Love Complicates Everything

Від bebechinadoll

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***Please Note: This is the sequel to Love Makes the Heart Beat...If you haven't read that story yet, I sugge... Більше

Chapter 1: College Life (Picture of Mikaila)
Chapter 2: So The Drama Begins (Picture of Zac)
Chapter 3: Mind Blowing (Picture of Hunter)
Chapter 4: Awkward Much? (Picture of Ethan)
Chapter 5: The Truth (Picture of AJ)
Chapter 6: Drowning My Sorrows (Picture of Maid of Honor Dress)
Chapter 7: Pleasantly Surprised (Picture of Loft)
Chapter 8: Full of Surprises (Picture of Engagement Ring)
Chapter 9: Rehearsal Dinner Disaster (Picture of Reese)
Chapter 10: Locked Up (Picture of Chad)
Chapter 11: Bachelor/Bachelorette Party (Pic of of Reese's Stripper!)
Chapter 12: Love It's Complicated (Pic of Mikaila's Hair)
Chapter 13: Fairytale Wedding (Picture of Gemma)
Chapter 14: WTH? (Picture of Taylor)
Chapter 15: Time Away
Chapter 16: Indecisive
Chapter 17: Frat Party...Pity Party
Chapter 18: Do You Plead Guilty...Or Not Guilty
Chapter 19: Say It Ain't So!
Chapter 20: Atlantic City
Chapter 21: Laughable Lie!
Chapter 22: Business Discussion
Chapter 23: Don't Wanna (Picture of Aunt Elisha)
Chapter 25: Not So Happy New Year
Chapter 26: All Grown Up (Picture of Alena)
Chapter 27: Fashion Show (Picture of Lillianna)
Chapter 28: Only The Beginning

Chapter 24: Drama in Paris (Picture of Elisha's Hunter)

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Від bebechinadoll

Officially I've been here for two entire days and it's been nothing but bliss! I've been following Aunt Elisha to work and finally got the opportunity to make my sketches come to life.

I was sitting in Aunt Elisha's office in one my of most recent creations waiting for her. It's a navy blue long sleeved flowy dress that was fitted in the chest area and flowed out at the waist coming to an end above my knees.

I paired it off with blood red pumps and couldn't help but grin to myself a little, I felt so sophisticated. My hair was pulled into a sleek ponytail after I straightened it.

I glanced around the room nervously and tapped the front of my heel on the ground trying to ease some of the tension.

Aunt Elisha told me she wanted to discuss business with me today and I couldn't help but feel a little nervous. She's always been so free spirited and fun loving when it came to me, but she was full of seriousness.

We spent the first day back just catching up, she brought me to work with her so I could see how much everything has changed. Her business was booming so she had to rent out a larger location to house all the workers...incredible!

She went off to handle a few things giving me the ok to use any materials I needed to make some of my designs. It took me two hours to make this dress and I made two shirts before the day was over.

That night we went out to dinner with Ethan and Hunter. It was enjoyable, guess where we went? We had dinner at the Eiffel was nice. Reminded me of the first date I had here with Ethan, he kept giving me little shy stares all night.

"Sorry for keeping you in here for so long, got caught up trying to alter one of the designs." Aunt Elisha said looking a bit frazzled. She came into her office and shut the door behind her.

I shrugged my shoulders telling her it wasn't a big deal. "It's ok, I know you're busy. So what's up?"

Instead of sitting down in the seat at her desk which was across from me, she hopped onto the desk directly in front of me and sat indian style.

I shook my head and laughed at her, such a child! "Well you'll be graduating soon, only one more semester to go. Have you thought about what you're gonna do?" Her eyes lit up with excitement as she clapped her hands together. "You know afterwards." She asked pointedly.

"Not really." I answered not daring to look up and see the disappointment in her eyes. By now, I should already at least have a general idea of what I planned on doing after graduation, but I didn't have a clue.

