Twisted Love Affair

By StephyBoo

327K 7.2K 491

Lexi Cortez's life hasn't been an easy one. The girlfriend of a biker gang leader, she lives the double life:... More

Twisted Love Affair
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59

Chapter 31

4.9K 109 5
By StephyBoo

Chapter 31

Jace's Point of View

My surroundings were passing me by in a blur while my motorcycle roared loudly in the quiet night. It had been like this for the past few hours nothing but the night sky with the cold wind blowing against my skin. This is what I was made for riding having the feel of a powerful machine between my legs that I was fully in control of. 

Jace Anderson is the name, President of the Son of Saints at the young age of twenty a feared and convicted man. In my lifetime I’d seen and done many things that no mother would be proud of. This was my lifestyle and it would always be nothing would change that.

It blew my mind how one person could have me wrapped around there finger that my thoughts were consumed with just her. I had let myself go before women would come and go in my life with no care in the world. Now everything was about her and it was making me loose my mind.

This wasn’t something planned not once did it come to mind that I would have the feelings I have for her. It happened she was a challenge always suprising me one way or another.  This was the girl that was always changing to adapt to her surroundings making sure to keep up. 

Going through so much she still put that strong face on ready to take on her problems head on even if in the inside she was crumbling. Holding everything in letting no one inside her she was a mystery. 

Knowing that she was a broken mess inside would have most turning right back around from where they had come from but not me. It was the opposite affect for me and that right there was my mistake.

I was a natural born leader hated, feared, and respected by many was one girl worth making me loose my head like this. In my mind it was a No but in my heart it was a Yes. Everyday that I was alive there was a risk that it would come to an end in the blink of an eye.

It was all strategy, a mental game predicting people’s next move, making sure to be ahead of the game or risk falling behind. This wasn’t something that could be taken lightly it was a serious matter that was pressing on my mind.

It was bittersweet realizing that there’s a girl out there that could be by my side loving me in the way that a man would want to be loved. Knowing that at the end of a long day he could go into the arms of an accepting woman with no bad judgments. That no matter what was done the love would be returned in the same way. That was sweet.

Then knowing one person could hold so much power over you they would become your life. That didn’t seem so bad but it’s the risk that comes to mind. Was one willing to put the one they cared for in the hands of danger? Knowing that they would have to watch over there shoulders for there life. This was bitter.

I was young in age but I knew what it felt to loose someone you love because it had happened to me. That’s what made me the way I was today and for that reason I knew better. This was what made me come to my decision in the end it was what’s best.

Pulling up to the house my heart was beating heard and fast in my chest blocking out the sound as it echoed in my ear. The blood was racing in my veins from the rush every step I took brought me closer and closer till the door was directly in front of me. 

The newly replaced door was exactly like the old one even the new locks had that new shine to them. The key felt heavy in my hand like holding a twenty-five pound dumbbell with just your three middle fingers. It slid into the slot smoothly turning it making a small click as the door unlocked. 

The doorknob in hand turning, it opened quietly giving the full view of the living room where no one was in sight. There was a silence to the house that would make you think it was empty but I knew better. They were both here it was the early morning hours where the sun hadn’t even began to rise yet.  

Closing the door behind me I stood patiently waiting for them to come down as I knew they would. The clicking clock was the only sound heard for what felt like minutes, was actually only a few seconds. 

Above me the sound of soft footsteps went through my ears. The sound of a bedroom door opening and closing, followed by the small creaks of the staircase steps. Lexi appeared before me.

Her long black hair was flowing in small waves down her back the red highlights still fully visible. There was a small frown on her pale pink lips as she took me in her head cocking to the side a questioning look on her face. 

A shiver ran up her body causing her to slightly shake and wrap her arms around herself to keep warm. Fully taking in her tall and thin frame she stood in a small gray camisole with soft cotton black, white, and gray plaid shorts with a pair of thin white socks. 

All sleep was gone from her face as we stood in quietness staring at each other neither one of us speaking first. Taking a step towards her a deep breath went through my lungs puffing out my chest as it went out my mouth. Before any words could leave my mouth she looked me up and down an emotion flashed through eyes so quickly that I couldn’t register it. 

Lexi’s whole demeanor changed as she straightened up no longer slouching her back as her arms hung loosely by her side. Running a hand through my hair I was mentally scolding myself for just standing there. I knew what I wanted to say but here I was frozen in my place at her sight. 

