Accidental love

Par nochillmad

125K 3.9K 1.8K

Some times love is accidental literally Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chappter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 34 part 2
Chapter 34 part two and a half
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
39 part two
Chaper 40
40 fuckin5
The end
Youve been blessed‼️
And it begins, sequel out now


1.2K 43 23
Par nochillmad

Normanis pov

I throw the paper wrapping away along with the box before wrapping the stick in tissue, I snap a quick picture of it sending it too Dinah, Im nervous and I fell sick too my stomach.

I knew Id have too tell Lauren eventually and I'm terrified of how shell react, I open the door with the test still in my hand, I fell like crying shes gonna be so mad.

I opened the door too her office slowly, seeing Lauren watching softball videos on her desk top.

"hey baby" she smiles pausing it.

"hi" I say nervously walking over and sitting on the farthest part of her desk away from her.

"whats up?" she asks, I knew she knew something was wrong.'

"we need too talk" I reply in almost a whisper.

she hesitates at that statement, "okay whats going on" she asks concerned.

I stare down at the floor terrified.

she grabs my hand gently pulling me onto her lap.

"tell me whats wrong" she asks calmly.

I swallow the lump in my throat nervously twisting my engagement ring on my finger, I cant even look her in the eyes.

"I'm sorry" I say in almost a whisper.

"for what?" she asks confused.

her finger intertwine with my smoothly.

"Um, I Um- I did something"I whisper.

"You did something?"

"Mani did you cheat on me?" she asks I hear the hurt in her voice.

"No, NO" I answer quickly as my heart starts too race.

"then what, whats wrong?" she asks.

I swallow loudly handing her the stick in my hand.

She unrolls it reading it.

"Your pregnant?" she asks, I hear the anger within her.

I nod looking any were but her.

"Mani what the fuck!" she raises her voice.

"i know I'm so sorry" I say felling my tears form.

"how the fuck could you keep that from me?" she asks setting the test on the counter.


she lifted me off of her getting up and shutting the door.

"I'm sorry" I cry into my hands.

"that says estimated 4 weeks, you've been hiding this shit from me since I asked you too marry me?"she asks.

I nod, "I had already made up my mind, and had the appointment made" I say.

"so before we got engaged, we've only been together almost seven months, minus the month of jail pussy you had".

"you told me you weren't drinking because of a fucking cleanse" she says.

"what else did you lie about?" she asks snatching my hands away from my face and wiping my tears away harshly.

"nothing" I replied wiping my runny nose.

"so honestly tell me what you would have done if we didn't work out along the way, who was gonna take you?"

"what were you gonna go live on Dinah's couch?" "in there guest bed room?"

"Because Isaac is legally mine, I could take him, move back too Florida start something new"

"You will not take my son away from me!" I say suddenly hopping too my feet.

"sit down" she pushes me down by my shoulders on too the couch.

We never even had a conversation about it, not one, you went out and made this decision on your own trapping me into this" she adds.

"we've had multiple conversations, you said you hated kids and never wanted too have them"I say staring down at the floor.

"I also told you I never wanted too get married, I also told you I was incapable of love, that nobody could love me"She says angrily.

"dont you think that Id love my own children dont you think Id learn how too be a good parent?"

"when I said I never wanted too have them, I meant I never wanted too carry one, I never wanted too push one out, Of course I want kids someday Normani"

"I just wish that I got too choose with you when it was, we could have had a simple conversation"

"hey, I want too have a baby"she says

"okay, we can make a appointment and learn about how artificial insemination works we could read up on it, even go too mommy and me classes"

"but instead you just wanted a baby when it was most convenient for you right?"

"so now I have too step up and help you take care of a unborn fetus?" she scoffs.

she blows out a deep breath in frustration putting her face in her hands briefly.

"when is the ultra sound appointment?" she asks obviously over whelmed.

"its scheduled for tomorrow at 1" I squeak as another set of tears fall from my eyes.

"Ill be there" she says getting up and headed toward the door.

"I gotta go too practice" she shakes her head before walking out the door and shutting it behind her self.

I lay back on the couch putting my feet up, I stare at the ceiling and cry.


Lauren hasn't said a word to me since yesterday, she didn't even want too sleep in our bed with me, before she leaves the house shell kiss me and tell me she loves me, yesterday was the first time she didn't since we've been engaged.

everyday after she comes home from practice she'll shower then ask me too give her a lotion massage and stretch her sore muscles, yesterday was the first time she didn't, I just hope I didn't fuck up the best thing too ever happen too me.