Typically students in fashion would do an internship at Cosmo or somewhere that could help get your foot into the industry.

I turned down the internship, just wanting to graduate with my degree. I needed to concentrate on graduating with good grades and working at the bar so that I could pay for schooling.

"Well my dear niece, I have great news!" Aunt Elisha's voice rippled with energy as she jumped off the desk and ran around to the other side.

She dug through her drawers and pulled out a folder. "I have a proposition for you."

I couldn't help but stare at my Aunt like she lost her fricking mind. Just the way she was bouncing all around her office. "Remember how I told you once you graduated college you could move over here and work with me?"

Of course I remembered's my dream! The very reason why I pushed myself so hard in school. Determined to learn everything I possibly could so I'd be able to come up with fresh ideas for her fashion line.

"Well, I take it back. I don't want you to move over here anymore." Aunt Elisha stated nonchalantly while looking through her folder.

My face fell in utter disappointment. She didn't want me over here? Why not? Did I do something to piss her off? Confusion and hurt was written all over my face when she finally looked up from her folder.

"Ohhhh sweet pea, NO...I didn't mean it like that at all!" Aunt Elisha cried running over to kneel down in front of me. She took my hands into her own.

A huge grin spread across her lips, "I'm opening up a location in New York and I want you to run it....after you graduate...that is if you want to."

If my eyes could pop out of their sockets, then they'd be rolling around on the ground at this point and time. "NO WAY!" I screamed in utter shock as I jumped up to my feet almost knocking Elisha to the ground.

"Yes way." She stated calmly. "You'll be in charge of operation and designs....everything. I need someone trustworthy and I figured who else but you would be perfect for the job! This way you won't have to be away from Zac, only when we need to travel."

I burst out in tears of happiness, grabbing her into a huge hug. "So does this mean yes?" She wondered aloud.

"YES!" I screamed hoarsely as tears streamed from my eyes. I owed this woman my life. She was the contributing factor to a majority of the great things that have happened to me.

"Great, so it's settled. I'll be flying back to New York with you and Ethan....Hunter's coming along also. I need to start looking for a location." Elisha said pulling away from our hug.

"Now get outta here and go finish up your designs...I've got work to do." She joked as a grin came over her face.

A couple more days passed by quickly, I was so occupied with making all my designs that time flew by. Zac and I have talked faithfully on the phone at least twice a day, texting one another non stop.

I didn't want to share the great news with him just yet...I wanted to do it in person so I could see his reaction.

I know Zac hasn't brought up what was going to happen between us after we graduated, because he was avoiding the inevitable. He was afraid I was going to leave him to move to Paris...

Tonight was New Year's Eve, I spent the day moping about because I wouldn't get to spend it with Zac...that is until Aunt Elisha busted into the room and demanded I get ready.

She was forcing me to go to a party at Ethan's mom's house! Ugh...I soooo don't want to even go over there. You all know what happened the last time I was there!

"Here, put this on." Elisha commanded holding out a strapless floor length deep purple dress. It was breathtaking, there was a keyhole cut out at the chest area and it was decorated with gold sequins intricately sewn in.

I gaped at her with my mouth open a bit. "Isn't that a little too dressy for a New Year's Party?" I asked hesitantly taking the dress out her hands.

"You must not know Ethan's mom. She does it up real big when she throws a party." Aunt Elisha said rolling her eyes and holding out a pair of gold heels.

"You'd think it was a fashion show the way some of those women dress." She cracked up laughing at her own reference to fashion.

I nodded my head and smiled. "Thanks."

"Anytime sweet pea, we're leaving in an hour." She called out over her shoulder as she went to get ready.

The dress and heels fit perfectly, I left my hair down and curly with a braided headband across the top to keep it simple. Aunt Elisha insisted on doing my make up, she's a pro at creating smokey eyes!

My hands were sweating profusely as Hunter pulled up and parked in front of Ethan's house. Why I was sweating so damn much, I had no clue.

