
By newt_a5_the_glue

166 21 6

Everything was fine. I lived a great life and had the best family. Then my mom left my dad for another woman... More



29 3 1
By newt_a5_the_glue

It isn't fair, I cannot be placed in a new home with these stuck up brats. "Mom, I don't want to live with them!" I pleaded as we pulled up to my mom's partner, Catherine's, house. "Well we don't always get what we want, America, now can we please stop arguing about this."
I sighed and rolled my eyes, earning me a slap on the leg and a 'don't you roll your eyes at me, young lady' look from my mother. I got out of the car and went to the trailer attached to the back of it.
All of my stuff was at the front of the trailer. I grabbed my chest of clothes and pulled it out first. That's when he showed up. Carter Mason Donovan. One of the most popular people going to Angelfield High School. He is a senior just one grade ahead of me. I wish he wasn't the biological son of Catherine. I wish he wasn't going to be living with me.
"Hey, I'm Carter." He said sticking his hand out to me. I looked at it, scoffed, and moved to continue pulling things out of the trailer. I didn't own very many clothes, so I didn't have much other than my hammock chair, my bookshelf, a smaller chest of books, and a little bag with a few stuffed animals.
Carter had held his hand out a little while before realizing I wasn't going to shake it. He bit his lip and ran a hand through his red hair before moving towards the back of the trailer. "Can I help you with anything?" He asked. "How about you just leave me alone, that would be very helpful." I said not even taking time to glance at him.
I stacked the chests together. Opening the smaller one and making room for the very few stuffed animals. Once they were in the chest she closed and latched it so they would stay shut.
       Carter just stood there watching. It seemed like he was enjoying the struggle I was going through trying to carry the chests by myself.
        I made it to the steps of the house before I dropped both chests. The smaller one fell onto the porch, the larger one fell on my foot. I cried out in pain when it came in contact with my foot and Carter laughed. "You wanted to help, so why don't you quit laughing at me and maybe, oh I don't know, pick this thing up off my foot!"
         With that he moved to help me. He picked up the larger chest and carried it into the house. I rolled my eyes walking to the small chest with the books in it, I picked it up and followed him inside.
        Inside there was a new person waiting for me. Arora. She saw me and squealed happily. "I can't believe you're here!" Great, this is just what I needed, a perky popular girl to change me. "Yeah, that makes two of us." I muttered under my breath. Carter walked up to where my new room would be and I followed. Well, me and my new shadow. Arora seemed fascinated by me and my entire existence.
"Is your hair naturally this color?" Arora asked. "Yeah." I shouldn't have answered the question, because then they just kept coming, like a volcano exploding to cover all of Pompeii. "What school did you go to? Did you have a boyfriend? Did you have a better taste in music than you do clothing? Who is your favorite actor? Do you like movies?" After that question I was in my room I set the chest down and turned to look at her. "Do you ever shut up?" I asked. Carter laughed leaning against the wall for support.
           "No she doesn't." He said turning to look at his sister. She crossed her arms over her chest and frowned at him. "Shut up Carter, at least I have the brain capacity to ask questions and get to know her where as you just want to stair at her butt while she fixes up her new room." That sure did stop his laughter and he blushed a deep red. Carter bit his lip and walked out of my room and down the hall to what I would assume was his room. The door slammed and I looked at Arora. "Look I will tell you the basics." I said to her.
        "My name is America Alexus Annora, I am 16 almost 17, I am a junior in high school and I don't like nosey people." I said to her. "And that means people like you, princess, never ending questions get old quickly."
         As soon as I said that she walked out of my room, closing the door behind her.
         She was gone and now I could work on getting this room to look like my old one. For the most part.

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