Taking Your Love Hostage

By CramenNoodles

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Emily Mozelt is 16. She has had some rough times with guys, or well guy in her lifetime, but she meets this g... More

Taking Your Love Hostage
Chapter 1: 'The Beginning of the End'
Chapter 2: 'One Track Mind'
Chapter 3: 'Hidden Pasts'
Chapter 4: 'D is for Daniel... and Denial'
Chapter 5: 'A Lot Alike'
Chapter 6: 'Keeps Getting Better'
Chapter 7: 'Meetings'
Chapter 8: 'A Lot To Think About'
Chapter 9: 'Permanent Ink'
Chapter 11: 'Rumors and Boy Drama'
Chapter 11 1/2: 'Bonus Chapter'
Chapter 12: 'Taken'
Chapter 13: 'Captor'
Chapter 14: 'And I Thought It Sucked Before'
Chapter 15: 'Stupid Is As Stupid Does'
Chapter 16: 'When I Said I Wanted A Guy To Like Me, I Didn't Mean This'
Chapter 17: 'Playing Pretend.'
Chapter 18: 'Revelations'
Chapter 19: 'Almost There'
Chapter 19 1/2: 'Bonus Chapter'
Chapter 20: 'Bruised and Shaken'

Chapter 10: 'Trying Something Different'

626 12 6
By CramenNoodles

Trying Something Different

Davey’s P.O.V.

I can’t believe my luck. I didn’t know that Emily was actually going to be at the movies last night when I showed up there. I went there to take my mind off of her and there she was. She was just as gorgeous as she was that first night that we met at the coffee shop and if we’re being honest, after that, I went to the coffee shop every night looking for her. When she showed up the second time I couldn’t believe my luck then either. I must have been a pretty lucky guy. Well, other than the fact of her dating that loser, Daniel that I went to high school with. How could he win her over and I couldn’t? He was one of the biggest losers in our class. My luck wasn’t with me so much in that situation but I’m bound and determined to get Emily back. She will soon realize that Daniel isn’t right for her and that I am.  I can offer her a future, unlike Daniel.

I have never understood the girl’s fascination with Daniel. Why they flock to him and swoon. He’s good for nothing and is a screw up. Maybe it’s because he is such a loser and all the girls feel bad for him. That’s the only logic that I can come up with. This girl is different though. Emily is different. I haven’t been able to get her out of my mind since I met her. Her long black hair that is as dark as the night sky when the moon is almost nonexistent. Her beautiful hazel eyes and she was so nice and you could tell she didn’t think much of herself. Vulnerable. But oh, no. She was different last night at the movies.

She wasn’t as soft spoken and giggly as she was when I first met her, not two weeks ago. Daniel had changed her. I wasn’t going to let her stay with him any longer. Something was about to change and she would see that I knew what I was talking about. She was going to be her vulnerable self again. I was going to make sure of it.

My fascination with her is something even I don’t understand. Something about her just draws me in. She is like the sun on a cloudy day. Something to hope for. Daniel didn’t deserve her. Daniel deserved nothing at all. Even my ex in high school liked that emo freak. She liked him when she had me, head of the football team, jock extraordinaire. Maybe I wouldn’t want her so bad if Daniel hadn’t of been the one who got her, and maybe I shouldn’t hold a grudge against him, but I do, and I don’t think that’s going to change anytime soon.

‘Davey, man. Where are you?’ I heard Jason slam my apartment door and kick off his boots.

‘In the office.’ Jason clomped towards the room and stood behind me as I searched the web. Emily didn’t have a Facebook, or a Twitter. I had searched for the better part of the morning and still nothing.

‘Dude, she doesn’t have that. Trust me. She thought that it was overrated and cliché. She always thought she was better than everyone else.’ I turned around to see Jason roll his eyes at the end of his statement.

‘I kind of figured that out after an hour of searching and even looking through your friends list for her.’ I let out a humorless chuckle. Even Jason had got to date Emily and I wanted to hate him for that too, but I knew that I needed him for my plan to work.

‘Even if she did have one, she wouldn’t be on my friends list. She hates me or is scared of me or something, she wouldn’t add me.’ Jason didn’t get into what had happened between him and Emily but I had an idea that I would hate him for it. Plus, I knew that once Emily and I were together, that she would tell me all about it, and I could finally do what I wanted to Jason from day one.

