I'm Back And With Revenge *Ed...

By Forevermore2013

1.5M 42.7K 9.5K

Lily Tyler Williams was the good girl that wouldn't hurt a fly, but when her brother is killed by the popular... More

Author's note
Where it's sold
Thank you guys!
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
Since i thought it would be funny
Ship names
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 19~
~Chapter 20~ {Part 1}
~Chapter 20~ {Part 2}
~Chapter 21~
~Chapter 22~
~Chapter 23~
~Chapter 24~
Book signing
Ontario, ca
Finally! It's starting to be sold!
Its out on Archway
Please read
readers: country/state!!!!!!

~Chapter 1~

77.6K 1.8K 466
By Forevermore2013

I would just like to say that I appreciate everyone who reads my stories, but it does take a lot of time and creativity and stress to come up with the book and how to move forward with it. That is why I would appreciate it if you could buy it as an e-book for $10 on Amazon or whatever other website you use.

I understand that some people might not want to and I respect that. But $10 would buy you a small meal at a restaurant, and the book took me three years to finish, so just keep that in mind before you comment slurs about me for charging for my book.

It's a way to give back to me, so that I can continue to give back to you (writing more stories because I have more time to instead of working all the time).

Thank you for your time. I love you all!! Have a nice day


After I left the grave yard at about 12:00 am- yes, I spent the whole day by his grave- I immediately packed my bags and drove for hours until I saw a hotel that was on the other side of town. I paid for a day and night and stayed there that day, planning out the things that I needed to do and process. For instance, where was I going to go to school now? Was I even going to go to school? Where was I going to live? Where will I get the money? One day and night at a hotel was $200.00, and I'm not necessarily growing money from a tree right now.

I remember before I left my parents' house I wrote them a note that told them I was leaving and the reason why, not answering any of the calls or texts I got from them from that day on. I just couldn't think or be there anymore. That place was now officially  a nightmare-came-true, and the things that happened to me as a kid there weren't necessarily helping the town's "benefit of the doubt" thing people say for me to do either.

No way in hell was I giving that town a second chance.

Well, time passed by faster then I thought it would and now it's officially been a little more then two months. Currently I'm living in a small- but cozy- apartment, not planning on coming back to that horrid past any time soon.

No one from my old town knows where I am, let alone what building I'm at, and I won't tell them. I haven't went to school, visited  home, contacted anyone, or even spoken to anyone from my neighborhood or school for two months now.

All I did was go to the gym to exercise and lift weights, go to a place where I learned how to box and street fight, and then I would go to a shooting range where a new friend of mine that was my age, named Hunter, would show me how to shoot all kinds of different guns. My favorites would probably be the handguns because they're light and effective, unlike the big rifles and snipers that are so heavy they're probably the equivalent of the weight of an elephant.

Hunter and I got closer as weeks went by, and eventually to the point where we shared things about our past. He told me about how his parents divorced because his father would bring him to the shooting range at age 6 and let him shoot guns. He left his mother for his father at age eight, thinking his mom didn't love him anymore, and when Hunter got into his mid-teens his father turned into a violent alcoholic, so as soon as Hunter turned 18 he moved out of his dad's house and bought an apartment for himself.

Each day we learned something new about each other; talking about our likes and our dislikes, our hobbies, and our interests. After a while I got used to Hunter's style of life, and vise versa, and by the time 2 months went by we were officially best friends.

And I didn't notice back then, but now I knew that Hunter was going to- and always would- have a big impact on my life in the future.


It was a beautiful, bright, and sunny Sunday today. The birds were chirping, there were no clouds in the sky, bunnies were probably bouncing around in beautiful flowery meadows, and the sound of gunshots were vibrating through my ears like how your favorite music does when you put on earphones at full volume.

Ok, that last part was a little sadistic, but whatever.

I was right now at the shooting range with Hunter. He told me that he signed us up for advanced shooting, so we got to go to the higher level range where the objects will- apparently- be moving around.

"Some will be fast, some will be slow, and some might even pop out at you. The only way they will disappear is if you shoot them in the center of the target," the guy who ran this side of the range said in a dramatic voice. Hunter listened carefully, making sure not to miss a thing, as the man said the rules for the range. I was surprised he wasn't bent over with a notebook on his knees, taking notes like the inner nerd he is.

