Tell No One

By Sophie_Rosey

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~Record of #109 in Science Fiction!~ Kiera wasn't proud of her average life; a flat, a small income from the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 43

43 5 0
By Sophie_Rosey

For all of Mera's absence, Kiera did see him the next morning.

She was woken up early, met by a tearful-looking Analise who swore she knew nothing about what they planned. Today's dress was black, and Kiera couldn't help wincing as it pressed tight against her bruises. The morning had brought fresh pain, bringing Kiera gasping into consciousness. It was earlier than usual, the day barely red as Analise lead them through the corridors. She looked paler than normal, and as they crested the balcony overlooking the foyer, Kiera knew why. Even with his back turned to her, Kiera knew who it was straight away- if the ridged horns curving from his head was anything to go by. And, as Analise lead them down the stairs, Kiera also recognised the man Ramatee was in deep conversation with.


"-I don't care, Mera. They need to understand that this kind of behaviour is unacceptable, and dire consequences need to be handed out." Mera broke eye contact with Ramatee as the two approached, the stern look on his face somewhat softened when he saw the damage done to Kiera's face. Ramatee, seeing Mera's diverted attention, turned around to address the new arrivals.
As he looked Kiera up and down, Analise timidly looking at her feet next to her, Kiera instantly saw his anger intensify. It rolled off him in waves, and after seeing Kiera's face, the air positively crackled with righteous fury. Kiera found even herself looking down as Ramatee's eyes bored into her.
"You will tell me who did this." His voice was dangerously low as he spoke. Whilst Kiera knew his anger wasn't directed at her, she still found that a shiver ran down her spine.
"You will tell me, and they will be dealt with immediately." Kiera glanced up, meeting the piercing gaze of Ramatee's golden eyes. There was a certain predatory glint in them, not unlike those of a lion in the grasslands of the savannah.
Her eyes darted across at Mera. His arms were folded neatly across his chest, but whilst his posture was stern, his face remained strangely sorrowful.
"And if you don't know their names, I will line them up and you will tell me who did this." Kiera nodded obediently. "I will not have you covering for anyone."
"Daisy." Kiera's voice was almost imperceptible as she spoke up. "A servant called Daisy. Shelia was there at the start, but she left before she started beating me." Ramatee retracted to his full height, thoughtful. Kiera wasn't quite sure why, but she decided to omit the presence of the boy. "And these were the only two involved?" Kiera considered telling him the truth, that there was a third person. But ultimately, she decided not to.
"Yes. They were the only ones." Ramatee nodded, content. "Only, may I ask one more thing." Ramatee eyed her wearily, waiting for her to carry on. "I don't want Shelia to be punished."
"Absolutely not." Kiera bristled at such a quick answer. "She needs to learn that she was in the wrong too. In your drugged state, leaving you was as bad as hitting you."
"No. That's the end of it."

Without so much as another word, Ramatee stormed off, his red cloak billowing in his wake. He went though one of the doors on the side, slamming it violently after him. Kiera winced as the sound resonated about the domed room.
She turned her attention to Mera, who was staring at the spot where Ramatee disappeared.
"Dammit. I'm sorry about him." Mera let out a deep sigh. "He doesn't like feeling out of control."
Kiera shrugged half-heartedly. She hasn't forgotten that Mera broke his promise.
Mera shuffled at the silent response.
"Yes, Mera?"
"Go to Kiera's room. She'll be back in a minute, I just need to speak with her in private."
Analise nodded, sullenly climbing the stairs back to the first landing. Both Kiera and Mera watched her ascend the stairs, the clipped taps of her feet growing fainter as she moved further away.
"Kiera-" Mera took a step closer, placing an arm on her shoulder. He placed it right over a bruise, hidden by her dress, but Kiera didn't tell him to move it. "I'm so sorry about the way I've treated you. I know you've been needing me, and I haven't been there. What's more, is that I broke a promise." Kiera felt a blush rush to her cheeks. His voice was so sincere, that she actually felt guilty. "I have no excuses. Maybe if I..." Mera trailed off, his hand tracing up to brush a thumb against one of the many cuts on her face. "Maybe if I had been there, if I had kept to my word, I could've prevented this. But please, once this has all played out, let me make it up to you." Kiera couldn't help but return his smile. It was his eyes that really sold the deal- Kiera felt her annoyance at him melt away as she looked on at the soft apology held in their black depths.
"Okay. Apology accepted." Kiera placed her hand atop of his. Smile growing wider, Mera pulled her into a tight hug.
"I promise I won't let you down this time." Kiera smiled into his chest, despite the pain it caused her.
Kiera stood on top of the stone circle from where she first arrived. Ramatee stood next to her, head held high before a sea of faces. Mera stood on his other side, but there was no way Kiera was able to see past Ramatee's impressive frame. On her knees directly in front of Ramatee's, Hands bound behind her back, and a red blindfold wrapped tightly over her eyes, was Daisy. She shuddered slightly, her bottom lip trembling.