‘Oh yeah. Guess not. Oh well, so did you find out what I needed you to?’ Jason nodded his head.

‘Yeah man, I did, but can I ask what you need all this information for? I kind of feel like I’m stalking the girl and people are going to start thinking I’m not over the girl and I totally am.’

‘Oh, it doesn’t really matter what I need the information for and trust me, no one is going to dare cross you. I mean, you’re the best quarterback the school has seen in years. Everyone looks up to you; they wouldn’t dare think anything bad of you.’ I knew I was lying to the kid, but I had to do what I had to do to get what I wanted. That was Emily.

‘Guess not, man.’ He seemed pretty happy with himself at that moment and I decided to let him soak it up while he could.

‘So the information?’ I looked at him quizzically.

‘Oh yeah, so here’s what I found out…’ As Jason told me what I needed to know my plan slowly began to formulate. I would get what I wanted.

Emily’s P.O.V.

I couldn’t shake the feeling the next day that I was being followed. It may have been because I didn’t get home until late and didn’t get much sleep. I had went into Daniel’s apartment and we ate and talked and before I knew it, it was 10 and my mom was texting me. I got home by 10:30 but then I stayed up texting Daniel until 11 and so I didn’t get a whole lot of sleep.

Must be why I’m paranoid.

Daniel texted me through most of my classes and I told him that I was going to fail all my classes, drop out of high school, and get a job at Burger King and it would all be his fault, but according to him, that would be alright because he liked Burger King.  When he had to go to work and couldn’t text, I missed him bantering to me. When it was time for lunch I was relived. Finally some time where I didn’t have to think. I ditched my books in my locker, and walked to the lunchroom, sitting at the back table Jessica and I shared most every day.

‘Hey Jess. How’s your day going?’ I smiled at her and sat down at my spot across from her.

‘Pretty good. History was killer today though; Mr. Borski was feeling particularly ruthless I guess.’ I cringed and shook my head. I had history next block.

‘Something to look forward to, I guess.’ My voice was dripping with sarcasm.

‘Yeah, another thing to look forward to is that, Jason Jock-Aholic dude is looking for you. He was asking me all kind of random questions about you. It was really weird. I just told him to go screw himself.’

‘Why would he be looking for me?’ I felt my heart rate spike and I didn’t know if I could control it.

‘I don’t know. He was asking what you were doing today, when you would be in here, all kinds of weird stuff. I didn’t answer him though. I figured you didn’t want him knowing your business.’ She shrugged her shoulders non chalantly. I on the other hand was freaking out. Why was Jason asking around about me? What was he planning?

‘Yeah. Thanks for that. It’s really weird he’s asking about me, I mean, we’ve been broken up since our freshman year, not like we even talked after that.’ I shook my head and decided not to worry about it. Jessica looked over my shoulder and had a quizzical look on her face as her head tilted slightly to the left. She was looking at a point above my head and I slowly turned around.

I jumped in my seat, my heart pounding in my chest because behind me was a males chest. A very toned chest, if that’s a matter. I looked up and saw that it was Daniel smiling down at me. I jumped out of my chair and threw my arms around his neck pulling him into me. His hands gripped around my waist and lifted me slightly off my feet.

‘What are you doing here?’ My cheeks were starting to hurt from smiling but I was so happy to see Daniel and couldn’t get the smile off.

‘Oh, I thought I would get a more excited greeting than that, I guess I’ll just have to leave…’ He pulled out of the hug and made as if he was going to walk away before I grabbed his hand and pulled him back.

‘That’s not what I meant! I just wasn’t expecting to see you at my school at lunch today.’

‘I wanted to surprise you, and besides, I missed you and didn’t want to wait until this afternoon.’ Daniel kissed me on the cheek just at the corner of my mouth and I heard Jessica clear her throat. I blushed and turned around to face her. She and I both weren’t used to a display of PDA, especially not from me.

‘Sorry Jess. I will keep him under control while he’s here.’

‘It’s fine, I think I’m just going to go to the library. I have to get cracking on that history project anyway. I will see you tomorrow.’

‘Okay! Have fun with the project.’

