Behind Enemy Lines (Dramione)

By WoodsyBear06

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(Marriage Law) Our Favourite Bookworm is back for a new and exciting twist in fate. Hermione has a secret, an... More

Chapter 1: The Morning Of
Chapter 2: The Hogwarts Express
Chapter 3: How The Hell Did That Happen?
Chapter 4: Mind-boggling
Chapter 5: The First Saturday
I Know Your Secret
Games with the Devil
Movie Night
Back To Class
The Mixer
Another Day Off
Things Are Changing
The New House
Perfect As The Ocean
Breaking It
They Can Never Know
The Next Generation

Hogsmeade and The Three Broomsticks

907 18 0
By WoodsyBear06

WARNING: Mild sexual content


I kept my composure as walked to my room. Don't look back. Keep it together. I closed my eyes and let out a big sigh sinking against my door as I closed it behind me. I have 45 minutes until I have to meet the others downstairs. A million thoughts ran through my head and I could not form an answer to a single one. I fell back into one of the comfy chairs by my fireplace and closed my eyes, running over the last 10 minutes in my head.

If Draco was telling the truth, and I know he was, what changed that Harry suddenly no longer thought of me as his sister. He's supposed to be my best friend, a safe space and instead he's just as bad as every other wizard here. To some extent I understand that there is only so much he can control, when it comes to ogling,he's a man after all. Draco had said it himself earlier... at least that is what I'll tell myself.

Draco... my mind spun. Why would he have done that. Let me prove you wrong seems like a weak excuse. I had not expected him to do what he did when he said that and that nickname? I will admit, I kind of liked that nickname. No one else called me that, it was his thing...and he certainly did know what he was doing. I looked down at my bare thighs, a faint red mark still imprinted again my sink where his cold ring had dug into my flesh. I swallowed hard again, replaying it. Would it be so horrible of me to want to feel that again? Feel him beneath me again?

I looked to my clock again, 30 minutes. I gathered my towel and clothes and made my way to the shower. As conflicted as I was, I pulled out my wand and locked the door before turning on the scolding water and letting it soak my body. I breathed deeply, feeling my muscles relax and the tension start to dissipate.

I summoned my loofa and scrubbed the rough material against my skin and inhaling the scent of oat, chai and almond milk as the soap foamed against me. As my as I would have longed to indulge, I was on a time limit. I dried off, tossing my towel against the hook next to the shower. I decided on my good ol reliable, not to mention comfy, straight leg, medium wash jeans and an a long sleeve black t-shirt. It was simple, nothing fussy, just the way I liked it.

I was just about to do my hair when there was a knock on the door. "Ya?" I called and unlocked the door. Draco opened it and walked into the bathroom in his sweats. Godric he looked good in those and his body... I snapped myself out of it quickly realizing I was staring and mentally yelled at myself. "Can't take your eyes off me, can you," He said taking notice and teasing me as a blush I knew was coming appeared on my cheeks "I most certainly can, Malfoy, now what do you want?" I asked making sure to look at his face this time. "I want to take a shower" He said and shut the door behind him. "Okay well can't you wait 5 minutes and I'll be out?" I asked him, raising an eyebrow. "Nope, I don't really care if you're in here while I shower. You have already seen me naked so just carry on with your business." He said and I reluctantly went back to blow drying my hair as he undressed in the background. I tried not to look but I slipped a few times.

I shut off the blow dryer and plugged in my curling iron to turn my crazy mess into long waves. I didn't even notice Draco come up behind me until he was whispering in my ear. "Wanna join me?" He asked sending a shiver down my spine. "No Malfoy, I don't wanna join you" I told him turning my attention back to my hair as he mumbled 'your loss' and made his way to the shower, purposefully leaving the door open. I finished what I could of my hair and ran some tropical smelling finishing cream through it to make it soft and kill the frizz. Looking at myself I was relieved that my hair had somewhat tamed itself since the fifth-year frizzies. I was unplugging everything and putting it away as Malfoy walked out of the shower. His hair was wet and he hadn't put his towel on yet. I knew he was taunting me but I wasn't sure what he was trying to get out of all of this. He dried himself off shaking his hair out last and changing into dark wash jeans and a grey t-shirt. His hair was more of a dirty blond more than a bleach-blond this year and it made him look more mature and dare I say it, handsome.

