Something New III (Completed)

By Tweetyy95

130K 5K 5.3K

Beyoncé and Shawn have been married for 6 years and are raising 3 kids. Through it all they are happier than... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
New Story-Something New IV

Chapter 6

3.1K 110 174
By Tweetyy95

"Look at how big you gotten!" My grandmother exclaimed as she pulled me into a tight hug.

"I missed you too grandma" she let me go and began to put a big kiss on my cheek. I swear she was doing a bit too much for me.

"Lexi, I missed you so much. You haven gotten so tall, your hair is longer and you even have breasts now." She tried to touch my breasts but I took a step back so that she couldn't.

I kind of looked at my mother and gave her an expression that read, help me. All she did was laugh and stayed quiet until my grandmother addressed her.

"Well hello Beyoncé. I almost forget you was here."

"Hi to you, as well Caroline." My mother and grandmother don't get along at all. My mother claims it has to do with her divorcing my father for "no reason."

"Where's my dad. I text him and he told me he was here." I said trying to distracted the ladies from trying to throw any shade towards each other.

My grandmother focused her attention back on me and smiled, "He's upstairs getting dressed. He should be coming down any minute."

I nodded my head and walked over to the couch to sit down. My mother continued to stand, I knew she felt uncomfortable being here.

My grandmother came right over and sat next to me. "So, tell me Lexi how has high school been treating you? Have you join any clubs yet?"

"It's been going good, I'm actually enjoying being in a different atmosphere. But as far as clubs nothing has caught my attention."

"You should be like your grandma, and join the cheerleading team. I enjoyed it so much and met a lot of girls that I have remained friends with."

"Lexi should just enjoy her first year of high school. Clubs and after school activities can come later." My mother said what I was thinking.

"Beyoncé, darling I was clearly talking to my grandchild. I didn't need your opinion on anything."

"Your grandchild is my child, so I can say whatever it is when it's concerning her."

I knew this was going to get ugly so I quickly interfere, "Mom, grandma, can we please not do this especially not this weekend." Both gave each other a look then rolled their eyes.

"I'm sorry baby, you're right." My mother said, "But as long as I feel like I'm being disrespected, I will be disrespectful." I knew she was directing that to my grandmother. All I could do was shake my head and pray my father came downstairs soon.

"Is that my princess?" I heard my father say. With a smile on my face, I got up and walked to him. I haven't seen my father in the past few months so to be in his embraced felt amazing.

"Hi dad!" we hugged for a few more seconds then let each other go.

"God, you're getting so big. I can't believe I have a teenager on my hands."

"That's what I said to her." My grandmother said smiling, "Now Kenneth isn't Lexi beginning to look like you. I was getting worried our genes weren't going to kick in."

I don't know what she meant by that, but I was kind of offended on my mother behave. Was she trying to say at one point they weren't sure if my dad was actually my dad?

My father didn't answer her, he just looked over my shoulder and smiled when he saw my mother. I know he still has a thing for my mom so I'm sure seeing her without Shawn being on her side, is making him the happiest man ever.

"It's good to see you came, Bey. I was worried you wasn't coming." He tried to pull her into a hug, but my mother backed up a bit and gave him a small smile.

"I'm only coming for Keith, if it wasn't for him trust I would be in Houston with my other two babies and husband." Hearing husband and kids made that smile on my father's face disappear.

"Speaking of that, you know Kenneth did tell me you had another baby. No wonder you look like you gain weight." Damn grandma, why are you trying my mom.

My mom chuckled, "Caroline you really want me to be disrespectful to you and I don't understand why. You are worse than your son when it comes to our divorce. Build that damn bridge and get over it. And yes, I did have my son six months ago and I look damn good for a woman who has had three kids."

"Actually, you would have had five kids, but let me not go there."

"Mom!" my dad yelled, but my grandmother shrugged her shoulders as if she didn't do anything wrong.

"What I'm just speaking the truth. The girl never likes to claim the other pregnancies she had." I looked over to see my mother looking mad as hell. Her usual light hazel brown eyes, were now dark. I could just see the steam coming from her ears.