‘You know it!’ I smiled and gave a small wave at Jessica as she left.

‘So, I still have 35 minutes for lunch. Do you want to sit here?’ I beamed up at Daniel and he smiled back.

‘Yeah, sound’s good.’ He sat in the chair directly beside me. Holding my hand under the table. ‘How’s school been today?’

‘Same old, same old. Other than my ex asking Jessica all this crap about me, like what I had planned, when I had lunch. Creepy.’ I let out a small laugh and watched as anger flitted across Daniel’s face before he got control back of his emotions.

‘That is creepy. Is the person in question in the lunchroom at this time. I’d love to get a good look at him.’ I pointed to a table full of jocks to the biggest jock of them all and watched as Daniel narrowed his eyes, a look of confusion on his face.

‘What’s wrong? Do you know him or something?’

‘No. I don’t think so at least. He looks familiar though. You didn’t have any pictures of him in your house did you?’ I shook my head fiercely.

‘Definitely not!!!’

‘I don’t know then, but he does look familiar.’ As if Jason could sense us talking about him his head snapped up, his eyes locking with mine. I felt my heart rate quicken as Jason pushed back from his table and made his way to mine, his eyes agleam as they passed between me and Daniel. I squeezed Daniel’s hand under the table and he looked up at me. My face must have shown something because Daniel quickly looked to where I was and I saw a vein tick on the side of his neck.

‘Is he coming over here, Em?’

‘I don’t know… but I sure hope not.’ Luck was not on my side as Jason sauntered over to where we were sitting.

‘Hey Emily! Long time no talk.’ Jason swung his arm around my shoulders as if we were old friends, which we were not.

‘Jason, why are you over here?’

‘You sound as if you don’t want me here and that hurts my feelings, Em.’ He chuckled in my ear.

‘Maybe that was the point.’ I shrugged his arm off my shoulders and looked over at Daniel who was staring at Jason with a look of rage in his eyes.

‘Aw, come on Emily. Don’t be mean.’ His voice was sickly sweet and I stared at him uncaringly until his expression changed. ‘Whore, the only reason I came over here was to tell you that you’re screwing a no body. He’s never going to make it anywhere. I also extend the same comment as our last chat; you should have stuck with Davey.’ Jason went to stand up but before he could Daniel was out of his seat in front of him.

‘If you ever call her a whore again, I will beat you so bad, you won’t notice yourself in the mirror.’

‘Geeze, looks like someone’s been cut off. I thought whores didn’t cut off guys though?’

‘She is not a whore. You fu—‘I grabbed Daniels arm and pulled him back, shaking my head.

‘He’s not worth it Daniel.’ Daniel looked down at me, shaking his head before he stepped back. I hadn’t failed to notice that we had most of the lunchrooms attention.

‘You both better watch out.’ With that Jason walked through the double doors and out of the lunchroom.

‘He’s charming. I don’t understand why you’re not still with him.’ Daniel cut me a smile as I laughed.

‘Oh, it was just that he was too charming and sweet for me. I like guys that are conceited, perverts better. It’s horrible.’

‘Well, that’s a better choice anyways. Those ones are usually extremely good looking.’ We both started laughing. ‘Do you want to just skip school for the rest of the day so you won’t have to deal with jerk face over there?’

‘Yes! That seems like a great idea. Now I know why I keep you around.’

‘Well, how about you follow me over to the apartment and we can hang out there. You don’t have any plans do you?’

‘Nope, none.’ I grabbed my bag and books before Daniel took the books out of my hand and took my other hand in his. ‘You’re such a gentleman.’

‘I’m really just doing this so I can get my payback for it.’ He sent me a wink as he pushed open the double doors and headed towards the parking lot.

‘You know, you joking about that isn’t going to help the situation.’ I rolled my eyes and bumped his shoulder.

‘Well, you should stop telling everyone in the school what we do.’ He bumped my shoulder in return.

‘You are really just trying to make people believe that I’m a whore aren’t you?’

‘Not that. That you’re my whore.’ Daniel kissed the top of my head and smirked down at me.

‘You’re sooo not even funny anymore.’

‘But I think I am. And extremely irresistible. And all that jazz.’ I laughed as he sang the last part.

‘You should totally keep your day job.’

