They Called Her El Diablo

By coraswan

194K 6.7K 900

Academy fic. According to Sang Sorensen she can't handle her boys and their newfound 'needs'; abandoning them... More

Before we start
Chapter 1: The Downfall
Chapter 2: Enter our lovable Diablo
Chapter 3: Take Action or To Not Take Action
Chapter 4: Who the hell are you
Chapter 5: Whoo-sah
Chapter 6: There are intruders in the office!
Chapter 7: Strangest Lunch
Chapter 8: Numbers Don't Lie
Chapter 9: Smee
Chapter 11: Unpleasant Surprise(s)
Chapter 12: Kill the Occupants
Chapter 13: Just Let Me Go
Chapter 15: H3LL-O
Chapter 16: You're WHAT?!?
Chapter 18: Unwanted Past
Chapter 19: You Win Again
Chapter 20: So far, yet not far enough
Chapter 21: Closer till it burns
Chapter 22: Revival
Chapter 23: Relentless
Chapter 24: Get Outta Here!
Chapter 25: Decisions & Questions & vice-versa
Chapter 26: Mistake?
Chapter 27: Presents, Smiles and Truth
Chapter 28: The Past, Unmasked.
Chapter 29: Series of WTF events Part 1
Chapter 30: Series of WTF events part 2
Part 31: United We Stand
Chapter 32: Going Places
Chapter 33: Frankbridge
Chapter 34: Houston; Days 2 and 3
Chapter 35: Houston Days 2 and 3 Part 2
Chapter 36: Yeah...It Ain't Over Yet
Part 37: The Storm Approaches
Part 38: Hero or Zero
Part 39: Schmecovery
NotUpdate: A03 anyone?

Chapter 14: Woke,Ran,Found

5.4K 205 19
By coraswan

Enjoy lovelies!

Hayden's POV

I don't know how long I've been laying here. I'm awake but my mind is a thousand miles away. I remember everything that had happened recently, from being stabbed and drugged to my violent withdrawals.
I was dragged through my past, the days I'd abused any substance I could get my hands on, what I did to get- Don't go there Hayden, focus on the present, I chided myself. I floated back to reality, unwilling to face my clients and their buddies. Did they all live here or something?

I felt achy, laying around like a corpse, so I got up, noting that the pain was dull. I was wearing a different shirt now, a black button down with some Russian letters inscribed on it. No prizes for guess who it belonged to. And my underwear were new, and definitely not mine. Hmph.

I got out of the bed and trudged over to the door, pointedly ignoring the book collection and the bathroom.

After exploring a little, I headed in the direction where I had heard voices coming from
I heard loud arguing but didn't quite register the words till later in the argument.
".....she's not fucking Sang, you need to get that in your fucking head!" North?  He's here too?

"Don't you think I fcuking knew that North?! She left you, left us for a simpleton because we couldn't give her a normal fucking life; but where does it say that we lose our decency because of that??" A smooth baritone voice answered.

"Fuck you Victor, you go and deal with the invalid, I sure as hell ain't. We need her out of our house and straight into a hospital, followed by an asylum! "

I knew I just woke up, but my temper was rising.
"Invalid? Excuse me, I can still kick your ass sleeping, you overgrown baboon" I declared indignantly stepping into the massive kitchen.

''Bab-bab-baboon??'' he sputtered.

Raucous laughter filled the kitchen and I took a few steps back in retreat when I realized that the duo weren't the only ones in the kitchen. The whole Scooby gang was in.The kitchen had two entrances and the one I'd entered from led me to the island counter. I eyed the males, most I knew, some I didn't. Luke, Raven and Nathan were shirtless for some godless reason, that made me want to cover my virginal eyes but I resisted. I turned to run the fuck out but banged into a firm chest. Another hot one? Really, what was in their water?

This guy was striving for the 'hot' nerd look, emphasis on hot.  He had emerald green eyes framed by thick black glasses and the softest brown hair. Yum. But he still blocked my exit with his larger-than-mine frame. He was holding some vegetables looking a little lost.

No escape for the wicked. I turned back to face the gaggle of men and smiled over the counter. Chatter erupted as they all tried to voice questions over each other. And with more than a dozen grown-ass men, it was noisier than a market. I slammed my hand on the nearby counter, grabbing their attention. Sean was halted in his approach towards me, looking anxious.

''Thank you for taking care of me, but I'm fine now. I'll be out of your hair,'' cue pointed look at North which resulted in many nasty looks thrown at him. I wrapped a hand around the hot nerd's waist, making him turn slightly red. ''I'd also appreciate if we could all just forget what happened and business will be as usual'' My face and cheeks were hurting from smiling so much.

''We'd like to run tests and make sur-'' Owen stated in a firm voice, before he was cut off my a knife sailing through the air and plunging itself deep into the wall he was leaning against.

''Aw, darling you needn't worry, I'll be fine!,'' I chirped, fingering another kitchen knife. The rest were pale and tense. I squeezed the nerd cutie in assurance. ''Besides, I got a schedule to keep~ Places to go, people to kill, the usual!'' I said cheerfully, my tone darkening towards the end.

''Ta!'' and I twisted around the green eyed dude, leaving the kitchen and brisk walking to the front door, clutching my loot as I left. Good thing I'd scoped the place before making myself known in the kitchen. I had picked up a few goodies on the while I was snooping, placing them in a bag I had snagged  which was laying around. Some cash here, another gun there, ooh shiny, I want. I slammed the door close behind me and jammed the lock with some chopsticks and paperclips I'd stolen. I dialled a cab using my new phone, courtesy of the oblivious nerd, and sprinted away from the compound.

I looked around for a street name and gave it to the cab company who said they'd be there in 5.
As I boarded the cab, there was only a single thing on my mind. Wendigo.

