I Don't Like Bad Boys

By ThatChickCanWrite

77.3K 2.3K 239

Her name is Serenity Renolds and she screams nerd. She's also captain of her school's volleyball team and...b... More

I Don't Like Bad Boys
Meet Your House Buddy
Rough Week
Knocked Out
Back To School
The Pain Unbearable
Win The Championships!
New York City
I Shopped Alittle Too Much
Ma'am Please Let Go Of Her Weave!
Named After Him
Many Things Scare Me
Boys and Body Heat
The End.
I Don't Like Bad Boys~TATEN'S POV~
Long Time No See!
Hate to bother you again BUT..
If you're still here...

Wedding Day

2.5K 80 9
By ThatChickCanWrite

Chapter 16~Wedding Day

Serenity Renolds 

“That dress looks AMAZING on you!”Savannah said in awe,”OMG Taten come out I wanna see your tux!”

“Here I am.”Taten said with a cocky smirk on his face.

I rolled my eyes.

“Aww you guys are gonna look so CUTE walking down the aisle together..for Serenity’s new family!”Savannah clapped her hands in excitement.

“I think you should curl your hair Serenity.No half up-half down,that’s the bride’s hairdo.”Evan said,finally speaking up.

“I think that’s a brilliant idea!”I said smiling.

“Yeah tots Evan the fashionista!”Taten said rolling his eyes and flashing a smile.

“So how’s this?”Savannah asked me when she came out of the bathroom.

“You.Look…”I trailed off.

“Hot.”Evan drooled,finishing my statement.

Savannah smiled and went back into the bathroom to change out,managing to swing her hips making Evan’s eyes practically bulge out.

I laughed and so did Taten.

“I can’t wait for the wedding.”I said to no one in particular.

“Yeah..me neither.”Evan blinked,coming out of his haze.


4 months later…

“It’s finally the day!Wake up Taten!”I cooed,shaking his heavy body awake.

“God damn what time is it?”He grumbled.

“4:30 in the morning.Now get up!We have to be there by 5 for rehearsal.”I smirked while getting up from the bed.

“And what time does the wedding start?”He asked me with a ‘smart ass’ tone.

“8:25.”I shrugged.

“Why are we up so early then?”He whined.

“Rehearsals and they have to set up everything you idiot.”

“You’re sexy when you’re..talking.”He’s trying to butter me up!

“Haha Taten.We’ve been together for over two years,I know your tricks.”

“Thats unfortunate isn’t?”He sighed.

“What’s gonna be unfortunate is you not showing up to that wedding after I choke you because we’re going to be running late if you don’t get out of bed!”I hissed.

I turned on the lights in our New York hotel room to emphasize my point on ‘him getting out of bed’ before going into the bathroom and taking a shower.

“I’m done showering.You go shower now.Shoo.”I smiled when I saw Taten was unpacking out clothing.

He looked at me and scowled before going into the bathroom and locking the door.

I went over to the vanity in the room and started doing my makeup.

I got a text when I woke up and my soon-to-be-step mom got us hairdressers and makeup artists.She didn’t really care if we did out makeup,but she wanted our hair done professionally.

I haven’t even seen her dress,I mean I helped her pick out a few,but her final decision was never emailed to me.

She wanted it to be a surprise to everyone including me,her maid of honor.

I was putting on perfume with my eyes closed when a voice interrupted my silence.

“If I wanted the sexiest girlfriend alive I would’ve turned them down because mine is the hottest.”I heard a voice whisper huskily in my ear,his lips brushing my ear.

I mentally rolled my eyes and sprayed another spritz of my perfume.

“Bleh!Way to ruin a moment Serenity.”I heard him spit and curse profanities under his breath.

“You’re too sensitive.”I grinned even though I was blushing,knowing perfectly well that I squirted it into hus mouth.

“I’ll get my tux on.”He stated to me before turning around to change.

I wasn’t paying attention to him until he talked.

“Can you help me put on my tie after I’m done?”He whimpered.

I looked in the mirror and instantly realized he was shirtless.

“You’re doing this on purpose..”I whispered and put my head down away from his view.

Suddenly,I felt cold fingers on my chin.The same fingers that turned my head up forcing me to look at him.

“You’re not blushing are you?”He teased.

I glared at him and hit his stupid..rock hard chest.

The chest you were against last night..Shut up concious!

Ok so maybe  didn't tell you guys,but on our one yr anni Taten broke and so did I after countless times of almost getting that far and I lost my virginity.I gave it to the guy I love.

He chuckled lightly before putting his shirt on making my conscious pout.

“No,but really can you help me put on my tie..?”He asked me weakly.

I sighed and put on his tie before pecking his tempting lips and finishing my makeup.


“There you are!”Trisha said,placing her hand over her heart,”I was so nervous!There’s an hour and 30 minutes!Go get your hair done!”

She was frantically running all over the place.Her hair and makeup was done,but she looked stressed.

Taten and I went into the labeled dressing rooms after Trisha left us to go talk to the other bridesmaids coming in.

I’d met them already and they were all really nice.

“Serenity I assume?”A slim,pretty lady asked me.

“Yes I’m here to get my hair done and any touch ups on makeup.I’m the maid of honor.”I smiled.

“Ok we’er going to do a side bun with a braid and I’ll touch up your makeup afterwards.Sounds good?”

“Yes.”I replied.

She nodded before brushing out my hair and starting to style it.

After 25 minutes,she was done and only took 2 minutes to touch up my makeup.

The other bridesmaids were ready too and soon we were rehearsing.