My dad tried to calm her down but she just pushed him away, "I'm leaving before I end up catching a case dealing with this old hag. Lexi, you can either come with me to check in our hotel or you can stay with you dad. Either one is fine with me."

I wanted to go with my mother to calm her down, but I also wanted to stay with my father since I haven't seen him in a while.

My mother made the decision for me "You know what just stay with him. Y'all need to bond with each other anyways." I was going to protest but she left before I could.

"Mom you were out of line. Beyoncé is sensitive when it comes to that."

She waved him off, "That little girl always acts as if she has never done wrong. She lucky I didn't bring up that husband of hers."

I guess my father remembered I was in the room because he grabbed my hand and told my grandmother we would be back later.

"Are you hungry?"

"Definitely am. That was a long 3-hour drive."


"How's everything been with you?" My father asked as I took a bite out of my burger. He drove us to culvers and I was in heaven eating my butter bacon cheese burger.

"Everything has been great. School wise and personally."

"That's good, I know I haven't been checking up on you like that. But I promise I will get better Lexi. Your grandfather passing away is a bit hard to deal with, but this is also a blessing in disguise because now I can come see you often without having to worry about taking care of him."

I nodded my head and ate a fry, "You said this before granddad got sick though. Remember when Kelly and Titian needed your attention at the time so you put me on the back burner to tend to them."

He gave a disappointing look, "I'm really a bad father huh"

"No, you aren't. You just don't know how to balance between me and your other priorities. I feel like you think since mom and Shawn picks up the slack you don't have to put much effort in to being there for me."

"It kills me to see another man help raise you. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate it but it still hurts because at one point it was just you, me, and your mother. Then if that accident never happened, it would have been your little brother as well."

Hearing that made me go back to what my grandmother said. I know my mother lost one child because of a car accident she was involved in, but I never knew about another one. She never brought it up or even gave a hint to losing another child.

"Dad can I asked you a question."

He wiped his mouth and nodded, "Sure princess asked away."

"What did grandma mean about mom not wanting to claim her other pregnancies. I mean I know about her losing my brother, but there was a second pregnancy after that?"

My father sighed and rubbed his head, "Look Lexi that's not my place to say anything, you need to talk to your mother and maybe she will tell you or maybe she will wait til your older to do so. Regardless of when she tells you, just understand she did what she had to do."

He was talking in riddles, but I wasn't going to keep asking questions about it because it was clear he wasn't going to give up any details about it. I just hope when I do ask my mother she's truthful about it.

For the reminder of the day, I spent it with my father. I wanted to go see Titian but my dad said it was best to wait til tomorrow so it was just us two. Spending time with my father reminded me how much fun we used to have together when I was a kid.


I was sitting on the hotel bed as I went through my emails. I was going over some intern applications that was sent in a couple of days ago. I had decided to give college students a chance to work as my intern to get the experience as to what it is like to work as a therapist. Only one lucky student will get pick though. This was honestly helping me to calm down after Kenneth's mother tried to come at me with her slick ass mouth. I don't even understand why she even felt the need to try me. I don't speak negative of her and I damn sure don't disrespect her whenever I was around her so for her to be that disrespectful towards me wasn't necessary.

I'm even more pissed that she did all this in front of Lexi. I don't know what was her purpose to be shady and bring up my miscarriage and abortion. I know what has happened to my children and it's nobody's business to throw it in my face. Especially my abortion, I know what I did and why I did it. It's just frustrating that Kenneth or Kelly would run their mouth to Caroline about my past. I know one of them had to tell her because I damn sure didn't open my mouth and say shit to her.

But let me not even worry about her anymore, she's not in my life anymore so after tomorrow I will not be seeing her.

While I was reading one young lady's application, my phone lit up, looking down I saw it was a text from Lexi asking what hotel room I was staying at so that her father could drop her off. I text her back and let her know I was staying at the Comfort Suites. I made my way to the lobby when she let me know they were here.