(Time skip)
I reached my dingy apartment after a good 45 minute ride away from the affluent areas of New York. The fare was a hefty $150/- but courtesy of the nerd's wallet (which I had also stolen when I hugged him around the waist) that was settled. I used my spare key and breathed in the musk of the building. It was around 4pm now, so I had some hours to kill before staking out my prey. Also, need to grab my Baby.

I carefully removed the really comfy shirt I was wearing, belatedly catching on that I had left the compound in nothing but this oversized shirt and my undies. Walk of Shame much?

I exhaled a heavy sigh and sunk into the cool fragrant water in my bathtub.

When I opened my eyes once more, my skin was wrinkly and the water was icy. I must've fallen asleep I mused to myself.

I got out and got dressed in an all black ensemble. Black tank, black acid-washed skin tight jeans and black leather jacket.

I fished another couple of twenties from nerdie's wallet and hailed a cab. The cab brought me to Sal's where my baby sat looking pristine as always. I kissed the hood and smiled slightly. I reached my fingers between the windshield wipers and took my spare key. Need to get more copies of these I told myself, starting the ignition. I parked and settled in outside of XClub, waiting for Wendigo.
I played with nerdie's phone, finding out that his name was Kota. This must be his personal phone since there's nothing about his work here. There was a chat group with the guys in the loft I was in with talk about the "Academy " and "missions" but I lost interest in that, opting to play a healthy game of Angry Birds
Slightly after midnight, he appeared. He looked about suspiciously and crept into a nearby alley. That's not suspicious at all, stupid, I thought, my interest piqued.I left my car and hide around the corner behind a wall. And someone exited the side exit of the club and under the dim light it took me a while to identify who it was.

Surprise surprise, it was none other than Plank. They were doing that bro handshake thingy.
I strained to hear what they were saying.

"Well done tonight bro" Plank grinned

"You know I didn't do it myself, it was a joint effort give yourself some credit"

"You're sure our guys finished her? I don't want any loose ends."

"You can speak her name you know? Hayden is dead. You don't have to worry about her anymore. You can bring the fresh meat to stir up interest in the club again."

"Good. She was getting arrogant and the fights were getting predictable."

I knew better than to feel betrayed. But it didn't stop the bite of sadness and betrayal I felt. I knew Plank for the longest time and he was the closest thing I had to a good friend. They both left through the other end of the alley, laughing and clapping each other on the back. I stood numb as I began plotting my revenge.

I went back to my car to follow them. I sat down in the driver's seat and thunked my head against the steering wheel a couple of times, mad I hadn't seen this coming from Plank. It was all about the money for him.


"Y'know Chip, keep doing that and you'll mess up that pretty head of yours"

I screamed and turned in my seat. There, looking proud of himself was Luke and next to him a hulking brooding mass of North.

"What the FUCK!" How - What- why!!!!"

North winced, "my hearing's good enough, dollface. You don't have to scream unless it's my name " a self righteous smirk appeared.

I glared at the prick " I doubt you could even coax an orgasm, let alone make me scream it, South"
"Oooh Raven's gonna love you" Luke interrupted

"How the hell did you find me?"

Luke held out Kota's phone. "Tracking device Chip, not so nice when you locked us in our own house"
I held in an eye roll "What do you want?'

"We just wanted to make sure you got home alright"

"Don't you mean you alone Luke?" I said

"Naw Chip the rest of the guys are plenty worried! And maybe a teensy bit interested to get to know you better?" Luke held out his index and thumb, putting some distance between them.

''Don't you think there was a reason I said ''let's pretend nothing happened'' before I left? I meant it Luke.''

'Oh, we heard ya, we just don't want to listen. You're a good distraction''

''Distraction? Good to know y'all really care'' I snarked. Then I remembered, amidst all the chaos of the last few days, I hadn't tendered my resignation with Douche Auto.

''Oh, Mr Taylor?"

''Yes?''Both of them chorused.

I was annoyed and confused. ''I quit, as your PR Manager. And, I was talking to him Luke''.

He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, ''...We... are kinda... brothers?''

At the same time North was stunned, ''What? Why?''. I ignored him, and focused on what Luke had just said.

Nuh-uh, ''Wow-uh , I must still be suffering from head trauma, 'cause it almost sounded like you said that you two were brothers.'' I chortled.

They both sat in silence. And I gaped in horror. Before either of us could say anything, the passenger door opened. I tensed. ''Hold up, it's just me,'' Silas? rumbled, inviting himself to sit in my car.

''Sure, make yourself at home, in my car. What are- Let me guess, you're with Thing 1 and Thing 2?'' I stuck a thumb in the brothers' direction

''The guys and I are really worried about you. We just wanna make sure you're alright, especially since we saw the state you were in that night at Sal's.'' Silas pacified me.

I pinched the bridge of my nose, frustrated. Plank and Wendy would've gotten too far by now, there was no way I was gonna find them tonight. I also felt a little bad, since the guys had helped me get back on my feet and were out here in the chilly wee hours of the morning instead of back in that comfy warm loft, tracking me down. Frankly it was more concern than I'd ever been shown my entire life, and that made me wary.

Not to mention the tension and intensity I felt when I was around them all. Ugh fine. I also didn't really feel like fighting 3 large males tonight...

I hoped I was making the right decision. I started up my engine, the dull roar making cute grins appear on Luke and Silas' faces. North was, impassive.

''So where we headed, boys?''


Whew! Took my a while to get this up, I was figuring out the best way for them to reconcile and get back in their lives etc. Leggo:)

sHE'S GG BACK to the loft guys

Add the story so you can keep updated on what happens :)

And as always, I dearly appreciate the love, comments and votes.

Share the joy of the Academy ! :)

Till next chap!! Cheers!


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