Accidental love

By nochillmad

125K 3.9K 1.8K

Some times love is accidental literally More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chappter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 34 part 2
Chapter 34 part two and a half
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 39
39 part two
Chaper 40
40 fuckin5
The end
Youve been blessed‼️
And it begins, sequel out now

Chapter 38

1.4K 53 38
By nochillmad

(Read 37 first💀)

"How does that L taste?" I ask Z as another game on 2k

"Don't be so fuckin cocky Lauren, we both know I'd beat you on real court" she says salty.

I laugh in her face, even though your 6'7 I was on The Varsity basketball team junior and senior year"I say popping my collar.

"I'm 5'10 and I only need one foot too kick your ass" she says in a matter of factory tone.

"Oh really?" I ask digging into my pocket.

"Put your money where your mouth is?" I ask throwing down 500$ on the table.

"Gladly" she throws down the same amount.

I smirk, "only time will tell" I add sliding my roshies on.

I grabbed her slides putting them on for her.

"Mijo were going on a field trip" I say taking his headphones.

"At 10:30 at night?" He asked.

"Why you ask so many questions for? Put your shoes on" I say in Italian accent.

"Ravioli ravioli give me the formuoli" he says before walking off too grab some shoes.

Zee and I look at each other before bursting out into laughter, "I love that kid" I chuckled.

"Yo, I need some shorts" she says unbuckling her jeans,

"sure but how about a little strip tease first" I raise my brow.

"How about no" she smiles. I groan getting up and going up stairs too retrieve a pair of shorts for both of us. I was gonna beat her in pants but I shouldn't be too cocky.

I slide on the long basket ball shorts sliding up my socks, My legs could blind a bat, brighter than high beams,

I put my shoes back on before walking back down stairs and throwing her a pair.

She winces grabbing her side as she slide them on, "does it still bleed at night?" I ask lifting her shirt too take a peak.

"Nah" she says wincing as I touched it.

I thumped her upside the head, "don't lie too me" I say calmly touching the bandages gently.

I peeled it back slowly seeing it start too heal with a large bruise around it.

"Okay, it bleeds when I sleep" she says rubbing her head.

"I know" I roll my eyes helping her too her feet.

I don't think she was prepared for how strong I am cause she wrapped herself around me too catch her balance.

"We could samba right now" I say letting my Spanish accent roll off my tongue.

I sway my hips grabbing her waist and rocking us back and forth,

"Okay, show me what you got daddy lo" she smiles letting me lead.

"I get my moves from my Papa" I say lifting our arms so she could twirl me.

"I remember you calling me papi not too long ago" she says looking down at me.

"I don't recall" I say lightly tapping her face twice and grabbing my car keys.

"Umm I think you do, shall we reminisce quickly?" She asks.

"We can reminisce if you can take a step without falling" I say picking her up.

"But I couldn't do that even when my ankle wasn't the size of an onion" she said resting her head on my shoulder.

"Legit I'd either fall or hit my head on something" she ads as Isaac walks down the stairs slowly with his eyes glued too the iPad.

"Why don't you walk, Mama you don't carry me" he says furrowing his eyebrows angrily.

"You didn't get hit by a car" I replied walking over too the door.

He gasps, "you got hit by a car?" He asked her.

She nods

"Is the car okay?" He added, I laugh high fiving him

"I'm starting too hate your family" she says.

"You are my family puta" I say carrying her too the passenger side of the car.

"Do I get a sombrero?" She asks excitedly.

"I'm not Mexican" I roll my eyes.

"Well you gotta Mexican attitude"

I thumped her upside the head again

"Hispanic attitude" I say closing Isaacs door for him and walking around too my side.

We peel off down the street.

"Where are we gonna go?" She asks
Laying her sat back.

"The gym by the main campus" I say simply.

"How we gonna get in" she asked.

"Break in duh" I say

"There's that Hispanic attitude again" she say side eyeing me.

"Ay Dios mío, Cállate la boca" I say aggressively.

"Listen here you little puta, don't be talking shit unless you got hands too back it up" she says jokingly

"Your a real pain in my ass" I chuckle.

She smiles, but I don't if it's at her phone or at me.

"Who you texting?" I ask with a smirk.

"Dinah" she replied smiling even harder.

"Oooooo" I smirk.

"Chill, she just checks on me" She rolls her eyes.

"Sounds like a wifey too me" I laugh pulling into the parking lot.

She just simply smiles shrugging.

"Awe your rekindling your love" I smile.

She shrugs again with a smile.

"What happened too we can't love these hoes?" I asked.

"She's not a hoe she's different" she said defensively.

"Okay damn, protect your girl than" I hold my hands up in surrender.

She patted her pocket pulling out forty and handing it too me.

"What's that for?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"The vans" she says simply.

