Dirty Little Secret [5SOS]

By livesbywords

17.1K 271 8

philophobia (noun): 1. fear of falling in love But what happens when you are and you have no one to turn... More

1: Arrival
2: Maybe..
3: Trouble
4: Beep, Beep. Tick, Tock.
5: Hoo roo!
6: Rule Time!
7: 'A Ghost'
8: Internet Boyfriend
9: Sweater Shopping!
10: Adventure Time!
11: Muffin
12: Pixar Tent Cuddles
13: A Change of Colour
14: Da Boot
15: A Reason to Smile
16: The Plan
17: San Fran
18: Three's A Date?
19: Tipsy Turvy
20: Overthinking,
21: Pool Games
23: Disneyland Part 2
24: Paper Airplanes
25: Peach
26: Arctic Foxes
27: Beachy
28: I'm Ready
29: Batter -- What?!
30: Girl's Day
31: Home
32: TMH
33: Suds
34: Pup
35: AM
36: Secrets Don't Make Friends
37: Tour Day

22: Disneyland Part 1

363 6 0
By livesbywords

I was being shaken awake and I flittered my eyes open to see Ashton above me with glittery eyes and a huge grin. Why the heck was he acting like that?

"We're here," he almost shouted with excitement. That's why. I sat up and saw a parking lot near a tan coloured hotel. I kept looking around and saw no sign of Disneyland but I could feel it near.

"We're at the back entrance to the hotel. I didn't want to carry our luggage all the way through Downtown Disney," Michael explained and then helped me out. We all grabbed our bags and went into the hotel's lobby. Luke and Calum went up to the desk and got our room keys. We were on the third floor to the right, the lady told us. We made our way to the two rooms. Michael and Ashton were staying in one room together and Michael told me to go with Luke and Calum since they can sleep in the same bed and plus he doesn't trust Ashton right now. I set my stuff down and said good bye to the boys as they headed off. I changed into jeans instead of my sweats, put on a presentable t-shirt, and then applied a light amount of make up before I headed out to do some shopping. I went down the footpath and made it to Downtown Disney. Everything was so big and colourful and smelled of caramel corn. I walked into the biggest shop there and looked around. Everything was themed to Disney characters and there was Disney music and figurines and cups and mugs and clocks and crystals and lanyards and pins. It felt like a Disney wonderland (which ironically is Disney as well). I searched for a few hours around all the shops and eventually came out with a Lion King cup, a Belle (which is my favourite princess) jumper, an Ariel t-shirt, a Jack Skellington lanyard, and a small, over the shoulder Disneyland themed bag. I went back to the hotel room with all my bags and laid on the bed to rest for a second. Then, I changed into my jumper and decided to curl my hair. I got out my bag and stuffed it with the essentials: Chapstick, phone, wallet, hotel room key, and sunnies. I threw in a pack of gum and a banana I bought when I went to get a bottled water earlier just in case. Luke and Calum came into the room laughing and Calum immediately went to change.

"Someone went shopping," Luke laughed and threw himself on his bed.

"Yeah, you like," I asked showing him the jumper and bag.

"Absolutely," he smiled and closed his eyes. "All you need now is Mickey ears."

"Aw, yeah. I forgot those. I'll get them in the park," I snapped my fingers and softly laughed. At least I had some goal this weekend. Calum came out and then Luke went to change.

"Look at you with all your Disney gear," he laughed and sat on the bed.

"Yeah, so what's your favourite Disney film, Cal," I asked, a bit curious.

"Um, probably Aladdin," he said, thinking about it and then Luke came out.

"Sorry, mate, The Incredibles were way better."

"That's not a Disney film," Calum told him off.

"Its Disney-Pixar," Luke explained and we walked out the door where Michael and Ashton were waiting for us.

"What's Disney-Pixar," Michael asked.

"The Incredibles," Luke said.

"I like Hercules," Ashton said, grinning.

"Treasure Planet is the best," Michael argued.

"What's your favourite, Pay," Ashton asked and then quickly added, "son."

"My favourite film is Lion King 2, but Belle is my favourite princess," I explained, very maturely even though we were talking about little kids films. We finally made it to the California Adventure gates and there was giant letters spelling out 'CALIFORNIA' in front of them.

