The Bodyguard

By ohsobiebah

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"I take my job very seriously." More



291 17 0
By ohsobiebah

Jason's p.o.v

Sara and I spoke for hours about how we would be preparing interviews for a team of bodyguards. We both seemed to be concerned and with good reason. I spoke over the phone with Josh about what has been going on with Miley. He has all of the letters and messages Miley has received to date.

As of now, the only form of communication this "hater" or "fan", if that's what you want to call him, has used is postal mail with no return address. As far as we know, he hasn't tried any other means of contact. Josh determined that it was a man based on the writing and how gruesome some of what was received appeared. This didn't change anything all it did was help me be more prepared.

Having someone threaten Miley like this isn't good. It's happened before. It happens to a lot of famous people, but this seemed to be different. In fact, it is different. This wasn't going to have some simple solution and that only concerned me more.

Sara and I decided that we should make sure not to talk about this around Miley. It clearly affected her and I didn't like to see her so down. It just wasn't like her. It seemed only I was going to be in charge of this situation and it was nothing that I couldn't handle.

"Alright," Sara said after clearing her throat. "We need to figure out where she is going to stay." Sara sighed as she looked at her tablet. She had a difficult job; we both did.

"I'm right here!" Miley said standing up. She was obviously frustrated.

She ran her hands roughly through her hair as she began to pace her living room. I wanted to take all of her worries away but I didn't know how and I didn't want to overstep my boundaries.

"I don't want to do this. I want to be able to go out in public and have some fun. I don't want to be under house arrest." She sighed. She rubbed her face roughly with her hands and kept her eyes glued to the floor.

"You're not under house arrest," Sara said shaking her head. "Come on, Miley. Don't let this bring you down. We are going to take care of everything." Sara tried to assure and I knew Miley was anything but assured.

"I can't do this." Miley nearly screamed as tears streamed down her face.

"Just take a deep breath," I said walking towards her. "You want to go out? Let's go. We will have everything prepared and I'll have your back." I said trying to get her full attention. I failed.

"That's not the point!" She shouted. "I don't want to be afraid to live my life." Tears continued to fall from her eyes.

"Then don't be!" I said stepping closer towards her. "Live your life, go out and have fun. I'll do my job and I will get my team together." I pressed. She needs to know that I wasn't going to let anything happen to her.

"I can't stay in this house anymore. I need to get out of town." Miley said throwing her hand-ups.

"Okay! Let's get out of town. Where do you want to go?" Sara asked pulling out her phone. "I can have you on your own jet within the hour." She smiled softly at Miley.

"I...I don't know." Miley shook her head.

"Where is your favorite place to visit?" I asked.

"I, um, like New York." She said running her fingers through her hair again. She was finally standing still facing me. 

"Then let's go to New York," I said with a slight smile on my face.

"I'll have the jet ready. We can leave in when you are ready, Miley." Sara smiled.

"Are you coming with?" Miley asked Sara.

"Of course!" Sara smiled. "I won't be able to stay long but I will help you get settled in," Sara said pulling Miley in for a brief hug.

Jealousy flashed through me. Stop.

"What about you?" Miley asked glancing over at me.

"I'm down. I have all my things in my car." I said clearing my throat.

"Okay, I'll go pack," Miley said before heading upstairs. She was still upset but at least she wasn't freaking out anymore.

"I'll get a place to stay. What about the Hamptons?" Sara asked Miley as she followed her upstairs.

I wasn't sure what to do about Miley. I was scared and worried for her. I knew, without a doubt, I would protect her. No matter what it took.

I sat at the table in her kitchen and waited. My thoughts overwhelmed me. I was prepared for anything and everything. I needed to somehow raise Miley's sprits, and that was going to be the hardest job yet.

"I'm ready," Miley said as she tugged her suitcases down the stairs. She let out a grunt of frustration and I almost let out a chuckle.

I stood to my feet almost instantly to help her down the stairs. I grabbed the other suitcase from Sara. Miley sighed and let me carry her things. I was worried she was going to fight me on it. If she was in a better mood, I knew she would have.

"There is a car outside waiting for us," Sara said as she grabbed her designer's duffel and an oversized purse.

In fact, Miley's bags were also fancy and that wasn't surprising. Sometimes I forgot how rich Miley was. Mostly because she wasn't a snob about it. She didn't act like she was even famous. She had such a down to earth person that it was easy to forget.

I brought the bags outside and greeted the driver. He grabbed the bags and started to load up the truck. I quickly got my items from my car and helped the driver load up the car.

I watched as Miley and Sara climbed into the back seat. I got into the front seat and told the driver where to go. Miley and Sara were both silent in the back which seemed to make time go slower.

When we arrived at the airport, Miley made a quick dash for the jet and so did Sara. I took my time and watched as the jet was loaded with our things. I took a quick glance around before letting out a long and overdue sigh.

It was the last moment of normal I was going to get for a while. But I was prepared. And I take my job very seriously.

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