"So Granger, do you have the answer for me yet?" He asked and I knew what he was talking about, the question from last night that I refused to answer. "Nope, sorry," I said and walked out of the room grabbing my cloak and leaving the dorm to meet Harry and the Weasleys. When I arrived at the great hall, we all walked together to the carriages, meeting Luna on the way down and set on our way to Hogsmeade.

When we arrived we decided our first stop would be Honeydukes for some chocolate frogs and pumpkin pasties. Ginny and I finished looking quicker than the boys and Luna, so we stood outside the door waiting and contemplating what to do next. "I think we should go to the three broomsticks, I'd fancy a firewhisky or two," I told her after the morning and night I had. "Sure, I would quite enjoy that myself," She said and I nodded just as everyone came out of the store and we made our way over. We found a booth that would fit all of us and slid in. I can't believe how cold it is out and it isn't even autumn yet.

I was on the outside so I volunteered to go to the bar to order. "Madam Rosemerta can I get three butterbeers and three firewhiskeys?" I asked throwing her a smile. She smiled back at me "Course you can Hermione, It's a pleasure to see you here... here you go deary" She said and I paid and walked back to the table with our drinks. Everyone grabbed their drinks as I set them on the table. "So I was at the heads dormitory this morning and it's incredible, huge as the entire Gryffindor Tower. Hermione said she will take us around to see it maybe tomorrow" He said and kicked my leg under the table, I took that at a signal that I was supposed to protest and say tonight. "Ya for sure! Tomorrow you guys can come over and check it out. Harry is right it is amazing." I said with a smile. Everyone agreed in excitement and seemed pleased that they were invited over. I hope Malfoy agrees to them coming, sure we weren't fighting but we weren't exactly on a first name basis either. "Well, Ginny and I have to get a huge start on Christmas shopping cause merlin knows if we don't do it four months early we won't do it at all," Ron says bashfully and the two of them got up getting ready to leave. "Oh, we'll join you!" Luna said pulling Neville along, who seemed content to follow her. "Shall we join too, Mione?" Harry asked me sending a sweet smile towards me. "Actually, I'm a bit cold so I think I'm going to sit here and relax a while. You guys go, I'll just read or something." I said to them because frankly, I had no interest in Christmas shopping this early and I haven't exactly had much time to myself since I got here.

"Okay Mione if that's what you want"Ginny said and I nodded my head as they headed off. It wasn't long after that, that my oh so charming roommate Slythered in and ordered a fire whiskey. I looked down at the book I had gotten out and noticed that I hadn't quite finished my Firewhisky yet. He turned around spotting me and for some unknown reason came to sit with me. "Hey Beaver," He said with a cheeky grin. "Ferret" I greeted back "You know you're soaking wet right?" I asked him and he laughed "Well ya, that's generally what happens when it's snowing as bad as it is and your outside for a long period of time." He joked. "Snowing! It's September!" I said and looked outside. No wonder it keeps getting colder. "Well I'm getting more and more freezing just thinking about it, I'm going to go to the back room with the furnace. You can join me if you'd like, the fire will dry your cloak and scarf." I told him trying to be nice and not be seen with him at the same time.

