By KBarthelemy

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for the first time, I smiled genuinely at Ethan, I guess we had at least one thing in common. We were now bot... More



49 1 0
By KBarthelemy


I'm such a piece of shit, I can I do this to my best friend? How can I be so selfish? What the hell is wrong with me?

The door opened on a Morgan in pink bunnies pyjamas with a bowl of cereals, it was five in the afternoon.

"Dude I've been watching you doing mental splits for fifteen minutes, it was entertaining for the first five, are you coming in or not?"

I just realized I was in front of her door giving myself a pet talk for that long, but what we were about to do was a big deal. I mean ruining someone's life, was a big thing in my book.

I looked at Morgan who was nonchalant eating her cereals, almost like she's been doing this all her life. This lack of guilt was seriously concerning.

"Nice pajamas, I would have never thought you were a bunny type of girl."

"I'm full of surprises asshole."

Yeah I should've known that my comment wouldn't pass without an insult.

She closed the door behind us, and I finally got a look at who Morgan was as a human being and it was... Interesting. I would lie if I say I wasn't expecting skulls and maybe two dead bodies but everything seemed normal. There was a bunch of paintings everywhere, walls were painted different colors, everything was really joyful and cozy.

"Nice place!"

And I meant it, I was presently surprised.

"Thanks, I know."

I rolled my eyes, and she continue eating her cereals like she didn't see me.

" So what's the plan? How do we do it?"

She stopped chewing for two second to look at me for a minute. My hands were sweaty, and I'm pretty sure other parts of my body were too.

"Damn you're really freaked out by this!"

She started laughing at loud before choking on the food in her mouth. Karma is real.

" I mean yeah ! Stacey has been my friends for years, I'll never do something to hurt her..."

She drank a glass of water leaning on the sink.

"Rectification, you've never done something to hurt her before."

She looked at me with a witty smile on her face, a part of me really hated this girl. She was the know it all sarcastic type. Always judging like she had all the answers in the world, and acting like she was better then any of my friends. Why because she didn't party or had any kind of fun? She was simply boring. But I needed her. Even if she was a pain, she did have an really good ability of staying calm in bad situations, I've noticed that. I needed someone like this, and we kinda had the same goal at the end of the day.


She became really serious out of nowhere.

" Listen, I need you to let go of the anxiety. We're doing what's best for them ok? Nate clearly doesn't love Stacey I've notice first hand..."

She got lost in her thoughts for a moment, something happened between them, I could tell.

"You're obviously a better sutor for her, with your money and duche attitude and her princess ego, you guys are perfect for each other."

And there it is, Morgan everyone, she really can't talk to me without insulting.

"Ok, I think that's my cue to leave... If I wanted someone to insulte me I would've went to my dad."

I took my coat that I left on the sofa earlier and she stopped me before I open the door.

"Ok, ok, ok I'm sorry. Look it's a free insult zone, deal?"

I looked at her hand on my arm, before she realized what she did and removed it as quickly as it went there. I could tell that she was sincere somehow.

"Ok... So what do we do first."

She took place on the chair by the sofa.

"Well I Google it, and came up with some options. First we need to..."

"Wait what! Google? The same things that tells me I have cancer every week? I thought you were smarter than Google."

She was insulted for two seconds.

"I thought it was a no insult zone? And listen to my ideas before judging."

I shut up and finally start listening.

"So first they suggest having an honest conversation with the couple but, this isn't happening. So we're getting the big guns."

She almost seemed excited about all of it, was I the only one with a conscious in the room.

"We need to get into their heads and makes them think that it's not working anymore."

"Yeah but Nate cheated before and Stacey always comes back. I'm not sure about that."

That was true, Nate cheated and worse before and she always ended up getting back with him for some reasons.

"We need Nate to breakup with her, she needs to cheat on him. I know him, the second she'll do he's not going to want anything to do with her."

For some reasons I didn't have a problem believing her.

" I don't see Stacey cheating it's not her type. "

She rolled her eyes before repeating the same sentence I just said with a stupid voice.

"I'm sorry to break it to you, but she is."

I started laughing, how could she just say things like this, without any proof. Just by looking and hating on someone.

"How do you know?"

"She just seems like the type."

Exactly what I was saying.