‘I plan too, but I’ve decided something.’ I leaned against my car and looked up at him.

‘And what is that?’

‘I’m going to go to college. Just like that guy said, at this point, I have nothing to offer you. I mean, I’m not saying that this is what kind of relationship we have, but if it does progress, then I want to have something to offer you, so I’m going to go to college and get a real job. Benefits. All that stuff.’ I smiled up at him thinking how utterly clueless he was.

‘That doesn’t matter to me, Daniel. I’m in this relationship for you, not for what you can or cannot give me.’

‘Still, I want to be able to take care of you if our relationship goes on. I can’t do that working at a coffee shop for minimum wage.’

‘Thank you, Daniel. You don’t know how much it means to me to know that you’re doing this for me. Even though I would be fine even if you didn’t.’ I unlocked my car and threw my bag and grabbed my books from Daniel and threw them in too.

Daniel grabbed me around the waist and pulled me into him. I looped my arms around his neck and leaned into his broad chest. We stayed like that until the end of lunch bell rang and I figured we needed to get off the school property.

‘I will follow you to your apartment.’ I unwrapped myself from his embrace and walked around my car, about to step in.

‘Be careful, gorgeous.’

‘I will, you sexy thang!’ I blew him a kiss and stepped into my car. I turned the key in the ignition and turned my CD up to full volume. Daniel was pulling out of the parking space where he had left his bike and I waited until he was driving away to follow after him.  It took about 15 minutes to get to his house and I parked directly behind him. I was looking for my wallet when Daniel opened my door and gave me a quizzical look.

“Up and down, you spend me around, you got everybody watching as you hit the ground.’ What are you listening to in here?’

‘Breathe Carolina. David Schmitt is hot and has the voice of an angel.’ Daniel searched my face as I turned off the car and stood up out of it.

‘I don’t know how I feel about you saying other guys are hot in front of me.’

‘Don’t worry. You beat them all!” I sent a wink his way and brushed past him towards his apartment.

‘Yeah, I better. I mean, I didn’t doubt that I would. He may have the voice of an angel but I have the face of one.’ I shook my head at his conceited remark.

‘Whatever helps you sleep better at night, Daniel.’

‘You know it’s true.’ He jogged to catch up with me and wrapped his arm around my waist dragging me along with him. ‘So what should we do on this fine afternoon?’

‘I don’t know. I’m beat. At least it’s Thursday. I don’t think I could stand much more school right now.’ I laid my head against his arm as he unlocked the door to his apartment.

‘Yeah, and then you can spend all weekend with me. I don’t have to work. It’s Liz’s birthday tomorrow though so I was thinking of doing something with her. You wouldn’t want to come would you?’

‘I would love to come! I’ve grown fond of Liz.’ I stepped into the apartment and flopped down on the love seat.

‘She likes you too. Scoot over.’ Daniel pushed my feet off the couch and before he could sit down I put them back up.

‘Nope, I’m comfortable.’ Daniel’s eyes got a mischievous gleam in them and I couldn’t help but feel like I was about to pay for putting my feet back on the couch.

‘Oh, really. Well, this is your house and all.’ Daniel looked as if he was about to walk to the other couch when turned and started attacking my sides. I tried to resist laughing but it didn’t help and just made it worse.

‘Dan-niel, stop it! Can’t bre-breathe.’ I swatted his hands away but he just continued to attack. ‘Okay! Okay! I’ll move my feet.’ The tickling ceased and I took a second to catch my breath.

‘That’s what I thought. I am the all reigning champ! Plus, this is my house, Em.’ I moved my legs and Daniel flopped down on the couch beside me, grabbing the remote. As he flipped on the TV I put my legs into his lap and sent a smirk his way. ‘Why are your feet in my lap?’

‘Because, you’re sitting where they were, so they are going back.’ Daniel shook his head and continued to flip through the channels. He stopped on Ghost Whisperer and I sent him a quizzical look and he just shrugged his shoulders.

‘Jennifer Love Hewitt is hot a heck.’ I sent him a glare and crossed my arms over my chest before looking back at the TV. ‘Don’t be mad, baby, it’s just the truth.’

‘I still don’t like to hear that.’ I huffed out a breath and continued watching Jennifer strut across the screen. Great, I couldn’t compete with that.