I, on the other hand, just stared off into space as the man babbled on. Everything he said came in one ear and straight out the other the whole time, until he was about done with his little speech. "... And no horseplay in there either. Got it you two?" the man said in a gravelly voice. Hunter and I nodded, making the man turn to his desk and take out two pistols from the cabinet under his desk.

Woah, what? What else does he put in there? I thought in my head, trying to subtly bend over to see if I should be worried about him just nonchalantly pulling out two Glock 18 handguns out of a cabinet.

"Go in! Why are you still here?" the man said, quickly closing the cabinet when he saw I was trying to sneak a peek in. I gave him a long glance before grabbing the gun, turning around, and following Hunter to the room where we will be shooting.

"That guy's weird," Hunter said when he closed the door behind me, scratching the back of his head.

"That guy's a jerk," I muttered at the same time, turning my head to look at the guy, just to see him smoking a cigarette and playing poker on his phone.

"You have one minute before the objects appear. Take your positions and get ready" the speaker in the corner said a couple seconds later, making Hunter and I walk to the center of the room. When we got to the center we got into our shooting stances, legs spread shoulder width apart with our dominant leg slightly in front of the other one, and waited patiently for the objects to move.

"Hey, Hunter?" I said, not moving my stance or eye contact from the room.

"Yes?" he said, not moving his eye contact either.

"Today is the last day before I go back to school... " I said trailed off, biting on my bottom lip.

"Yeah, I know. You go to my school after all," he said casually, making me tilt my head slightly in response.

"Wait, you go to my-" I tried to ask, but was interrupted by a loud beeping sound.

"Approximately 30 seconds for objects to appear. Please take your desired stance," the robotic voice said over the speaker.

"Desired stance? What?" I said with a slight chuckle as I turned to Hunter, forgetting what I was about to ask him three seconds ago. He just shook his head and shrugged, making me shake my head in amusement.

"They're trying to sound like they're professional?" Hunter suggested, making me scoff and look back to the man with the cigarette.

"Yeah, and it's not working well for them," I said as he shifted a little in his stance. "Anyway, I was going to ask-"

"-Wait. Let me guess. You want me to come to the mall with you?" he asked in an amused voice, making me pull a face at him and chuckle.

"No. Well... I mean I guess, yeah.... I mean, no that's not what I was g-"

"You have ten seconds before the objects will appear!" the speaker's robotic voice boomed out suddenly, making me jump slightly, and get into a better stance. Immediately Hunter and I moved our hands around the handguns, positioning them so we could shoot at the objects quickly and effectively, switching the safety off after we were positive about our grip. The place we were in wasn't really the safest place we could've been in, considering we were in the downtown part of the city where most mass murders and killings were. Having that in mind, letting them throw flying "objects" at us probably wasn't the safest idea.

"Okay. I'll go" Hunter said thoughtlessly, fully focused on the room now. I nodded in tilted my head up slightly in response, focusing on the room now, too.

"Objects in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Go!"

Automatically an object went zooming towards me with lightning fast speed, but without thinking I automatically shot it down, leaving the object limp on the ground. It looked like it was a big boulder made of hard metal, based on the loud bang that was made when it fell on the wooden floor- with a plastic circle in the middle and a hole dead center where I shot- making my eyes widen in alarm. If I didn't shoot it the thing would have have ran right through me, and then God knows what would have happened to me.

Next, a big object out of nowhere popped out of the ground and was circling me with lightning fast speed, getting closer and closer every single time it circled me. After a couple seconds of waiting for the right time, I shot it down on the first try.

I turned to see if there were any coming at me from the side, wide awake from adrenaline and fear, only to see a dangerous looking object zooming towards Hunter from behind him. It looked like a big metal ball, except for the long spikes and the little plastic circle in the center. "Behind you!" Hunter and I yelled at the same time, making both of us turn around and shoot the same, dangerous looking object in the center of the target. It went on like that for what I'm guessing is 3 minutes, the objects coming at us faster, with no rhythm, and at odder angles as we got more and more into it, the objects stopped moving. When I was sure the objects have stopped moving I took out the magazine to see if I still had any bullets after all of that.

I didn't have any ammo what so ever.

"Damn, that was intense," I breathed out, showing Hunter the magazine. "And I have no more bullets after all of that either. You?"