"The fuck, buy me a damn pair don't ever hand me money like I'm just some broke ass bitch and I need yours"

"Disrespectful ass, got me feeling like I'm just some bum bitch asking for a bonus or something"

"This ain't no damn food max, fuckin cash back, save money now ass bitch, the fuck I look like taking that?
Save 15% more at Geico looking ass"

"Don't ever disrespect me like that, like I, just some foul stale ass stinky disease carrying street walking whore or something, that's what I am too you?, disrespectful ass" I scoff getting out shaking my head.

She laughs so hard she brings herself too tears, I carry her over to the door setting her down in front.

She wheezes falling into a coughing fit, I grabbed the flathead screw driver from my pocket sliding it between the doors crevice and popping the door open.

"Isn't this illegal?" Isaac chimes in.

"It's okay, well just say you did it" I smiled picking her up again and carding her inside.

He gasps offended, I turn the flashlight on my phone on before flicking the lights too gym.

"Yo, Dinah's coming" Ze says.

I smacked my lips "you know she's gonna bring Normani"

"Man ion give a fuck about your little confrontation" She says aggressively.

I grab her by the throat squeezing it, she grabbed mine right back squeezing.

I smirk instead picking her up and carrying her too the middle, I set her down there and left her there.

"You bitch" she yells but scooting after me.

I laugh running around in a circle, she chased me butt scooting all the way around the court.

"Show me what you got" I say helping her too her feet and handing

She drained a three without even catching her balance.

I rebounded going too the same spot too shot but this 7 foot bitch swat blocked my shot them has the nerve too fall on me.

"Get that shit out of here" she says as I slowly lowered her too the ground.

"Yo don't be shut talking if you can't even stand" I say dragging a fold chair over for her.

"Don't be shit talking if you can't sit" she spat back.

"King ice" I say grabbing his attention.

"Ball?" I say holding out my hands so he can throw it to me.

He does some spider man shit launching off his wrist before climbing back up on the bleachers.

The door closes causing me too look over and see Dinah in a green jersey with matching shorts and bright pink free runs.

"Your so fucking extra" I laugh dribbling between my legs.

"I'm not extra I'm cute" she smiles flipping her hair.

"You look like you've never touched a basketball before" Ze laughs.

"She's touched a lot of balls in her life time" I laugh attempting a shot from half court.

She rolls her eyes, "just because you bitches have never had a boyfriend doesn't make me dirty" she says defensively.

"I've had boyfriends" Zee says

"I've had boyfriend as in one, in the six grade" I added.

"Oh my god really awe, did you guys push each other on the swing?" She asks.

I hear the door close again looking up too see Normani walk in with her hood on and went straight too Isaac.

"I'd rather he push me on the swing than Gargle his balls In my throat" I said making my second half court shot.

"What!" Isaac says far too excitedly.

"I want girls too suck my Peter weter" he gets up moving his hips in a circle.

"You see what you started" Dinah rolls her eyes.

"Sit down before I cut it off!" I grit through my teeth.

He whimpers sitting down quickly, Normani stands up taking off her hoodie leaving her in nothing but sports bra and yoga pants.

"Damn!, Zee whistles at her.

I thump her upside the head harder this time,

"what she fair game" she rubs her head.

I push her out of the chair folding it and sliding it across the floor so she had too butt scoot around.

I laugh zigzagging.

"Lauren stop bullying her" Dinah says grabbing the chair for her.

"Got your girl protecting you now?" I laugh.

Zen didn't reply he just smirks putting her arm around Dinah.

I watch her pull Dinah down in her lap and whisper in her ear causing her too giggle.

She tried too get up but Zee holds her down continuing too talk in her ear.

I smile draining a shot without looking.

Normani tied her shoe before walking on the court, I dint think she'd actually show her face after playing me like a fucking Xbox.

Being single really sucks but better than me being played for a fool.

"Hi Lauren" she walked up too me quietly.

I look at her briefly before shooting the basketball.

"I know you don't want too talk too me, but I really want too fix us" she says rebounding my ball.

"There isn't an us anymore" I replied swiping the ball from her.

"Yes there is, we're forever" she replied.

I just laughed in her face shooting the ball.

"This isn't a fucking joke you promised me" she says grabbing the ball again.

I roll my eyes, "you not my girl, I don't owe you a damn thing" I say.

She scoffs, "play me for it" she said clenching her jaw.

I laugh, "you want me too play you for?" I asked.

"Play me for the right too explain" she replied.

"Normani your a fucking liar, I can't believe anything you say" I raise my voice.

"I'm a changed person Lauren, I haven't lied too you once since I've been out" she replied.

I scoff, "congrats on your two week sobriety" I responded.

"You sound like a punk ass bitch who's scared too play me" she replied.

"Oooo" Zee instigated behind me I turn around seeing her still sitting trying too get Dinah back on her lap.