"Did you two have a great time?" It was going on 8:30 so they basically spent the entire day together.

"Yup, dad took me out to eat and then we went to Speed Zone to go, go kart racing." I smiled at my daughter enjoying her day with her father. That's all she's been wanting since he moved out here.

"That's great baby, I'm happy you enjoyed yourself."

"Well I'm going to call it a night." She said with a yawn then hugged her dad, "I'll see you tomorrow, Love you."

Kenneth hugged her back and kissed on her forehead, "Love you more princess."

I gave Lexi her hotel key and let her know what floor and room we were in. When she was gone out of sight, I turn my attention back to Kenneth who was already staring at me.

"She's really turning into being a wonderful young lady." He said proudly.

"If you spent more time with her, you will be able to see that often."

"Bey please, I'm not trying to start an argument. I realize the mistakes I have made and I promise to fix every one of them."

I rolled my eyes "I heard that before. You're not serious about being a father to her and I don't understand what she has done to you for you to become a lousy father again."

Kenneth sighed and shook his head. I know he doesn't want to have this conversation again, but it's his fault once again. Lexi is a teenager now and this is when she needs him the most. Yes, Shawn is in her life to help with boys and teach her what type of man she should be with, but that is also her father job to do as well. Shawn should just be a second person to go to.

"Look I'm not going to drill you today, you know what you need to do." I was about to walk away, but he gently grabbed my arm.

"I'm sorry for what my mother said, I don't know why she even brought it up or how she even knew about the abortion. But I apologize on her behalf."

I removed his hand and chuckled, "You don't have to apologize because you know damn well your mother wouldn't want you to do that. I don't care if your mother doesn't like me, but the disrespect she pulled in front of Lexi was not okay."

"I agree and when I get home. I'm going to let her know she needs to apologize to the both of y'all."

"How did she even know about my abortion if you didn't tell her? Your bitch running her mouth?"

"That's the only other way."

I shook my head, Kelly really wanna get on Caroline good side by talking shit about me. I knew it was her though. For some reason, Kelly loves to tell my business.

"Keep her far away from me tomorrow because if she tries anything, I promise I won't control myself and I will beat her ass again."

Kenneth laughed, "I'll keep that in mind but can I talk to you about something though?"

I wanted to say no so badly because I felt like it had to do with him asking about a second chance with me. It never fails when we are alone, he tries to shoot his shot.

"Please Bey it's important." Giving in, I nodded my head yes and we walked over to the chairs that was in the lobby and sat down. "Before I start, I just want to let you know this has nothing to do with us."

I let out a relief sigh, "Good because I was going to walk back to my room so quick."

He slightly chuckled but then his face turned serious, "So, you know Kelly and I have been together for 7 years now and it has been the rockiest relationship for me. It has gotten to the point where I feel like I'm done and want to just move on from her, but she doesn't want to let go. Last week when I told her that I was done with her, she threatened to take Titian away from me. Said that if we're not together than I can't see my son and some other bullshit."

"Are you serious Kenneth? She really trying to be one of those mothers."

"Bey, dealing with her as been so hectic and I can't blame no one but myself. I only got with Kelly to make you feel the same hurt I felt when you began dating Shawn. Being with her back fired on me so bad and I'm paying for it now. She won't let me see Titian unless it's under her condition so thats whenever. I don't want to get the courts involved because I know how bias family courts can be, but it seems like I have no other choice."

I wanted to feel bad for him, I really did but like he said he brought this upon himself. And the way he treated Lexi over the years, yea he really getting his karma.

"Kenneth, I don't know what I can tell you. I'm not a lawyer so I can't really tell you your options that you can go through. All I can say is keep documents of all the things she is doing so when it does come down to you guys going to court, you will have evidence of all the things she has done."

He nodded his head and sigh, "I guess this is where you say, 'I told you so.'"

"And why would I do that?" I said with a chuckle and got up, "You knew you stayed with her longer than you should have and getting her pregnant was so dumb. But that's what you did and now you are paying the consequences."