I don't think Ive ever felt so alone at the moment, Dinah's a couple hours away with Zendaya visiting her parents, and Lauren was all I had.

I hated sleeping alone, she always kept me warm and rubbed my back, she would wake me up with kisses every single day.

I slid a sweat shirt over my head, I am slapped with Lauren's scent as soon as I put it on, she smells so good and I feel so venerable plus I'm not gonna be able too eat hot wings for months.

sliding on my tan uggs I grabbed my phone and purse heading down stairs.

I put my hood on, every thing is really falling down on me, and I fell so insecure and intimidated.

Laurens sitting on the couch with her face in her hands when I reach the bottom of the stairs.

"you ready yet?" she asks not even looking at me.

"yeah" I say lowly keeping my eyes on the floor.

I open the door for Camila who's baby sitting Isaac for a couple hours.

"Hey congratulations" she smiles pulling me into a hug.

I give her a false smile letting her walk inside.

"Hi mommy number two of two" Camila says too Lauren cheerfully.

Lauren rolls her eyes "choke" she adds walking by her.

Thats the spirit" Camila says giving her a thumbs up.

Lauren flips her off walking out the door followed by me, I cross my arms across my chest, I dont like being pregnant its so uncomfortable.

she unlocks the door looking down at her phone while walking to the car I screwed up so bad she wont even look at me.

she turned up the radio not uttering a word too me or looking at me, I let my head fall back against the seat swallowing the lump on my throat, how can it be less than 24 hours and I already miss her kisses so much and her hugs, just her touch plain and simply laying next too her, Lerenzo Is not the same as having Lauren next too me.

I looked at her side profile shes so angry she doesn't even need too speak for it too me known, I tried too slide my hand in hers but she pulled away moving her hand too the steering wheel.

I turn my head staring out the window before she turns the radio down,

"is this my sweat shirt" she pulls it examining it.

I nod confused.

"dont wear my shit without permission, I dont need you sweating puking or stuffing your face in it" she says letting go and turning up the radio.

I stare back out the window letting the tear on the brink of my eye fall, down my cheek, I might be really sensitive but that would have stung for anyone pregnant or not, Ive never felt so un wanted.

she parked the car in the parking lot before turning it off, I sniffled wiping my eyes quickly and opening the door.

More tears quickly fell only for me too wipe them crossing my arms again, vulnerable insecure and uncomfortable is the worst mix.

she must have heard me sniffle cause she spun me around by my arm, only for me too bury my face in my hands.

"whats wrong with you?" she asks, It almost sounded like she cared.

I move my hands from my face putting my arms around her torso and burying my face in her neck as the tears flowed

"I need you" I say in almost a whisper.

"Im here" she replied.

"you dont want to be" I said.

"I need too be" she adds finally wrapping her arms around me, her warm embrace is the best thing I could ask for.

"Say you love me" I say letting my tears fall onto her neck.

"I love you, you know that" she says in my ear kissing my forehead.

I pull back looking her in the eyes, "did I mess us up" I ask wiping the tears.

"No, I don't know right now Normani, were not even married yet and you went and made a life changing decision without me"

"One of the most important decisions someone will ever make, then you kept it from me from a whole month" she says letting go of me, it was rough, like she was pushing me off, I even stumbled.

She grabbed me so I wouldn't fall, my tears came down more, how could she push me what if I had fallen, she never pushed me before when she was upset with me, only when we were play fighting, and never that hard.

"I'm, I'm sorry" she says helping me catch my balance.

"I didn't mean too. I just-"
"I'm scared, we already have one, and it's all happening so fast with us living together having kids and getting married"

"So your having cold feet 3 weeks before our wedding?" I ask breaking down harder.

"No, that's not what I'm saying- I ... I just"

"Please stop crying baby" she says reaching too wipe them but I step back from her reach wiping them myself.

"What are you saying?, we've over came so much Lauren" I said sniffling.

"I know but you can't just expect me too be okay with this, I'm only 24"

I went from crying too angry as fast as lightning, "and I'm only 25 Lauren, what's your fucking point?" I say

She lets out a deep breath resting her hands on the top of her head.

"I must me too much for you too handle if you can't seem too answer" I say

"You're not, you keep putting words in my mouth" she snapped back.

"You mean I'm saying what you can't" I raised my voice.

"Lower your fucking voice" she says roughly grabbing me by my seat shirt.

She quickly lets go before drawing attention too her self, what the fuck has gotten into her.