"You know what fine" I say pulling my sweatshirt off.

"Check" I added throwing it hard.

She smirked pulling her hair up after catching it.

I licked my lips running my eyes down her breasts that are sitting up in that bra and her tone stomach.

I spotted the tattoo for the first time, I had no idea she got a matching tattoo.

She passed it back walking up on me getting in a defense stance she was screwed as soon as she said half court too ten.

I tried too cross her up but she's better than I thought, she almost swiped the ball from me but I drove too the basket knocking her over and making a layup.

We might be the same height but I'm much bigger than she is and much faster.

When it's her turn too take out I push up on her, she kept an elbows distance trying too keep me away from the ball, as soon as she went up for a shoot I swat blocked it.

"Get that shit outta here" I say cocky.

I didn't expect her too chase the ball before it went out and make a fade away three pointer.

"You gonna have too do better than that, this all I've been doing for the last month"she says collecting herself of the ground.

I roll my eyes, "beside fucking ever prisoner you saw?" I ask.

She smiled with a chuckle, "you know I had too squeeze that into baby" she replied.

I clench my jaw, waiting for her too come play d on me, as soon as she got close enough I ran her over making another lay up.

"Ralph be smooth" Zee yells.

"This ain't no nba regulation rules fuck that" I replied throwing the ball over too her.

Normani put her game face on, she had mad handles, she crossed me over and broke my ankles effortlessly making her lay up.

"Awe get up pretty boy" Dinah yells with a laugh.

I flip her up hopping too my feet quickly, she throws me the ball walking up too me.

Before I know it she's reaching around trying too grab the ball while pushing her front on my ass at the same time.

"Get off me" I laugh trying too get around her

"What you mean this defense baby" she replied swiping the ball from me, then hitting a floating three.

"8-4 Lauren step your game up" Zee yelled.

I blew out in frustration before putting up a three pointer.

"Don't look so sad" she smiled.

"Shut up and shoot the damn ball" I replied, "ohh someone mad" she laughed dribbling but not moving.

I swiped it from her dribbling too the hoop, I let it roll off my fingers but before it could even touched the rim she had knocked it away.

"Hohhot shit" zee says "she just jumped like six feet in the air" she added.

"Shut up and be crippled" I raised my voice.

"I might be crippled but at least I can't walk" she yelled sounding the up most of stupid.

"Not so confident anymore" she smiled checking the ball.

I growled at her getting in position too foul.

As soon as she tried too pass me I 'accidentally' elbowed her on they eyes stealing the ball and making a layup.

She pushed herself off the ground holding her eye, "cheap shot" she says shaking it off.

"Boooooo" Zee yells.

"9-8" now I stick my tongue out.

"Coward" she yells.

I don't know but something about that word set me the fuck off.

"I'm a coward?" I ask throwing the ball so hard it bounced off the far wall and out the door, Isaac chased after it eagerly.

"Yes" she says.

I walk up too her angrily, "im a coward" I ask again with a humorless laugh.

"You didn't hear the first time" she says hoping too her feet.

"Why don't you tell Dinah why your so interested in her all of a sudden" I say.

"Why don't you keep your fucking mouth shut she says getting in my face.

"Why were you crying the other day huh?" I ask
"Was it because Victoria cheated?, and now your here settling for Dinah because you couldn't get what you really want?" I added as tears come too my eyes.

"Stop talking" she raised her voice.

"No incorrect, opposite actually, you used Victoria as a distraction because Dinah hurt you, and you were in love with her" I say as the tear roll down my cheek.

"Dinah she loves you, she's told me this several times, she's scared you'll leave her again, and I'm telling you this because she deserves too have someone who actually cares and gives a fuck about her, and means that she loves you when she says it, you deserve the same, and if I'm not happy I want you two too be"

I say with a voice crack before Zee could open a can of back lash on me Dinah grabbed her face and kisses her with passion.

I turn around and I walk away balling my fists, Normani watches me walk out, she had a deep pitiful look on her face, for once it actually seemed like she cared.

I walk into the hall way between the doors, the cool breeze from out side blows my sleeves shirt. I rest my head against the wall letting my tears fall silently.

I punched the brick wall over and over again sniffling, I stopped when the blood from my hand dripped down too the floor.

A pair of arms wrapped around me from behind,

"not now Dinah" I say sniffling.

She spun me around, there I was face too face with her

"You can call me a liar, you can call me a cheating back stabbing bitch I don't care" she says gently pushing our foreheads together.

"I love you...with every thing in me and nothing can change that, You deserve too be loved you deserve too be happy"

"Look at me" she says lifting my chin.

I bring my eyes too hers wiping my tears quickly,

"Maybe you are done with me, maybe you are tired of me hurting you over and over, but you deserve answers most of all" tears spill down her cheeks as well.

