Beauty and The Beast Rated R

By ScribblyInk

273K 3.5K 433

You can already tell from the name what this story has in store for you and if you feel the way I do then you... More

Meeting Him
Magic Castle
Don't forget to knock
The Library
Mistakes were made
Sweet Moments
Accept Me
Listen to me
Dancing the night away
Unleashing the Beast
Happily ever after?

The Castle

35.7K 343 93
By ScribblyInk

Ok guys I loved the movie so much I had to write this right away! TBH beast looks HOT I kinda wish he didn't go back to being human...
Hayley was just an average girl living in a small village outside of France. She was the only girl who could read since women these days were suppose to be in the house cleaning and caring for the children. That's not the life she wanted.

Hayley was well educated by her father who also believed in equal rights for both men and women. She looked up to him all her life, he saved people's lives everyday since he was the only doctor in town but he was very sick with an unknown disease, later to be discovered as lung cancer.

Hayley was only twenty years old by now most women had a husband but not her. Their was only one man in town who actually showed any interest in her and that was Gaston. He thought she was beautiful and had to have her but to her he was a simple minded brute!

Hayley walked into town as the sun started to come up she was wearing a simple short blue dress with slip on black shoes and her brown hair down waving in the wind. She was of course on her way to the book store trying to avoid Gaston.

"Ah their you are beautiful" damn it she thought and I was almost there. She turned her attention to the voice. "Good morning Gaston didn't expect you to be up this early" "If I'm gonna get any game to shoot I gotta wake up before they do" "Oh then you should get going I don't want to waste your time" "Talking to you isn't exactly wasted time I enjoy our little conversations"

Yeah I bet he does..."Well if you'll excuse me Gaston I need to get to the book store" "reading again Hayley haven't I told you it isn't good for a woman to read soon you'll be thinking and having ideas of your own" "What's wrong with that?" "You should be in the kitchen making me breakfast instead" "sorry Gaston but I don't see a future between us" "I'll convince you someday Hayley maybe not today but someday you'll be mine" "keep dreaming Gaston good day to you"

I walked as fast as I could away from him. I could see the library up ahead. Opening the door to a little library I roamed the shelves until one book caught my eye. Oh how I love this book I've read it four times already but it's been awhile so I think I'll read it for a fifth time. It was called "Beauty and the Beast" a girl falls in love with a beast it teaches people to never judge a book by its cover.

Ever since I've read it I've given guys a chance but they ended up being complete ass holes anyway. I checked out the book and hurried home making sure not to run into Gaston again.

Opening the door to our cottage I saw my father on the floor. I rushed over to him but he wasn't breathing! "PAPA!" I screamed "WAKE UP" I looked around to see what could've done this and see a bunch of coffee cups every where oh no he drank to much caffeine he had a heart attack. He was getting very old it wasn't good for him to drink too much especially since he was sick.

I cried knowing he had died alone while I was in town. In deep frustration at myself I ran out the door and into the woods. I just wanted to run, nothing could stop me with tears flooding my eyes and branches ripping apart my dress. I tripped over a root falling to the cold hard ground.

I laid there for over an hour until I calmed myself down. I knew it was only a matter of time before he died since he was sick. I just didn't expect it so soon I kept telling myself he'll still be with me in spirit. I looked around and realized I was completely lost I got myself up and walked forward.

I had been running for so long and took so many turns I didn't know which way was home. I've never been this far in the woods, panic rushed over me, what if I can't find my way home I don't wanna die out here!
I slapped myself calm down Hayley your just making things worse.

Maybe I could climb a tree to try and see the town. I chose one of the tall oak trees and climbed through its branches once at the top I could see no town but there was a castle. Why haven't I ever seen this castle before? I guess that castle is my only hope the owner of it might know the way back that is if it isn't abandoned.

I jumped down, heading in the direction of the castle I noticed everything started to seem.....darker I was kinda scared I also felt myself shivering. How is it cold in July? I could see lights coming from the castle. Thank god it's not abandoned someone could actually help me!

I soon saw the gates as I got closer they were open a little so I squeezed myself through. I feel bad for trespassing but I needed help. I looked down at myself my dress was so torn up but still covering my more private parts other than a little more cleavage showing than I liked, I feel like a slut with it showing but there was nothing I could do about it and not to mention all the cuts on my arms but very few on my legs.

I brushed my fingers through my hair to remove any twigs or leaves in it to try to make myself a little more presentable. After a final check I walked towards the doors. I felt so tiny compared to the dark castle. I knocked gently and the door just opened. I waited for someone to show up I didn't just want to walk in that would be rude. "Hello is anyone there?" No answer.

I was scared I couldn't get myself to walk in. I sat outside on the steps waiting. "Come in" I heard a faint whisper. I stood up and slowly walked in but no one was there I could've sworn I heard a voice. "Come near the fire" I looked over to see a fire place burning. "W-who's there?" I squeaked.

I took small steps towards the fire and sat carefully on the rug. I was terrified but also I noticed how very tired I was. Soon I felt my eyelids becoming heavier, I couldn't control it no more I fell my body falling onto the rug, I noticed a huge shadow on the wall as my eyes closed.
Who could that shadow be???? ☺️

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