I watched as Hunter took the magazine out of the gun and checked. When he shook his head is when I thanked everything that was holy that no more objects came at us. "No, I d-" Hunter said, but got interrupted by the door being slammed open by the guy that was in charge of this side of the range, his eyes wide.

"H-how did you get all of them down on the first shot?" he stuttered, surprise clear as a crystal in his voice.

"It's because we're magical!" I said sarcastically with a fake smile, making Hunter snicker and look everywhere but at the man and me. The greasy, wretched smelling man next to me didn't seem to mind or notice that I was being sarcastic to him. He just stared at us in shock and awe, which after a couple minutes started to get unbearably uncomfortable.

Hunter cleared his throat after a minute of all of just awkwardly staring at each other, making the guy wake up from whatever trance he was in. "Well," Hunter said with fake kindness "I don't want to interrupt your weird staring or anything, but we have to go."

"Yeah... Bye" the old man said still staring at us in shock, but now shaking his head as he tried to stop, making Hunter and I's response be walking out of the abandoned looking building and towards the parking lot.

"Well.... Are you ready to go shopping?" I said as soon as we opened the metal doors and got out of the building.

"Oh, I totes am girlfriend!" he said with fake enthusiasm, in a high pitched girly voice. I stopped in mid-step and winced at how high his voice went, my ears probably bleeding, making Hunter double over with laughter.

"The hell was that?"I questioned trying to stop the ringing in my ears, as I started walking again. He just chuckled and started jogging over to me.

"Where did we park again?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. I pointed towards where a bunch of motorcycles were at the back of the building. "Right..." he said as he started walking to his motorcycle and I walked over to mine.

Mine is a black motorcycle, with blue and purple flames at the bottom of it and a black helmet to match. Hunter's is a black motorcycle that has red tiny flames at the sides, with a black helmet to match. We got his and my motorcycle decorated 3 weeks ago, at a store out of town. They did a really good job with it, considering it must be hard to spray paint that kind of stuff on. You have to be really skilled to do that stuff. Unless you just used a stencil.

I'm getting off topic...

When we hopped on to our motorcycles and started them up we looked over to each other. "Mall?" at the same time, making both of us grin in amusement.

"I guess that's a yes" I said, putting my helmet on. He chuckled and put his on too.

"See ya in 5!" he yelled, roaring his bike to life and zooming off. I rolled my eyes at him and roared my engine to life, following his trail.


"What store do you want to go to?" Hunter asked as we aimlessly walked around the mall.

"I don't know. I've never been here..." I trailed off, looking at all the store names "I have no idea what these stores sell. None of these stores are in my mall back at home."

"Just pick a random one then. I'm sure it'll have something you'll at least be interested in," Hunter persuaded, swinging an arm over my shoulders.

"Okay, fine. I choose...." I said, looking around from store to store, until I found one that caught my eye. "That one, that one!" I yelled out like a little girl. Hunter chuckled and looked over to where I was pointing.

"Adult Mart? Whoa I-" he started, but I gasped and punched his arm before he could continue.

"Not the stripper store! The store next to the stripper store," I said slowly as I grabbed his head and moved it to the direction of the store.

"Rochelle's?" he asked confused, rubbing his arm gently.

"Yes, Hunter. Rochelle's" I said slowly again, looking at him like how you would to a little 3 year old who asked you a very easy question.

When we got to the store, we searched the store to see if we could find anything cool looking, or really anything that would fit my taste. I went around the store picking up any shirts and shorts that caught my eye. Hunter automatically went to find shorts for me, and when he showed them to me I saw that all of them were so small that the bottom of my butt would probably be hanging out of it.

But that's probably why he got them...

As soon as I caught the shorts he threw at me, Hunter started pushing me towards the dressing rooms. "Go, go, go! Faster, faster, faster!" he yelled as he was pushing me, making me roll my eyes at him.

"Teenage guys these days..." I muttered to myself quietly as Hunter practically hauled my body to the dressing rooms.

When we finally got to the dressing rooms I went into a random one, closed the door, locked it, and then threw all the clothes I will be trying on onto a little brown bench in the corner of the changing room. I quickly looking around the changing room, mentally judging everything there.

