Renesmee's twin sister

By fuxkingobrien

26.7K 641 33

We all know of Renesmee Cullen, but what about Isabelle Cullen? Renesmees twin. Renesmee falling for Jacob, w... More

Renesmee's twin sister


3.3K 96 2
By fuxkingobrien

+ Isabelle POV +

Me and Seth where laying on his bed watching TV. My head rested on his chest and his arm cirved around my body. I kinda began to feel tired and could feel myself start to doze off but came back to reality when a pressing howl filled the night air causing me to jump up.

"hey calm down your ok" Seth said sitting up pulling me to him. My arms wrapped around his waist as I hide my face in the crock of his neck.

"What was that?" I asked my voice just above a whisper. he kissed the top of my head.

" Just Jacob hes saying it's time to switch shifts on patrol, which means I have to go"  he said, UGH!

this is 100% unfair, I hardly ever get anytime with my Seth why renesmee can run around with Jacob all day long.

" Don't leave me" I whispered knowing he could here me clearly, he let out a sigh.

" Baby you know I have no control over when I have  to go on patrol or not. What do you want me to do about it?" he asked me softly, looking at me now.

" Ugh I don't know, but we are never together anymore. your a grade ahead of me, you have patrol after an hour and in the mornings it a quick kiss that see ya. Seth we don't get any chances to be the couple we try to be. Your my boyfriend not my friend I see for an hour and a half a day" I said and leaned against the wall crossing my arms over my chest.

" Isabelle you know I love you. your the best girlfriend in the world and I know I can't always be their for you but I try." he said and reached for me I walked into his arms as the sank around my waist.

"What if I was in danger, across the boarder away from you where you couldn't hear me? What would happen? I'd get killed or something?" I asked and looked up at him.

" Isabelle no matter how far away from you I am ill be there, ill always be there for you." he whispered and held me tighter, than another howl filled the air and I sighed, he's my boyfriend  Jacob give me a break.

"I got to go princess I love you" he said and kissed me lightly before leaving. I stood in his room a few more moments before leaving my self.

walking out of the house I made my way to the  Cullen house hold going inside, everyone doing their own little thing, oh and  look there's   Jacob. I rolled my eyes and began walking up the stairs when my mom told me to stop. I sighed and turned around to see her.

"Yes?" I asked and leaned against the railing.

"Where were you?" she asked, looking at me.

"with my boyfriend" I sighed she noticed something was up and motioned for me to go to my room she followed.

Entering my bed room she looked at me  and we sat to my bed.

"what's wrong?" she asked  and put her arm over me.  

"I miss Seth" I said in a small tone. she rubbed my back in a motherly jester.

"Baby girl you see him everyday " she said and looked down at me.

"Barley. I miss when I was a kid he was all mine. No one set a time limit on us being together . " I sighed and stood up and went and sat on my window seat.

" Isabelle you are so unique baby girl. when you where little Seth would make you mad and he had to work for your forgiveness he had to take you to the movies or spend time with you till you said he was forgiven" she said and looked at me.

"But still. I'm only a girl. Why do I have to sit around without Seth all the time when little miss.perfect gets Jacob all the time. She's not the only one with a imprint. I have one just as strong and yet she's always the princess" I grumbled about renesmee.

" Isabelle I get you and renesmee haven't had a good relationship for a while and all but don't get so mad about this. I know your frustrated about this but your sister isn't to blame." Mom said and than my door opened Dad walled in "Bella let me talk to her" Dad said and mom left.

"come here princess" he said opening his arms for me, I walked in to them, feeling the love of my father, making me feel safe.

"Isabelle I know your in pain right now but I promise it will get better" Dad said and kept his arms around me.

"Why aren't me and Seth like all the other imprints?" I asked and looked at him.

"Well Seth does a early patrol shift and when he gets back he can't come over unless it's the weekend" he said and broke away from me.

"I know but still, I love him so much and hardly ever get to see him" I claimed and sat back down, he nodded in understatement.

"Izzy I'm sorry that it has to be that way but it does" He said and left the room giving me some space.

I sighed and grabbed my phone off of my bed turning it one. a picture of me and Seth came up causing me to smile lightly.

I went to the messaging and sent Seth a quick one.

"I know your not getting this right now but I love you so much. I miss you and I know I over reacted but It was only cause I love you so much. I'll most likely be asleep when you get this, so goodnight and I love you

                                                                            XoXo, Isabelle C."

than I sat down my phone and and laid on my bed, I turned my head looking at my clock, 5:57 PM. UGH about time to get a shower.

I hopped off my bed and walked to my dresser, and grabbed a pair of gym shorts and a tee-shirt and than went and took a shower.

Leaving the bathroom drying my hair a little more I sat on my bed and thought for a few moments, about how my life will turn out.

I'd get married to Seth(;

Have kids with Seth

Be young forever

Go to high school again.... UGH!

"Isabelle get down here!" Rosalie called for me, oh joy.

I grumbled and walked oput of my room down the stairs to see her waiting for me.

"Yes Rosalie?" I asked, she grabbed my hand and pulled me into the living room, than out the door.

"Where are we going?" I asked as we came to a stop, in a medow.

"Ok I know your upset about not being with seth and all, and I know your not blaming it on renesmee so don't think im here to lecture you cause im not. But I want you to know that you can talk to me about this about everything. Your a great girl and I can see where you can get jealous." She said, but one remaining question.

" Thanks rose, but why are we way out here?" I asked in confussion.

" Well this is where your parents cant hear us" she answered in a duh tone.

"Oh that makes since." I said, and with that we headed back to the house.  Getting back to the house I went back up to my room and flopped on my bed and relaxed. I turned to my side and plugged my phone in than began playing "Began Again" Taylor Swift. Listening to the soft music till sleep captured me and all I remembered was my phone ringing before all I felt was darkness.


Ok i know its not amazing! Im having trouble updating because of my internet at my house is down so I'm writting at school and yea. 

For any segestians on stuff to do in my story please email me at

I would love to hear your commets and thanks for getting me to 2.0 never though I could get there and thanks to you I can! 

Love Ya So Much!!!!!


oh and for any questions you can contact me at that email as well.

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