‘If it helps, you’re wayyy hotter.’ Daniel pried one of my hands away from my chest and intertwined his fingers with mine. His hands were rough, but not so much so that it was uncomfortable to hold his hand. He stroked the back of my hand with his thumb and it soothed me. I felt myself drifting off and then I finally fell asleep.

Daniels P.O.V.

She was so cute when she was jealous. She had no reason to be though. She was the only girl I thought about.

‘If it helps, you’re wayyy hotter.’ She smiled a little as I took her hand. Hers was so small and warm in mine and I ran my thumb over the back. I looked back up and saw that she had drifted off. She was so gorgeous. She didn’t see it, and you could tell that about her. I noticed that she wasn’t wearing any make up today. It instantly reminded me of the other day when she came over and was worried about not looking alright in a pair of sweats and no make-up and I swear, she was the hottest thing ever without the make-up and in her baggy clothes.

She was such a great person and I honestly didn’t know what it was about her that made me so drawn to her. She was everything to me right now, apart from Liz, but she was mine in a different way than Liz. I honestly don’t know what I would do without her walking into my life. I just knew that it was going to hurt like hell when she walked out, but I’m hoping that won’t happen.

I brushed a strand of her hair back and she shifted in her sleep towards my hand. When she shifted her shirt tugged up the slightest bit. A groan escaped my throat as I caught a glimpse of her tattoo. Why did she have to get that? It was already hard enough to resist her without that.  I tore my eyes away before pulling her shirt back down, my fingers skimming over her skin. She opened her eyes the tiniest bit and scowled at me.

‘Stop trying to pull up my shirt perv.’ She smiled and stuck her tongue out at me.

‘Trust me, I wasn’t doing that, though I know you want me to.’

‘Shut up, Daniel.’ Her cheeks lit up with color and I smiled at her.

‘You blush a lot. It’s cute.’

‘I know. Being cute is something I’ve mastered.’ She sent me a sexy smirk and turned back to the TV. ‘Are we still watching the walking bimbo?’ A scowl crossed her face and I laughed.

‘She’s not a bimbo. I just did that to mess with you, Em. She’s hot, but not hot like you.’ I took her hand again and her scowl lessened a little.

‘Yeah, yeah. I just don’t like how hot she is.’

‘Are you confessing that she’s hot?’ I smirked at her and she blushed.

‘I didn’t mean it like that.’ She sat up and leaned her head against my shoulder. I looked down at her and she looked back up at me smiling. She was perfect. She was everything I had ever wanted, and she was sitting on my couch, watching TV, with me.

‘I think I’m falling for you.’ I breathed out. I hadn’t meant to say it but it felt right to say it now that it was out.

‘I will catch you if you do.’ Her face was completely serious and I saw that she felt the same in the depths of her eyes. I cupped her face in both of my hands and slowly, brought her face closer to mine. I gave her enough time to pull away if she wanted and when she didn’t I crashed my lips onto hers. She responded immediately, wrapping her arms around the back of my neck, tugging at my hair. I pulled her closer to me until our chests were crushed together and wrapped my arms around her waist. My heart was racing in my chest and I knew I had to stop the kiss now. It took every part of me to break my lips from hers but when I did I could hear her ragged breathing in my ear.

‘I think that’s enough of that for today.’ I smirked at her and she nodded her head before putting her forehead to mine and kissing me one more time.

‘Yeah, I think that’s definitely enough.’ She smiled at me and snuggled into the side of my chest, where she seemed to fit like a missing puzzle piece. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pulled her in closer. ‘Daniel…’

‘Yes Emily?’ I smiled down at her.

‘I really like you.’ I kissed the top of her hair and held her a little closer.

‘I really like you too, Em.’ Sometime after that we both dozed off and I couldn’t remember a time in my life when I was happier.

So, what did you think of that chapter guys? I personally think my writing is getting suckier and suckier but whatever. I hope you enjoyed it. I know it’s been like two weeks since I uploaded. Sorry. I’m going to try a lot harder to get more up but I have EOCT’s coming up and it’s stressing me out. Well, tell me what you liked/ didn’t like in the comments. What do you want to see in the next chapter? Let me know. -Carmen

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