Kenneth walked me to the elevator and we hugged for a brief second. "I just hope you can get custody of your son because no child should be put in the middle of their parents' drama."

"Thank you, Bey. I tried talking to my mother about this, but she kept telling me I will be stupid if I leave Kelly."

"And you will be even more stupid if you stayed." I said while getting on the elevator. I pressed the number of the floor I was on and waved good night to him.


"Took you long enough." Lexi said as soon as I walked into the room. She was sitting on her side of the bed, eating on some Lays.

"Your father and I was talking about something important. Besides I wasn't gone that long." I sat down on the bed and moved my computer to the nightstand. I can finish going over the intern applications later.

"Shawn called your phone, he sounded pretty upset when I told him you were in the lobby talking to dad." She handed me my phone and I instantly checked it.

I had two missed calls from him and a text. It was obvious Lexi answered the third time he called.

From Hubby😘💍: So, you can't answer the phone but you can chat it up with your ex. Bet👌

I groaned and laid back on the bed. I didn't need this right now especially with us being at odds already. I was going to call him back, but I knew it was best to let him cool down first. I sat my phone next to me and decided to have this talk with Lexi.

I looked over at her and she was on her phone taking pictures. From how she kept sticking out her tongue I knew she was on the snapchat app, using the dog filter. I called her name to interrupt her.

"Yes mom?" I patted my bed and told her to come sit next to me. Without hesitation, she sat down.

"Am I in trouble for answering your phone?"

"No, you did the right thing. Shawn could have been calling because it was an emergency you did right by answering. But that's not what I want to talk about." Lexi stared at me as I tried to think of a way to break this to her.

"Sweetie, have you been talking to a boy lately?" I didn't want to jump right into it, but I didn't know how else to do it.

Her eyes got big and her cheeks became red. I guess she was feeling guilty already.

"Why do you ask that?" she asked quietly.

"Because all you been doing is being on that phone. Smiling and giggling like you just read the funniest thing ever. I'm not going to be mad if you say yes." It took her a minute but she finally nodded her head yes.

Damn. I thought I had a bit more time before I had to talk to her about sex, but it seems like I need to have it with her now.

I took a deep breath and prepared myself for this talk with her.

"What's this boy name and how long have you known him?"

Lexi straighten up on the bed, "His name is Michael and we only known each other for a few weeks. I meet him on the first day of school."

"Do you like him?"

She shrugged "Um I don't know, he's a nice guy and he makes me laugh and he's always complimenting me telling me I'm beautiful and---

"And it sounds like you like him." I said with a laugh.

She blushed and put her head down. I didn't want her to feel embarrassed so I lifted her head up and gave her a warm smile. My baby was really growing up.

"Lexi, it's okay if you like him. It's natural to have a crush on someone."

"But when I told Liam and China about it they told me I was moving too fast. Said we only been in school for a short amount of time."

"I mean it is a bit quick but sometimes taking a liking into someone doesn't take that long. But I do have a question for you and I want you to be honest."


"Have you been having thoughts about sex?"

Lexi scrunched up her face, "Ew mom no. Sex is the last thing on my mind."

"You sure? You can be honest with me. You're at the age when you start to experience hormones and have questions about being sexual."

Lexi groaned and rubbed her face, "Mom please can we stop talking about this. You have nothing to worry about. I'm not having sex nor am I thinking about it."

I threw my hands up, "Alright, I'll drop it for now but this is conversation we will continue to have soon. I need you to be safe and not repeat any of my mistakes."

"Are you talking about the other pregnancy grandma brought up?"

I sighed and nodded my head, "That's a conversation for the future too."

She didn't push it all she did was nod her head and went over to her bed. I turn the light off and laid down as well, before we went to sleep, I heard Lexi call my name.

"Mom, Michael did ask if he could take me on a date. I told him I had to get approval first."

"I talk to your dad and Shawn about it and see what they say."



I was happy when the funeral was over it. It saddened me that I buried my grandfather but he was in a better place and no longer had to fight his illness. Seeing my father and grandmother cry was the hardest to deal with. My mother didn't cry but she was emotional.

