sighing.

"No, you said all you need to say. I get it you don't want to tell your parents about us.I get it I really like you and I am just a fucking experiment to you."Dinah says.

"Dinah my parents know.They love you and they love us. I love us, I was just being stupid, because the real reason I don't make us official or make you think like I don't care, is because I got an internship." Normani says with a sad sigh.

"You got an internship and that is why you are being a fucking asshole?" Dinah tries to comprehend.

"It's in New York."Normani says just above a whisper.

"What?"Dinah says tears coming out of her eyes. Normani quickly goes to her.

"Yeah. I've been distant not because I don't like you or I'm scared of my parents. I've been distant because I love you, and I am scared to lose you because I'm moving."Normani says wiping her tears.

"You fucking idiot."Dinah says letting Normani comfort her.

"I know, but trust me I do love you. I want to be with you but this is my dream and I want to go. I can't ask you to wait for me. It will last about a year."Normani tells her and my heart break I just realized my best friend, who has been with forever is leaving me.

"Y-you love me?"Dinah asked surprised.

"Yes, very much."Normani says kissing her in the cheek.

"I will wait for you. I love you too."Dinah says.

"You don't have to do that."Normani said with a small smile.

"I want to."Dinah said and kissed her lips. I instantly smile but the thought is broke when Camila throws herself on me.

"You are so lucky you weigh nothing because I would not be able to carry you."I say lifting her legs up a little since she wants me to carry her. 

"Guess what babe?"Camila asked flirtatiously.

"What?"I asked curiously at what game Camila is playing. Camila whispers in my ear.

"You got Norminah back together so that means you get an extra reward today."Camila says as she nibbles on my ear. My breath hitches.

"Hey guys, glad you made up but I need to go. Mani I will see you later Camila isn't feeling well."I say as Camila quickly gets off me.

"Oh okay, feel better Mila."Dinah says pouting. I didn't even let them say goodbye as I rush Camila out of there and take her home.

Once we are home I don't hesitate to attach her lips with mine. She jumps on me and wraps her legs around my waist and I squeeze her ass. She lets out a moan and begins to give me sloppy kisses on my neck.

"What's my reward babygirl?"I ask smirking as I lay her down on the bed.

"Take off my clothes and you will see."She says with a knowing smirk. I quickly do what she says and rip her blouse ruining her shirt.

"Easy there, don't break my clothes I'm on a budget. "Camila jokes.

"I will buy you a hundred of those same blouses."I say eagerly trying to see what she is wearing. I notice that she is not wearing any underwear.

"You weren't wearing any underwear under that skirt?"I asked.

"No." She says with a smirk.

"You are so gonna get it."I say.

    I begin to kiss her roughly and leave trails of wet kisses all over her neck. I find her sweet spot and suck on it until I hear her moan my name.

"L-Laur... Oh my g-god."
I smirk and leave little love bites as I make my way down to her breasts. I take her right breast in my mouth and begin to suck on her right boob. I quickly give the same treatment to the other.

"Lo, lower." She begs.

"What do you want?"I ask sucking on her already hard nipple.

"I want you lower. I-I n-need you in me."She whimpers.

"Beg for me baby girl."I say as I am going down.

"P-please, I need you."She begs and bites her lip. I honestly don't think I have seen anything more sexy.   I run my fingers through her folds and notice she is dripping wet.

"You are so wet baby."I continue to tease her and she can't even respond.

"Stop teasing." She warns, twitching in front of me. I enter one finger and pick up my speed.

"More, Lau- m-more."She begs and I notice her hair covering her face, I move her hair out of her face and stare in awe at how beautiful she is. I take her lips against mine and quickly jam in one more finger.

"Ooo. F-fuck Lauren, I'm close."She moans.

"You are so beautiful. Let it out babygirl."I say leaving small kisses on her body. Seconds later I feel her walls close and then warm liquid pours out of her.

"LAUR!" She screams out as I let her ride out her orgasm.

"I love you babygirl."I say kissing her lips one more time.I quickly roll back and let her lay her chest on my head.

"Your reward was suppose to be me doing you. Why do you always change my plans."She says half asleep and I just kiss her head.

"I love pleasing you." I say like it's the easiest thing in the world.

"Next time let me please you."She says.

"Okay babygirl. Now just cuddle with me." I begin to pet her hair and she falls asleep, me following quickly after her. 

Sooo there's your smut. Idk if it's any good. And yay norminah is back.

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