That Awkward Moment... ( A On...

By malikmania

15.8K 238 102

What would you do if: 1) You woke up with a strange boyband in your closet? 2) If your roommate thought you w... More

Chapter 2~
Chapter 3~
Chapter 4~
Chapter 5~
Chapter 6~
Chapter 7~
Chapter 8~
Not a chapter, but PLEASE READ!

Chapter 1~

1.6K 23 3
By malikmania

Let me introduce myself. My name's Julia and I live in an apartment in South Florida with my best friend Julie. Julie and Julia, ha ha ha. Very funny. We know. We've been close friends since grade school, even though I was always 2 years older than her. 

We became friends because we went through similar problems. Both of our families are constantly traveling. We had delt with our situations by talking to each other, and always being there whenever needed. Each of our parents had discussed and concluded that it would be better for us to stay in one place so we could focus on our school work. That's when the district started to take care of us. We had been taken care of by a boarding school while family was away, which was about eleven twelfes of the year. All up until senior year.

When I turned 18, I became Julie's legal guardian. We left that hell-hole and moved into our very own, cozy apartment. At the moment, I'm 19 and she's 17. I've moved onto college and she's finishing up high school. She took the bigger room of the apartment, because she called dibs. What a lucky duck. She has her own bathroom and master closet...which reminds me....why did they decide to hide in mine?

I was halfway down the hallway when something hit me in the back of the head. What is going on? I turned around and saw all five of these guys standing there smiling at me. Still cautious about these strangers in front of me, I looked down to see what they had thrown.

A carrot? A freaking carrot. Were they in my fridge? Did they take my food? Where did this kid get a carrot from?

"What is happening?!", I thought out loud. 

Black haired, gorgeous boy decided to speak up and said, "You mean, VAS HAPPENIN'?" For whatever reason, this was hilarious to these creepy crawlers of boys. The one in the stripes and suspenders took it way to far. He got on the floor and started hitting his legs and screaming, "THAT'S A KNEE-SLAPPER ZAYN!" So, his name is Zayn. Almost as attractive as his accent. They were all in fits of laughter except for Mr. 'DON'T HURT ME!' Maybe it was time for me to learn the rest of the names of these intruders. Wait, why would I need to?

All of a sudden, Spoon Boy ( I have many names for him, yes ) started walking towards me. 

"Why don't you let us explain, babe...-"

As much as I wanted to hear an explanation from these English boys, (and Irish by the sound of the hungry, blonde one ) , I felt it was necessary to make Julie aware of the situation.

"JULIE! JULIE! JULIE!" , I screamed throughout the apartment. At this point in time, I heard an angry neighbor pound at my front door. For a second I considered opening it up. HA! Julia, when you're being chased by 5 very attractive home intruders, you don't calmly answer the door, I thought while running. I started to continue screaming. "JULIE, HOW ARE YOU SLEEPING THROUGH THIS?! THERE ARE FIVE HOME INTRUDERS INSIDE OF OUR APARTMENT AND ONE IS HUNGRY AND ONE IS AFRAID OF MY SPOON AND MORE IMPORTANTLY ONE THREW A CARR-"

Before I could finish screaming my run-on sentence, I slammed my face right into Julie's door .

"This is not my day" I mumbled to myself. I stood up on my feet as quickly as possible and scrambled into Julie's room. I locked the door behind me, and moved her nightstand to block the door just in case. What can I say? I'm paranoid.

When I finally collected myself, I looked over to Julie's bed and... She's not there.

"Okay so, I lost my roomate. I woke up to strangers inside of my closet. I..I...I" 

I continued to mumble while pacing back in forth in her bedroom. And then the toilet flushed. Curse Julie and her master suite!

The bathroom door opened, and out walks a totally relaxed, yawning Julie. In her comfy-cozy fleece pajamas, with her hair tied back. "What crawled up your butt?" , She asks, completely unaware of the situation.

"Julie? You're alive?" I walked up and touched her face. Do not judge me, I felt it was needed, take the situation. I breathed a sigh of relief. She looked at me with pure confusion. "Yeah... have you been taking those special pills that the doctor gave you?" , She joked.

I laughed and gave her a hug. I then remembered the complete and utter strangers wandering through our apartment, likely outside this door right now.

I was about to tell her everything. Every single detail. From the minute I woke up to my Ed Sheeran ringtone, to me pacing back and forth in this room all paranoid before she walked out of that bathroom I wish I had...

*Knock, knock* 

That confirmed my suspicions. They had been listening to our entire conversation. I must seem absolutely crazy.

With a confused look on her face, Julie spoke. "I-If you're in here, who's knocking?"

"Welcome back to Earth, Julie."

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This one i wrote cause i figured, why not? I hope you all enjoy it as much as i did writing it. Comments and criticism always wanted :) Enjoy!