I grabbed my book and wrapped the thick itchy fabric of my cloak around me making my way to the back room. Not surprisingly Draco quickly followed behind me. "Well this is cozy" He said when we got to the room. I nodded my head and sat down by the fire to warm myself up, discarding my cloak in the corner to warm up as well. "Hand me your cloak and scarf," I said reaching out for them. I set them by the fire to dry and sat back against the stone wall reading my book as Draco watched me with curiosity. I don't know how long we were sitting there, probably hours when we heard a noise coming from the bar. Draco looked at me and put a finger to his lips. He got up peeking out the door to see who it was, not standing there for long before he scrambled to get our stuff. "Snatchers" He said, making my blood run cold, we must have stayed past closing. Suddenly, Malfoy grabbed my hand pulling me into a small cabinet in the back.

"We won't both fit Hermione so go in," He said and pushed me in. "No, not without you," I said grabbing his arm and pushing him to the ground in the cabinet. He looked up at me and laughed quietly as I shut the door. "You won't be able to stand up like that forever, you're gonna fall right out of the closet" He said, a smirk in his voice. "Well, Malfoy, I have no other choice so I'm gonna have to. I said getting slightly irritated. "Sit on me" He said and I looked at him like he was crazy. "No, I'm not sitting on you, I'll crush you," I said since it was probably true. His back and head on the floor and his knees bent would put me right on his stomach if I sat down. He laughed and I pushed my heels into his side it quiet him as I standing over him. He grabbed my ankles to stop me, still laughing. "You're not gonna crush me Granger trust me you are as light as a feather. Now sit or I'm gonna have to make you" He said with his dare me grin.

"Fine " I said, plopping down on to his stomach and laid back against his thighs. "See, now isn't that better," He asked "No," I said in half-whisper thankful that he couldn't see me blush. "Well it's a good position for me" He said as I noticed I was now straddling him. "Nice Malfoy" I said and rolled my head trying to prevent my neck from getting stiff. Just then I head the snatchers enter the room and we fell completely silent. I felt my body stiffen and Malfoy must have too because he found my hand and gave it a squeeze. {Well there's nothing back here I reckon mate. Did you grab everything from the front} One voice said. We never heard a response from the second guy but we knew he said something because the first replied back to him before slamming the door shut. We could hear them talking in the bar and after a few minutes, the noise died down and I gave out a sigh of relief. "It's getting hot in here" I said as I fanned myself and looked down at Malfoy who was giving me a cheeky grin. "Do you think they're gone yet?" I asked him

"No, not likely, they are probably still looking around," He said, "And if you're hot you could always take off a layer." He said grinning "You would like that wouldn't you Malfoy" I rolled my eyes "Can we just get out of here?" I said and he sat himself up so I was straddling him for real now. "Okay, let's go" He said and pushed open the doors. I got up off him and walked to the fireplace to take my seat again. It was truthfully getting quite hot but it was still better than being outside in the cold. "Draco, what time is it?" I asked and looked at him. "7:30" He said and then doubled back and looked at it again. "7:30? That means we missed the carriage back until tomorrow" I said annoyed and slightly panicking."We'll live" he said "Wow it's getting hot in here" I said noticing the heat raising and then finally stopping at 90 degrees. "Ya, you're right" he said and got up off the floor and took his shirt and jeans off leaving him in tight green briefs. "Malfoy what are you doing?" I asked him. "Staying cool while you roast in front of the fire" He said and I rolled my eyes at him. He stood up and walked over to me standing in front of me.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" I asked standing up in front of him against the stone or rather mini rock wall. "I wanna talk" He said and moved one step closer, me not being able to back up. "About what?" I asked but I was pretty sure I already know "About what happened in the common room this morning." He said "What about it?" I asked trying to make it seem as if it never phased me. "I know for one that you liked it. I know how good it made you feel, so don't even bother denying that. I'm also betting you've never experienced that with anyone before, so it wouldn't surprise me if you were aching to have that again" He said taking a step closer and looking at me. One more step closer would mean our bodies pressed together. "And what if I did like it? What if I do want it to happen again?" I asked him once again breathless. "Why the what if? That's only the tip of the ice burg sweetheart, you've got a long way to go." He said and took that last step closer and bringing his lips down to mine. I could feel sparks flying between our lips and I didn't know whether to kiss him back or not, but I made up my mind quick. Instead of pulling away I deepened the kiss.