The mirror on the wall was full length and looked untouched and polished, making me nod my head in appreciation. My eyes then traveled to the light brown walls of the room. They literally looked like they were painted just they other day which made me move away from them, hoping the walls weren't wet. The door that gave me privacy didn't have any gaps on the sides or holes. It was completely closed off, making me sigh gratefully.

"Make an outfit, then show it to me when you put it on! And don't take so long!" he yelled from the other side of the door.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!" I said rolling my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me!" he said in a sassy tone, making me laugh.

"How did you know I rolled my eyes?" I asked amused, raising my right eyebrow up.

"You're not that hard to predict, now that we're best friends," he said in an "isn't-it-obvious?" voice.

"Oh, yeah?" I said playfully.

"Yeah!" he yelled back playfully.

"Then what am I thinking of right now?" I asked, thinking about something that has been on my mind for the past 5 hours.

"Pizza," Hunter said with a snicker.

"Darn it!" I yelled in frustration, making him laugh loudly. I just turned around and put on some clothes, while swearing at him out under my breath.

"Are you done changing yet?" he asked two seconds later.

"Yes, Hunter, because I can take off my clothes and put on a whole new outfit in two seconds!" I said to him sarcastically.

"Well hurry up and let me see it!" he whined, knocking on the door. I rolled my eyes and pulled up the shorts quickly.

"Here" I said, opening the door. I was wearing one of the leather jackets from the pile along with a strapless hot pink shirt, and black jean booty shorts that were ripped a little on purpose. Hunter looked the outfit over, a thoughtful expression on his face.

"I like it... It looks pretty good. Now go try on something else," he said in a final tone, turning around and closing the door after him. I locked the door and started taking off the clothes I just had on, making a new pile on the other side of the bench for where I would put the clothes I was going to buy.

When I put on the next outfit, I opened the door and stepped out of the little room. Hunter immediately looked up when he heard the door open, searching for where my door was again. When he saw finally me his eyes widened and he started to let his eyes roam all over my body. "Whoa! I didn't know you had an amazing body like that!" he said in a shocked voice. I chuckled and put a hand on my hip.

"So you like it?" I asked, feigning curiosity. He nodded his head rapidly, making me laugh at him. I was wearing a strapless blood red dress that was tight at the top, but looser as it got lower and went down to my thigh. I paired the dress up with a black leather jacket, a black belt that went around my waist, and red ankle boots. I walked over to the little changing room to go take this off, but then realized I had to ask him a question.

I turned to Hunter, about to ask him the question that has been bothering me since the shooting range, just to see him in some sort of trance. I rolled my eyes at him and clapped my hands together in front of his face. "Huh? What?" he hurriedly, snapping out of his trance.

"Nothing," I said, reminding myself to ask him later. "Let finish this up."

We tried the rest of the clothes on after that, and I ended up buying almost all the clothes I tried on. I did buy one, and only one, of the shorts Hunter gave me to try on. That's only because they were the first shorts I tried on and they actually did cover my whole butt, surprisingly.


When we got the apartment, I threw the bag with the clothes in them into a corner and flung myself onto the bed, while Hunter sat on the couch and turned on the TV. "What should we do next?" I asked turning my body to face Hunter. He shrugged and kept his eye contact on the TV.

"I don't know..." Hunter said, switching the channels on the TV.

"Should we go buy my school stuff?" I asked, randomly messing around with a strand of my hair. He shrugged and switched the channel again, probably not listening to me.

"And after we can come back here and sleep" he said, standing up and turning off the TV. "There's nothing good on that stupid TV."

"Who watches TV these days, anyway?" I asked, making him tilt his head in thought.


"Oh! And you're sleeping on the couch today" I said with a victorious smirk, making Hunter's little smart remark die out.

In case you're confused, Hunter and I live in the same apartment. That's how I've been able to stay here for 2 months without becoming completely broke. We switch off each day between who sleeps on the bed and the couch, since it's a twin bed (a small type of bed).

"I know, I know" he groaned out, making me smirk as I walked over to the front door.

"Come on old man! Let's go get some school supplies!" I said in a fake cheerful voice, opening the door

He put his shoes, that he carelessly threw on the floor by the couch, back on his feet and walked over to the front door. "Let's go!" he mused, nudging me out of the room, making me turn around and stick my tongue out at him.

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