My life: secrets untold.

By riverjohns

59 18 0

Michael is back and Viola doesn't know how to deal with the situation she has been put in. If only she didn't... More

The truth be told
Surprised but ignored
Plan A & B
Plan is a go
Haven't seen you in awhile.
Oh no
Vist by the enemy
A little help from a lot of people
Getting things off my chest with music
She started it
Misunderstanding turned into music
Unexpected kiss
Bestie is back
The new girl is who?
The big question

Pain. So much pain

3 1 0
By riverjohns

We were put into two groups and I knew I had to get out quick and make sure I was never put back in. There was one problem most of the kids on her team are a part of the popular group and they all hate me.
(I'm gonna be in so much pain tomorrow.)
As soon as we started the game all the popular kids were throwing balls at me but I was dogging them as best as I could. Most of them were getting out since they weren't paying attention to the others. I was getting tired from the game but I was still in that was until Candy threw a ball and it hit my head making me fall to the ground.
"Viola!" Will had screamed running towards me.
"Candy your out!"
"Why am I out and not her!"
"Because you threw it at her head on purpose."
"You have no prof."
"Viola you ok?"
"My head is thumping."
"Will get her up and follow me."
Will had helped me up and was taking me with sir where I got panadol.
"I thought I needed permission from my parents to take it at school?"
"Viola I know about your family with the school."
"All the faculty here knows it. Frank doesn't hide it well. But we don't tell the students because it's none of our or their business. And your parents would kill me if I didn't do it or Ann."
"Yeah Ann can be scary."
"I'll leave you two here while I go back to class to see what's happened." He told as he walked away.
(The last time me and Will were alone he kissed me.)
"Viola are you alright. You made me panic..."
"I'm fine Will. These things happen."
"But why did they target you and no one else?"
"You know about my past. I was mean to people so they were afraid of me even to my friends I could be ruthless. So when I bowed down from my place they saw it as me being weak. And they believe if they win a fight with me then they can take place as the ruler."
"Why not let Tsukiko win a fight then she can be the leader of them...."
"No. I don't want her to change. I'm sorry Will."
"It's fine. As long as you are safe and it brings a smile to your face then I will be happy with whatever you choose." He told as he gabbed ahold of my hand.
"Thanks Will."
"You two need to date."
"Sandy!" Masha loudly whispered to her
"Hey guys." I told looking at where the noise came from.
"If we don't make a noise then we will be fine." Casity told.
"Hey Viola."
"Yes Will."
"Since we are here by ourselves then we should kiss."
"But what if someone sees us?"
"It's fine. Obviously no is around so no one will see us."
"That's right."
"I have to see this." Tsukiko told moving her head from around the corner only to see our gaze.
"What do you guys want?" Will asked
"Well we wanted to see if Viola was alright and Sir dismissed class." Masha told
"Something about how Lucy needed him for something. Complicated stuff." My sis told
"I heard their married." Sandy told
"It's none of our business if they are or aren't." I told
"Ok says you. You know things about the teachers here where I should know it instead of you."
"The facility knows about your blog and I'm not going to revile their secrets."
"Ok you know I know about your little family secret and I fight the urge to spread that."
"Keep fighting it." I told.
"I am I am."
"So you guys were serious about the kiss right." Tsukiko asked
"Well I don't know about that." Will said
"He's joking."
"Your no fun V."
Before we could talk anymore Michael came into the room and began to hug me.
"I'm glad your ok. I heard what happened." He said as he let me go.
He started to move in but I covered his mouth with my hand.
"What you doing."
"Trying to complete the promise."
"Yeah that ship has sailed for me."
"What do you mean?" He said when he removed my hand from his mouth.
"What I mean is I have already had a first kiss."
"With who?!"
"I'm not saying."
"Violet I can't believe you broke it."
"Oh I broke a promise. What about you coming back after three years Michael."
"They choose to stay there."
"That's a lie. Sandy told me what happened you fell in love with another girl that reminded you of me. So you stayed there thinking you could get with her but in the end she broke your heart. Now you know what I felt." I told before walking away.
"Oh this is a scoop."
"Viola wait." Will said as he came running towards me.
We walked in silence for awhile till it was time for our next class to start. We made our way there only to see Raven at Will's locker.
(What is she doing there?)
She looked up from her phone and saw Will. She ran up to him and gave him a hug.
"Will. Do not forget to meet me at lunch kay."
"Well I better get going. Ta Ta for now."
She walked off with her head held high.
"I hate her."
"You were friends with her."
"Yeah. Still doesn't mean I didn't like her."

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