"I'm I'm sorry, it keeps slipping my mind that yo have a baby" she says smoothing it back out.

I pushed her hands off of me scoffing, "your a fucking child Lauren, any thing that makes you the slightest confused or agitated to try too beat it up" I say leaving her standing there while I walked toward the clinic.

"Your always fucking provoking me, and disrespecting me" she says grabbing me by my arm, this time it was a lot softer than before.

"You want respect you haven't earned" I reply not even looking her in the eyes.

She's quiet for a short while still holding my arm.


My heart began pumping fast,


"Me?" I asked in the brink of tears just that quick.

She looked at me doughy eyed for a second.

My eyes fell to the ground along with my heart, I began weeping violently in the middle of the cross walk.

"Wait you said me?" She asked snapping too her scenes.

"No no no baby" she says pulling me closer.

"I would never do that too you" she says with a soft caring tone.

"I'm scared, I'm gonna worry about you so much"

"I can't be okay with leaving you"she added.

"What do you mean your leaving then?" I asked confused.

"My team, I play for the California sun birds, there pro fast pitch there also a travel team, there main field is in San Francisco"

"And I was already stressed about having too not be around you guys as much but now you have a baby and I'm scared that I won't be around when you need me most"

"Im supposed too take care of you and your should depend on me too-"

"What when do you have too go?" I asked sadly putting my hand in hers.

"On Thursday, I'll be gone for a week" she said lowly.

"When were you gonna tell me asked snatching my hand from her just like that I was beyond passed again.

"I- I mean I was I just..I didn't know when the right time was, and I really don't know if I should go now"

"why would you stay Lauren?, is there something here that you need because it sure isn't your family, is there someone else?" I asked folding my arms.

"Are you trying too say I'm cheating on you now?" She asks, she pulled me out of the street as the car honked at us, we had a whole argument in the middle of the road subconsciously.

"Why else would you stay?, you think I don't see how happy you get when you get out of the house" I say.

"What the fuck are you talking about, you think that I get happy when I'm not with you? " She asked aggressively.

"Your not happy when your with me" I point out.

"I'm happy all the time, wether I'm with you are not because I like my life, I have a big house a fiancé a kid a nice bank account and my dream coming true right at my feet, I should stay because I would give up it for the people I love, because I love you".

"You know this, you gave up bring a nuero surgeon for me".

"It was a mistake Lauren, it wasn't worth it" I said with a fire of passion, What?! Holy Fuck I didn't mean that it's not true.

The silence fell on us, I just looked her in her eyes and lied too her, she believed me FUCK, she gonna think I lied too her about everything.

She nodded uneasy, tearing her eyes from mine, she ran her fingers through her hair before stuffing her hands in her pockets, her silence killed me, all I wanted was a reaction, I think I really hit home with that one, It's not like I can take it back now, she won't take me seriously.

The silence continued con us followed by her cold distancing, we might have sat next to each other but if you didn't know us you'd think we were strangers.

I feeling more anxious about what I said than the sonogram appointment.
That was beyond awkward, the silence in that room was deafening, she never made eye contact with me not once.

She just sat in her chair and stared subconsciously at the floor.

The doctor display the very very very tiny fetus on screen, she smiled and took a picture but I had no idea if it was genuine.

She smiled again at the print out of my sonogram but after she just stared at it for a while straight faced.

I'd never seen her act so M.I.A before, we headed too the car the only thing too be heard from her was the scuffing of her bright white vans.

While we drove, I texted Dinah back and forth too distract me.

It wasn't till we were pulling into the driveway that she had looked anywhere but the road, she had answered her phone after starring at it for while, it had been dinging for the Entire time we were out but now she chooses too acknowledge it.

She didn't speak she just held the phone up too her ear bitting her cheek.

"RALPHHHHHHHH!" I heard Daya's loud ass through the phone.

Lauren didn't react, her best friend always makes her smile.

"What wrong" her voice rang through again after there short silence.

Lauren had briefly put her face in her hands before opening her door.

"When are you coming home?" Lo asked lowly as she began walking away.

I had grabbed my purse and got out of her car.

my phone buzzed as well getting a incoming call from Dinah.

"Hi dj" I say excitedly.

She sniffles and giggles

"What's wrong baby?" I asked.

She stayed silent for a second, before sniffing again, "we broke up" she answered she sounded so destroyed.

It's crazy how Thursday approached so fast, Zen and Dinah are back and every ones hurting a lot right now, I haven't even slept here for the past two nights.

"RALPHHHHHHHH" Z says coming and jumping on my bed.