“Lexi” my voice came deeper then intended to as my eyes roamed over her body taking in her beauty. She kept quiet till my eyes landed on her deep green ones that captivated mines. 

“Jace” she replied back to me the way my name rolled of her tongue made me want to swoon.  “Surprised you even showed up thought you would have been better entertained to keep you till the morning” her voice held that harsh undertone. 

It would have made most flinch or even take a step back but this is what I had wanted so there wasn’t any room for me to go backing out now.

“Then your just as surprised as I am to know that she couldn’t live up to my expectations was quite a disappointment” making my way towards her. “That can’t be helped I like my women to be experienced not everyone can please me” I said now directly in front of her.

Her nose turned up as she caught a whiff of my smell that was completely mixed of my cologne with woman’s perfume. The small red marks that covered my neck where clear to add on to that the smell of sex lingered on my clothes. 

“Guess she hadn’t rolled around in the sack enough for you maybe you should start lowering your standards or just make sure you go straight for whores” her voice was ice now. 

Letting out a loud laugh “It can’t be helped I’m a man with needs if that’s what I have to do then so be its not like there’s anyone who’s going to get in my way or is there?” My voice came out with that edge.

“No your right there won’t be someone to stand in your way but that’s what you want” she looked up to look me in the eyes. Those deep green eyes the hurt was clear it broke me but this had to be done. 

“You could have just said it straight out no instead you went and slept with some random girl you picked up from the clubhouse just to prove your point” she spat at me her eyes were hard but you could see she was fighting so they would glaze over.

“So what if I slept with someone guess what I can do that cause I won’t ever just have one person it’s not worth it to me when all these women practically throw themselves to me” I spat back her my voice raising as I yelled to her face.

Most would have shrunk down cowering in fear but she stood her ground never breaking eye contact with me. We stood face to face now her hot breath was on my cheek, she shook her head slightly. 

“I would have expected more, but this is low even for you” she said quietly making her way to turn towards the stairs again. Hastily grabbing her arm yanking her towards me she slammed into my chest by my brute force. A small gasp escaped her lips which made me grip her tighter.

Her words hurt knowing that I was hurting her but this just specifically pissed me off to another level. Expectations who was she to hold such high standards for me was it because of him that she had expected more?

“What the hell does that mean? What because I’m not good enough then your precious Abel did you just figure it out I’m a bikie and I will always be. Women will come and go did you think you were going to be the one to change that” I said not holding back the anger that was seething in me.

Shuffling upstairs caught my ear loud footsteps began coming forward followed by a bedroom door being slammed open and closed. Lexi pulled her arm out of my tight grip she shook her head lightly. Matt’s heavy steps made the stairs creak and groan in protest till finally taking the last step.

Any sleep had been wiped from his face which held a hard glare in my direction the anger clear. Rubbing a hand over his face he looked at Lexi caringly like an older brother would to there younger sister. 

“Are you alright? I could hear yelling so I rushed down here” he spoke softly to her. Lexi didn’t take her eyes off me as she answered her brother.

“I’m fine nothing that I can’t handle my own but thanks Mattie” she said giving him a small smile of reassurance. Matt’s gaze switched from her to me all softness was wiped clean.

“What the hell do you think your doing yelling at my sister late in the night? Do I need to remind you that this is my house and you’re just a guest?” he asked me.

“This is none of you’re business. Maybe I need to make it clear that you work for me and my club you’re just another member. This is between Lexi and me” I said sternly. My fist clenched at my sides at the urge to want to punch him.

Before Matt could get a word out Lexi put her hand on his arm shaking her head at him “Let it go it’s not worth it and you know it go back to bed let me handle this” she said seriously to him. Matt looked at her hesitantly before nodding his head giving her a quick peek on the forehead before turning to go up the stairs.

A smirk went on to my face but didn’t even last for a second at the sudden impact of Lexi’s fist connecting with my cheek. Looking at her, her fist was balled up breathing heavily she shook her hand a few times.

I was in complete shock she had actually hit me, rubbing my cheeks I could feel it pulsing it might even bruise. She had a mean arm for a girl her hands were heavy that it made the blow sting. 

“Your pathetic, you know what Abel was right on one thing this wasn’t going to last. Your more like him the ever thought possible” with that she walked away going up the stairs. Leaving me in shock by her actions and words which hurt but this was the only way.

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