I was sitting in the basement as the repast took place in the living room and in the backyard. It was a lot of people everywhere so to escape the crowd I went into my grandparents' basement and listen to their old school records while I was texting both China and Liam in a group message. I was just letting them I was ready to go now.

As I was talking to my two best friends, I started to smell smoke throughout the basement. It wasn't a smell like something was on fire. But it was a smell as if someone was smoking weed or something. I didn't even think anyone would come down here since the repast was taking place upstairs. I was becoming curious to figure out who was brave enough to smoke in my grandmother's house.

Getting up, I walked over to were the bathroom was and saw that it was cracked a bit with the shower running. Opening the door all the way, I seen it was some girl that looked familiar, sitting on the sink smoking.

"What are you doing?" I asked her.

She quickly stopped smoking then laughed when she got a good look at me, "Shit girl I thought you were an adult. Don't be scaring me like that."

"Why are you even smoking inside of my grandparents' home? That's disrespectful to them." The girl put out her blunt and sprayed some Febreze to cover up the weed smell.

As I was staring, I started to realize who she was. She was the same girl who was with Michael the day at the mall.

"You're right, I'm so sorry but the funeral was so damn sad that I needed something to cheer me up." she explained.

I was no longer focused on the fact she smoked weed in the house. I wanted to know if she was the girl who was with Michael.

She got up from the sink and handed her hand out, "Let me introduce myself before you think I'm an intruder or something. Hi, I'm Jessica Davis."

I slowly shook her hand, "Hi, I'm Lexi."

"Oh, your Lexi. I have heard so much about you from your grandfather. My dad used to work for him and anytime I would come around he always told me how I had to meet his wonderful granddaughter Lexi."

I gave her a smile, "I heard about you as well from Michael."

She rolled her eyes "Don't believe shit Michael tells you about me. He's still hurt that I only hit him up when I want some food or some D. So, I am not surprise if he talks bad about me." My face immediately went into a frown. I didn't want to know already that Michael wasn't a virgin.

Jessica walked passed me and went to sit on the couch. I followed behind her, I was now curious about her and Michael.

"You know I knew you looked familiar. I should have known you was the girl from the mall." Jessica said, "Michael had said something about liking you."

"He did?"

She nodded her head, "Yea but I didn't take it serious though because Michael isn't the most faithful guy."

"But you might be different though so don't let my words scare you off." she said after she notice I was becoming worried. I didn't want to date someone who is all about messing with other girls.

All I did was nod my head and got up from the seat. Jessica didn't know but she just damper my mood.

"Well it was nice meeting you, but I'm about to go. My mom is ready to hit the road." I said half lying.

Jessica smiled and waved bye, "It was nice meeting you as well. I'll see you around school."

I headed up the stairs and went on the search to find my mother. It didn't take me long, I heard her arguing in the back with Kelly.

"Don't nobody want your man if anything he still wants me!" I heard my mother yelled as my father stood between them. Everyone was surrounding them waiting for something to happen.

"Bitch please nobody wants your tired as pussy. I'm sure Shawn is fucking around because you are no longer appealing to the eyes."

"Tired pussy? Ain't you the same bitch that got a train ran on them during our college days."

As soon as those words left my mother's mouth, Kelly swung. She missed and hit my dad which gave my mother an advantage to attack her.

It like I was the only person screaming for them to stop while everyone else was watching. It pissed me off that my grandmother was on the side with a wicked smile on her face as if she was the who instigated it. The sad part about it was the person she was rooting for was getting beat up.

My father was able to finally get my mother off Kelly. My mom had a couple of scratches on her face while Kelly had a busted lip and nose.

My mom snatched away from my father and walked over to me and grab my hand. She power walked us to her car. Soon as we got in she pulled off quickly.

"I should have listen to Shawn and let him come along." she mumbled more so to herself.

I didn't say anything as I tried to soak in the fact that I just watched my mother fight someone. 

So all the characters have been added now the drama is about to unfold🤗

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