"Gucccccccci" I say back.

"I'm louie know the difference" she says.

"More like great value" I say pulling my suit case off the bed and putting my bag full of gear on top.

She flipped me off rolling over on her stomach, I sat down on the bed resting my hands behind my head,

"Are you sure you wanna go?" She asked.

"Yeah, we have too learn from other people mistakes" I say.

"Ralphypo she didn't mean that" she says.

"So she's just gonna look me in my eyes and lie?" I ask, "if that's the case she was lying when she told me she loved me on that wall" I say.

"Don't be so dramatic, she love you so much it's making her crazy" she replied.

"You got the crazy part right, I laugh.

"At least your girl loves you"she added.

"She loves you! If I have too say it again I'm gonna  kick you in the chest with cleats on" I say.

"I'll falcon punch the fuck out you, if she loves me why doesn't she know any thing about me?" She asked.

"So you took her damn near off the street, she only had like 200$ too her name, bought her a whole wardrobe a Audi R8 put her in a house twice the size of her old one and you gave her the world, how the fuck could she know anything about you if you turned her whole world upside down in an instant?"

"But she had a whole crush on me for months"

"So what, you had a crush on me when I took you off the street, you didn't know me either"

She was quite for a second.

"I never used you tho" she said quietly.

"She isn't, she's just boujee" I say.

"What ever, it's time to go anyway" she sat up and sniffled.

"How did you sound so un fazed on the phone?" I ask.

"I learned how too disguise my feelings" she says sliding of of the bed and into her shoes.

"Go talk too her" I say.

"I don't want too, I don't care" she says sniffling again.

"Then why are you crying?" I ask.

"Because I'm not in a good place right now" she replied wiping her tears.

I got up and hugged her, this poor little baby bean, has been through so much.

"I don't want too see her" she says resting her head on my shoulder.

"You have too she's here" I Say rubbing her back.

She sniffled nodding, before composing herself.

I grabbed my suite case and headed down the stairs with my bags before sliding my slides on.

"Mami" Isaac ran too me.

"Are you going too the store can you come?" He says putting his I pad down.

I sighed I didn't have the heart too tell him, "I'm going on a road trip" I say

"Can I come?" He asked running too grab his jacket?

"No mijo, it's just me and auntie daya" I say lifting him up on the counter.

"Are you gonna pick me up from school tomorrow?"he asked.

"No, I'm gonna be back next Thursday" I say hugging him.

"That's seven days" he says sadly.

"I know, mijo, but you have too be a big boy and take care of mommy" I added rubbing his back.

"But I wanna go with you" he says on the brink of tears.

"It will go by fast, and I'll call you everyday"

He managed too hold his tears back but he clung too me tightly.

"I love you mijo" I say squeezing him tightly.

"I love you mami" he replied.

"Give me a kiss" I say, he turned my head planting a fat one on my cheek.

"Mwah" I say planting one on his forehead.

He lets go running and jumping on Z as well.

"My favorite nephew" she says lifting him up.

I walked into the living room where Dinah and Normani were seated watching tv.

We made eye contact for the first time in days, I didn't really want to since I ruined her career.

"You guys are leaving already?" Dinah asks, she's already on the brink of tears.

"Yeah" I say leaning down and hugging her.

Normanis body language gave off that she was mad at me I didn't know why exactly but it's fine I guess.

I leaned down and hugged her tightly, she hugged me back but I was a very distant side hug.

"I'm sorry" I whispered in her ear before kissing her cheek, I'm gonna miss that vanilla scented lotion so much.

"I love you" she says, she sounded so pissed though, she didn't even look at me.

"I love you too" I say

Dinah had bursted into tears instantaneously,Mani pulled her close hugging her.

Z was leaned up against the wall looking simply miserable.

"Be the bigger person" I say patting her back.

She took a deep breath in before walking over and hugging Mani, she had squatted  down in front of Dinah and hugged her, Dj clung too her weeping softly.

Z whispered in her ear before pulling back, Dinah pulled her in and kissed her on the lips passionately.

Zen kissed back for a couple of seconds before pulling back and walking away, she looked so hurt, she walked all the way out the door.

Dinah bursted into tears again, I sigh looking around my house for the last time before grabbing my suitcase and heading option the car.

I put my backs in my trunk next too Zs before shutting it, Isaac waved teary eyed from the door, I waved back getting into the driver seat.

She was in the passenger seat with her arm over her eyes.

I didn't have it in me too say anything, I just started the car waved too Isaac again and pulled off Down the street.

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