The abyss yawned in the ground below them. The servants stood in ordered rows to the left of the gaping abyss, faces solemn. There was a light breeze in the air, and it pushed Kiera's hair around as she waited patiently for something to happen.

"There is no question in my mind that everybody present knows what went on last night." Ramatee's voice shattered the silence like a thunder clap. Kiera found herself scanning the faces of the crowd. "Are you are all gathered here to witness the discipline administrated for such an offence." Every face was downcast, mouths set in thin lines. But as Kiera looked over every face, she found who she was looking for. "This is treason of the highest degree. And it will not, and it shall not go unpunished." Kiera found the boy that was also responsible for beating her. Truly, he should be up here, knelt next to Daisy. But Kiera found she couldn't muster the motivation to feel anything other than pity towards the boy. "A crime against your Queen is a crime against me. For your failure to act against it, every single one of you will face a rebuttal." There was no response from the crowd, no slight switch in their behaviour. There was no groaning, no cries of outrage. Just a mild acceptance that rippled throughout the servants in the subtlest of ways- the slight tension in their shoulders, the way their mouths twitched to almost a frown. Kiera saw the boy's eyes dart up, briefly touching with hers before
Ramatee directed his attention to Daisy, cowering by his feet. 
"But at this moment, everyone here will bear witness to what it means to defy me. Let this be a reminder to all those 'unhappy' with the new queen." Ramatee struck an arm down, clamping it onto Daisy's bicep. She let out a little squeak in protest but otherwise kept silent. Ramatee walked her to the edge of the stone circle.

"Daisy. For your crimes against the Abyss and therefore me,  you shall serve the rest of your time in the Third Reach." Ramatee let go of her arm, taking a step back. He neatly folded his hands behind his back. Kiera could guess what would happen next. She thought to herself that she should be horrified, but she didn't. It should've shocked her that she accepted it so willingly- but in her head, she was indifferent. 
"Step off." Ramatee's voice was sharp and was met by a deafening silence. Daisy's shivering grew more violent, and she seemed to shrink further into herself. She took a timid step forward, recoiling as her toe met the edge.

Kiera glanced across at Mera to see what he made of all of this. His face was an unreadable mask, hooded eyes focused solely on Daisy's back. His arms were crossed over his front, his back straight. Looking at the two men- Ramatee and Mera- Kiera couldn't help but see the similarities in two people who were so different. She supposed there was a reason Mera was valued so highly by Ramatee. There was a reason Mera was kept so close.

Daisy suddenly stood up straight. Her tremors stopped. Her hair caressed her face, loose strands gently swaying in the breeze.

"I'm sorry, Ramatee." The words were chased from her mouth, bare whispers scattered by the wind. Kiera knew Ramatee heard them- it was obvious in the way his shoulders tightened, the slight lift of his head. 

As soon as the words were spoken, Daisy took the fatal last step off of the stone circle. 

The darkness of the abyss swallowed her instantly.

Ramatee walked forward to address the rest of the crowd. 
"The rest of you. Food for the next week will consist only of bread and water. All breaks are suspended. You are dismissed." 
The servants started to disperse, walking away on the track back to the Keep.

"Kiera." Kiera turned to face Ramatee, who stared at her with a look of urgency on his face. "Let this be a lesson to you too. I will not see you come to harm again." Ramatee's eyes blazed into hers. "Is that clear?" Kiera nodded, compliant.

"Yes, my Lord." Kiera wasn't sure why she added the 'My Lord' onto the end, but she felt a strange pang of happiness at the smile she received from saying it.

"Then come. Let's get back to the Keep."

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