"I cheated and I lied too you to many times, I don't deserve you, I don't deserve a second change, I don't deserve too marry you, I don't deserve too explain myself"

"I want you, I want you so fucking bad it kills me inside because if you truly love something you have too set it free" she states.

"I cheated because of my need of fulfillment, my mommy and daddy issues my feelings of not being wanted or loved by anyone, and especially my insecurities"

"Those are not excused for the hurt and agony I put you through, But I swear on the life of my child I never meant too hurt you, I felt if I had some tie, some connection too someone else it wouldn't hurt as bad when you grew tired of me and had better things too do than put up with me, when you left like everyone else in my life"

"All because of three words that only one person had ever said too me in my entire 24 years of life, because what we had was so real and so genuine and I was so scared that it would destroy me If I ever lost you" her arms slide around my torso as she comes into my embrace.

I wipe her tears, "what we have not had, you are the most beautiful, hard working out going smart genuinely kind woman I know" I bring my hands too cup her face.

"And you are the love of my life" her eyes find mine quickly, we stare into each other's eyes deeply, I see her pain in one in the happiness in the other.

"But People don't just get second chances they don't get restarts no rewind buttons"

"We resume from right here right now, what we have May never be the same but I'm willing to take that chance for you"

I see the most beautiful big smile spreads across her lips, she squeezed me tight resting her head on my chest.

I rest my chin on her shoulder squeezing her back,
"I love you"she whispered.

"I love-" my words were cut off by tires screeching and a ear shattering scream, I knew that girly scream any where it was Isaac.

I rush out the door, Isaac is chasing the ball that roll Ed into the main roads, he's just standing there even though a suv us coming.

I sprinted over too him scooping him and curling into a ball.

I shut my eyes feeling the unbearable impact from me hitting the cars windshield and  rolling off the hood onto the ground.

My eases were ringing, everything hurt, I was bleeding a lot, I couldn't breath.

I gasp for air still clutching Isaac protectively under my body.

It's all foggy and blurry, headlight slightly blind me, I see people getting out of there cars too come mad check on me.

I see Normani run over too me, she dropped too her knees fresh tears running down her face, I let go of Isaac because I knew he was safe.

She pulled too his feet checking on him, before I know it I see Dinah running and Zee in front of her walking.

I must be dead cause how this bitch gonna make me carry her.

"Are you okay" Normani says cupping my face.

I was still trying too breathe properly.

"Baby don't move" she says.

I grabbed her hand squeezing it as she dialed 911.

I look back over at Zee she's crying kneeling down next too me, am I hurt that bad.

Dinahs rocking a crying Isaac back and forth.

My hearing is restored fully, I hear a siren not far away,

My leg hurt, I tried sitting up but Zee stopped sliding something soft under my head.

"Don't move, everything's gonna be okay" Mani say intertwining my fingers.

I stumble trying to get words.

"Shhhh baby your okay" she says.

I pull her close by her neck, I grunt stumble again,

"I lov- I love you" I whisper.

She sniffles resting her forehead on mine.

"I love you, I love you so much" she says back caressing my face.

I feel my self growing weaker and weaker my eyes flutter closed.

"No, please stay awake" she says making me open my eyes again.

I was blinded by a flashlight in my eyes.

"Hi miss" the paramedics greet.

I struggle too keep my eyes open.

"Can you tell me what hurts?" He asks putting his stethoscope on my chest.

I groan in pain.

"We're gonna move you on the stretcher now okay" Mani says gently caressing my hand.

I groaned as they lifted me slowly laying me a backboard and onto a stretcher.

"Momma" Isaac says sniffling, I felt him grab my hand.

I squeezed his hand gently since I couldn't talk very well.

I feel a pinch, I look down and see Normani sliding a needle in my arm.

The male parametric cut my shirt open attaching stickers too my chest.

"Matt" I say looking at him.

"You remember me Lauren?" He asks with a smile.

"You saved my life" I grunted.

"Your a fighter" he replied.

"I see you've been hitting the gym also"

Sorry Matt I'm gay" I say

He laughs along with Mani,

"That's too bad, you're really cute" he laughed.

"Come on Matt my girlfriend right there" I say trying too keep my eyes open.

He smiles leaning it close, "good job" he pats my shoulder.

I look over and see she still doesn't have her jacket on.

I take the one from behind my head handing it too her.

"Lauren this is bloody as hell" she holds it up showing me.

"Think of it as a head period" I say

"That's not any better" she says.

Matt laughs handing her a Emt jacket she out it on even though it's highly oversized.

I furrow my eye brows feeling liquid on my nose, I really hope my nose isn't running in front of her.

I felt it looking at my hand, it wasn't snot it was blood, I felt weak and went under.

"MAMA!" Was the last thing I heard.
----------------------------------------------------------------"the good die young"

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