This was all so new to me that I was surprised how it made me feel and hoped desperately that I was doing it right. I pulled back for a brief second and looked at Draco. Breathless and a little embarrassed. "Am I doing this right?" he nodded and his lips crushed mine once more, only this time it was him deepening the kiss even further. His tongue licked my bottom lip asking for entrance and I let him. We explored each other's mouth's and suddenly I felt his hand slide down my back and cup my butt. I didn't know what was going to happen, but as long as my clothes were still on, who cared? His hands moved farther down my thighs and brought them up around his waist and pinned me against the wall, never breaking the kiss. "Hold on tight" I heard him say through breaths as his hands released from my thighs and I squeezed my legs hard around his waist so I wouldn't fall down. I could feel something brush up against me and I let out a little laugh. He smiled into the kiss and deepened it further. His arms that were snaked around my waist let loose a bit till one hand was under my butt and the other was sliding up my shirt. I was a little bit surprised but excited at the same time. I was feeling things I've never felt before, and with Draco Malfoy.

His hand moved up to caress my chest and his kisses started to move to my ear. "How about we go try out the new hot tub upstairs?" he asked. I pulled back and looked at him funny... how could we do that if we are stuck here? "I just realized that we are of age, we can apparate out" He whispered in my ear as if he had read my mind. With that, both us and our belongings were once again in our common room. I jumped down from his waist and turned to my room eager to change until his voice stopped me. "Do you not wanna go in?" He asked seeming confused why I would go to my room. "Yes but I have to change" I told him still not moving. "Well isn't a bra and panties the same thing?" He asked, that devilish grin appearing on his face again.

I nodded and dropped my shirt and jeans there, running up the stairs. He had a surprised look on his face and came after me. I found a good hiding spot and waited until he came up the stairs, then leaped on his back and kissed his neck. He didn't even stumble at the impact, he just laughed and climbed into the hot tub, with me still fix to his back. When he was in he swung me around to the front and sat down so I was straddling him. He started kissing me again. Nothing much changed from the furnace room to the hot tub expect the fact that there was no shirt to slip under. He just went right to the source. He used one hand to push my lower back against him until I was rubbing up on his stiff cock. The other massaging my nipple through my lace bra. He had been turning me on all day and I needed revenge, so I deepened the kiss once more and then quickly pulling away, kissing his jaw, then down his neck to his collar bone. I slowly slid my body up grinding against him. I laughed lightly as he moaned, knowing I had succeeded and started to kiss him again. "Are you sure you haven't done this before Granger?" He asked

His hands left my chest, traveling back and unlatching my bra. I let it slide down my arms and into the water. Both of his hands moved to my breasts this time, massaging the nipple briefly before sliding his fingers down my sides and blowing lightly along the side of my neck, causing the same thing that happened this morning. This time it was me who moaned and I once again pressed myself against him, loving the aching feeling I was getting down below. It took me a minute to catch my breath, and in the meantime, Draco turned my on his lap so my back rested against his chest. I tangled my arms above my head and around his neck, playing with the end of his messy hair. The calm lasted only 5 minutes and his hands were moving again. "Just relax" He whispered before I could do anything. I did and his hands when up to mine and slowly started traveling down the inside of my arms and sides, then to my outer thighs, following the path all the way to my aching core. He stopped just above the panty line and brought his head down to mine again.

"Let's do this again tomorrow" he whispered his arms wrapped tightly around my waist. I didn't want to stop but I knew I had too. He chuckled a bit and then let me go. "Fine" I said and turned around to kiss him quickly before I got out and went to get ready for the bed. It didn't take me long to fall asleep after that day. The only thing was, I just couldn't get Malfoy off my mind.

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