"Ashton, take a picture," I yelled as the rest of the boys got in line. I jumped up inside the O and spread my limbs out in a stupid pose. He laughed and took the picture with my phone. Then, Ashton and I switched so I could take a picture of him. He stood behind the O and leaned in it. He ran over to some random guy by us to have him take a picture of both of us on the N. He helped me up on top and then he stood at the bottom after one nice picture, I dropped my hand down and he grabbed one of his to do a silly coupley picture just for fun. We thanked him and ran back into line. Michael handed us our tickets and gave us a glare, so I went over to Luke and asked him to take a picture of me under the sign above the gates. Then I thanked him and gave him a side hug that lasted a bit longer than usual just to throw Michael off. As we stood in line, I just thought about how nice it is that Ashton and I can have fun in the simplest of things. We made it inside and was overwhelmed by the things to do. I could probably live here my whole life and never do everything. The first thing we wanted to do first was this ride called Soarin' California where you are riding in an airplane over different sceneries around California. The line was really long, but of course they didn't care. There was a film playing above us in line about something I couldn't hear but I would imagine it had to do with airplanes. The line was dark and musty so Ash and I stood near each other, interlocking fingers every time Michael turned around or was staring at the screen. It was kind of fun to keep this stuff a secret, but I also felt kind of bad. We made it to the end of the line and got on the ride. It was darker with lights on the floor to guide you. We had talked to the lady by us in line who worked there and she said that the last row went the highest and since it was our first time there, she let us on that one. Ash and I went to the far end and Luke and Calum sat next to me, Ash on the edge, with Michael at the other end next to Luke. Ashton and I immediately locked hands and it was so nice feeling his warm hands locked perfectly with mine. It was such a natural feeling. I was never a holding hands type of person, but I think I was starting to become one because it felt amazing, just this simple gesture. Ashton helped me with the seat belt when I was having trouble, but I think he just wanted to since it was right up against my butt. I smirked and pushed his shoulder playfully as I thanked him. The ride began and we went way up to the top. There was so many places on the screen and it felt so real. There was people parasailing, riding the rapids, golfing, fields, and and orange grove that smelled so much of orange. As we left, the strong scent still stayed in my nose. We moved on to the right and the next thing we knew we were in line for the River Rapids ride. I knew I was going to get soaked and it was getting dark, so I was glad I was wearing my jumper. Ashton had a thin jacket on too so I told him to not get it wet so he wouldn't be too cold after. We all sat in a circle: Ashton nearest to the opening, me next to him, Michael next, then Calum, and Luke. I could tell Luke was already worried about his hair and so was Michael. I just laughed and we started to splash right into the water. With every bump and turn and wave I just laughed and leaned into Ashton's shoulder so I could keep as dry as possible, but mostly just to lean into his perfectly exposed, wet arms. I clung tight to him in the wimpy girl kind of way but I wasn't scared, I just liked being close to him. Is that weird? I don't think it is and if it is, who cares? It's Ashton Irwin! The ride ended and you could see all of our black jeans and t-shirts just soaked. Ashton had done what I said and kept his jacket dry in the compartment in the center of the raft. Although, I did miss him arms once he put his jacket on. Michael was too concerned about his damp hair to even realise how clingy I was during the ride which was good. Next we wanted a fast ride to dry off so we went to the Boardwalk and went on the roller coaster, Screamin'. We stood in line for what felt like forever and by the time we got to the front, we were already dry anyway. Also, we were starving after talking about dinner plans. It was already seven-thirty so dinner was already late. We decided to go to this raved about bread place just a little bit further down so that it won't divert us from our path. Screamin' was fun; I sat to the left of Michael, Luke and Calum sat in front of me, and Ashton sat directly behind me. The entire time, Ashton had his hand on my left shoulder and we were all laughing and screaming in delight. It wasn't the best ride, just you're average roller coaster, but the part where they make you wait a long time before you zoom off which was kind of neat. We all ran off and made it to the dinner line as soon as possible. Michael of course paid for me and I got a bread bowl with the clam chowder soup, which was highly recommended. Michael and I decided to share a Sprite. He got a sandwich. Luke wasn't a vegetarian, but was set on getting the Vegetarian chilli for some reason. Ashton ordered the same, but in a bread bowl and Calum got some big sandwich as well. After, we walked around the movie themed area a bit before we went on another ride. There was a really cool mural that looked like the street continued and it made me a bit dizzy. We then decided to go on this ride called the Tower of Terror which is themed to the Twilight Zone movie. You first enter an old hotel lobby covered in cobwebs and flickering lights. The place felt oddly eerie and smelled like old people, but that just added to the fun. Then, you get into this study room which is mainly just a big elevator and they play the "intro" to the ride explaining the history and what not just to try and scare you. You then go out into the basement that is dark and cold and only lit with green lights. I felt bad for the people who worked there and had to spend most of their day down here. You finally get on the ride which is an elevator and you sit in five rows. Michael sat at the edge, then me, Ashton, Luke and Calum. Luke was on his phone most of the line texting some one with just a yellow flower emoji as their name. We began to rise and then they stopped us in front of a mirror/screen to explain the story of the missing hotel guests then lightening flashed and we went flying up and dropping down with lots of sudden stops. They even gave us a view when we stopped at an open window for a picture. That was one of the funnest rides today. After, it was around eleven when the park was closing so we went back to the hotel, got ready for bed and all just decided to head straight to sleep for a busy day tomorrow. Of course I couldn't sleep, so I went out for a short walk and I texted Ashton to meet me out in the hallway. He came out and I walked down the hallway. He came out of his room and chased me down. He grabbed my hand and we walked down and turned the corner. Just as we did, we found the ice machine.

"I can't believe they actually have a ice machine like in the movies," I said in awe, laughing a bit.

"You know what they do by the ice machine, right," Ashton smirked and I was a bit confused. What was he going to get ice and be funny or-- before I could even think it, Ashton took me by my face and kissed me. He pressed me against the wall and I widened my eyes in shock but then slowly closed them for the kiss. He moved his hands down to my neck and wrapped his long fingers into the small hairs at the base of my head. I placed my hands firmly at his side, focusing more on how this felt. I'm not going to lie, I did miss this, but I still partly felt wrong keeping this from Michael just after I kept Christian from him after two years. Ashton backed off so we could catch our breath but still kept our foreheads connected.

"I missed this," he smiled and then kissed the bridge of my nose. "I don't," he said between kisses again, "want this... to be... a one-time thing." I stopped and then looked him in the eyes. Was he serious? I could tell he was. It was a bit sudden, but I didn't want this to end either so I just blurted it out without thinking of Michael or the consequences.

"Me too," I kissed him again, a lot deeper this time and then he pulled my waist towards him. That was my queue to stop. I pushed him back and then smirked as I walked back to my room, swaying my hips sassily. Ashton followed, but went into his room like a good little boy. I laid in bed and Ashton and I ended up texting each other about the day until he fell asleep. This day was just perfect.

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