If one person was out of step,we’d start all over again.

I could see Taten’s shoulders drop every time we had to start over.

“This has to be perfect people!”Trisha screamed in frustration.

After thirty minutes of practicing,we were indeed perfect.

Trisha left the room 10 minutes earlier before rehearsals ended to get in her gown and fix whatever needed to be fixed.

Soon,people filed in as the bridesmaids and groomsmen handed out cards to everyone coming in.


I have to say,everything was phenomenal.

The church looked gorgeous and so did everyone else.

Every was silent as Taten and I walked first,my arm clutching his bicep and flowers in my other hand.

After all of the ‘couples’ came through and the doors opened,everyone was in awe.

Trisha looked absolutely breath-taking in her wedding gown and half up,half down do.Her veil trailed behind her and her smile was bright.I could tell her dad was so proud and so happy,walking his daughter down the aisle,handing her off to her new family.

My dad looked in love and so did Trisha.

I pushed tears out of my eyes.Don’t mess up your makeup Serenity.

After all of that mushy wedding stuff the final words were going to give me a new family.

“Do you,James Collin Renolds,take Trisha Marie Dansewood,to be your partner in life and sharing your path:equal in love,a mirror for your true self,promising to honor and cherish,through good times and bad,until death do you part?”The Priest asked my father.

“I do.”My dad answered him,looking Trisha in her eyes.

“And do you Trisha Marie Dansewood,take James Collin Renolds,to be your partner  in life and sharing your path;equal in love,a mirror of your true self,promising to honor  and cherish,through good times and bad,until death do you part?Oh and take his last name?”He asked my s.t.b mom.

“I do.I sure do.”She smiled,giving my dad’s hands a squeeze.

“May I have the rings?”The Priest smiled.

Anslee’s cousin,Mark came through with the rings on a small pillow.Anslee made his entrance grand by throwing flowers.(Since she was the flower girl)

“Here are the rings!”Mark said with a tone that made every laugh.

The Priest nodded when my dad took his eyes off of Trisha and my dad went on.

“I James Renolds give you Trisha Dansewood this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you.”He said,loud and clear for all to hear.(rhyme timee)

He slipped the ring onto my new mom’s finger and she  took the other ring.

“I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness.As I place it on your finger,I comma my heart and soul to you.I ask you to wear this ring as a reminder of the vows we have spoken today,our wedding day.”Trisha finished with the placing of the ring on my dad’s finger.

“And now,by the power vested in me by the State of New York,I hereby pronounce you husband and wife.James You may now kiss your bride.”

After he finished his sentence,my step mom and dad kissed and everyone cheered.Everyone cheered so loud I swear the church was going to topple over.

“Family and Friends,I present to you,Mr and Mrs Renolds!”The Priest threw his hands in the air and everyone cheered once again.

Taten and I(like planned)gave my parents two small glasses of wine and they quickly drink them.


After pictures,we finally got to celebrate.We all laughed as my dad got the scrunchie thing off my new mom and I freaked out when she threw her bouquet in the air.It just so happened it came to me and out of peer luck I caught it.

“I caught it!”I cheered,”Wait..”

“Serenity is getting married next!”Savannah cheered.

Taten laughed and gave me a thumbs up.

“Serenity!My darling you caught it!”Trisha’s youngest sister,Taylor squealed.

Taylor was like 26 so she was kind of close to us in age.

I’m 21 and Savannah is 21 too.

Taten is 22 and Evan is also 21 and a half.

Soon the celebration just got down right crazy.

We handed out all of the free goods before everyone got too drunk to even remember where they were.

“Want a drink?”Taten said after we had gotten tired from dancing.

I nodded and we both spilt a beer in a wine glass.We weren’t planning on partying too hard because we had to drive to the hotel later.It was Friday and we were going home Sunday.

The beer stung my throat a bit after not having it for so long,but the pain went away easily.

“Serenity!”I heard my dad exclaim over the music.

I turned around and ran into his welcoming arms.

“I missed you.”I grinned.

“Me too!How’s college?”

“Great!”I answered honestly.

“How about Taten?”He winked.

“We hardly fight.He’s a great guy.”I blushed hearing the words come out.

“Talking about me?”A voice laughed.

“Taten!”My dad exchanged one of those guy hug things with him and they talked when I noticed Trisha coming closer.

“Heyy step mom.”I winked.

“Ahh I love that.I’m so happy!”Trisha jumped up and down.

I laughed at her and we talked a bit.


At around 3 the celebration was dying down because it ends at 3:40 so that’s when Taten and I left.

No one stayed back to clean.

My dad hired tons of people to come and clean everything.

“I’m so tired.”I yawned while Taten and I drove to our hotel.

“Yeah me too.”He smiled weakly.

“Taten where are we going?”I asked as he took the wrong turn.

“No where.”He shrugged.

But soon we arrived at a beach.

“What’s going on?”I asked him.

He only smirked and opened my door.

Giving me not hint,No nothing.




So there are only TWO MORE CHAPTERS!

Don't cry boo.It's okayyy.


200+ reads that;s AMAZING..JUST AHHHH

and den 15 votes like gurl.

Just keep em' coming.

but seriously

I want to thank my readers and I love you all so much!

Please vote,comment,and share my story!

Hope you liked the chapter and see you in the next one!

Also follow me onnn twitter! @thtchiccanwrite

There’s gonna be sneak peaks and more!

Tweet me/follow and get a follow back!



What is Taten doing?

Why are they at the beach?? :)


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