Maybe it was just the idea of being here, afraid of experiencing the horrendous flashbacks of Ethan's naked body tangled up with Giselle's.

Or it could of been because subconsciously I knew this is where I experienced my first broken heart...whatever the case may be I didn't feel comfortable here.

"Kailaaaa, do you plan on getting out the car sometime this year?" Aunt Elisha's head popped back into the passenger side door to look at me. Her eyes were wide and she glanced at me with a worried expression.

I snapped out of it and got out of the car, Hunter being a gentleman opened my door for me. I guess he'd been standing there a while waiting for me to get out.

"Sorry." I mumbled quietly as I trailed behind them up towards the house. I tried calling Zac before I left to come to the party, but he didn't answer his phone. Guess he was busy.

Stepping into the house, it was already filled with so many people. Aunt Elisha was right, the way some of these women dressed you'd think it was a black tie affair of some sort.

The house was just the way I remembered it...extravagant, everything was lit up by a high crystal chandelier. Men and women dressed in black and white tuxedo's were walking around serving hors d'oeuvres and glasses of champagne.

"Elisha...Hunter, I'm so glad you could make it." A woman dressed very elegantly chimed as she came over and kissed them on each cheek. I suppose she was Ethan's mother, they shared the same brown eyes.

I wouldn't know for sure though, I'd never met the woman in person. "Oh and who's this lovely young lady?" She asked turning to face me.

"Mikaila." I answered reaching out my hand for her to shake. "Thanks for having me. You have a lovely home Mrs. Pierre." 

Her eyes widened in surprise as she reached over and pulled me into a hug, surprising the crap outta me. "Oh my, you're Mikaila? I've heard so much about you, Ethan never stops talking about you."

Wow, I was suprised she was so affectionate. Guess you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. First impression of her was that she's a stuck up rich woman, but it seems she's far from it.

"My son was an idiot to let a beautiful young lady like yourself slip away." She whispered in her heavy french accent as she kissed me on my cheeks and pulled back to smile at me lovingly.

I could feel my cheeks flush red in embarrassment. I didn't know Ethan's mom even had a clue who I was, let alone what happened between us.  "Thank you." I murmured not knowing what else to say.

"Anytime dear, now please enjoy yourself." She nodded as she went off to greet some more of her guests. Aunt Elisha and Hunter were also circulating the room, she seemed to know alot of the guests here.

"Hey love, didn't think you'd come." Ethan said as he appeared next to me, his hand on the small on my back.

"Hey, it's not like I had a choice." I said rolling my eyes and smirking at him. "You know how Elisha is."

"Oh so you were forced to come? Here I thought you came to see me." Ethan joked as he pretended to be wounded by my words. "Come on let's go get a drink." Ethan said nodding towards the back of the room where an open bar was set up.

Ethan held onto my elbow and led me through the crowd, as we approached the bar a shrill female voice called out, "Ethan!"

That voice sent chills up my spine. I'd only heard it once on the phone, but I'd definitely recognize it if I ever heard it again.

I tried to pull free of Ethan and escape, but he only grabbed onto my arm holding me in place. Guess he didn't want to suffer alone, besides who the heck invited her?

All I saw was a gust of blond hair as she embraced Ethan. "Comment allez-vous?" She asked kissing him on each cheek. A tall good looking,slightly older man with black hair stood in front of me smiling.

"Good Giselle...How about yourself?" Ethan asked in return trying to be polite, I could hear a bit of uneasiness in his voice. He had a fake smile pasted to his lips and it didn't reach his eyes.

" remember Jacque?" She said reaching out caress the man's arm. Ethan nodded his head and they shook hands. Then all eyes turned to me, can we say uncomfortable?!?

"Giselle, Jacque...I'd like you to meet Mikaila." Ethan smiled, but you could see that it was an awkward one.

A look of recognition dawned upon Giselle's face as she realized who I was. To say she was shocked would be an understatement. I felt like plain Jane compared to her Victoria Secret stature.

