It's Hard To Say "I Do", When...

By FaithVictoriaSanford

23.5K 1.1K 301

Pete Wentz Fanfic. Paige got more than she bargained for in search for a little money. It's not necessarily a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (Pete's POV)
Chapter 8 (Pete's POV)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 (Pete's POV)
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Sequel Time!
Remember Me For Centuries

Chapter 9

696 31 5
By FaithVictoriaSanford

Paige's POV

I sighed into the steering wheel as I pulled the keys out of the engine. Burying my face into the wheel I smiled.

I never wanted to go to sleep again. Today was so surreal that if I went to sleep I think I would wake up and it all was just a dream. I needed to get inside and call Sarah.

I walked into a dark house and ran into a basket that was sitting in the middle of the hallway. "Shit!" I mumbled under my breath and kept trudging forward. I reached over to the side of the kitchen wall desperately searching for some kind of light so I can stop running into things. I have never been the most graceful of my family and having a light off shows my true talents. I turned on the light and jogged up the stairs.

Turning the corner I flicked on the light to my room and jumped onto my bed shoving my face into the pillow and laughing so hard it was unbelievable.

I picked up my phone and punched in Sarah's number. I held the iPhone up to my ear and listened to it ring, I started doubting she was going to answer so I hung up the phone and laid back down on my bed smiling. I started drifting off remembering the day until I felt vibrations on my stomach and I shot up in bed.

"Yes?" I asked not looking at caller ID.
"K bitch! Tell me what happened today. Spill it now." I could hear the amusement in her voice from the other line.
"Just guess!" I laughed.
"Paige I will not guess. Tell me!"
"Okay... Okay fine. You probably won't believe me but I promise that it's true." I decided I would caution her before going on telling her. I figure she wouldn't believe me, because in her mind if she hasn't done it, it is just a goddamn lie.
"Well go on. We don't have all day." I heard an irritated tone to her voice which made me just not want to tell her. But not telling her would be more of a hassle then just getting it over with. "Okay, you better be ready." I paused to make it more dramatic and so she got antsy. "Okay, Sarah... I tried to rob Pete Wentz's house!" I screamed in excitement to her.
"Paige, how the living fuck is that a good thing?!" Sarah was really pissed now that I made her wait for me to just tell her that. But little did she know that because of that I get to work for Fall Out Boy and I just got back from having a water fight in Pete Wentz's house... With Pete Wentz. "Well that's what I thought until Pete told me that I had to work for him to pay off the damage I might have done in turn for him not calling the cops on me." I waited for a scream or a laugh or something but it stayed silent for a few more moments. "I don't understand how any of this is a good thing?" She was so confused that it made me laugh at her.

After explaining everything to her with a few screams in between she understood my excitement.
"You have to let me meet them Paige!" She screamed into the phone hurting my ear.
"I can try, but no promises. I just want to secure a job with them before I go and start fangirling over them, or you."
"Fine. But I've gotta go my mom wants to have stupid "family time" what bullshit." I was listening and heard a click on the other end of the line and I sighed. I can't believe how my day went. I placed my phone on my bed side table and plugged it into the charger.

I leaned over against the counter and smiled at my mom. She had just gotten off of work and was laboring over the stove cooking dinner.
"Hey mom."
"Hey sweetie, how are you." she turned her attention to me while stirring food in the pot.
"I'm good just had a long day at work. How was your day?" As my mom got into a long drawn out complaint of how her day went, I seemed to blur it all out. As I saw her mouth moving I just watched her, I started intently pondering over today. I was the luckiest girl in the world. Without me noticing it my face grew into a smirk, to a smile, then to a grin.

Coming back to reality I shook my head staring at my mom with her hands on her hips looking at me very questionably.
"Hmmm... What's that look for?" my mom asked me with an eyebrow raised at me.
"What look?" I looked at her in silence until I realized my face was hurting from smiling so much. I relaxed my face and looked down at my fingernails.

My mother looked at me and in her eyes you could tell she wasn't buying the whole playing stupid act. "It's nothing ma. I was just smiling at what you were saying."
"Oh really? What was the last thing I said?" She cocked her head and smiled crossing her arms across her chest waiting for me to give her some stupid answer and I think she got what she was looking for. "Really mom? What the heck? I don't appreciate being interrogated like seriously. I came down here to be nice and ask about your day, but you make me just want to take it back. Thanks mom." I rolled my eyes and did a dramatic turn for the stairs. Walking up the stairs I heard my mom laugh.
"Ya know Paige, sometimes you can be such a teenager."

Read, comment, vote and follow. It would be great to have some activity. I realize that love stories for Fall Out Boy are kind of over done, but I really wanted to write one(:
Ohhh and Sarah, Paige's friend is NOT Brendon Urie's wife, or future wife.

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