"So who would she cheat on Nate with?"

She was about to say something before deciding not to. What was all that about? I could sense something was off.

"I don't know, why do I have to get all the ideas ? You're smart too."

That was the first compliment I received by Morgan in two years, it felt weird.

"Ok let's just think about it and talk later, what's your number? I'll text you."

She proceed to give me her number before I go back home.

It's not gonna be easy to pull that off.


I was staring at my phone asking myself, where my life was going, I literally have Ethan as a contact. This is sad.

And what was that weird moment when I touch his arm? Who even am I?

I laugh thinking about his comment on Stacey not being the cheating type. Damn that boy was naive. Was I the only one who could clearly see through her facade? What was she doing to this boy? She was Ethan blindspots but I wasn't the one to tell him the truth about his girl, I needed him, and he probably wouldn't help me if he knew the truth.

Someone knocked at my door and was surprised to see Nate, he smelled like whiskey and weed. I hated both of these things but on him, it smelled like the sexiest scent ever. Was that weird?

"What's up Mor?"

He hugged me, before going in the fridge and taking a bottle of water.

" Last night was crazy, you should've come. I got so fucked up, I could barely ride my bike."

Nate was a big party guy, he's always been but since Stacey it was worse.

"You got someone to give you a ride?"

He was drinking water like he spent the last week in the desert.

"No I got home by myself, I'm still a bit hangover."

"That's really dangerous Nate."

"No worries no one got hurt! Do you have anything salty?"

I looked at him searching throughout the cabinets,even hangover he still had this effect on me. Like we were the only one in the world at that moment. He's the only guy who ever made me feel special. I know how he looked from the outside, like the bad kind. My sister hates him and my parents too but they didn't know Nate like I do. He was rough on the corners but soft inside.

His parents always have been hard on him expecting big things since his brother got a full scholarship to M.I.T but he wasn't his brother. If was Nate my best friend since I was seven. Since these people made fun of me at school because i had difficulty reading, he helped me out for weeks and by the end of the year I was the best in my class. Since that day he's always been here for me, and me for him.

He got a packed of Bretzel and talking about last night.

"Everyone was there, they were all asking for you."

I've been pretty busy lately working for an art gallery downtown and had less time to spend with my friends. It was a big deal to work with artists and learning about this world that took me forever to get in. I couldn't just decide to fuck it up to go hang out in abandon house and drink beer.

"I know, I'm sorry, I'm just really busy with my internship."

" I'm happy for you, really Morgan, but I'm not gonna lie I miss you."

I couldn't help it but smile.

"I miss you too asshole."

" And Stacey is driving me crazy at the moment, she's all in my business, ALL THE TIME. Like "where are you,where are you" it's like damn, give me a break."

And there it is the S subject. I'm so tired of hearing about her everyday. It's like can we talk about something else for once?

"Like yeah I cheated and stuff, but that's exactly why I cheat, she makes me feel stuck."

"Break up with her then. If you feel stuck..."

For me it was simple, if someone doesn't makes you feel like the best, why bother? Find someone who does and that's it.

"I can't..."

I really couldn't understand this guy.

"So torture yourself then."

"It's not torture, she's hot, and put up with my shit. I just need a bit more freedom."

What does that even mean, he cheated on her a bunch of time and she comes back, he has lots of freedom already if you ask me. And he's still not happy?

"It just looks like you don't know what you want Nate. You want to be single but date her at the same time. That can't work."

"I love the way she makes me feel."

Like a bad decision to piss her rich parents off? Wow incredible feelings. I just would never be able to understand guys.

"It's just hard for you, you never had a real relationship."

I laugh, is relationship isn't even real, he never had any serious relationship, he keeps cheating on everyone he ever been with. I had one relationship before and it ended badly, but it was real enough. Nate could be such an asshole sometimes.

"Ok doctor Phil."

He finally looked at me, and saw my face, maybe I looked upset or something because he immediately apologize.

"Shit I forgot about him. I'm sorry Morg."

"It's ok."

I was over it.

"Anyway like I was saying, I like the way she makes me feel but the jealousy is too much..."

He kept talking while I got lost in my thoughts, I was doing this bad thing for his own good. Clearly he want a way out he just doesn't know how to get it.

I wasn't a bad friend.

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