The Bodyguard

By ohsobiebah

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"I take my job very seriously." More



318 17 13
By ohsobiebah

Jason's p.o.v

Miley hadn't talked to me for a week now, and I felt like I was drowning. 

To be fair I never tried to reach out to her either. I didn't even know what I would say. I had attempted to write a text, actually a few texts, but I would simply erase it a second later. Maybe I just didn't have the balls to do anything or maybe my feelings for her were just too complicated to comprehend.

The best thing I could do was to separate my feelings from her, and myself. If I ignored what I felt, then maybe I would be able to handle things.

Unfortunately, I needed a job. I wasn't sure how to find another job considering I didn't exactly quit my last one. If I wanted to stay as a bodyguard I would need a recommendation from the Cyrus family or Miley, but I don't think that is going to happen. I had some money saved up but I was starting to stress out. I needed something to keep myself busy. Being around Miley and working for her helped a lot. I didn't have the job for a long period of time but it was good while it lasted.

I knew I had at least one option but I wasn't sure that I wanted to go down that road. I knew that I could try to get my job back. She needed me, maybe not as much as I needed her. I mean, it wasn't the best solution but at least I would be in a better situation because I would be around Miley.

When I was around her I was calm, cool, and collected. When I wasn't around her I was a fucking mess and I hated myself. All I did was think of her and worry about whether or not she was okay. Not to mention, I needed something to do. I knew how to be professional even though it was hard to be completely professional around her.

I debated with myself for the whole day about what I should do. I knew that I would ultimately come to the same conclusion: I needed her.

I reached for my phone and began to text Miley.


Hey. So I was wondering if you still needed a bodyguard. 

I wasn't completely confident in my text message but what else was I going to say? I waited impatiently for her to text me back. I waited for an hour. She was doing this to me on purpose. I wanted to cuss her out but I didn't want to be an asshole.


I have been talking with my manager and she has been working on getting me a security team. I need a lead bodyguard that I can work with and trust, so if you are actually interested then the job is yours.


Okay. When do you need me?


I will be having a meeting with my manager tomorrow at my place. Come by around 12 pm and we can talk about the job.


I'll see you then.

I was surprised that she actually gave me my job back. Though things were different. I could feel her distance through the texts. She wasn't happy. Not that I blamed her. I wasn't completely thrilled about what all she said. This was supposed to be a professional relationship, not anything more.


I parked my car in Miley's driveway. I quickly checked my hair before jumping out of the car. I was nervous but I had to remain professional. I slowly made my way to the door. Taking a few deep breaths as I approached the door. I wasn't sure I was ready to see her again. 

Would my feelings still be the same as before? It had been over a month since I had last seen her.

As I was about to knock, Miley opened the door.

"Come in," she said as she gestured for me to come inside.

She seemed...distant. My heart ached as I watched her avoid looking me in the eyes. If she had feelings for me before, they were gone now.

"How is everything?" I asked trying to pick up a conversation with her. She didn't seem to want to even talk to me.

"Okay, I suppose." She said walking to her office. I followed behind her and discovered she wasn't going to be interested in conversing with me.

"Jason, this is my manger, Sara." She introduced. Sara quickly stood from where she was sitting and smiled and shook my hand. She was around Miley's age with long brown hair wearing jeans and a blouse.

"Nice to meet you, Jason. I'm glad we will have you on our team." She smiled briefly and then sat back down and looked back at the laptop in her lap. Obviously she had a lot to do and she also wasn't interested in conversing.

"Glad to help." I said sitting down in a chair facing Miley's desk.

Miley sat at her desk with a perplexed look on her face. Like she had a lot on her mind and didn't know where to start. She had a few stacks of papers on her desk. As I looked closer, I could sense that she was worried, sad, and maybe a little overwhelmed. I wasn't sure why and I knew she wasn't going to talk about it.

Miley's eyes wandered behind her glasses only making her look even more adorable. Finally, she looked up at me. Our eyes locked for a second and I saw a certain sadness in her eyes. She quickly looked away and licked her lips.

"Well, I am not sure where I should start." Miley began after clearing her throat.

"Basically, I am going to be doing a lot of traveling. I had recently picked up a new filming contract and we will be filming in multiple different places. Not to mention that I will be having to start a press tour for my last film soon." She said looking at Sara and then me. It was a brief glance and she avoided making any eye contact with me.

"The traveling and filming are going to be a bit complicated. The director and set security team are putting some things in place, but they can only do so much. Sara thought I should put together a security team given the recent events, and the fact that it will be dangerous given the traveling." Miley said as she opened her laptop that was sitting on the desk.

Her eyes drifted to the things in front of her. She looked scared for a brief second and worry began to coarse through me.

"What makes it dangerous? What is going on?" I asked. Miley continued to avoid my gaze.

There was something more going on here than what she was telling me. I could sense it. 

"That's not something you need to know," Sara said. I glanced over at her and she looked at Miley with a saddened expression.

"It's important that I know exactly what is going on. I can't protect her if I don't know what the threat is." I raised my voice. I starred at Sara for a few moments. A pained expression flashed on her face.

Something was clearly wrong.

"He's right," Miley said breaking the awkward silence in the room. Sara let out a sigh and nodded her head. I looked back at Miley and waited for her to speak again.

"I recently got sent...some serious death first it wasn't taken seriously, but." She paused for a second. "Then I received a box, on my doorstep, and inside was a dead puppy. With a note that said I was next." Miley said as tears streamed down her face.

I wanted to pull her into my arms and wipe away her tears but I knew I couldn't. Not right now, at least. 

"When did this happen?" I asked standing to my feet. Someone was threatening her and I didn't like that. I was sure of one thing, I wasn't going to let anything happen to her.

"Yesterday morning," Sara said with a soft sigh. I watched as Miley curled up in a ball in her big office chair. She wasn't crying anymore but she looked scared.

"I think we need to get you out of here," I said. Running my hands through my hair. I started pacing the room trying to figure out a solution.

"She stayed at my place last night." Sara said. "I'm working on finding somewhere else. Right now we need you and we need to get a team together." She said and I agreed.

I was not leaving her side. Not now.

"Does anyone else know about this?" I asked Sara.

"I told Detective Josh. He is a friend from when I was young. We can trust him. He has been searching for leads on what is going on and how serious this is. The director of the new movie she will be working on knows but that's all." Sara said looking at me with pleading eyes. "We are trying to keep this out of the media...for obvious reasons." She sighed.

It was clear that Sara was scared for Miley.

"Okay, I'll put a team together. It might take some time but I'll take care of it. I'll need to meet with Josh to discuss things, of course. I also don't think that Miley should be left alone. I don't even think she should be in this house." I said looking back at Miley.

Miley looked distant like she was deep in thought. I wasn't going to let anything happen, hell I wasn't going to leave her side.

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