I could feel her eyes wandering from my head to toes, as though she was examining every single inch of me. "Meekaila?" Is how she pronounced my name with her heavy accent.

Jacque took my hand and kissed the back of it mouthing, "Mikaila, Vous êtes belle." I only took French for a year, but I knew exactly what he meant. A look of jealousy rippled through Giselle.

"Merci." I smiled at Jacque. "That'd be me." I directed sarcastically at Giselle, not having an ounce of kindness for this woman who single handedly sabotaged my relationship.

I know, I know that was so long ago, but you can't expect me to be nice to her...especially not after the way she spoke to me on the phone!

We stood there in what felt to be a stare down for a few moments, before I felt Ethan's arm circle my waist.

"If you'll excuse us, we have some guests to greet. Nice seeing you again." He nodded to the both of them before dragging me to the bar.

"Thanks." I breathed out, grateful that he dragged me away. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

"Sorry you had to experience that." Ethan said, his eyebrows scrunching up the slightest bit in apology. "I didn't know my mom invited her."

"It's ok, not a big deal." I shrugged my shoulders as I downed a glass of champagne quickly. Not very lady like I know, but my nerves were shot!

Already I've revisited the house that brought back bad memories, then on top of that we run into the girl who I could've done without seeing her naked body all those years ago.

On top of that it seems like she still holds a bit of animosity towards me for some reason. Nevermind that her husband told me I'm beautiful in front of her face!

I decided that alcohol was becoming my best friend for tonight! Plus I wanted to drown in my sorrows that I couldn't even speak to Zac...where was he?

As much as I hate to admit it, I was having an amazing time with Ethan. We were getting some strange glares from some of the guests, but that could be because we were both laughing so hard. We were being stared at like we were a couple of immature teenagers.

We spent half of the night at the bar drinking and making fun of everything and everyone. Ethan was telling me all the gossip on all the guests.

"Look over your shoulder to the right." Ethan mumbled under his breath as he nonchalantly looked behind me. He was standing next to me as I sat on the bar stool. "The man in the gray suit that has the noticeable toupee and looks like he's got a package of hot dogs on his neck from his rolls...."

I burst out laughing even before I turned around, throwing my head down onto my arm which was resting on the bar.

"C'mon hurry you gotta look!" Ethan said nudging me in the side. "He's having an affair with the tall red head over there who's his secretary. His wife is the short one that looks like the penguin from Batman. He thinks she's oblivious, but she's onto his little tryst and is currently working with her lawyer to take him for all he's got."

My stomach hurt so bad from laughing so hard. "Stop...please...stop! I can't take it anymore." I gasped for air between laughs. Just the way he described people was hilarious.

I needed to go to the bathroom, I had way too much champagne. "Gotta go to the ladies room, be right back." I announced, when I went to stand up my heel got caught in my dress sending me tumbling forwards.

Luckily Ethan was standing there, if not I would've face planted right into the chocolate fondue fountain sitting on the table next to the bar.

His arms wrapped around my waist as he held me up, our faces were inches apart. His brown eyes gazed worriedly into mine. His eyes drifted down to my lips and back up to meet my gaze.

It almost seemed as though were were entranced with each other, lost looking at one another. I was just baffled wondering to myself how I allowed myself to get this comfortable with Ethan again.

Things felt almost like they did when we were going out. The way we were joking and having a good time, making one another laugh.

"Whoa there love, you ok?" Ethan leaned down to speak softly into my ear.

I pulled back slowly and nodded my head. Think I had a bit too much bubbly if I do say so myself!

"What's going on here, Kai?" Zac's voice called out from a few feet away from us.

I missed him so much I must've been imagining hearing his voice. Breaking my gaze from Ethan, I looked to my left.

There in all his handsome glory stood the love of my life....Zac...a look of betrayal burned deep in his mint green eyes. Wait, what the hell was Zac doing here I thought before I passed out.

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